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492 Steel Behemoth

On the northern front of Gobol, countless bomb craters are scattered throughout the battlefield. There are very few intact trees here. Most of the big trees have only bare trunks standing crookedly in front of the two armies.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are several corpses lying in a mess under almost every big tree. Because some people always think that these big trees can be used as bunkers, allowing them to survive for a few seconds in the rain of bullets.

In fact, most of these places are the focus of attention of the opponent's machine guns and hunting sharpshooters. Anyone hiding here will be killed quickly, even faster than those soldiers who simply lie down.

The entire battlefield is full of turmoil, and the field of vision is not particularly good. As long as you carefully lie down and then get up and jump forward, you can avoid most bullets hitting you.

But people are like this. When facing great terror, when facing death, how many people dare to stand up bravely and take steps forward?

The battle lines have been in a stalemate like this for almost a month. Everyone feels that this war is almost coming to an end.

No one can break through the enemy's defense line. Everyone can only sit in the trenches and listen to each other's cannon fire and count the days. This kind of war is about who can persevere. This is obviously very boring and hopeless.

Maritime transportation has been completely chaotic, and the prosperity of the Endless Sea has long since disappeared. Most of the trading ships that can still be seen today belong only to the Tang Kingdom.

Datang Group's shipping department now owns a huge number of transport ships, and relying solely on these merchant ships, trade on the endless sea is still uninterrupted.

However, there are only a few prosperous routes left, and everyone agrees that merchant ships traveling on these routes cannot be attacked, and these routes are not considered war zones.

As a result, Dorne's goods had to be shipped from Rewind Port and transported by sea. Goblins' transport ships took the route of Chu in a large circle, but the merchant ships of the Ice Empire didn't care and just took a detour to Mirage.

Naturally, no one dares to touch the route from Bunas to Long Island and to Dongwan Linshui. Just look at the terrifying 305 mm caliber cannon on the side of the five-meter-high ship. No one in their right mind would dare to touch it.

It would challenge the maritime power of the Tang Kingdom.

Just kidding, the entire fleet here is not enough to defeat one other's warships. Who would want to cause trouble for themselves at this time?

What's more, even if there were no such terrifying battleships stationed there, no one would want to provoke the Tang Kingdom.

Everyone is buying artillery shells and weapons and equipment from the Tang Dynasty to supplement the losses on the front line. If they offend the Tang Dynasty at this time, wouldn't they be crazy?

Just a few days ago, the Lions Empire had loaned 3 million gold coins to Datang Group to continue the war on its border.

The situation in the Kingdom of Dorne is slightly better, because of the rubber trade, and the funds on hand are relatively abundant.

However, Dorn's envoy is still moving around Bunas, hoping to apply for a loan of more than 10 million from Datang Group.

This money is not what they urgently need, but what they don’t want to be borrowed by the Lines Empire! In their opinion, as long as they borrow a little more, the Lines Empire will not be able to borrow so much.

With the stalemate in the war, the influence has begun to spread to the economic field. People's livelihood problems, which were originally improving, have begun to break out in various countries.

The prerequisite for passing on the crisis is victory. If there is no way to gain benefits from the war, then the impact of the war itself will only make domestic conflicts worse.

Corruption problems in the Nanla Empire began to surface gradually. The people were very dissatisfied with the decadent empire, and turmoil began to occur in some areas.

It's just that the war has only broken out for half a year, and most of this dissatisfaction can still be suppressed, controlled and channeled, so now the Nanla Empire can still manage to maintain itself.

The same problem also occurs in the Lines Empire, which is expanding rapidly and has an unstable foundation. It is generally believed that the new emperor deliberately sent them to die on the front line in the Gemelin "area" within the Lines Empire.

The people in the newly occupied areas are unwilling to join the army and fight, thinking that it is deliberately targeting them; the people in the original Leyte and other areas also have ideas. They believe that people in the new territories such as the Gemelins should not enjoy privileges. If the Gemelins do not go,

The Wrights won't go either.

