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Tang Mo succeeded in tricking You Lin into being lame, and then he hurried back to the Dragon Cave to find Leer - every scumbag is a powerful master of time management.

Especially a scumbag like Tang Mo, who can legitimately keep two women in the same castle, is naturally better at time management.

His Rolls-Royce picked up Le'er at Longxue, and the two of them went to visit Longcheng University together - they didn't even stay at Longcheng to eat. Tang Mo pretended to take Leer to Longcheng University.

Let’s experience the life of a cafeteria here.

You Lin was sweet and had no intention of making Tang Mo uncomfortable, so he stayed in Longxue to help Tang Mo sort out his work arrangements.

Datang Group is already a terrifying behemoth no matter how you look at it. Tang Mo has to deal with many things every day. If there is no one to help, he may only be able to make a humanoid self-propelled plotting machine.

Roger has been helping Tang Mo arrange his itinerary these days, and now it is You Lin's turn to do this. Frankly speaking, the matter itself is not difficult, so You Lin got started quickly.

The recent Datang Group has just a few important things going on: The first one is about the arrangements for the World Industrial Expo.

Including the opening ceremony, the arrangement of the exhibition venue, the holding of the entire expo, and the speeches at the closing ceremony.

In addition, a highlight of the expo, or in other words, it was held together with the expo, and there was the first racing competition.

According to the plan, a total of 6 teams will participate in the competition, including the Ice Kingdom, the Reins Empire, Dorne, the Gobel Kingdom Racing Team secretly supported by Cyric, and the Nanla Empire.

This is a competition to demonstrate technology. The automobile department of Datang Group attaches great importance to it, and Tang Mo is also very concerned about it, so it is listed separately.

Next is the construction of the Tamaki-class battleship. According to the itinerary, Tang Mo is going to inspect the site and give some guidance.

There are also training for air force pilots, training for army tank commanders, and presentations on new weapons...

Just looking at these messy things, you can tell that Tang Mo is very busy. Looking at these dense arrangements, the forest is enveloped in a thick sweetness.

Tang Mo was so busy that he took time out for her and accompanied her to the sky for a romantic confession.

What else could this be but love? Thinking of this, You Lin had a smile on her face. She looked much smarter than when she left Dragon Cave for the airport before.

"Now! This is the information you want to see!" Roger saw You Lin walking out of the haze, holding a lot of documents and stacking them in front of her, and said with a smile: "How about it, take a rest when you are tired.

one time."

"No need." Youlin was full of energy, made a gesture indicating that he had no problem, and continued to read the confidential information.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

No one knew that Datang Group had grown into such a powerful behemoth without even realizing it.

Just in the Ice Kingdom, Datang Group's investment has almost exceeded 10 million gold coins!

What is this concept? Five years ago, everything in the Laite Kingdom may not have been worth so much money! In other words, if 10 million gold coins were spent to buy the Laite Kingdom, Laite VII might really

Thinking of selling your country...

But now, Datang Group's investment in just one country has reached such a terrifying level.

Of course, this ten million is definitely not cash, or even basically gold coins! In many places, technology shares are invested, or the investment amount is simply compensated with product assistance.

For example, Datang Group will build various factories in the Ice Kingdom, and then directly hand over these factories to the dwarves at a discounted price for operation.

Naturally, investment must have a return, and Datang Group's return is ship after ship of gold, golden, real gold!

The total amount of gold in the underground vault of Dragon Cave is almost 1,100 tons! And this number is still rising.

Only by seeing so much gold with your own eyes can you have an intuitive idea of ​​the wealth of Datang Group.

Approximately how much gold is there? During World War II, France implemented the Fish Plan and shipped out all the gold reserves before the German army took control of France as a starting capital for future comebacks.

At that time, how much gold reserves did France, as a European power, have? 2,226 tons! Tang Mo’s current gold is probably close to half of France’s national gold reserves during World War II!

As time goes by, Tang Mo will have more gold in his hands, and by that time, no one will be able to shake his financial control!

You Lin has seen that gold. She has never seen so many golden things in her life. These gold bricks are piled up into a mountain, and they are at her feet at this moment.

Now, at this moment! There are 4 heavy industrial bases under construction, located in Jade City, Ice Crystal City, Rewind Port and Everwinter City.

These large-scale bases include almost half of modern industrial production organizations, chemical plants, machinery plants, power plants, smelting plants, steel plants, machine tool plants...

In terms of area alone, these bases are larger than the cities of the past. In order to accommodate these behemoths, these cities have completely abandoned their city wall defense systems.

In addition to these large industrial bases, Datang Group has also built its own factories in the Nanla Empire, the Reins Empire, the Kingdom of Susas, the Kingdom of Yangmu, the Kingdom of Pinewood, the Kingdom of Dorne, etc.

