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380 Eating is the most important thing

The place where Tang Mo held the meeting was not a spacious and bright conference room, but a cabin that seemed a bit small.

They were sailing on the sea at this moment, the waves were beating against the hull, and in front of the huge hull, the huge port of Bunas was looming.

A Wolf-class warship was traveling together, and two Wolf-class warships were traveling one behind the other, showing the Datang Group's impregnable maritime hegemony.

Just these two Wolf-class battleships are enough to destroy the entire fleet of any naval power in the world.

"Principal! Bunas is here!" The captain came over in person and reported to everyone in the meeting: "General Tiger has greeted us at the port."

"I just said it doesn't have to be so complicated..." Tang Mo said as he felt that there was no need for his people to do so many tricks.

"Basic respect must be retained. Rules are rules. This is a way for your subordinates to show their loyalty to you. If you slack off, resentment will arise over time." Leo opened his mouth to explain to Tiger.

Tang Mo nodded helplessly. Datang Group was getting bigger and bigger. Even if it was for some grassroots people to see, everyone had to set up a good scene.

This time, Tang Mo returned to Bunas to prepare to participate in the World Industrial Expo. This was a grand event, and Tang Mo naturally took it very seriously.

He has to personally host the meeting, attend cocktail parties, meet some people he must meet, and then maintain his network of relationships.

At the same time, he was required to operate the entire expo. If he didn't come in advance to arrange the instructions, he would still be a little uneasy.

There is another reason, that is, Bunas has always been the headquarters of Datang Group. If he, the boss, disappears for too long, the people here will inevitably have some changes.

Therefore, he must come to calm down the situation and let everyone know that Bunas is still the focus of Datang Group's operations and the unbreakable center of the world economy!

These things are not just for him to say or plan. He has to show up and take charge of the overall situation!

After much deliberation, Tang Mo still did not let Roger go to the south of the Endless Sea to retire, but left him in Dragon City and let him serve as the mayor of Dragon City.

There was no other way, Tang Mo still trusted his uncle who was not his biological uncle the most. Longdao was very important, and he always felt that it would be safer to arrange for an old man who knew everything about him.

You must know that there are thousands of tons of gold, and there may be tens of thousands more in the future. If it is not placed in the hands of a truly loyal person, it may really cause some trouble.

What's more, what Longdao has is not only gold, but also Datang Group's secret weapon experimental base, senior trainees from the army, navy and air force, as well as the factory facilities that Tang Mo relies on most.

This is really the most valuable property of the Datang Group, the most expensive bottles and cans. If these things were broken, Tang Mo would really feel distressed for a while.

Therefore, when it came to Neverwinter City, Tang Mo was more relaxed and let Dino go and try it out directly - so this young man who was only 19 years old took several of his juniors to Neverwinter City.

Tang Mo doesn't mind failure, or his subordinates taking more detours. Anyway, he already has the capital to support a certain degree of failure.

Neverwinter City is a relatively marginal industry. Even if Dino really couldn't handle it, Tang Mo would still have time to arrange for someone to clean up the mess.

Isn't it the Kingdom of Dorne next to it? Dino's two junior students, Strauss and Bolton are all there. They are so close to Chi Chi that they can't cause any trouble, right?

Soon, two warships entered the port of Bunas. On the pier, military music was playing, the honor guard was lined up neatly, and the flat road was paved with a red carpet. When Tang Mo walked down the gangway, Tiger was already standing at attention with his chin raised and saluting.

, waiting at the side of the gangway.

"Thank you for your hard work." Tang Mo walked down the gangway, followed by Weiss and You Lin. In the distance were the busy cranes, and even further away were various tall buildings that looked like a forest.

"This is what I should do." Tiger was in good spirits because he was transferred back to Bunas and had time to go to Datang Military Academy for further studies.

As a senior commander, he must of course maintain a keen sense of the most war situations. His judgment often determines the life or death of the Datang Group's most elite soldiers.

