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602 train home

"Have you ever seen this kind of paratrooper?" Sitting on the train, the squad leader looked at Xiang Ziyu and asked jokingly: "It's so frustrating. We have to take the train to go home."

They were sent to Donghe Bridge by plane, and they also killed King Jiang Xian of Qi. Now that the vacation is over, they have no follow-up tasks and can only take the train back to their original station.

The second half of the train was full of wounded people, some missing arms and some missing legs. These people would be sent back to the hospital behind for careful care, and then assigned to places to perform some clerical work.

There is no other way. There are too few civil servants who are literate and competent. They are not enough. The best talents have been detained by the military. Those who have been eliminated due to injuries will definitely be very popular in the local government.

I heard that a squad leader was injured. If you put it in the local area, you can become a village leader. If you are a platoon leader, you can at least serve as a county leader.

As for whether the battalion commander has been delegated to other places, there is no news yet. After all, among the Tang Army commanders at this level, almost no one was killed in action, and very few were injured.

"It's nothing, it's much safer than flying in the sky." Xiang Ziyu didn't feel there was anything shameful about taking the train back.

At least, they all came back safely. The ashes of their comrades and the collected relics were stored next door, so they couldn't complain anymore.

It was as if someone had thrown a smoke bomb into the entire train carriage. Almost everyone was holding cigarettes in their mouths and puffing away the smoke without thinking there was anything wrong with it.

People who have been on the battlefield will soon need spiritual sustenance. Cigarettes are probably the cheapest and most useful spiritual dependence. As long as they have this thing, the soldiers will calm down and become numb during the tense battles.

All the feelings.

Xiang Ziyu didn't smoke originally, but now he has learned to smoke. He stretched out his fingers to hold his cigarette, and the Second Class White Blade Medal hanging on his chest was very impressive.

Soldiers who can obtain the second-level White Blade Medal in the first battle are warriors in the true sense. Such people will be promoted quickly and will be trained as talents.

In fact, Xiang Ziyu will be awarded the First Class Medal of the White Blade when he returns this time. He will become the first soldier in the army to be awarded this level of medal.

He is now a star among the paratroopers and the God of War in the eyes of the infantry. His posters have begun to be distributed everywhere. He represents the heroic and fearless fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Tang Kingdom.

All the paratroopers in the carriage enjoyed their seven-day holiday in the Qi King's City. They could walk on the streets and bask in the peaceful sunshine, see the Qi nobles who were obedient to them, and at the same time see the abnormal prosperity of the old world.

Frankly speaking, if one is sufficiently backward and closed-minded, entertainment will prosper to an astonishing level - Qi's royal city is also full of life and debauchery, and some of the "games" can even be described as perverted.

As long as one has money and power, the royal city of Qi seems to be a paradise, comparable to the paradise of Bunas.

The Tang army that had just occupied this place seemed to be rich and powerful, which just met the conditions for being a master here.

Therefore, in the past seven days, Xiang Ziyu and his friends have lived an enviable life. Every day when they wake up, the table will be filled with all kinds of food, as if the world has never worried about food shortages.


They can embrace all kinds of beauties without worrying that these delinquent girls will hold them accountable when they wake up the next morning.

Of course, after they enjoyed seven days in the King's City of Qi, they had to return to reality and recall that they were just paratroopers.

"The girl named Li Xiang in Zuixiang Building is really good. I almost helped her redeem her life." Sitting next door, a tall and strong paratrooper sighed with unfinished thoughts while smoking.

"Are you crazy?" The comrade sitting next to him tore into a roast chicken in front of him and mocked with his mouth full of oil.

The sturdy paratrooper snorted dissatisfied and explained: "Li Xiang is a good girl. If her mother hadn't been cruel and sold her to Zuixianglou in exchange for money to treat her brother's illness, she wouldn't have done it.

Where’s the business?”

"Is that what she told you?" The monitor of another class on the side raised his eyebrows, obviously not caring about this statement.

This kind of woman has a set of standard rhetoric. As long as it is said, none of them voluntarily do this kind of business.

Under normal circumstances, they will say that they are forced, their life experience is miserable, their parents have been ill for a long time and they have no money for medical treatment; their youngest brother is young, they have no money to bury the man when he dies, and the landlord in the family who owes money is forcing him to do so.

Sure enough, the burly paratrooper who had never seen such rhetoric immediately said: "She has a younger brother who became seriously ill at a young age and has to take expensive medicinal materials every day..."

"Wait a minute, the nobleman who forced your girl Li Xiang is not Mr. Liu from outside the city, right?" A paratrooper next to him changed his face and asked anxiously.

