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584 singing

The 1st Armored Division of the Tang Army finally stopped, just when they were about to see the endless sea.

Along the way, they captured almost 20,000 more prisoners, giving full play to the characteristics of the armored forces that galloped like the wind and moved like lightning.

Sometimes, their opponents didn't even know that the enemy was coming, and the gun barrels of the Tang Army's armored troops were already on their heads.

However, running all the way has its price. They still have more than 130 tanks left. The rest are either paralyzed on the way, or destroyed and abandoned.

Liu Guozhu was lying next to the tank, washing up. He had been pushing forward day and night. Although it was noon, he still had to brush his teeth, wash his face, and then have a good sleep.

Compared with those infantrymen who use their legs to travel, he is already very happy. At least his tank doesn't mind carrying daily necessities and tents for him, nor does it mind carrying food and drink for him.

You know, in order to keep up with the advancing speed of the tank troops, the infantry reportedly dropped everything they could on the way.

I don’t know which war started, but the infantry of the Tang Army learned the special skill of throwing things, which is a thorn in the logistics department.

As soon as he starts running, he starts throwing things away. When he encounters refugees, he starts giving away things that he cannot carry. When he gets happy, he even throws away the banknotes in his pockets...

Therefore, for the Tang Army's logistics department, this war was also a desperate and chaotic tragic war.

The troops running in front threw things, and the troops walking back began to pick up the rags: the road was full of broken Qi troops who were surrounded and captured by armored troops. It was necessary to allocate manpower to escort these soldiers to prisoner of war camps or detention areas.


As a result, those troops who were left behind to escort the prisoners back began to pick up all kinds of rags along the way.

At the beginning, the soldiers' purpose was very simple: they just wanted to pick up the rags they had thrown away.

For example, during the attack, they lost their raincoats and spare clothes and socks in order to rush on the road. On the way back, they hoped to find these things back.

After all, although soldiers will not be fined if they discard some supplies, they will still be criticized and educated, and they will inevitably be scolded and made things difficult when receiving new supplies.

So by finding some things, I could at least avoid being scolded when I was criticized. But later on, this behavior of picking up rags gradually changed.

Because you can never guarantee that the things you pick up must have been lost by you, so the style of painting has changed unconsciously.

You may have lost a raincoat when you were on the road, but what if you found two pairs of socks and one pair of underwear?

So, pick up a little more, take it back anyway, exchange it with the guy next door who picked up the lunch box, or bargain with the logistics manager...

"Ha, bah!" Liu Guozhu spat water on the tank tracks and spit out a piece of mud stuck to it. Liu Guozhu felt that he had a sense of accomplishment.

The original paint color of his tank is basically invisible, especially the front of the tank. The armor is full of mottled bullet marks. There is also a piece in the corner that was hit by a shell and has begun to show rust scars.

The headlight on one side was blown off and they didn't know where it was thrown. So when they were on the road last night, they could only use one headlight to explore the road, and finally managed to keep up with the large group.

The dragon emblem on the side of the tank body can no longer be seen in its original appearance, and the serial number of the black No. 113 tank can only be vaguely distinguished by being connected together.

The tank's engine hood is still covered with the national flag, but due to the exhaust, the corners of the flag have been blackened and full of holes.

There is no way, no one can avoid stepping on the national flag when getting on and off the tank: this is not intended to offend, but simply out of consideration.

After only being used for more than two months, this Panzer 4 tank, which was still in brand new condition when it entered the war, is basically no different from being scrapped now.

The good news is that their war seems to have just ended at noon today. Orders came from above and the finishing work was left to General Tiger's infantry. The battle of the tank troops was temporarily over.

All troops are on standby, waiting for supplies of fuel, ammunition, food and medicine, as well as additional equipment and personnel. All armored vehicle crew members are resting in place, waiting for new notifications.

So, after receiving this order, everyone began to rejoice, some people began to set up a temporary camp, and some people began to prepare their own lunch.

Liu Guozhu wanted to go to sleep directly. He felt that it was okay to be hungry, but if he didn't sleep, he would probably die soon.

The ammunition truck that followed stopped not far away, and the loader, who had slept on the bumpy tank for almost 30 hours, finally got to work.

While Liu Guozhu and others were sleeping, the electromechanical crew and the loader were responsible for replenishing 20 shells for the tank.

At the same time, they also had to clean the barrel and breech, tidy up the inside of the tank, maintain the radio equipment, and oil the two machine guns.