In addition, traditional areas such as Beiling, Jade City, and Bunas are not under his own control. Although the Beiling troops with strong military strength are nominally affiliated with the Lines Empire, they have long been semi-independent. Lines I has been angry recently because of these troubles.

Very prosperous.

The Kingdom of Dorne is also facing enemies from both sides. The north has to withstand the pressure from the Lions Empire, and the south is at war with the Goblin Kingdom. The battle is called passive.

The original raid battle has turned into the current positional battle. Even if they have the Empire's twin heroes, Burton and Strauss, the situation is not optimistic.

Strauss had no choice but to go to the northern front to deal with the 100,000-strong army of the Lions Empire, while Burton could only fight fiercely with the Gobel Kingdom in the south.

Both sides used airships and anti-aircraft guns to intercept them, resulting in heavy losses. Even the officers and soldiers of the airship unit were like the death squads, never to return and became disposable expendables.

In such a general environment, Bolton felt that it was best for the Kingdom of Dorne to make peace with the Lions Empire, so that they could withstand the pressure back to back. At least both sides could save half of their ammunition and half of their troops!

It's a pity that this idea was aborted before it even started: the Lions Empire actually formed an alliance with the Goblin Kingdom, and they wanted to attack from both sides and carve up Dorne.

There was no roar of artillery on the battlefield today, and everything seemed calm. But all Dorne commanders knew that such calm often meant the beginning of a bloody battle on the battlefield.

Sure enough, the brief calm on the battlefield was suddenly broken by the sound of artillery, and Gobel's bombardment began.

It was completely different from the long, careless and sporadic gunfire of the past few days. This time, the Goblins' gunfire was so intensive that it was terrifying.

There were hundreds of cannonballs falling in the first round, and the Kingdom of Dorne's first-line defense position was almost instantly submerged and smashed into a cloud of black smoke and flying rocks.

The Dornish garrison, which had not yet figured out what was going on, was immediately bombarded by a second round of artillery shells.

The soldiers in the trenches were almost buried alive by the mud raised by the artillery shells. There were loud explosions of large-caliber artillery shells everywhere, and the ground under their feet kept shaking and shaking, as if the end of the world was coming.

"Damn it! Aren't the Goblins ready to live their lives anymore? Can they transport so many artillery shells to the front line in one month? Will they stop fighting next month?" Looking at the rising smoke column in the distance, a Dornish man

The division commander held the telescope and complained in confusion.

The officer standing next to him also couldn't believe his eyes. He stared at his own position that seemed to be swallowed up and shook his head: "I'm afraid they have been hoarding ammunition reserves for at least a month and took them out to fight.

It’s really a big investment.”

"So the opponent will launch an attack soon...and it will be an attack of unprecedented scale, regardless of the cost..." The division commander continued to look at the distant position with his telescope, as if talking to himself.

Then, without looking back, he ordered: "Send the message to General Burton and ask for reserve support... Let the three regiments behind prepare for battle... The first-line defensive position may not be able to be defended."

"Yes! Understood!" After hearing the order, the officer immediately shook the phone next to him and asked the operator to help him connect to the headquarters.

This complex telephone system is naturally not cheap, and it is actually very inconvenient to use. But even so, it is the most advanced telephone system sold by Datang Group.

This is the "preferred" model that has been reduced in size, improved in design, and improved in reliability for military purposes.

At this moment, in the Gobel Kingdom's position, at the gap in the trench that had been secretly filled earlier, a giant steel object was slowly driving towards the distance.

Following this behemoth was another equally huge chariot with a pointed shape in front of it, which looked like a ship traveling on land.

The Cyric 1 tank is a war weapon developed by Cyric Group engineers themselves. This time they can really guarantee that this thing does not rely on the technology of the Datang Group.

Cyric, who was completely crossing the river by feeling his own way, designed his first tank to be similar to the A7V (German World War I water tank).

They didn't make over-the-top crawler tracks, basically they never thought of a similar design. Another reason for them to use a short crawler track design is that the cost of the track itself is not cheap.

The final product is actually a four-cylinder model. If you want to say that it is completely an A7V, it seems not that accurate.

This thing is equipped with two gasoline engines, and there are machine gun nozzles on all sides, but it is only equipped with one artillery, which is installed directly above the tank, using the most correct single turret layout!

The idea of ​​Cyric designers is... to copy the turret design of new battleships, so that the artillery can flexibly adjust the shooting angle. In order to copy more thoroughly, the body of this thing is a ship shape.

The artillery on the top is used to attack and destroy enemy bunkers, so it is just a short-barreled 70mm caliber gun equipped with simple aiming equipment.

According to the assumption, the tank itself is driven very close to the enemy's position and directly aims and fires, so the aiming equipment is not necessary.

The weapons used to deal with enemy soldiers are the six machine guns on this Land Cruiser: one in the front, one in the back, and two on the left and right. The distribution is very reasonable.

All in all, this thing is just like the water tank in World War I, full of imagination and more steampunk in appearance.

Seeing their own secret weapon appearing on the battlefield, all the Goblin soldiers cheered crazily.

Instinctively, small humans are full of fantasy and love for this war machine with huge size and reinforced iron bones.

Amidst the cheers, the rapid bombardment that had almost exhausted the reserves finally gradually stopped. These tanks, or chariots, slowly rushed through the mud towards the horizon where thick smoke was still rising.

At first, there were two vehicles in one, and later it became five or ten vehicles. Completely different from the previous armored vehicles, this thing's off-road capabilities are still very good.

At least it won't sink into the soft soil, nor will it lose its basic ability to move because one of its wheels is hit.

Of course, the track chain is not an indestructible thing, it is just immune to attacks by light weapons such as machine guns.

But this is already a huge improvement, not to mention that the exposed area of ​​the track of Cyric's tank is actually not large, so the possibility of being hit is very small.

Soldiers protected by steel plates that are one centimeter or even several centimeters thick can attack the enemy with machine guns unscrupulously. The closed and cold environment gives them the courage to challenge the enemy's intensive firepower.

As a result, while swaying, these steel monsters approached the trenches of the Kingdom of Dorne, which also kicked off the first battle of the armored forces' assault on the trench defense lines.

At first, the Dornish soldiers who had just crawled out of the floating soil only saw these "armored cars" from a distance.

Just like in the past, they feel that these things are just rags that make things difficult for them! Under normal circumstances, they don't need to take action themselves, these heavy things will be paralyzed on the battlefield by themselves, and then destroyed by weapons such as mortars.

If you look at the wreckage of armored vehicles scattered on the battlefield, you will know that using such things to attack enemy positions is as unreliable as performance art.

But as the target gradually approached, everyone became panicked: because they could clearly see that these huge guys were not as bulky as they imagined.

These armored monsters ran over bomb craters, broke tree trunks, and not even barbed wire could stop their advance.

When the soldiers panicked and started firing at these armored behemoths with their weapons, they found that their bullets seemed useless.

No matter where they shot and attacked, they could only see a field of sparks, and the opponent's dense machine guns fired condescendingly, suppressing everyone until they couldn't even lift their heads.

"Quick! Call for support! We can't hold it anymore!" Seeing that most of a hidden concrete bunker was destroyed by a single shot, the commander of the Kingdom of Dorne stationed on the position finally understood that it would be very difficult for his soldiers to fight in this battle.

Won as easily as ever.

When a Cyric tank ran over the first trench of the Kingdom of Dorne, the Dornish soldiers in the trench collapsed.

Like dark clouds covering the sky, the body of the tank blocked the sky above him, and the rolling tracks kicked up dirt. The shock brought to them by all this was really too great.

As a result, Dorne's soldiers began to retreat. They had to abandon a trench, and they were stationed in this trench, which was more than two meters deep, for more than a month without taking a step back!

This chapter has been completed!
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