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428 be more realistic

Seeing that the Datang Group had already crossed the battle line and was preparing to leave without looking back, Mirage Yinan's face turned gloomy. He took out the biggest trump card in his hand, but the opponent actually shattered the card easily.

He really didn't expect that the secret weapon of the Mirage Navy, the new ship purchased from Cyric, would be so vulnerable.

He was killed by his opponent in one round.

"Crash it! Crash it! Sink it!" He grabbed the collar of the captain of his battleship and roared.

He pointed at the enemy warships that were breaking out of the encirclement. He had lost his basic sanity and decided to use the most primitive method to complete an unprecedented redemption.

There is no way, if the Mirage navy fleet is destroyed, he, Mirage Kazuo, must be the biggest sinner! He must achieve results, this is what he is thinking about now.

In fact, the paddle steamers were not equipped with ramming horns, and the warships of the Mirage Navy simply did not have the capital to ram enemy ships.

So after hearing this order,

The captain's face turned pale, and he explained in a panic: "We, we can't catch up with the enemy ship..."

In fact, he didn't even have the courage to go over. Because he saw with his own eyes that just now, the huge enemy warship with many cannons on the side was passing by a paddle steamer.

with full force.

As the two sides passed each other, the paddle steamer was hit by at least five cannons, its entire side was smashed, and the sound of bombings could be heard endlessly.

What was even more frightening was that the paddle steamer then began to capsize.

After a few minutes, only the belly of the boat was left on the sea.

As long as you are not a fool, you can easily see that the enemy fleet completely crushes your own fleet in terms of fire defense and speed.

This naval battle has been going on till now,

The Mirage Kingdom has already lost.

"Chase! Catch up!" A man from Mirage roared at the top of his lungs. He knew that if he didn't catch up at this time, he would really be doomed when the enemy army really crossed the battle line!

The transport ships rushing to Dongwan Port behind him were all wooden sailing ships with no combat effectiveness at all. As long as they were caught by the enemy fleet at sea, they were basically just delivering food.

After losing Dongwan Port, losing the landing force, and annihilating the entire fleet... his role as naval commander has almost come to an end.

Ever since, he had become crazy, pointing at the Datang Group's naval fleet not far away and kept shouting: "Charge over! Charge over for me! Engage the opponent! Even if we all sink in the battle! It doesn't matter!"

"Sir, sir! Calm down! Calm down!" The adjutant on the side kept comforting him, hoping that he could cheer up again.

"This, this may not be an opportunity for us! Yes, yes! It may not be an opportunity for us!" The adjutant, who was already in a critical condition and sought medical treatment, finally bit the bullet after exchanging several looks with the captain beside him.


After hearing the shouting, the man from Mirage actually calmed down somewhat and no longer acted like a mental patient as before.

He looked at his adjutant,

He opened his mouth and asked, "What do you mean?"

"This, this..." The adjutant didn't want to die here, so he quickly started to make up a reason to coax Kazuo Mirage to retreat: "We can, we can leave the injured battleship and let the sailing fleet take the rear. We will retreat at full speed..."

The more he spoke, the smoother he became, and the more he felt that what he said made sense. So when he said this, his tone became much smoother: "Look, where can they find us on the vast sea? As long as we get away from them

out of sight, we can run away!"

Now, there are at least seven or eight paddle steamers left on the battlefield. These were all bought with real money. If you can take them back, you should take them back.

Pointing to the other side, the adjutant continued to talk about what he thought was a feasible plan: "Whether those bastards in the Army die or not, they don't care about our Navy's affairs, right? You say... I'm sorry?"

"Huh?" When the man from Mirage heard this statement, he immediately felt that it made sense - yes, the loss of the army, what the hell does the navy have to do with it?

Maybe if he goes back and tells the matter to the senior navy generals, it is not impossible that those adults will see the army's joke and be happy to forgive him.

Let's talk about the navy again - although I lost dozens of sail warships and half of my paddle steamers in this battle, maybe bringing the remaining half back is already a great achievement, right?

So many people can testify for him that his failure was not due to poor command, but because his opponent was too strong.

Thinking of this, he looked at the friendly sailing fleet in the distance. Mirage seemed to see a broad road.

It's no exaggeration at all. It seems that he really has a chance to escape: the enemy ships have already gone after the landing fleet, and he started to escape without looking back. He probably has a chance!

"Order...the left-wing sailing battleship to pursue the enemy! The right-wing sailing battleship exits the battlefield southward! After breaking away, return on its own..." After weighing it, he decided to let the left-wing sailing battleship stay and rear.

"Order all paddle steamers with intact power to sail due north after the enemy ships cross the battle line! Regroup in the northern waters..." In order to take care of the mood of the rear fleet, he did not use the word retreat, but used a word

The vocabulary of regrouping obscured his intentions.

But everyone around him could tell that Mirage Kazuo was generally ready to run away at this time.