Some are automobile factories, some are train manufacturers, some are arsenals, and some are just simple steel plants.

In short, Datang Group has basically given up on the light industry layout and began to provide various production equipment to the light industry. On the one hand, Datang Group is providing support to the primary industry of agriculture, and on the other hand, it is monopolizing heavy industry.

Today, Datang Group focuses most of its energy on both ends of the industrial chain: they provide farmers with improved seeds, supply chemical fertilizers and pesticides, sell tractors and other agricultural machinery, and increase agricultural output.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! On the other hand, Datang Group provides mechanical equipment support to almost all light industry companies, and it also monopolizes the power supply.

Except for a small number of textile factories and light industries directly under Datang Fashion, Datang Group has withdrawn from textile and other fields, leaving this part of the market to other businessmen.

And this kind of concession was also paid. Datang Group sold its own equity, and naturally got back dozens or even hundreds of times the capital.

Looking at the accounts and records, You Lin seemed to see the man she liked working hard every day for the past five years...

After sending Leer upstairs, Tang Mo walked alone through the magnificent hall of the castle, leaned against a door, and looked at the backs of an old man and a young man in the distance, a smile appeared on his face.

Roger is handing over work to You Lin. As Tang Mo's housekeeper, his job is actually not easy: "Every morning he gets up on time and doesn't need anyone to call him... He is a very self-disciplined person. This is true." There is no doubt about it.”

You Lin nodded and said to Roger seriously: "I know."

"Breakfast is usually arranged by Tracy. It has been an old practice for many years." Roger continued to explain in detail.

"Aunt Tracy's breakfast has always been unforgettable and delicious." Hearing Aunt Tracy, You Lin also laughed.

Although Cui Xi still holds an important position in the financial investigation department of the group, she still has to personally check Tang Mo's breakfast every morning, and has never stopped for so many years.

These ordinary group veterans show their loyalty in their own way, which is also the fundamental reason why the entire group can operate efficiently.

"Every week, Tang Mo has to spend at least three afternoons drawing drawings or instructing other engineers to draw... This is untouchable, so you have to pay attention." Roger continued to talk about Tang Mo's daily work.

As the most powerful humanoid self-propelled plotter in the group, Tang Mo is actually worse off than a guy named Chris. In order to promote the development of the world, Tang Mo often plays the role of inventor.

For most inventions and creations, Tang Mo directly took out the drawings and started mass production - he saved the entire world time on research and development, and also created terrifying profits for Datang Group with advanced technology.

"Yeah, I understand." You Lin nodded.

"You can't disturb him during this period. If there's something extremely urgent, you'd better remind him in person." Roger continued to warn her.

"I understand." You Lin nodded more seriously and responded.

Tang Mo watched this scene silently and did not disturb the work handover between the two.

On the other side, Roger is still continuing his handover work: "In addition, within a week, he has to spend at least 5 hours in the laboratory to do some experiments. It is the same. The time must be maintained. You can arrange it."

"Yeah." You Lin is extremely well-behaved and doesn't look like a queen at school at all.

"I have to tell you a few more words. You'd better help Tang Mo throw those dangerous poisons and messy things out of the castle! Those things are too dangerous! They shouldn't appear so close to Tang Mo!" Mentioning this, Roger warned You Lin again.

You Lin also nodded again and promised Roger: "I will arrange for someone to move the laboratory out tonight!"

Roger nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Also, Tang Mo likes to drink a cup of hot tea at noon, with less sugar...the temperature should be just right."

"Okay, I remember." You Lin answered quickly this time - she knew Tang Mo's taste very clearly, and it was almost engraved in her bones.

Even the things she likes to eat are actually the things Tang Mo likes to eat - even the things she didn't eat before have been subtly changed according to Tang Mo's taste.

Her Majesty the Queen is not just a vain person, she has really worked hard to study Principal Tang...

Roger remembered something: "This Tuesday morning, he has 30 minutes to personally select fashionable clothes. I haven't had time to finalize the specific time... But this only happens once a quarter. Just look at the schedule.

It’s more casual, but you have to leave some time for the production department, so don’t delay it too much.”

"Hmm..." You Lin is very interested in this matter - women, of course, are more interested in Tang Dynasty fashion.

As a woman, it must be a very happy thing to be able to sit next to the godfather of fashion and see every design before the new winter or summer products are finalized!

Roger continued to talk about Tang Mo's daily routine: "Every week, he spends 2 hours practicing shooting... This is his hobby."

"Can I accompany him?" You Lin asked.

"Of course." Roger nodded.

Then, Roger added another time period: "Between 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. is his reception time. No distinguished guests have been invited to Dragon Cave recently, so he is relatively free during this time.


Tang Mo likes to receive guests in the morning and also likes to discuss business in the morning - because it is very efficient and there is no need to invite people he doesn't like to dinner.

