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331Dragon Cave

The howling sea breeze blew on Tang Mo's face, which was indescribably comfortable and comfortable. If I had to say it, the Wolf-class cruiser was actually not comfortable to ride on.

This kind of warship is not designed for comfort. It is a giant beast that roams the sea, and it is also a tool for the Datang Group to ensure its maritime hegemony.

It is a killing machine, a powerful weapon that travels thousands of miles, but it is not designed to make the rider particularly comfortable.

Although Tang Mo's cabin has undergone a series of modifications, living on this kind of battleship is still not an easy task.

However, for Tang Mo's safety, the executives of Datang Group rejected the alternative plan of taking a luxurious sailing ship or taking a free ship.

In the eyes of the senior executives of Datang Group, sailing boats, a backward, slow and unsafe mode of transportation, could not be used for Tang Mo to ride on them.

As for a transport ship like the Freeship, which was designed with a lot of labels, it was even less suitable for an important person like Tang Mo to ride on it.

After all, the speed of this thing is very slow, and the design is extremely jerry-rigged. Most of the budget has been cut off in terms of safety requirements, and the final product is actually just a piece of junk that is barely usable.

Therefore, the final result of the discussion was that Tang Mo took the battleship to Long Island, and the main leadership organization of Datang Group also moved to Long Island with Tang Mo.

Tang Mo finally left Bunas. The moment he boarded the ship, the city seemed to have lost its light.

Everyone who knows about it knows that the core city of Datang Group will be Dragon City in the future, instead of the once brilliant Bunas.

"Principal! Dragon Island is about to arrive! In front is the steel transport fleet from Dorne." A naval officer came over, stood at attention and saluted, and reported with his chin held high.

"Thank you for your hard work." Tang Mo calmed down his thoughts and smiled at the other party. Under normal circumstances, you can tell the relationship between the other party and Tang Mo from the title.

The people close to him often call him master, and some call him teacher, while those who call him principal or sir are more distant.

As expected, there was a large sailing fleet on the distant sea, and these fleets also saw the Wolf 2 cruiser maintaining its course.

What surprised these sailors who often travel to the Dragon Island route was that this was the first time they saw a Wolf-class cruiser. Because the Wolf 1 battleship had previously performed missions in Neverwinter, it was Buna who ensured the safety of the route.

Si-class ironclad ship.

"Look! A new warship! It's not the Bunas class!" These sailors who often go to Dragon Island to move bricks are already familiar with the names of the previous generation warships of the Datang Group.

"That's a new battleship! It's longer... and it looks more beautiful." Looking at the battleship in the distance, another sailor said with envy.

They were indeed envious, because they had drinks with the sailors on the Bunas-class battleship in the bar of Dragon Island, and the other party revealed part of their salary, which was indeed an amount worthy of envy.

"There are two more Bunas-class ships... Are you kidding me... With such a large fleet, what happened to Dragon Island?" The first mate on the ship became nervous instantly after seeing the entire Datang Group fleet.

Got up.

He thought of the iron ingots piled up in his cabin. That was the basis for their fortune this time. There couldn't be any problems!

The captain came over at this time, squinted his eyes and looked at the Wolf-class cruiser over there. After looking at it carefully for a long time, he said: "It doesn't seem like something happened. Besides...what happened to a Bunas-class cruiser?"

The warships can't handle it? Zheng Guo's fleet? Don't be stupid, even if all the sail warships in the entire endless sea sail to Dragon Island, they are just looking for death."

After he finished speaking, he took out a cigarette, struck a match and lit it happily, then threw the match into the sea - he was the only one allowed to smoke on this ship, it was the captain's prerogative.

This kind of cigarettes from Bunas is very popular in Refeng Port. Many wealthy people like to buy a pack because they heard that this stuff is liked by the God of Wealth.

He took a long puff of his cigarette before continuing: "Did you see that flag? It's not the same as the Dragon Flag of Datang Group..."

The first mate looked carefully and saw the clues: "The two flags... the red dragon flag is also hanging, but the golden dragon flag... hiss... it can't be right? Is that the clan emblem?"

The captain nodded slightly and said enigmatically: "Well, maybe some important figure from the Datang Group came to Long Island..."

The first mate was stunned for a moment, and then made a guess: "Maybe that gentleman... is on the ship."

"It's very possible! Put up the colorful flags and let the flag bearers send greetings and signals of respect! Let the fleet slow down and get out of the way." The captain nodded and then gave the order.

