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539 stuck

On the back of a horse, the vigorous knight carries a Thompson submachine gun behind him. He holds the horse's belly between his legs and gallops forward along the road. On the dark green armband are three eyes distributed in a triangle.

When he saw the advancing tank troops, he tightened the reins in his hands and raised his arms.

"Ahead of Luo Town! A large number of enemy tanks have been found, and there are infantry garrisoned! The number is unknown!" His horse spun around on the road, and the knight who turned around shouted loudly to the commander who stuck his head out of the tank turret.


The hatches on both sides of the No. 4 tank's turret are open at this time, allowing the gunner and loader to breathe, making the hot interior of the vehicle less hot and also increasing their field of vision.

"There is still one kilometer to Luo Town! Get ready for battle!" The commander of the leading tank loudly reminded the commanders behind him after reporting the intelligence sent by the scouts.

The scout clamped his legs under the horse's belly, and while walking backwards along the convoy, he loudly repeated the information he had obtained from the reconnaissance: "Luo Town ahead! A large number of enemy tanks were found! Infantry is stationed! The number is unknown!"

"Spread out! Arrange firepower in the hidden areas on both wings!" The infantry commanders shook their arms and ordered their troops to enter combat status.

On the truck following the tank, groups of soldiers began to jump out of the cars they were in. Some soldiers took out more ammunition from the ammunition truck.

The execution artillery following the convoy began to move forward. The huge fixed open turret of the 105 mm caliber howitzer modified from the chassis of the No. 2 tank drove tremblingly off the roadbed along with the vehicle body, raising a stubby gun in an open area.

Gun barrel.

In order to reduce the recoil and ensure that the No. 2 tank can withstand it, the vehicle-mounted 105mm caliber howitzer has lowered the chamber compression, shortened the barrel, and reduced the range. This is all to ensure that the artillery is installed on the vehicle body and increases the artillery's mobility.

the necessary price.

After a simple team formation, the infantrymen had distributed ammunition, left their luggage in the car, and with the squad and platoon as a combat unit, quickly moved forward past the tank troops who were still discussing the battle plan.

"The enemy tanks are all gathered in Luo Town. These targets are the biggest threat to us! Their turret is equipped with a large-caliber artillery, and they must be eliminated first!" The platoon leader glanced at Liu Guozhu and gave a brief introduction.

Check out the situation.

Then he continued to order: "Liu Guozhu and I are responsible for breaking into the village as soon as possible! Remember, don't be reluctant to fight! Destroy all enemy tanks in sight! Don't leave them a chance to counterattack!"

"What to do with the invisible tanks in the village?" Liu Guozhu pointed at Luo Town, which had only one town mark on the map, and asked.

They didn't have detailed maps, and although the nearby maps were fairly accurate, the accuracy was a bit too impressive.

This is already a good thing that the intelligence personnel who mapped it out worked desperately. If they had used the old version of the map, they might not even be able to find Luo Town.

"Then it depends on the situation! We can't judge where the enemy's tanks are deployed." The platoon leader glanced at Liu Guozhu again and replied: "Prepare to attack! Disband!"

Liu Guozhu jogged all the way back to his tank. By this time, the tanks closer to the meeting place had already been activated.

"Start the engine! Check the fuel gauge! Test the radio! Place the armor-piercing bomb in a convenient position!" He got into the turret of his tank, put on his earphones, pressed the switch of the intercom and ordered.

"Everything is normal!" the driver loudly reported the status of the tank's power system.

"There is no problem on my side!" the mechanical and electrical engineer also confirmed.

As a result, the No. 4 tank was launched. According to the previous tactical arrangement, Liu Guozhu ordered his tank to keep up with the platoon leader's tank, and then headed towards Luo Town along the road.

"Luo Town ahead! They seem to have discovered us too!" When Liu Guozhu passed his own soldiers and saw the town ahead, the Qi army on the opposite side seemed to be preparing for battle in a panic.

"Did you see the tanks on the outskirts of the town? Choose a target! Fire!" The platoon leader's command came from the earphones, and Liu Guozhu immediately ordered: "Stop! Load the shells! Gunner, are you aiming at the target?"

"I saw the target! No need to look for it at all!" The gunner had already looked through the sight and saw a Cyric 1 tank in the distance.

That thing was tall and big, and it was dressed in steel black, with no consideration for concealment. It just stayed there, for fear that others wouldn't know it was there.

"Loading completed!" the loader shouted loudly. The breech closed, and then the gunner stepped on the firing pedal.

"Boom!" The short-barreled 75mm caliber artillery spit out a stream of white smoke. At a distance of about 500 meters, the shell went straight towards the target and easily penetrated the armor of the Cyric tank.