"How do you know?" The sturdy paratrooper was stunned, and then looked at the other party.

"I, I, I... I met a girl that day... She, she was also forced into Piaoxiang Courtyard by Mr. Liu..." The paratrooper seemed to finally realize that he had been tricked, and his face turned pale: "

This this……"

"..." The burly paratrooper had never seen this kind of trick before, but he was not stupid. He also realized that he seemed... to have lost a pure love.

"Brother, don't worry about these details. Isn't it just a reward of a few gold coins? It doesn't matter!" A few paratroopers began to comfort these poor people who just thought they had found their true love in King Qi's city.

For a time, there was a more joyful atmosphere in the entire carriage. They quickly forgot about the relics and ashes next door, and also forgot about the injured people with broken limbs in the carriage further away.

For these people who had seen life and death, everything was no longer so important. They soon started laughing, yelling, and fighting together.

Xiang Ziyu shook his head and said nothing while looking at the lively scene. He did not squander all the money like those paratroopers from Bunas, but mailed all the money back to his home.

Compared with people from the Eastern Continent, the Chinese are more willing to accumulate wealth, and their concepts are naturally different. Xiang Ziyu's squad leader also knows that these black-haired soldiers are brave and fearless in fighting, but they are more introverted, so

He didn't say much, he just lowered his head and read a book on engine maintenance.

It wasn't until the train stopped at the platform that everyone realized that they had returned to the Tang Kingdom, or to the original Tang Kingdom.

"All paratroopers get out of the car! Bring your equipment! Baggage! Check your belongings! Don't lose them!" On the platform, the officer who had been waiting there immediately put the loudspeaker to his mouth and reminded loudly.

All the paratroopers walked off the train holding their weapons and equipment, and some soldiers holding relics of their comrades crowded on the platform.

When Xiang Ziyu, who had the Second Class White Blade Medal on his chest, stepped out of the carriage, all the officers on the platform stood at attention and saluted.

This is an honor that belongs to front-line combat heroes. Officers and soldiers below the rank of colonel must stand at attention and salute when they see a hero.

However, this kind of salute is ceremonial in nature, and you can complete it yourself without waiting for the other party to return the salute. Xiang Ziyu returned the military salute seriously, and then followed his comrades to the exit of the platform.

The war is not over yet, and they have no extra vacation. They have to wait here for new weapons and equipment, and then start adaptive training.

Tang Mo plans to give priority to new weapons and equipment to the paratroopers so that they can improve their combat effectiveness.

After all, the number of paratroopers is relatively small, the quality of the soldiers is high, they have rich combat experience, and they need more weapons and equipment.

What is issued to the paratroopers is the AK assault rifle that has just started to be produced. It is called the Type 56 assault rifle in the Tang Army series. There is no way, Tang Mo really doesn't want to explain to his engineers why this rifle is called Kalashni.

Kov-47 rifle.

Therefore, he directly took out a serial number and named his mass-produced AKM assault rifle "Type 56" assault rifle.

As for why the number 56 was used, Tang Mo replied directly and rudely that he liked this number and it had no special meaning.

In short, the Type 56 assault rifle mass-produced by Datang Group was just produced and distributed to paratroopers to eliminate the Thompson submachine gun equipped by paratroopers. At the same time, 7.62X39 ammunition began to be installed in the troops.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to change rifles, the paratroopers also changed to brand-new Beretta 92F pistols. The brand-new pistols have actually been distributed to many officers and have undergone a series of battlefield tests.

Although the 9mm pistol ammunition is not as good as the .45-caliber pistol ammunition, it still has a unique advantage: the new 9mm pistol can carry two more rounds of ammunition, giving soldiers more choices on the battlefield.

At the same time, when facing unprotected targets, the power of 9mm pistol bullets is not too ugly, and the stopping ability is still sufficient.

In addition, the downward movement of the pistol caliber is also achieved in conjunction with the upgrade of the power of the paratroopers' main weapons: although the power of the paratroopers' pistols has been slightly reduced, the replacement of submachine guns with assault rifles has obviously greatly improved combat effectiveness.

The Type 56 assault rifles issued to paratroopers use metal folding stocks, which are considered a special supply.

When the paratroopers experimented with this new weapon, they immediately fell in love with this weapon, which was more powerful than a submachine gun, had less recoil, was short and easy to carry.

They don't like the Beretta 92F pistol, known as the Type 9 pistol, because they feel that the 9mm bullet is not as powerful as the .45 caliber bullet.

However, because of the assault rifles, they did not resist making the secondary weapons they carried more portable.

This chapter has been completed!
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