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425 Occupy Dongwan Island

The advantage of the navy over the army is that they can move faster.

While the army troops were still gathering and resting, the naval warships replenished some coal and fresh water and immediately headed north.

In fact, because the three Wolf-class battleships are cruisers and have more reserves of fresh water and coal, they don't even have supplies.

Six steel battleships advanced along the coastline,

At noon the next day, they reached the northern part of Dongwan Island and lay across the outer sea of ​​Dongwan Port.

The Mirage Navy's fleet stationed in Dongwan Port went out to sea to try to break out of the encirclement, but ultimately failed. They suffered heavy losses and almost lost all their wealth.

Except for one paddle steamer warship that stayed in the port, all the warships that went out to sea were sunk, and Dongwan Island has now become an isolated island.

The Mirage fleet heading south has not yet arrived, and the entire city of East Bay is already deserted. After the navy was annihilated, Mirage Wuxiong discovered that he had lost control of the situation.

Although there are still 20,000 soldiers,

But Mirage's deployment on Dongwan Island has been completely disrupted.

Until now, they have not figured out where the troops that attacked them came from.

The miserable mirage country is still unclear until now, and almost ten countries have declared war on them.

Including the icy kingdom of the dwarves, the kingdom of Galles of the orcs, the poplar kingdom and pinewood kingdom of the elves, as well as the kingdom of Dorne, the kingdom of Wright, the kingdom of Susas, the Nanla Empire on the east side of the Endless Sea...

So many countries hunted Mirage's fleet at sea and attacked Mirage's sailing ships, which has caused immeasurable losses to Mirage.

The current endless sea is simply a mess, with naval warships from various countries hoisting battle flags and running rampant on the sea.

As long as they catch up with the transport ship, they will look at the flag hung by the ship eagerly from the side. Once the identity of the Mirage Maritime Fleet is confirmed, they will launch a crazy attack.


A battleship will follow the larger mirage transport and trade fleet,

Wait until more warships gather together, and then attack together.

How bloody was this kind of battle? It was so bloody that warships from various countries were even lost.

When attacking the Mirage armed transport ship,

Sail warships from various countries have been damaged or even sunk.

However, these are just some exceptions. In most cases, the mirage fleet was completely wiped out, so this also reflects from the side how cruel this strangulation war at sea is.

For a time, sawdust floating on the water could be seen everywhere on the sea, and surrendered and injured mirage ships could often be seen docking at various ports and then handing over their cargo.

In 6 days, most of the mirage trade fleet, which basically had no idea what happened, had become the spoils of war for various countries.

This can only be blamed on their lagging behind, or they are unlucky: because the countries that maintain contacts with the Datang Group have actually been widely equipped with telegraph machines, and the speed of message transmission is completely unimaginable a few years ago.

Who would have thought that just a few hours after the Tang Group declared war on the Mirage Kingdom, the Kingdom of Dorne would also declare war on the Mirage Kingdom?

In the past, within a short period of a few hours, the king's order might not have spread out of the royal city... But now,

Within a few hours,

All eight countries were united and started war mode against one country almost at the same time!

Times have changed,

Mirage countries must pay the price for their backwardness and isolation.

In fact, speaking of it, the Mirage Kingdom is pretty good, because until now, Zheng Guo still doesn’t know that someone has taken action against the Mirage Kingdom.

If they knew that the Mirage Kingdom was in trouble, it stands to reason that Zheng Guo would definitely take action at this time, but the reality is that they did not!

They never heard that the Mirage Kingdom had been beaten, and they didn't even know that the war machine of the Tang Group was already in operation on Dongwan Island, their former territory.

On the seventh day after the landing on Dongwan Island, the 1st and 2nd regiments of Datang Group's 1st Division all landed on Dongwan Island, and subsequent technical personnel and equipment had also landed in Fengshun City.

A large number of ships are crowded outside the port of Fengshun City. Because the port has insufficient throughput, they can only wait for the ships in the port to complete unloading and return.

Fortunately, Fengshun Port has been renovated by the Mirage Navy. It took Mirage 4 months to build a coal yard here to store fuel, but now it has become a facility for Datang Group to replenish fuel.

There are no large cranes here, nor any night lighting. The pier is also small, and there is not even enough population.

However, this is much better than unloading troops in the wilderness, so there is nothing dissatisfied with the subsequent transport fleet.

Bernard was forced to have no choice but to send a telegram to the subsequent transport fleet. If the sailboats were carrying less large equipment, they would find a place to unload it themselves without queuing up outside the port.

Therefore, when the Datang Group's fleet was blocking Dongwan Port, the sight of Datang Group's transport fleet unloading cargo could be seen everywhere on some beaches on the west coast.

Supplies were piled up on the beach, and some were even left unattended. Supplies worth thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins were just thrown there, covered with a piece of canvas, and they were carefully preserved.

This kind of long-distance landing operation does not have a comprehensive pre-plan, so chaos is inevitable.

That is to say, the victory of the battle can only be guaranteed by relying on more advanced weapons and equipment and superior tactics. Strategic victory is purely based on the stack of tactical victories and has nothing to do with strategy formulation.

If Nangong Hong knew the details of this battle, he would definitely be dumbfounded: the strategic concept he dreamed of was actually realized in such a barbaric way and through such a chaotic process.

However, such a chaotic scene could not be seen by the Mirage troops, because the 1st Regiment and the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 2nd Regiment, a total of five battalions of troops, together with the artillery reinforced for them, had already moved north to the vicinity of Dongwan City.

In the early morning of the eighth day after landing on Dongwan Island, the 1st Battalion of the 1st Regiment launched a tentative attack. They quickly defeated the mirage troops on the front and captured a commanding height on the south side of Dongwan City.

Subsequently, the deployed 1st Regiment continued the attack. At noon that day, the 2nd Battalion captured the southwest defensive position outside the city.

The 3rd Battalion's attack also went smoothly. As of 2 p.m. that day, they had captured the enemy's peripheral defensive positions in the southeast.

Subsequently, the 2nd Regiment joined the battle, and heavy artillery destroyed part of the city wall of Dongwan City. Mirage Wuxiong and Mirage Wenmao led the remaining troops to surrender.

The battle on Dongwan Island has ended. The 17,000 Mirage troops surrendered and became prisoners. All civilian ships and cargo ships in the Dongwan City port, including the paddle steamer warship, also became the property of Datang Group.


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