"Huh!" Liu Guozhu smelled the smell of burning gunpowder filling the cabin of his tank. The exhaust fan of the No. 4 tank was not able to clean out the remaining combustion gases inside the tank, so the crew inside the tank did not feel good during the battle.


"Armor-piercing bullets! Reload!" Liu Guozhu saw through the gap that a Cyric tank was hit by a bullet and burst into flames. He also saw that another Cyric tank not far away was also hit.

The explosion of this behemoth was spectacular, with flames spurting out from the six machine gun perforations around the Cyric tank, just like a large alchemy furnace.

"Ding!" The Qi army had already begun to counterattack at this time. These Qi troops who came to Luo Town to set up defenses were also elite, so their combat effectiveness was not weak. A bullet hit the body of Liu Guozhu's tank and made a crisp sound.

Unfortunately, it is obviously meaningless to use a rifle to hit a tank. This shot has no effect except to make a sound.

Liu Guozhu's tank stopped on the spot and continued to fire, and easily destroyed another Cyric tank parked on the edge of the town.

Next to the fourth Qi army's Cyric tank, the Qi army's crew members were drilling into their own tanks, but were hit by the platoon leader's shells and turned into a ball of fireworks.

The smoke from the four exploding fireballs also began to obscure the view on the battlefield. At this time, the infantry of the Tang Army had already approached a corner of the town under the cover of tanks.

The small town of this era did not have those three-story or higher buildings, and the overall view was still a flat surface, so the battle was not so three-dimensional.

We don't need to be careful about the machine gun position on the commanding heights, nor do we need to worry about the enemy dropping a grenade from overhead.

Just by simply climbing over the courtyard wall, you can see groups of Qi soldiers running around like headless flies.

Then the Qi soldiers began to raise their guns and shoot, knocking all the Qi soldiers they saw to the ground. Dense gunshots began to ring out, and the Qi soldiers who discovered that someone was approaching also began to blindly fight back.

At this moment, Liu Guozhu's tank broke through the fireworks outside the town and found a new target in front of him.

The tank swayed slightly and stopped on the road. The gunner took aim easily and then opened fire. Another Cyric 1 tank that was not ready for combat disintegrated and exploded, sending out billowing smoke on the side of the road.

"My line of sight is blocked! I can't see anything!" Liu Guozhu reported loudly to his platoon leader while holding down the intercom on his throat.

If he chooses to continue moving forward now, he will have to knock over the Cyric 1 tank that he just destroyed.

However, such reckless behavior may cause a series of problems. Doing so may cause the No. 4 tank to stall or damage the No. 4 tank.

"I can't see either, I might be stuck!" the platoon leader shouted depressedly: "I want to cross the wall, damn it!"

"I'm reversing! I'll cover you to get out of there!" Liu Guozhu immediately ordered his tank to reverse: "Are there any enemy troops over there?"

"There are enemy troops outside my hatch! They are everywhere! They are firing at me! Damn it! Damn it!" the platoon leader yelled nervously on the channel with a desperate voice.

"I'm coming!" Liu Guozhu's tank reversed for more than ten meters and saw the No. 1 car where the platoon leader was trapped deep in the enemy's formation.

"Coaxial machine gun! Fire! 9 o'clock direction! Straf! Straf!" While loudly ordering his gunner to fire quickly, Liu Guozhu opened his hatch cover.

He had to carefully look at the situation over there before he could make further judgments. The moment he poked his head out, the coaxial machine gun on the turret of the No. 4 tank he was on began to roar.

"Bah! Baht!" A bullet struck the steel plate of the No. 1 car where the platoon leader was sitting, splashing a cloud of sparks.

The soldiers of the Qi army who were climbing onto Car No. 1 were immediately beaten to pieces. Bullets flying everywhere tore their bodies apart, and in an instant most of Car No. 1 was separated from the sea of ​​people.

"Platoon leader! Can you hear me? Platoon leader!" Liu Guozhu retracted his head, held down the intercom on his throat and asked loudly, but no matter how much he shouted, he couldn't hear the answer.

"What the hell... Gunner, cover me! Shoot! Keep shooting! I want to get closer to see the situation of the platoon leader and the others!" Liu Guozhu swore, then pulled off his earphones. He got out

His own turret jumped his own tank from the side.

Fortunately, there was a burning Cyric 1 tank on the street on the other side, and the thick smoke emitted blocked the sight of the Qi army on the other side. Otherwise, what Liu Guozhu did was just like seeking death.

He took out the M1911 pistol for self-defense from his waist, bent down with the pistol and rushed towards the tank where the platoon leader was.

On the turret of the No. 4 tank behind him, the coaxial machine gun was firing continuously, hitting the armor of the tank with raindrops of bullets, and flying away the broken corpses on it.

This chapter has been completed!
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