When Liu Guozhu woke up, the camp was already filled with the aroma of dinner. He ate a piece of black bread that was harder than kryptonite, and after eating a box of canned mackerel with tomato sauce, he instantly felt like he was alive.


In the open space in the distance, a group of tank soldiers gathered together to grab an empty tin can - this was one of their entertainment projects.

Crew members were sitting on the roadbed enjoying the cool weather. The road was filled with trucks and soldiers carrying rifles crowded the road. It was a chaotic mess.

"While pear blossoms are blooming all over the world,

Soft gauze floats on the river.

Ma Cuihua stood on the steep bank,

The singing sounds like bright spring light!

Ma Cuihua stood on the steep bank,

The singing is like the bright spring light!"

Looking with envy at these tank soldiers who had their own special vehicles and special allowances to eat better food, these infantrymen who could only move forward on their own legs sang their songs loudly at the instigation of the commanders.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! No way, Tang Mo felt that the name Katyusha was not very down-to-earth, so he changed it to what it is now. Anyway, in this world

No one knows what the original version looks like, so there is no sense of dissonance.

The soldiers carrying rifles sang while watching the tank soldiers pour boxes of canned luncheon meat into large pots to cook, swallowing saliva and continuing to howl at the top of their voices. The scene was very touching at one time.

"Hey! Brothers! Shall we also send a song to our infantry comrades?" the battalion commander came over and shouted to the soldiers scattered around the camp.

He clapped his hands to get everyone's attention: "Come on! Who's going to start?"

"I'll do it!" the commander of the 1st company leaned against the tank, put his hat on his head and said, "I'll start and everyone will sing along!"

"Oh!" All the tank soldiers shouted. The monotonous military life and the depressing battlefield atmosphere made this group of young people devote themselves wholeheartedly to any interesting thing they encountered.

The people who were kicking the cans had stopped, and everyone was looking at the 1st Company Commander, waiting for him to speak.

Amidst the singing of "Ma Cuihua" in the distance, the 1st company commander gently opened his mouth and sang a song that all tank soldiers know: "My dear, if one day, I can't come back..."

"My dear, if one day I can't come back, please don't feel sad!" Everyone opened their mouths and sang along. They didn't have as many infantrymen, so their voices were not loud, but because of the novelty, the infantrymen over there closed their eyes.

Mouth, listen to the singing of the tank soldiers here.

"My dear, if one day I can't come back, please don't feel sad. Even if my soul is burned by the fire and is gone, at least I still have a steel coffin." The lyrics of this song were copied by Tang Mo, and the tune is

Written by a composer of this world.

The melody is not as good as Katyusha, and it is a bit difficult to pronounce. But it is still the song of the armored soldiers, their favorite song!

"My dear, if one day I can't come back, please don't feel sad. At that time, my beloved tank has become a wreck. Fortunately, I will be buried with it." Liu Guozhu sang loudly with a smile, recalling

The tanks that were hit by artillery shells, and the blazing fire.

"I have touched the hot gravel and seen the whiteness of snowflakes. The boundary markers of the Tang Dynasty are my tracks. I have fired deadly cannonballs and sang the most beautiful beats. Even cheetahs are not as fast as me!" He sang boldly, especially

That boundary marker is the track.

He liked that sentence so much. In front of his tank was the border of the Tang Dynasty! Wherever his tank ran over, it was the territory of the Tang Dynasty!

One day, his tanks will drive into the capital of the Great China Empire and run over those sinners who once despised him and tried to conquer him.

"If one day I come back driving a tank, I will hold you tight when I stop the tank, my dear, my love." The 1st company commander sang the last line with a calm expression, with a faint smile on his face.

Along the way, his tanks and troops proved to him and the world how powerful they were!

"Well done! One more!" On the road, soldiers carrying rifles shouted with laughter.

"Get out! Move forward quickly! I estimate that after three to five kilometers, you will be able to see Qi's bayonets!" A tank soldier shouted back.

"Hahahaha!" All the infantrymen laughed.

"They have bayonets, we have cloth tearers!" A strong man carrying an MG-42 machine gun shouted while banging his own machine gun. In an instant, there was more laughter.

"Let's go! We're going to capture Qi's prisoners!" An infantryman responded: "I'm going to follow you, and I won't be able to capture prisoners!"

Another infantryman walked forward and laughed at himself: "Following the armored soldiers, you will starve for nine meals in three days! Hahaha!"

This chapter has been completed!
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