Therefore, whenever he has time, he will go to school to learn the latest weapons and equipment and learn the most advanced tactics.

The various detailed surveying maps and high-precision sand tables in the Datang Military Academy were his favorite things.

After training and teaching some students, Tiger was either studying new tactics in the secret library, or performing deductions with a group of staff in the sand table room. It was a fulfilling experience.

The bartender stood on the other side and waited for Leo to get off the boat before following him. He lowered his voice and reported some information that did not require Tang Mo to worry about.

Leo nodded slightly, gave a few suggestions casually, and then continued walking forward.

After talking about business matters, the tall and tall bartender started talking about private matters related to Leo: "There is one more thing."

"Huh?" Leo held on to his crutches and didn't slow down his steps. He just asked a question.

The bartender immediately continued: "Recently, the Silver Fox Guards discovered an interesting beggar in Bunas."

"Interesting beggar?" Leo's expression didn't change at all, he just repeated the bartender's words.

The bartender nodded slightly: "Yes."

"A beggar... even if it's interesting, it's not worth reporting to me, right?" Leo turned his head slightly and glanced at the bartender following him.

The bartender didn't show off, and directly told what he knew: "This beggar's surname is Nangong."

"Nangong Hong?" Leo narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, that's him." The bartender said

"Back then, when I was sentenced and exiled, before I became a criminal, I knew the head of the Nangong family of Dahua... and we had some friendship." Leo seemed to be recalling some of the things that happened when he was an official.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Then... give him a sum of money?" The bartender heard the word "love", thought for a while and asked with suggestions.

Leo walked through the neat guard of honor and said to the bartender: "Nangong Hong was very smart at the age of five and became famous in the local area. He was famous as a virtuous man at the age of seven... Although I have not been back in these years, I want to come to Nangong's house.

If my tutor wanted money, he wouldn’t come to Bunas, would he?”

"He got a tourist visa... He just got in because there was an expo to be held recently." The bartender said with a smile: "I only have a little money with me, and I can't even afford to stay in a hotel."

"...If he comes here to seek refuge, you should arrange a place for him first, and I will recommend him to meet the owner... I can consider returning this favor." Leo thought for a moment and said to the bartender.

The bartender lowered his head slightly: "...I understand."

In front, Tiger had already opened the door of the car for Tang Mo. Tang Mo got into the car, and You Lin followed suit.

Tiger didn't pay attention to the gossip about You Lin's relationship with Tang Mo. After closing the car door for You Lin, he walked straight to his second car.

A whole row of Rolls-Royce luxury models drove out of the pier. Pedestrians along the way looked sideways. Many insiders knew that only the most senior officials of the Datang Group could make such an exaggerated statement.


"No, I'm going to starve to death... I, Nangong Hong, a genius, never thought that I would starve to death in such a prosperous place..." Nangong Hong, who had been hungry for a whole day without eating,

Sitting dejectedly on the shoulder of the stone road, whining feebly.

Rubbing his belly, the book boy said feebly: "Master... please stop talking... I'm even hungrier."

Two days ago, the two of them spent the few copper coins they had on them in exchange for a few pieces of bread from well-wishers.

The two of them were lucky enough to catch up with a bakery that was about to get rid of the leftovers that might not be too fresh. They just threw them away. In the end, they took pity on them and only charged them a few token coins.

Relying on these few pieces of bread, the two of them managed to survive until today - no way, the gap between this place and what they imagined before was really too big.

They can't find any decent jobs here because they don't know how to recruit people seriously.

Even if you know it, the order of priority for hiring in Bunas goes down to experienced relevant practitioners, graduates of relevant majors from universities affiliated to Datang Group, and then serious residents of Bunas. There are various

Identity document for foreign residents...

Who would spend money to find a beggar with a "temporary tourist visa" and an unknown identity? What's more, even if someone is willing to hire them, the salary will be paid next month!

