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565 Paratrooper Attack

"Xiang Ziyu! You are the queen!" After the squad leader arranged the task, he said to Xiang Ziyu next to him.

He was protecting this soldier in the best way he could. This soldier had already performed very well when he first landed and made a lot of contributions.

In this case, at the end of the battle, medals should be awarded to commend merit, and such an excellent soldier should not continue to take risks.

Xiang Ziyu also understood that the squad leader took care of him, and he had no objection. Thinking about it on the other hand, one person cannot take all the credit, so what should his comrades do?

So Xiang Ziyu nodded, followed the other paratroopers with his Thompson submachine gun, and dug out the trench that had been captured for a long time.

In the trenches, paratroopers from two companies were assembling the equipment that was airdropped with them. This was a simple telegraph machine with an independent and advanced power generation device.

Yes, this device is very reliable and safe. It is composed of two asymmetrical crank handles...a hand-cranked generator.

In order to ensure the stability of the power supply, there is another identical device, which together supplies power to the entire telegraph machine, requiring four people to operate it at the same time.

That's right! Four people operate at the same time! Two people are responsible for holding down the two hand generators respectively and fixing them so that they will not shake.

The other two people are responsible for shaking the handle vigorously to make the device start generating electricity-then the real telegraph operator can send messages through the telegraph device and contact other troops.

"Is it through?" In the trench, the paratrooper company commander looked nervously at his men operating this seemingly primitive piece of equipment.

In fact, this is already very advanced: in order to allow paratroopers to carry it, this set of equipment has been made as small as possible, while at the same time being stable and reliable. It is almost the crystallization of technology.

"We are sending a message, and it will take time for the feedback over there!" The telegraph operator, who put an earphone on his ear with one hand, raised his head and explained: "The gunfire may interfere with the message!"

"Stop complaining! I can't make the Qi people put away their guns!" The company commander impatiently took out a box of cigarettes from his jacket pocket, took one out and held it in his mouth.

At this moment, a stray bullet flew over and hit the edge of the trench, splashing a piece of mud and hitting the company commander's helmet and the side of his face.

"I am

"I'm sending it for the fifth time! There's no feedback. I really don't know if they received it or not!" the depressed mechanical and electrical engineer explained again.

Xiang Ziyu followed a paratrooper in the squad. The two of them hunched through a bush. The scene behind them shocked them because there was a deer carcass lying on the ground. Judging from the degree of decomposition, it might have been dead.

It's been two or three days.

There was a rotten smell everywhere, and swarms of flies were flying around. The two people had to squint their eyes as they passed through this charming scenery.

"I don't want to be like this after I die." The paratrooper walking in front said to Xiang Ziyu behind him: "If I die, I hope someone can bury me."

"You'd better not die!" Xiang Ziyu followed him, and the sound of gunshots became clearer. They were already close to the periphery of the manor, and saw some Qi troops attacking the Tang paratroopers on the other side.

These Qi soldiers rushed towards the forest, only to be beaten back by the paratroopers who relied on the forest and bushes to set up a defense line.

Neither side has heavy fire support, so the paratroopers equipped with a large number of submachine guns obviously have an advantage in firepower, and the other side cannot even get close.

The Qi troops did not even have the support of Maxim heavy machine guns. These weapons were all deployed on the periphery and had just been taken away by paratroopers.

No way, no genius would dare to pile sacks on the roof of the king's house and mount a Maxim heavy machine gun. Wouldn't that make life boring?

In order to ensure the safety of the king, under normal circumstances, automatic weapons and heavy firepower are arranged on the periphery. The closer to the core circle, the more light weapons such as pistols are available. Even in the more core areas, even weapons are not allowed to be worn.


This led to a serious problem. Machine guns in other directions did not dare to be mobilized for fear that other Tang troops would appear. In the direction that had been attacked by Tang troops, all heavy machine gun positions had just been lost.

Without the cover of machine guns, the Qi soldiers with only Cyric 1 rifles could only fight at close range with the Tang soldiers equipped with Thompson submachine guns.

The most desperate thing is that as time goes by, the Tang Army's heavy firepower comes up! At the other end of the forest, the sound of the MG-42 tearing machine suddenly sounded, which suddenly silenced the Qi Army's shouts.

"Thud, tug, tug, tug!" After a short pause, the unique sound of the cloth tearing machine started again. The bullets broke the branches and flew away the bark, and at the same time suppressed the entire Qi army.

"Now! Go!" The squad leader lowered his voice and gave the order to attack to his men.

As soon as he waved his hand, the seven or eight soldiers who had dispersed rushed forward with him. Xiang Ziyu also started running. As he took steps forward, the distant manor courtyard wall also appeared in front of him.

