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321 Construction Lanes

Lines is originally a small city. Everything here is very ordinary. The only thing worthy of praise is that it is close to the Lines River, and the transportation based on the river is quite convenient.

However, the recent changes here have made it difficult for people who have lived here for generations to understand.

Because they saw outside their city, someone was building a large platform. This platform was about one meter high, with a row of thick cement pillars erected in the middle.

Then, the steel began to extend from the top of these cement pillars to both sides. Finally, workers built veins on these extended steel frames, and then attached bricks and tiles.

This is like a huge pavilion, and a cement avenue connects this pavilion with the original city.

People in Bunas who are familiar with all this know that this is building a railway station, and it is a very large railway station.

A railway will extend westward from here to the old King Leyte City, which is now Jade City.

Soon the railways will be connected into a network, one going north to Ice Crystal City, and then directly to Beiling Wolf City, one going west to Jade City, and then continuing west from Jade City to Bunas.

Of course, there is also a railway that will be built to the south, and Jade City will serve as a transportation hub, connecting it to the King of Dorne City, completing the basic construction of an entire railway network.

And all of this takes time to accumulate, and it requires the laying and construction of kilometers of railways. This requires countless steel materials and the joint efforts of countless workers.

As a new railway connection point, the railway station in Lanes will also begin to lay railways. This railway will begin to extend to both sides, connecting Yucheng on one side and the Gmelin area on the other.

This magnificent railway station is a microcosm of the recent changes in Lanes. In addition to this railway station, a huge water plant is also being built here, and many roads have been dug in the city to bury water supply pipelines.

Also under construction at the same time is a complete urban sewer system. This system is based on Bunas's design and can be said to be one of the most advanced urban sewer systems in the world.

In addition, a royal palace was built almost at the same time, a truly luxurious palace where the emperor lived and worked.

There are also supporting power plants, factories and workshops that build various industrial products... This is simply a huge construction site, with crazy construction going on everywhere.

On the side of the city, there is also a piece of land that is undergoing crazy construction. This will become the most luxurious commercial street in the new city.

According to the construction plan of Datang Group, this area will become a wealthy area, filled with shops and complete supporting infrastructure.

The land prices here will be frighteningly high, and only the richest empire tycoons and dignitaries will be qualified to live in this area.

As the Datang Group that built this commercial district, it will rely on real estate to obtain massive funds, making everyone envious of its funds.

Becoming an empire is not a simple matter. Wright's ministers have countless things to deal with recently, so they can't take into account such trivial matters as a certain consortium speculating on housing prices in the capital.

What's more, even if someone sees it, no one will meddle in such nosy matters. Because Datang Group has given each of them a house, they are the most direct beneficiaries of the construction of this commercial district.

As for the future Emperor Lions I, he will not care about these trivial matters, because he has a palace under construction, and he is the one who earns the most in this real estate development zone.

To highlight the grandeur of the new imperial capital, a very wide straight road ran through the entire city.

It is completely impossible to acquire old private houses for renovation, so this straight road that crosses the entire imperial capital is actually the dividing point between the old and new urban areas.

The old urban areas are basically being renovated, and construction will generally not start immediately. The new urban areas include the palace and the wealthy business district, as well as the train station and the new dock...

In fact, the price of such a huge expansion project is still less time-consuming and labor-intensive than building a new city in the past.

On the one hand, this is because of the improvement of construction technology and the extensive application of cement. On the other hand, it is also because the new imperial capital does not consider building city walls.

After all, the city wall is no longer able to play a serious defensive role in the face of ever-changing weapons.

75mm caliber howitzers and 80mm caliber mortars can actually damage city walls.

If replaced by a 105mm caliber howitzer or a 120mm mortar, this damage would be very effective.

Artillery fire can easily destroy the city wall, and the defenders concentrated on the city wall become a very obvious target. This is not the result the city defender commander wants to see.

As for new ways to defend the city, they are still being explored. One of the more mainstream tactics is to eliminate enemies close to the city in field battles, rather than putting the enemies into the city to fight.

However, within the Datang Military Academy, a research group has begun to study the theory of urban street fighting, but at least for now, this tactic is not really mainstream.

Therefore, today's city walls have only one purpose, which is to detain civilians in the city, restrain them and improve their security level, and make it easier to seal off a city.

However, these effects are really insignificant compared with the cost of building city walls. City walls restrict the development of a city. This conclusion has now been accepted by many people.

You may not have noticed, but Bunas, as the largest city in the world, has already abolished such things as city walls.

Its original old city wall, which didn't look very tall, has been completely demolished, leaving not even a trace.

Where the city wall was originally built, high-rise buildings have been erected. These buildings are much taller than the original city wall.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Therefore, according to the plan, the old city wall of Lanes will also be demolished, and the stones from the city wall will be used to build new buildings such as train stations and royal palaces.

The old residents of Lanes even felt fear about this, because they had lived under the protection of the city wall for generations. Losing this high wall suddenly made them lose their support and made them panic.

However, all this is destined to be temporary, because soon they will find that without the constraints of the city wall, their lives will be much more convenient.

In fact, Lanes is not the only city that is demolishing its city walls. Jade City and Wolf City are also demolishing their city walls. As for Longcheng and Weigang, there are no plans to build city walls at all.

And some other things have begun to make their lives look completely different - as an old town, Lanes has never had such a thing as a crane.

In particular, this is a new type of device powered by an engine, a thing made entirely of steel and of immense strength.

What the children of Lanes are most willing to do every day is to squat not far away and watch the fixed crane on the construction site easily lift the goods to a high place that require dozens of people to lift.

This is an unprecedented experience, especially stress-relieving and healing...

Besides looking at cranes, another good place for them to go is to go to a temporary camp outside the city to see cars they have never seen before.

For these children, cars are definitely a new thing. It is a miracle that they can travel without being dragged by horses.

The army of the Kingdom of Wright is equipped with hundreds of Model T cars, and many of them are improved models of Model T cars.

However, the staff of Datang Group are equipped with a variety of cars. Some of the managers have already replaced their own cars with the latest luxury sedans.

Workers also have the option of trucks that carry more weight and are easier to drive. These vehicles are higher than the more common Model T cars in terms of appearance and actual functionality.

Datang Group is developing so fast that the world has become deformed and unreal.

Nowadays, many places still only have horse-drawn carriages, but in some extreme cases, cars from 1935, cars from 1913, horse-drawn carriages and rickshaws can actually appear in the same picture.

Railways have played a unique role in the war, but in most places in the world, there is not even a decent dirt road...

This is reality. Tang Mo is about to build the world's first airplane, but some armies... or most armies in the world are still using flintlock guns...

In Bunas, most people are accustomed to independent toilets and running water systems, but these things are not completely popular even in Yucheng.

In Bunas, the power supply coverage has reached more than 90%, but in other parts of the world, you may not even be able to find a single wire.

In Bunas, many important departments have begun to equip telephones to enable real-time voice communication. However, apart from here, communication in other cities may still basically rely on "errand service".

In Bunas, gangsters may have various types of revolvers in their hands, but in other cities, rangers may still roam the streets carrying long swords.

In Bunas, doctors have even begun to inject drugs into patients to treat various diseases, but in other cities, bloodletting is still popular, witch doctors are even a craft, and praying to gods is also a highly respected practice.

"Effective" medical treatments...

Now, these changes are about to come to Lanes. In the near future, this previously unknown small city will become the capital of the Lanes empire and a new city that attracts worldwide attention.

Here, you can see...a brilliant future.

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