Bernard didn't know that Mirage Yitou was planning to be a coward. He still planned to prevent any enemy ship from approaching Dongwan Port.

The 6 warships were operating at full power and had already shattered the formation of the Mirage Navy, knocking all 7 passing paddle steamers into a scrapped state.

Then, the warships of the Datang Group Navy continued to sprint without looking back. The transport ships carrying the elite troops of the Mirage Army were already in sight!

There is no way, these transport ships are all sailing ships, and their speed is really unflattering, so even though these mirage transport ships set off first, they are still some distance away from Dongwan Port.

What Bernard didn't expect was that behind them, they left behind four injured paddle boats that were still burning and smoking. They didn't pay attention to the people who fell into the water and were soaked in the water. Mirage Kazuo took the rest with him.

The eight paddle boats ran away without looking back.

Also running away at the same time were the more than 20 sailboats originally outflanked by the right wing. The 15 sailboats outflanked by the left wing were still turning at this time.

The commanders of the sailboats on the left wing knew that they would be responsible for the rear after receiving the order, but these commanders were not prepared to wait to die.

They took it upon themselves to pick up the unlucky guy who fell into the water, and then withdrew from the battle in another direction - it would depend on who was unlucky enough to let the other party catch up!

Finally, the sailor, who was still hopeful, discovered the change in the enemy's formation. Only then did Bernard realize that a golden cicada seemed to have escaped from the opponent's side.

The naval fleet that might have been eaten by him was now escaping in three directions! And if he gave the order to turn around and pursue it at this time, he would obviously be losing sight of one thing and not the other.

So he could only grit his teeth and continue rushing towards the Mirage army transport ship preparing to land, sparing the enemy warships that fled in all directions.

Although he was a little reluctant, the number of his warships was really too small, so he could only ensure the absolute safety of Dongwan City first.

When his warships cut into the enemy's transport fleet and began to attack recklessly, a brutal massacre began.

These sailing ships didn't even have a decent muzzleloader gun, so they had no choice but to hoist the white flag and surrender.

Ever since, something interesting happened. Mirage basically said that it would use a fleet to send 3,000 more prisoners to Datang Group. In addition, it also sent 3,000 Cyric Type 1 bolt-action rifles for free. There were also 10 ships each.

Various transport sailing ships.

What should have been a very fierce landing battle ended before it even started. Then Bernard chased out unwillingly, swept the nearby sea area, sank 4 injured paddle steamers, and killed a few more that didn't get far.

mirage battleship.

The Battle of Dongwan ended at this point, and the Mirage Navy returned with a great defeat, completely losing effective control over Dongwan Island.

In the naval battle, the Mirage Navy lost 7 paddle steamers, 10 sailing ships, and 10 captured transport ships. More than 4,000 sailors were killed and more than 4,000 were captured!

Including the troops annihilated in the Dongwan Island landing battle, Mirage lost a total of 13 paddle steamers and 60 sailing ships in the continuous battle for about half a month, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

The Mirage Kingdom had purchased a total of 30 wooden and iron-hulled paddle steamers from the Cyric Consortium before, and basically lost half of them. Faced with such losses, the Mirage Kingdom was no longer able to continue to compete for Dongwan Island.

What's more, they no longer have the energy to care about Dongwan Island. They have begun to discover that the fleet that was supposed to return seems to have disappeared overnight!

As a major maritime trade country, the Mirage Kingdom's dependence on the ocean is self-evident. As the battle for Dongwan Island continued, the Mirage Kingdom's senior officials finally received a series of unfavorable news for them.

Now, they already know that many countries have declared war on them, and a bloody show of hunting down mirage trading ships is being staged on the endless sea.

Under such circumstances, quelling the war and minimizing the country's losses have become the top priority for the Mirage.

As for Dongwan Island, in the face of the country's survival, it is just a trivial matter and not worth mentioning at all!

In the confusion, the fight has continued until now, and the Mirage Kingdom finally remembered one thing: they seem to have not yet figured out who they have offended, and what force they are fighting... Even if they want to fight, they must also figure it out.

Who should I hit?

In other words, to be more realistic...to seek sum, there must be someone who can do it, right?


I heard a limerick today. Long Ling thought it was very interesting, so he changed a few words and shared it with everyone:

At first, the aircraft carrier wanted to be a dog, but now the ski jump is still too ugly.

Electromagnetic catapults are put into service, but they are not considered to be nuclear powered.

The aircraft carrier is equipped with a reactor, and we hope that fusion will show its power.

Fusion power cannot fly, but military fans still dare not brag about it.

As soon as the flying aircraft carrier showed up, he opened his mouth to ask for a Star Destroyer.


At least, Long Ling was really looking forward to the aircraft carrier and becoming a dog back then... Now, he has become a big pig's hooves and has become a turbulent man, hahahaha!

This chapter has been completed!
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