You didn't even do any work, you just opened your mouth to advance part of your salary to buy food. Who dares to ask for this?

As a result, the two unlucky guys, one big and one small, had been hungry all day and could only squat on the roadside begging.

What's even worse is that they get almost nothing from their begging - it's not that the Bunas people are unloving, but that they have long been accustomed to life here and are familiar with everything here.

All real Bunas people know that you can get paid for your work, and beggars are not allowed on the roadside. Therefore, people living in Bunas know that the beggars here are not good people.

Either they are spies who have sneaked in or immigrants without identification documents who have settled illegally, or else they are lazy people who are too lazy to work and have no cure.

How many days have everyone had a better life? Who would give charity to these two people? So most people would pass by in a hurry without even looking at these two people.

"Could it be that...the sky wants to kill me?" Nangong Hong raised his head, looked at the sun in the sky, and shouted at the top of his voice.

His voice attracted many passers-by's glances, but then most people laughed a few times and then left.

On the road, a row of black cars with shiny paint that looked extremely expensive at first sight whizzed by. Nangonghong didn't know that these were expensive luxury cars, but he could roughly tell the rank of these cars just by looking at them.

After all, even in Bunas, the most common things you can see on the streets are T-type cars and People's Cars. It is rare to see such a large number of luxury cars together.

"A real man...should be like this!" Looking at the row of cars whizzing by, Nangong Hong, who had just died socially, felt a little light in his eyes.

The book boy also saw these cars, but he was more concerned about his stomach: "Master... you better think about how we can get something to eat..."

He thought of the bread he had eaten yesterday and the day before yesterday. To be honest, it didn't taste as good as the steamed buns from Dahua Empire, and he wasn't as hungry.

At the end of the meal, the bread was a little sour and tasted even worse. I don’t know how people in Bunas tolerate such unpalatable food.

But... even so, if there are some sour bread now, that would be a great thing...

Just when the book boy's mind was filled with the fantasy of having a head full of bread, unexpectedly, a Rolls-Royce car behind the motorcade stopped in front of the two of them.

Two burly men got out of the car. With just a squeeze, they got the two of them into the car. Another man who got off the passenger seat threw the bamboo basket for holding books that the little book boy was carrying on his back into the car.


The big man who got on the bus last waved his security force ID at a few passers-by, and everyone went about their business, as if nothing had happened here.

"You...what on earth...are you going to do..." Nangong Hong was frightened by this scene and asked cautiously.

Is it illegal for Bunas to beg on the street? Are these people trying to arrest me for questioning? Not really, right? With such a good car?

Sitting in the back row of the Rolls-Royce, Nangong Hong felt the softness of the back seat, and his thoughts wandered for a moment.

"Shut up!" a big man said.

"We adults want to see you." Another big man explained without saying a word.

The little book boy swallowed his saliva. When he was thrown into the car, he didn't see the book basket he was carrying. At this time, he didn't dare to ask, looking miserable.

Fortunately, the interior space of this Rolls-Royce is not too small, otherwise the two strong men would not be able to sit down with Nangong Hong and him sandwiched between them.

As a result, six people were awkwardly squeezed into this car. The driver and the man in the co-pilot were obviously happier, because including a child in the back seat, four people were squeezed...

"Who...who wants to see me..." Nangong Hong swallowed his saliva and asked in shock.

"The person you've always wanted to meet." The man in the passenger seat didn't know why his immediate boss, the bartender, was interested in these two beggars. He felt that since the bartender wanted to meet them, it would not be wrong for him to form a good relationship here.

, so there is no intention to hide it.

"I...can I prepare...?" Nangong Hong looked at the other party's expensive clothes, then looked down at his own beggar's uniform, holding his stomach and said.

"No need." The man in the passenger seat frowned, but still answered.

"I, we haven't eaten yet!" This time, the book boy had the courage to shout out what he thought was the most important sentence.


I updated 1,000 words today, and my status seems to have improved, hehe.

This chapter has been completed!
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