Of course, if he meets someone who is opportunistic and can be chatted with, Tang Mo can also flexibly stay with the person for dinner - this way he can take the initiative and is in line with Tang Mo's style.

You Lin wrote it down again: "I know."

She has a very good memory, almost photographic memory - if she had not had such a talent, she would not have become the beloved and feared Her Majesty the Queen in school.

"Oh, by the way, remember to call John and ask him to pay attention to the inauguration ceremony of Dragon City Cinema." Roger is more or less old, and he just says whatever comes to mind, and is very organized.

In fact, he is more in line with the work image of an ordinary person - he writes down all his schedules in a small notebook and takes a look at it from time to time.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Now, he didn't look through his little notebook, so he was a little messy when handing over his work.

You Lin didn't take it seriously and continued to nod: "Okay."

Compared with her superiors and subordinates at work, or colleagues, she and Roger were more like father and daughter, or relatives - Roger had watched You Lin grow up, and she was a queen who kept strangers away from others.

There was nothing more than a well-behaved little girl in front of Roger.

Roger was an amiable elder, both in front of Tang Mo and in front of You Lin.

You Lin eagerly asked Roger, who paused for a few seconds: "What other arrangements are there?"

Roger couldn't think of anything to add for a while, so he said: "This job requires you to develop a habit, so before I leave here to go to Neverwinter City, I will continue to hand over to you until you adapt.

Until then."

"When you were in Dragon City, who was in charge of this work?" You Lin curiously asked an interesting question.

Roger laughed: "He himself... To be honest, I'm actually not as good as him. But you are definitely much better than me."

"It's really a job full of challenges." You Lin felt a lot of pressure in an instant.

Roger smiled and comforted You Lin: "Yes, but I am very optimistic about you."

"Why?" Youlin continued to ask curiously.

"He really needs a more attentive person to help him... This castle is good everywhere, but it doesn't feel like a home." Roger leaned on the chair and unscrewed his own wine bottle, but did not rush to take a sip.

.His words stunned You Lin, and Tang Mo, who had been silent behind them, was slightly stunned.

In fact, Tang Mo has always lacked a sense of belonging. Before he traveled to this world, he had no so-called sense of belonging...

At that time, he flew all over the world on a private plane every day, met different people every day, and slept in a different place every night.

Sometimes he might have to sleep in a tent on the African savannah, listen to the howling of terrifying beasts at night, and spend the night nervously playing in the lake with his AK-47.

Sometimes he would hold a few staggeringly beautiful beauties in his arms in a luxurious five-star hotel, freeing himself to enjoy a life that ordinary people could not even imagine.

However, he did feel numb to such a life... like a ghost, unable to feel his own existence. However, habit made him neither dared nor willing to change his trajectory, so he could only drift and continue to wander in the darkness.

the edge of.

After coming to this world, he instinctively, habitually and subconsciously embarked on this old path.

He has money, he has power, but his castle is deserted. He can pile up the most valuable works of art in the world here, but there is still something missing here, something that he longs for most...feeling.

Roger's words silenced Tang Mo, but Roger, who didn't know that Tang Mo was not far behind him, continued to tell You Lin: "In terms of work, there is not much you can do to help him, but you can

This place becomes more like a home, which is the greatest...help you can give him."

"Thank you, Grandpa Roger, I will try my best to do my best." You Lin firmly promised Roger.

Roger smiled, stretched out his hand, and gently rubbed the top of You Lin's head: "You are a smart little girl! Always have been! I believe you can do it!"

You Lin stuck out her tongue like a child, not caring that Roger messed up her hair.

"I said, let's have dinner together that night! As a family." Tang Mo leaned against the door frame, took out a cigarette from his pocket, held it in his hand and suddenly asked.

His sudden voice startled the two of them. Roger subconsciously stood up. The smile on You Lin's face became a little bigger when he saw Tang Mo.

"In the evening, we stewed beef, fried eggplant, baked snails, and cooked those lobsters... let Aunt Tracy stay with us, as well as Leer, Wes, and called Matthews and Parker." Tang

Mo plans to find all the old people in Long Island.

"Then it will definitely take four years to open a bottle of Bunnas..." Roger, a good drinker, laughed.

You Lin pretended to be resentful: "Ah? Can't you just call me Le'er?"

"We are a family!" Tang Mo decided to solidify his harem plan quickly, stepped forward, hooked You Lin's waist domineeringly, and said shamelessly.

Seeing that You Lin couldn't bear to worry about this matter anymore, Tang Mo, who had succeeded, smiled even happier - well, his backyard finally didn't burn down...


It’s not divided into chapters, so I’ll give you one big chapter. I’m not in good shape today, so I haven’t made any updates... Sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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