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Along with Talon X, dozens of ships of unknown origin arrived in Bunas. These ships did not fly national flags, had different sail colors, and even different sizes.

They come from many different countries or regions, but after being inspected, they are allowed to unload in Bunas.

These sailing ships, which seem to have come from afar, are actually filled with iron ingots from who knows where! All of them are iron ingots! A lot of iron ingots! High-quality iron ingots.

After checking the codes, the Cyric maid standing on the dock handed the documents in her hand to the subordinates beside her, and watched expressionlessly as the porters and cranes moved these expensive high-quality iron materials.

Transported from the sailboat.

The workers waiting on the dock hurriedly loaded the goods onto the long-awaited carriages and cars, and then hurriedly transported them to the train station next to the port.

There are trains that can go directly to Datang Group, and freight trains can carry iron materials directly to steel plants, where these raw materials will be refined and processed into steel products that Datang Group needs.

Including steel that can be made into rails, steel that can be made into gun barrels, steel that can be turned into iron sheets, steel that can be used as keels...

In short, Datang Group needs steel so much, and building a new world obviously requires more and more steel.

"This kind of thing can't be kept secret for long." The maid looked at Harry, who was standing beside her and said nothing, and reminded: "Even if you do a good job of keeping secrets, we secretly cooperate with you.

It won’t be kept secret for too long.”

"We don't need to keep it secret at all." Harry watched the cartloads of iron ingots being sent out of the dock, with a relaxed smile on his face: "As long as they have no evidence, that's fine."

"Sometimes, they don't need any evidence at all, and they will take action." The maid said coldly.

Harry still didn't take it seriously and stretched lazily: "Well... So, why did they take action?"

"What do you mean?" The maid looked at him sideways.

Harry finished stretching, put down his hands, yawned, and then answered: "Why do they stop something that is beneficial to you?"

Recently, he has been calculating a data model in the financial field with Fan Kems, and has not had a good sleep for three consecutive nights.

They are accomplishing a feat that no one in the world has ever done before, and their data model can completely put financiers around the world at their fingertips.

This is a great mathematical model that transcends the entire era. As long as it operates, Datang Group will have a grip on the entire world's financial throat.

Of course it was Tang Mo who came up with the concept. When Tang Mo took out this thing, he and Fan Kems went crazy.

In fact, their work is basically checking or overturning, but in the process, they seem to have opened a door to a new world.

Fancoms had already worshiped Tang Mo as a god, and Harry also put his teacher on the altar.

When they look at Tang Mo now, both of them have the urge to kneel down and worship him, because what they are doing recently and the path they are taking are all areas that they thought only gods were worthy of touching in the past.

This is really a wonderful feeling. After touching this field, they can explain almost all financial and trading systems currently operating in the world and predict the future direction of these things.

"You support us with steel and other metals. We support your processed parts and help you assemble more advanced machine tools. Who will stop this good thing?" Harry asked the maid standing next to him.

This is part of the secret cooperation between the two parties. The Cyric Consortium will use its huge network of relationships and the foundation accumulated over the years to mobilize all resources that can be mobilized to support the Datang Group so that the Datang Group no longer has to worry about raw materials.


Correspondingly, Datang Group will produce more advanced machine tools and equipment, including motors and steam engines, and sell them to Cyric - or the part of the workshop controlled by Cyric Sophia to help Sofia improve.

own production capacity.

It can be said that both parties get what they need, and at the same time they help each other. Through these cooperations, Sofia has obtained the advanced machinery manufacturing capabilities of Datang Group, while Datang Group has obtained valuable raw material supplies within half a year.

This is a cooperation in which I don’t know who will profit more. Cyric has obtained part of Datang Group’s advanced production technology and corresponding mature products. This allows Cyric to improve its competitiveness, at least in the radiation of Datang Group.

In areas where they can't reach, they can make a lot of money.

With this income, coupled with the advancement brought by absorbing Datang Group's technology, Cyric will be able to complete its own strengthening and progress and become more powerful.

On the Datang Group side, it seems that they just got a lot of raw materials, but in fact it is not that simple.

What Datang Group lacks now is the supply of raw materials to support its huge technology. When they get through the most difficult stage of development and build up the mines and land in their hands, they will become a qualified raw material supply base.

Datang Group can exert its technological advantages to an unlimited extent.

At that time, the crushing effect brought about by technological advantages can be immediately displayed, and at the same time as qualitative changes, quantitative changes are also realized!

Imagine how terrifying a Datang Group would be if it had neither gasoline nor steel...

"At the end of this cooperation, you will have access to almost all advanced technologies including wireless telegraph technology, steamship technology, and automobile technology. What else are you dissatisfied with?" When Harry spoke,

Another truck loaded with iron ingots passed by where he was standing.

This truck can pull about 2 tons of cargo. It is now fully loaded, so the whole truck looks heavy and the shock absorption seems a bit slow.

Looking at the loaded truck passing in front of him, Harry seemed to see the heavy ears of wheat at harvest time.

"Hmph... you actually already have newer technology, don't you? The car technology you gave me before... is basically your previous Model T car..." the maid complained dissatisfiedly.

"Be content! Even if it's a Model T car, you couldn't produce it before!" Harry countered disdainfully: "Without the help of our technical staff, you won't be able to produce a Model T car in another two years, and now you have it."

Are you still not satisfied with a similar production line? Are you too greedy?"

For a moment, the maid seemed to see the shadow of Sophia on Harry's face. She was slightly startled, then withdrew her gaze in fear and looked elsewhere.

She could feel her heartbeat changing slightly, but she soon calmed down.

Then, ignoring Harry beside her, she kept telling herself secretly in her heart that she was a lesbian, a lily, and the person she liked the most was Lady Sophia, who was as powerful as fire.

But... there is really a man as powerful as Lady Sophia in this world... a young man, a few years younger than her, a strong young man...

Involuntarily, she looked at Harry again, and saw Harry's slightly tired face and a pair of gentle eyes looking at the sea in the distance.

In an instant, powerful, focused, resolute, determined... everything real and imaginary rushed into the maid's dry heart.

At this moment, she felt dizzy and almost had a nosebleed.

Just now, he had been watching with relief a brand new Liberty Ship sailing on the sea in the distance. Harry knew that it was the Liberty Ship that was launched yesterday and was undergoing its trial voyage.

He was very satisfied with the progress at the dock and secretly made a note in his mind that Mr. Parker, who was supervising the operation of the dock, should be praised at the next meeting.

When he remembered that the Cyric contact beside him had been silent for a long time, he withdrew his gaze.

Then, when he looked at the other party, he happened to see the maid's watery eyes looking him up and down with curiosity.

"What are you doing?" Harry felt that the expression the other person looked at him just now seemed like he had seen it somewhere before. He took a step away vigilantly and asked subconsciously.

"Nothing to do... We have many beautiful ladies in the Flame Castle. Next time we come, would you like to bring one to you?" Somehow, the maid asked a question.

She may not even know what she is doing now...

"..." Harry remembered that when the female classmates in his class were looking at the latest satchels on the street, it was the same expression the maid had given him just now.

It was a look of admiration, wanting to possess, full of collecting habits and desire to control - a low-level taste that makes people disdain...

"No, thank you, I don't have time to deal with women." Harry was as straight as a beam of light. In his world, a woman's body definitely didn't look as beautiful as a mathematical model.

"..." The maid finally knew what kind of monster she was in the eyes of normal people.

Now she wanted to give the other person a slap in the face, and then shouted loudly to bring the other person back to the right path: "Wake up! You need a woman! A good woman who is worthy of you!"

However, on the surface, she still smiled politely: "It doesn't matter. Since you don't need it, it saves me the trouble."

Another car loaded with iron ingots passed by where the two were standing, attracting Harry's attention, and the conversation stopped abruptly, as if nothing had happened.

A second later, the maid began to miss her Lady Sophia again, while Harry continued to think about his data model.

On the sea in the distance, the huge free ship of Datang Group sounded its whistle, and the whistle covered up all the embarrassment.

This chapter has been completed!
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