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Chapter 60: Chapter 60

Chapter 60 60Don’t screw it up

"Sneeze!" Tang Mo rubbed his nose, looked at the busy construction site, frowned and looked at the wilderness not far away. He felt that someone was staring at him, as if he was a poisonous snake hiding in the dark.

Staring at him maliciously.

"Medicines are not cheap these days, you'd better be careful." Roger reminded Tang Mo as he stood behind Tang Mo and watched as several chimneys were being built higher and higher.

Tang Mo nodded, but then glanced at the wilderness in the distance, and promised: "I will pay attention. But... do you feel that someone is staring at us?"

"I don't think so. This is the wilderness. Who would come here and stare at us for nothing?" Roger shook his head and replied.

Weiss, who was standing aside, glanced at Tang Mo, then looked into the distance, with a hint of alertness on his face: "I also feel a sense of danger, but if there is any... maybe, we are being watched."

"It may be someone from the mayor, it may be someone from other nobles or Cyric, or it may be sent by some people who collect information and sell intelligence..." Weiss analyzed: "No matter which side it is,

Everyone should be prepared to deal with it.”

"You know why I had people build factories outside and build playgrounds and training bases inside..." Tang Mo rubbed his nose and said angrily: "You always have to be careful."

"With such a big fanfare, no matter how careful you are, there is nothing you can do." Weiss shrugged his shoulders and sighed helplessly: "You are building a city, how can you let others not know."

"I didn't expect them not to know." Tang Mo curled his lips: "I just hoped they would know later."

"In fact, they just sent people to watch you at this time. They are already slow to react and realize it later." Weiss still admired Tang Mo's series of tricks. He bribed, deceived and pretended, and skillfully made him

This old fritter was dumbfounded.

"I really envy these people with big families and big businesses..." Tang Mo sighed with emotion, and walked to the construction site on the other side helplessly.

He has just started to develop. Some things can be solved with his own golden fingers, but some things can only be accumulated with time.

For example, when it comes to training talents, Golden Finger cannot help him. He can only go into battle himself and teach the ignorant soldiers how to adapt to the new battlefield environment.

Similarly, he does not have the kind of intelligence network that spreads to every corner established by the old consortium Cyric, so he is almost blind with no intelligence source.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, on the one hand, he asked the children in the school to help find out some information during breaks. On the other hand, he could only rely on bribery and other means to let the insiders slow down the spread of rumors as much as possible.

Fortunately, there is no Internet or camera phones in this world. He can also use the time difference as much as possible to gain some reaction or preparation time for his growth.

Tang Mo's factory has been expanding, and he has built a new chemical production plant to produce smokeless gunpowder that may be used in the future.

At the same time, he is also building a bullet production factory to produce more powerful and advanced metal-cased bullets in the future.

These factories are large-scale factories that cover a wide area. In addition, warehouses and employee dormitories were built at the same time. The roads connecting these buildings are really endless after being laid out.

With the addition of another steam engine production workshop that is about to be put into operation, Tang Mo's original workshop area has expanded to five times its original size!

Of course, the number of workers under his command has also expanded to more than ten times! When he went to find Baron Stella, he only needed to feed 200 workers, but now he needs to feed a full 3,000 people!

Most of the workers are now working as construction craftsmen, and Tang Mo knows that most of these workers can be engaged in other jobs.

If he lived in the era before time travel, these workers who were versatile, willing to work overtime, and paid low wages would be valuable assets to any boss.

But now, the existence of these people has really put huge pressure on Tang Mo. He needs to create more income as soon as possible to support these people.

Just harvesting the wool from Count Fischerot would probably make Count Fischerot's sheep bald - so Tang Mo has been thinking of ways to sell more technology recently.

Brand new and better cement technology has been put into production in Bunas. The other party is very satisfied with this new building material, and Tang Mo can also get some production capacity to support him in building a new factory.

This is another reason why Tang Mo can quickly build so many factories: he can get a lot of cement cheaply!

Cooperation with another businessman in Bunas was also under way. Tang Mo came up with the drying and boiling technology of sea salt and squeezed a lot of money out of that salt merchant.