On the mast of the leading armed merchant ship, the flagman began to operate the red and blue flag in his hand, and waved a semaphore towards the black smoke-belching warship in the distance.

This set of contact semaphores is standardized by the Datang Group and has recently been accepted by more and more maritime transport fleets. Everyone has begun to use this set of semaphores and calls them "universal semaphores".

"The other party is slowing down and giving way!" On the Wolf 2 cruiser, the captain put down the new telescope with adjustable focal length and looked at Tang Mo who had just walked into the bridge command room.

Tang Mo was stunned for a moment, then said: "Is there such a rule?"

"Generally, when sailing on the sea, civilian ships must avoid warships." The captain explained.

Then, the adjutant next to him grabbed the ringing phone receiver in front of him and put it to his face: "This is the bridge!...Okay, I understand."

After saying that, he hung up the phone, walked to Tang Mo and his captain, stood at attention and saluted: "Report! The mast lookout has just confirmed that the other party sent greetings in flag language to express their respect to us."

"I probably saw your flag." The captain immediately thought of the problem: "I have some guesses."

"Well, it's nice to have money, isn't it..." Tang Mo made a joke: "Then thank him for me."

"Yes! Principal!" The captain held his head high and replied immediately.

"Stand at attention!" At the port of Longgang, the largest wharf, all the officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion of the 2nd Regiment of the Datang Group Security Force raised their steel guns in the salty sea breeze.

Tang Mo walked down the gangway and saluted the soldiers. Tiger, with his chin held high, accompanied Tang Mo and walked past the troops being reviewed in high spirits.

Currently, Datang Group has a total of 3 regiments of security forces. One regiment is stationed in Longdao, one regiment is dispersedly deployed in Bunas, and the other regiment has just been formed a few months ago and has been deployed to Yucheng.

"I'm really happy to see you." Tang Mo said to Roger and Tiger behind him as he walked forward.

These are the two people he trusts the most, so he placed them on Long Island. Facts have proved that their characters are indeed excellent. They lived up to Tang Mo's expectations and built Long Island into a solid base camp.

The current scale of Dragon City is not as fast as that of Bunas. After all, this is an island, and its development speed is definitely not as fast as that of a land city like Bunas.

However, the advantage here is that it is closed and safe, and it is also suitable for Tang Mo to experiment with a series of his new weapons. Now that cars have been mass-produced, airplanes have naturally been put on Tang Mo's agenda.

It was a bit unsafe to experiment with things like airplanes under the eyes of others, so Tang Mo decided from the beginning to build the airplane experimental base on Long Island.

Between Weigang and Longcheng, there are large areas of jungle that can be utilized. These places are either high-quality oil fields, or very good farms, or at the worst, they are jungles rich in timber resources.

And it can be said that it is a piece of cake to establish an aircraft experimental base among these jungles.

"After all, I haven't let you down. After my old bones were buried, I met your parents and gave you an explanation." Roger looked much older. With his level and ability, he has to manage an entire island.

, obviously feeling a little out of control.

"You have done a good job." Tang Mo respected this elder who had always been by his side and performed his duties well: "I'm here, you can rest now."

"That's great! What an old man I am..." Roger had a smile on his face, and he was filled with pride when he looked at this city that he had built from scratch.

"Your castle has been built. According to your requirements, electricity has been connected there. There is a telephone and a telegraph room. All the servants were selected by me personally." Roger said as he sent Tang Mo to the car.

"I'm very relieved." Tang Mo glanced at Tiger, who nodded slightly, and then got into another car with Roger.

There are three Rolls-Royces, and the rest are trucks responsible for security work. It is unlikely that large-scale enemies will appear on this island, so no armored vehicles from the army are arranged to accompany them.

However, there were still five trucks, two in front and three in back, guarding the car in which Tang Mo and others were riding. On board the trucks were a platoon of heavily armed elite security forces.

These elites have always been Tang Mo's personal guard, and they arrived with the warship. This was also the consideration of the security chief of Bunas.

In short, they don't trust anyone. If necessary, they will even doubt their colleagues and draw up safety plans.

As the car bumped, Tang Mo saw the swan castle... Now, it has a new name: "Dragon's Den".

From now on, as the core base camp of Datang Group, this will be Tang Mo's home. It has the safest defense system, the most modern and luxurious interior decoration, and the most advanced technical equipment in the world.

The entire castle has electricity supply, telephone connections, an independent backup generator set, a secret safe house, a backup secret passage, and a weapons arsenal exclusive to Tang Mo...

In short, this is a place so perfect that even the king of a country can drool.

This chapter has been completed!
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