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612 Found the fleet

"Prioritize the allocation of Thompson submachine guns in stock to the Navy." In the conference room, Alice ordered the officials on both sides without raising her head.

"They have no urgent need for close combat. They are just standing weapons. Using the 56 submachine gun is the same as using the Thompson submachine gun." After she explained, she turned to the next topic.

Because Tang Moyuan was presiding over the battle in Anpu, the ones in charge of Chang'an were the princesses Youlin and Alice.

You Lin, who graduated from the Military Academy, has been busy recruiting personnel, recruiting and other work recently, leaving Alice in charge of production and economics.

Alice, who had been keen on such matters in Beiling, naturally did it with ease and arranged everything in an orderly manner.

"The armored forces will be issued with 56 submachine guns first. They have demand for this type of weapon. Each vehicle will be issued one unit first, and then we will consider increasing the number when production capacity increases." As she said this, she was already looking at the 56 pistol.

The Datang Group has recently finalized three types of weapons, all named after the number 56. This is also the standard for subsequent naming of light weapons in the Datang Kingdom.

The previous nondescript naming method of using letters has been completely eliminated, or it has been changed to a pure numerical naming mode.

In the future, the Akm assault rifle produced by Datang Group will be called the Type 56 assault rifle, the MP-5 submachine gun will be named the Type 56 submachine gun, and the Beretta 92f pistol will be named the Type 56 pistol. In short, the Datang Kingdom’s

Light weapons will be dominated by the number 56 in a short time.

"In terms of pistols, priority should be given to troops that need to be equipped with pistols, such as artillery, automobile soldiers, logistics troops... and officers." Alice directly finalized the pistol replacement plan without discussion.

She is very arbitrary when dealing with things and rarely considers other opinions because she thinks her own plan is the best.

In fact, she is really good at planning and handled this complicated arrangement plan perfectly.

Due to the expansion of the army, the previous elite military policy of the Tang Kingdom actually began to fail to keep up with the needs of development.

Previously, the Tang Army issued pistols to all infantry, but later found that this situation was a bit too wasteful: most of the time, soldiers did not have the opportunity to use pistol weapons because submachine guns were too popular within the Tang Army.

Therefore, in subsequent units, the infantry is generally equipped with only main weapons and does not continue to be issued with pistols.

This will not only simplify logistics, but also simplify the training of soldiers: weapons are not just issued, soldiers need two kinds of training to master two weapons, which also requires additional training costs.

In addition, in addition to training costs, there are also maintenance costs. All weapons require regular maintenance, oiling and wiping, which invisibly increases the burden on the soldiers themselves.

In addition, carrying two types of ammunition also adds more burden to the soldiers. If they do not carry secondary weapons and ammunition for secondary weapons, soldiers can carry one or two more magazines for the main weapon, which also significantly increases the burden on the main weapon.

Continuity of fire of the weapon.

Therefore, a soldier who hangs a pistol on his waist looks cool, but it may not be of much use in actual combat. There are advantages to wearing it, and there are reasons not to wear it.

Therefore, Alice ordered that the new pistols be given priority to officers and artillery and automobile support personnel, which actually makes sense.

According to the Tang Army's own experience, the auxiliary weapons of front-line combat troops must also be gradually removed.

After all, compared to the M1911 and the Beretta 92F, the Akm is so good, isn't it? The firepower of the two is not on the same level at all. Even a fool knows to carry two more AK magazines, which is more reliable than a pistol.

There are too many spectrums.

"The retired M1911 pistols should be given to the Navy for makeshift use first..." Alice continued.

Anyway, naval battles are mainly based on warships, and the need for light weapons is not urgent. Relatively speaking, their logistical pressure is not that great.

Based on past experience, the pistol and rifle bullets issued on naval warships are basically only consumed by training, so the inventory is generally very stable.

"Because of the need for confidentiality, the installation of the 56 assault rifle will be given priority to the domestic troops!" After talking about the submachine guns and pistols, Alice made arrangements for the installation of the assault rifle.

First, give it to the domestic troops that have not participated in the war. The reason is also very simple. In addition to the confidentiality reasons mentioned by Alice, there is another unexplained reason.

Tang Mo was very worried that the Dahua Empire and the Chu State would make irrational decisions, so he strengthened the combat effectiveness of the remaining troops in the country in advance.

Prioritizing the installation of new weapons and equipment for these new troops can, on the one hand, boost morale and enhance the combat effectiveness of these troops, and on the other hand, it can also be kept secret. It is a double kill.

On Dragon Island, in the outer waters, two Flying Fortress bombers roared with engines and flew in formation below the clouds.

This kind of patrol has now been normalized, because radio navigation has been proven to be very effective in actual combat, and the danger of aircraft going to sea has been greatly reduced.

However, to be on the safe side, all patrol aircraft are Flying Fortresses and Stukas, and the single-seat Butcher fighter jets do not participate in patrols.

Because of its long range and slow speed, the B-17 Flying Fortress can be called an artifact in an environment such as long-range patrol and reconnaissance.

It can carry a large amount of fuel and can cruise a lot of areas at once. Because it has a greenhouse-style nose, a reserved tail and windows on the side fuselage, the field of view is also quite good.

The two planes flew through the sky one after another. Soon an observer put down the telescope in his hand, pressed his throat intercom and shouted loudly: "Fleet discovered! Fleet discovered!"

"3 o'clock! 3 o'clock!" He reminded his pilot anxiously, and then raised the telescope.

On the sea, a ship emitting thick black smoke was moving forward, followed by another ship.

They cut the sea surface, and the white waves rolled to both sides, which could be seen clearly in the sky.

With the observer's reminder, people on another plane also discovered these targets: "We need to verify the identity! Control tower, call the control tower!"

"This is the control tower! This is the control tower!" Over the radio, the officer on duty responsible for commanding this patrol responded quickly.

Because the patrol missions were too frequent, everyone was too lazy to remember the code names during the missions. Words like bees, flowers, dragon lairs, etc. were already used almost all the time.

"Eastward patrol group, coordinates 117, 219... Two unidentified ships were found. Please check the identities! Please check the identities." On the plane, the radio operator took the coordinate information from the navigator and reported loudly. Flying Fortress

It's so big that the occupants inside can even move around.

"I'm checking the shipping list! Follow this fleet." In the control tower, the officer on duty reached out and grabbed the shipping list and began to check it.

"The third ship was discovered! This is a large fleet!" The two Flying Fortress bombers, which had begun to adjust their routes, discovered a third ship.

The speed of the plane is definitely faster than that of the ship, so after adjusting the route and flying around in a targeted manner, more discoveries were soon made.

"The fourth ship! The fifth ship! So many ships! Lower the altitude! Maybe we can confirm whether they are warships!" The pilot of the leading flying fortress began to lower the altitude and once again passed over the head of the entire fleet.

"Don't be reckless! