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502 good news

Everwinter Port, the busy port is full of free ships. Some of these ships are docked at the dock, and some are being diverted in the port.

The cranes were unloading and loading materials, and the dock workers in the port were extremely busy. The place seemed not to be affected by the war at all, and was even more prosperous than in past peacetimes.

The port terminal, which was modernized by Datang Group, has an astonishing throughput. Almost half of the dwarves' export materials come from Yongdong Port.

Although the climate conditions here are not very good and it is cold for half of the year, it is a frost-free port, so that is fine.

The total number of dwarves living in Everwinter City is about 500,000, and one-third of them are engaged in transportation and dock loading and unloading.

These people have to transport a large amount of raw materials and important materials produced from the hinterland of the Ice Empire to the dock of Everwinter Port, and then ship them out, all year round.

Another third of the population works in the factories of Everwinter City. There are metal smelting plants and mechanical processing plants here. Many raw materials must be roughly processed here to save transportation costs.

And this port also provides a large amount of imported materials for the entire Ice Empire, and the largest amount of imported materials is food.

Due to climate reasons, the food problem in the Ice Empire was a serious problem before it had land further south.

Such a huge empire relies heavily on imported food. It can be said that the emperor of the Binghan Empire, Binghan I, has always been unsatisfied.

He hopes that his country can achieve self-sufficiency in food and reduce its dependence on food imports. This is also a normal strategic thinking for a leader.

The way Binghan I solved the problem was to attack south, conquer the land further south, and obtain high-quality farmland that could be cultivated, so as to solve the problem once and for all.

In fact, from the day the Datang Group began to support the Ice Empire, the Ice Empire's food production has been increasing.

With modern farming methods and chemical fertilizers provided by modern industry, some land can actually be reclaimed for farming in the southern part of the Ice Empire.

But these lands are concentrated near the border, which still makes Binghan I feel no sense of security. That's why the Binghan Empire is so eager to start the war, because from their perspective, ensuring their own food supply,

It's something bigger than the sky.

You know, just last year, Datang Group's frantic purchase of grain almost triggered a food crisis.

The skyrocketing price of food every day put pressure on everyone in the Ice Empire, so they finally made up their mind to solve their food supply problem at all costs.

Yongdong Port does not need to worry about these problems. The residents here have always been eating imported rice and white noodles. Their food comes from the sea and is shipped by the Datang Group.

On the streets of Everwinter City, which is already very modern, the thin snow has affected traffic. Cars are jammed together and horns are honking one after another.

In the simple but modern city hall, the envoy of the Tang Dynasty stood in front of the window, overlooking the cars honking on the street, seeming very interested.

"We must ensure our own food security. This is the bottom line of the empire. I hope Mr. Special Envoy can understand." Sitting on the sofa behind him, the Foreign Minister of the Ice Empire emphasized again.

After hearing that the purpose of the Datang Kingdom's special envoy was actually to persuade the Binghan Empire to stop its southward expansion, the Binghan Empire sent its own foreign minister to negotiate with the Datang Kingdom's special envoy on this issue.

"I fully understand the Bingbing Empire's concerns about the food problem. You have taken over a large area of ​​land and have actually improved your food supply." The Tang Dynasty envoy standing in front of the window said without looking back: "You guys Our grain-producing areas are now more than 200 kilometers away from the border. Isn’t this enough?”

"There are still three kingdoms at war with us, and we are still under great pressure. Mr. Special Envoy, please understand..." The Foreign Minister of the Ice Empire looked very embarrassed, as if they were the one being beaten.

"The war you have provoked has caused anxiety in the surrounding countries. The diplomatic environment of the Ice Empire has deteriorated to a very dangerous point. Do you really not mind?" The Tang envoy finally turned around and looked at the other party. .

The Foreign Minister of the Ice Empire was silent for a long time, and finally sighed and said: "We have reached this point, is there any possibility for us to recover?"

"As long as you promise not to continue to threaten the neighboring countries to the south, we can come forward and let everyone sit down and talk together to sign a treaty of peaceful coexistence, a treaty that guarantees the vested interests of the Bingbing Empire and protects the security of neighboring countries..." the Tang envoy said. Made a choice.

