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Chapter 34: Chapter 34

Chapter 34 34 Can’t straighten up

There is no other way. If you continue to talk to these people who have fallen into madness, they will probably fall out. There are too many people in the entire workshop who think good about their boss Tang Mo.

Many workers who have children at home now express their love for Tang Mo. The simple values ​​of people in this era make them devoted to noble people who sincerely do good for them.

Didn’t you see that Earl Fischerot, who was implementing benevolent policies in Beiling, already had such a high reputation? What he did in Beiling was actually not as much as what Tang Mo is doing now.

Tang Mo plans to use a whole set of modern social reform combos here. How have these common people, who have never seen the world, seen such exaggerated and terrifying "welfare benefits"?

It was impossible for them to guess that Tang Mo had actually cultivated a social environment for themselves, and they would only instinctively regard Tang Mo as a "clear master" who was truly worthy of their loyalty!

After seeing the tremendous changes that their children had undergone in the past few days, the children's fathers, mothers, and even grandparents all regarded Tang Mo as the savior of this miserable world.

Yesterday, some workers even went to return the wages that Tang Mo settled with them. They felt that they should do their best to do something for Tang Mo.

After Tang Mo refused to take back the wages, Tang Mo's progress in the workshop accelerated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For Tang Mo, this may be another unintentional benefit for him to establish a school and cultivate talents himself.

Even Tang Mo himself did not expect that such benefits would come so quickly and the rewards would be so shocking.

At noon, when the sand mover, who had been despised by several workers, lined up to get his lunch, he was once again shocked by what happened in front of him.

Trish, the cafeteria lady who has always been shaking her hands very rhythmically, very skillfully, very well-rounded, very deep, and can 100% shake the meat off the spoon, this time her hands are miraculously as steady as a rock!

The porter blinked, unable to believe what he saw. After repeatedly confirming the authenticity of everything, he raised his head in a panic and met Aunt Trish's displeased gaze.

"Oh my God, Aunt Trish, why did you give me so much today..." Looking at the sticky pumpkin soup in the wooden tray, there were still some minced meat in it, and the sand mover looked up in disbelief.

Get started.

Pointing at the other party with a big spoon full of soup, Aunt Tracy scolded rudely: "Let you idiot work hard! Don't be so lazy and lazy! It's delaying our boss's project! You know

Isn't it easy to meet such a good boss these days? If you don't cherish it, get out! Don't cause trouble for others!"

"Hahaha!" Behind him, several old leatherworkers who heard the scolding burst into laughter, showing their yellow teeth.

"Bullshit! If you don't work hard this afternoon! Let your wife take care of you when you get home!" These people are all old acquaintances from ten miles and eight villages, and everyone knows each other a lot, so when Aunt Cui Xi spoke, she didn't sound so nervous.

Lots of worries.

The worker carrying the sand quickly nodded and bowed: "How can it be possible! How can it be possible! I will definitely work hard this afternoon! I have plenty of strength! Just look at me! I promise not to delay the boss's construction schedule! Don't worry! Don't worry!"

As he walked, he looked at the pumpkin soup with minced meat on the wooden tray, swallowing his saliva and feeling filled with unpleasant taste.

If his wife was a little angry and gave him a son and a half in the early years, wouldn't he be able to send his children to that school now?

As he walked, he thought, and the more he thought about it, the more breathless he became - if he goes back tonight and works harder, maybe it will happen? As he thought about it, he unconsciously bent over...

There's no way around it. In this situation, if he doesn't become polite, everyone will see his impassioned side. Maybe the entire construction site will have legends about him tomorrow, and they will be ugly.

"That so-and-so can actually stand upright in front of a pile of sand..." It's exciting to think about such rumors... but when it comes to myself, it's not so funny.

Parker's mood has been getting better and better recently, because he now has 20 workers and is extremely busy every day, which makes him feel very fulfilled.

Now he doesn't have to work so hard every day. He only needs to sit next to the machine, watch the apprentice fix the barrels, and then use a drill bit at a constant speed to process the barrels bit by bit.

Because these drilling machines are very precise, the quality control is also very high. This is much better than manual or water wheel technologies, and it also opens the door to a new world for Parker.

As a worker, he deeply understands the importance of mass production. As long as the technical actions can be standardized, the desired parts can be manufactured quickly and well!

Traditional manual manufacturing is not necessarily worse than machines, at least in the industrial era - those super-precise chips have not yet appeared, so basically all parts can be produced by hand.

The only difference is that manual work cannot control the quality of the product, nor can it be popularized on a large scale to workers with slightly inferior skills.

The inability to popularize means that it is expensive, the high price means that the production time is very long, and the long production time means that even if it is manufactured, this kind of thing is just a toy for the nobles.

But now, the steam engine in front of him can really change the current situation and make production something that can be regulated!

This is absolutely epoch-making, because once production can be standardized, products can be produced continuously. The time for workers to learn craftsmanship will be greatly compressed, and it will become relatively simple to train qualified workers.

At this moment, he had already felt the impact and the huge changes it had brought about - before, several of his apprentices were still a long way from being able to drill gun barrels.

A few months ago, it was actually a very complicated and lengthy process to train a qualified worker who could drill gun barrels with a steady hand.

But what about now? The few apprentices brought by Parker, plus some apprentices from Beiling, can easily learn the work of drilling gun barrels.

They only need to operate the machine - this does not require much cleverness at all, because their operating steps are all prescribed by the machine, and they only need to follow the steps.

They have no room for their own performance at all, because the angle of the machine is fixed, and the clamp that fixes the barrel has been fixed long ago. In this case, it takes a lot of ability to mess things up...

Moreover, after Tang Mo's guidance, Parker also discovered a deeper benefit of machine production - the company is not worried at all that these workers who have been trained with all their efforts will be poached after learning the craft, bringing with them the cost of learning.


Because after leaving here and leaving Tang Mo's factory, the things they know will become worthless! They can no longer find such machines for them to use, so they seem to be attached to the big tree of Tang Mo.

The ivy on the tree cannot survive alone.

In this way, even the apprentices from Beiling began to learn to operate the machine, and Parker no longer had any resistance.

He treated everyone equally and taught these children skills so that they could easily cope with machine production and at the same time improve their own production efficiency.

The noise of the machines made the entire factory very noisy. Many machines that were originally placed in this factory were moved to a temporary and simple factory for the use of old workers.

What is left here now are new machine tools driven by steam engines. They are more precise and are directly linked to the steam engines, making them very convenient to use.

No joke, he felt that he could train hundreds of qualified workers in a month so that they could operate machinery to complete the work of drilling gun barrels.

This kind of speed is unmatched by old consortiums like Cyric. The two sides are not even on the same starting line.

If he knew the word dimensionality reduction strike, he would definitely use it without hesitation to describe Tang Mo's machine crushing Cyric at this moment.

"Cheer up! Pay attention to the depth! Don't get the order wrong!" He reminded these apprentices loudly, asking them to handle these precious steel materials more carefully.

"Got it!" The young apprentices immediately replied, each one more careful than the other. This kind of work is more than ten times easier than what they learned before. If they still make mistakes, then they don't have to eat this bowl of rice.


The noise of machinery echoed throughout the factory. The steam engine was running tirelessly, driving the five surrounding machine tools to rotate continuously.

Countless parts are perfectly combined, linking the most scientific structure, and finally the drill bit rotates at a constant speed, causing the metal to rub against each other and make a sharp and piercing sound.

"Let's go together!" On a small area of ​​the school field that had just been leveled out a few days ago, Loew was educating a dozen children according to Tang Mo's teaching plan.

These children not only need cultural education in school, but also physical education training. The training content of physical education classes is actually the military drill content formulated by Tang Mo.

Each child must be divided into several teams according to different ages and undergo rigorous paramilitary training every day.

The younger ones were assigned to Loew for formation training. They had to practice formation every day, including basic discipline training of two people in a row and three people in a row.

Walking in step and walking forward are the most basic. Under Loew's guidance, these children have to run circles every day to strengthen their bodies, and have climbing and wrestling competitions every day.

These children are arranged in a neat formation, and every time they kick out their legs, the height must be exactly the same.

Along with Loew's slogan, they all raised their left feet and waved their right arms, maintaining the posture until they heard the next command.

(End of chapter)

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