As a result, because he had to purchase industrial salt and ensure the salt intake of 3,000 people, Tang Mo had to spend part of the money he got.

Anyway, no amount of money is enough for Tang Mo, so there is really no need for some dispensable things.

Tang Mo did not build a new wall, which also caused the level of secrecy in his factory to plummet to almost zero.

Because he wanted to continue to expand, occupy more land, and build more buildings, he himself did not know where he should build the factory walls.

On the other hand, he really didn't have enough workers to build that long wall while building several factories.

He simply gave up on building the wall. Anyway, according to the plan, his factory would continue to expand northward, all the way to the border of the Vicious Forest. When that time comes, he would just build the wall along the forest.

However, giving up the wall meant giving up the wall, and Tang Mo did not give up keeping secrets. He divided the recruits brought by Tiger into twenty teams, and arranged two teams to patrol the perimeter every day.

They have not been issued K1 guns yet, and are using weapons such as bows, arrows and long swords. However, Tang Mo does not expect them to do anything, their mission is just to patrol.

The real core defense force is the more than 20 regular soldiers from North Ridge brought by Tiger, and the two teams of Loew Bernard who are performing training missions outside.

Of course, the hunters and farmers from Beiling, those who are not patrolling, will train on time at the new training ground near the sea. The content of the training was drawn up by Tang Mo, and the leader was selected by Tang Mo

The officer's name is Redman.

Under Tiger's training, these soldiers gradually began to look better. At least they were now together, no longer like a swarm of flies.

Seeing a patrol team carrying bows and arrows and holding long swords passing by in the distant wilderness, Tang Mo felt inexplicably relieved. He withdrew his gaze and continued to focus on the leveled cement foundations.

On stage.

These bases can ensure the level of the machine and help improve the working accuracy of the machine. In order to make the floors of these factory buildings more durable, Tang Mo also purchased some stones for reinforcement.

And in the distance where the patrol team passed by, behind an inconspicuous weed, Becky held a monocular telescope motionless, watching Tang Mo's every move.

"If you hadn't come here, you wouldn't have known that someone had built such a big workshop in Bunas." Becky sneered while looking at the construction site in the distance with a telescope.

"Hey hey hey, these fools never know that the factory they built with great expectations ended up just helping us build a house for Cyric." The entourage next to Becky said with a sinister expression.

It’s not that Cyric has never had competitors, nor has anyone ever challenged Cyric. If you want to become the monopoly leader in an industry, you will naturally have to face emerging rivals all the time.

Over the years, Cyric has used shameless methods to kill and devour as many opponents as the crucian carp crossing the river.

In a sense, Cyric no longer bothers to use normal competition to defeat new seedling challengers. It only needs to use simple non-legal means to plunder other people's workshops and destroy others.

Everything that has been painstakingly managed.

"I have to say that this guy was smarter than the other idiots when he hugged Fisherow's thigh." Becky put away the telescope: "Look at the hunters who just passed by... I guess they are all members of the Northridge Corps.


"Are they pretending?" The attendant was stunned and looked at Becky with some confusion.

"Just from the pace of their formation, it can be seen that these people are more well-trained than the regular soldiers of Sussus. Since they have been trained, how can they be hunters?" Becky felt that she had seen through everything.

"Then what should we do now?" the attendant asked in a low voice.

"Go back... bring more people and turn this place into... another workshop for our Cyric!" Becky said cruelly.

In the distance, the little girl You Lin handed a note to Tang Mo at the construction site. After Tang Mo opened the note, a smile appeared on his face.

He handed the note in his hand to Wes, and then told Roger: "Roger, help me go to Bunas and send 5 gold coins to our Sheriff...Thank him for

Everything a law-abiding citizen does.”

Then, he looked at Wes: "Can you find them and solve this problem?"

"Becky... I'm an old acquaintance. I've met the old gangster in the southern part of the kingdom before, and it's all in vain." Weiss returned the note to Tang Mo and put his hand on the revolver on his waist: "Before

If he can't do it, now...he is no match for me."

"Leave it to you." Tang Mo smiled with satisfaction: "Ask Tiger for some manpower...don't mess it up!"

(End of chapter)

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