In sight.

Xiang Ziyu could even hear his own heavy breathing. There were grenades and magazines hanging on his body, the Thompson submachine gun was held heavily in his hands, and the bag behind him swayed as he ran.

"Hey!" Right in front, a Qi soldier saw the Tang paratroopers rushing towards him, and shouted out of fear, as if he wanted to report the news to his companions around him.

Xiang Ziyu, who was responsible for the fire cover, knelt on one knee, picked up his submachine gun and aimed at the Qi soldier who discovered them.

He pulled the trigger and fired in a short burst. Two bullets flew out of the gun chamber, passed over the paratroopers rushing in front, and hit the Qi Jun's chest.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The opponent fell on his back, and almost at the same moment, the paratroopers rushing at the front began to disperse. The two people on the left began to move to the left, and the two people on the right began to move to the right.

"Tu tu tu tu!" Xiang Ziyu raised his weapon and pushed back the Qi soldiers who had climbed up the wall and were about to fire.

One unlucky person's head was opened, and the rest of the people shrank back, not knowing whether they ran away or not.

The paratrooper squad leader who was already close to the wall raised his fist and made a throwing motion. Then he raised his weapon and guarded the direction of the wall.

The paratrooper following him took out the grenade, pulled out the buckle, released the safety, and paused for a second before gently throwing the iron lumps over the wall.

Not far away, another group of paratroopers did the same thing. They were too familiar with this attack rhythm. One person raised his gun to guard and cover, and the other person took out a grenade to solve the problem.

"Grenade!" The squad leader reminded his men loudly after taking two steps back, hunching his neck and kneeling on one knee, facing the enemy with his back.

Everyone left the wall slightly and made a simple body-protecting action. In the next second, two consecutive huge explosions kicked up dust all over the sky at the other end of the wall.

The situation is very good, at least the wall is very strong, blocking the explosion of the grenade, and not being blown down by the shock wave.

"Tu tu tu tu!" Another group of Tang Army soldiers cleared away five or six Qi soldiers rushing over from the flanks while the grenades exploded.

At this time, almost all the Qi soldiers near the courtyard wall had been killed, and the gunshots were heard at a distance. In the chaos, it seemed that the enemy did not even realize that the Tang paratroopers had approached the courtyard wall.

"Tear down the courtyard wall!" the squad leader shouted to the cover team following behind him.

The paratrooper who had just asked Xiang Ziyu to take care of his affairs immediately stepped forward and dug hard at the corner of the wall with his dagger. Then he stuffed a piece of explosive into the pit and ignited the fuse above.

"Explosives!" All the paratroopers began to retreat towards both sides of the courtyard wall. Everyone knew that this thing was much more dangerous than grenades.

What's more, if the courtyard wall is blown up, gravel will definitely fly, so you can't be too careful. So everyone got out of the way, which was much more cautious than using grenades just now.

"Boom!" With a loud noise that was far more tragic than the grenade explosion just now, a section of the courtyard wall was torn apart, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the visibility in the gap was very bad.

However, such smoke and dust was obviously an excellent cover for the attacking side. With squinting eyes, all the Tang paratroopers rushed forward with weapons in hand.

Just kidding, the mission was clearly explained before we set off. The person hiding here is the King of Qi! Catching this man will definitely be a great achievement! Who doesn’t want to be successful and famous, and who doesn’t want to be promoted to a noble title? Everyone is worried about this

Isn't it that you become a soldier in your belt just to kill the generals, seize the flag, and seal your wife?cascoot

"Kill!" A Tang paratrooper took the lead with a submachine gun, stepping on the surrounding gravel and rushed into the gap in the courtyard wall.

There were fallen ladders and broken water tanks on the ground, as well as wooden stools, tables and chairs scattered randomly - the soldiers who came to Qi State probably relied on these to climb up the wall.

It's just that the two grenades and the subsequent explosion of explosives have killed all the Qi troops here.

The second paratrooper who rushed into the gap stumbled on a corpse of Qi Jun, staggering and almost falling. It took a lot of effort for him to stabilize his body and barely prevent himself from falling.

The paratroopers who rushed in later saw his embarrassed appearance. Before he could laugh, he was hit in the head by an oncoming bullet and fell straight down.

"Boom!" The fourth paratrooper who rushed in saw his fallen companion and immediately started shooting in the direction of the bullets.

More paratroopers rushed in. As soon as some came in, they moved to both sides to make way for their positions. As soon as some came in, they started shooting to cover their companions behind them.

Xiang Ziyu leaned against the wall at the gap and continued his cover work from behind. He wanted to wait until all his companions had entered before following him to finish.

This chapter has been completed!
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