"Can we trust the justice of the Tang Kingdom?" The dwarf foreign minister looked at the Tang envoy and asked tentatively.

"The Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty will recognize the existing borders of the Bingbing Empire." The envoy of the Tang Dynasty extended an olive branch, or in other words, showed the carrot in his hand.

The Foreign Minister of the Ice Empire thought for a few seconds and then nodded: "We trust our old friends. I will discuss this matter with His Majesty and give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible."

"I will wait for you here, I hope it won't take too long." The special envoy of the Tang Dynasty smiled and made a please gesture: "In terms of public opinion, we will start to build momentum and pave the way, at least it should make the whole country The world sees the dawn of peace."

"I understand your thoughts very well, peace... is very important." The Foreign Minister of the Ice Empire, who deeply understood the importance of peace after taking advantage of the war, stood up, gave a deep salute, and turned to leave.

He has got what he wants. As long as all countries in the world recognize the results of this round of expansion of the Ice Empire, then the gains of the Ice Empire in this war can be settled.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! With these new territories, the Ice Empire is the biggest winner in this melee, and it will also become a powerful country with balanced strength that is no longer lame.

Food is no longer a problem, at least in the short term. Coupled with the achievements of industrialization, the national strength of the Ice Empire has been unprecedentedly improved.

As long as the three weak kingdoms that are still at war are settled, the Ice Empire has almost achieved a great revival of the dwarf race.

On the streets of Bunas, the old man selling newspapers sat quietly in the newsstand, listlessly enjoying the bright sunshine. There was already a chill in the air, but the city of Bunas was still full of life.

"Boss, here's a newspaper." A man dressed like a small businessman handed out a few coins, grabbed the newspaper with a huge title printed on it, and couldn't wait to read it.

If you want to make a fortune in Bunas, you must be able to understand the news written in the newspaper and know what the news actually means.

The man opened the newspaper and saw the news printed on it: The Tang Kingdom has contacted several countries and called on all parties to exercise restraint, restore peace, and revitalize the economy.

Today, when the war has been going on for more than half a year, this kind of news can almost be regarded as a weather vane.

The Tang Kingdom, which had been standing still and strictly maintaining neutrality, finally expressed its stance. Countries that had been weakened by the war had to consider the option of peace no matter what.

Peace, for businessmen, means a better investment environment and a revitalized economy.

As long as countries cease war and resume trade, what will the world that has just ended and been left in ruins need? Of course, materials are needed to rebuild! What is there is nothing, from reinforced concrete to pots and pans, everything will become

Hot item!

He immediately raised his head, closed the newspaper, and hurried towards the stock exchange with a huge plaque across the street.

Recently, a new investment project has appeared here, a new way of playing called futures. As long as you have money, you can buy any kind of commodity here, including energy, materials, ores, etc.

Then, you don't need to see the physical objects of these things, just take a receipt, and you can get huge profits after the price of the invested goods increases.

The exchange was crowded with people. People were waving the bills in their hands crazily and staring at the transaction prices of goods that were constantly being erased and written on the blackboard.

Many people already know the good news that the war may be over, so food prices have begun to level off and no longer continue to rise. On the contrary, cement, which has already skyrocketed, continues to soar.

There is no way, during the war, cement was a strategic material, and there was a huge demand in all countries. This stuff was used to build trenches and bunkers, so the price kept rising.

Now, I heard that the war may be over, and peace construction will also require a lot of cement and steel bars, so the price of cement has reached a new high.

After all, I was a step too late! Seeing the businessmen who were almost crazy and frantically buying bonds for various supplies, the small businessman holding the newspaper squeezed forward in despair.

While squeezing, he kept apologizing: "Sorry to bother you, please give way. I'm going to buy some futures. Sorry, I'm sorry."

His actions aroused dissatisfaction among the people around him, but everyone was very busy and no one had time to complain, so they all cursed and let it go.

On the street outside the exchange, on a huge billboard, a seductive beauty was posing, and next to her was the latest lipstick launched this year.

The whole world is at war, but Bunas is still a paradise... In the past, you may not have believed it, but now everyone is convinced.

Because here, there are more people talking about the Egret team's seven-to-one victory last night and the bloodbath of the Datang men's football team than those who care about the battle situation on the Gobel front.

This chapter has been completed!
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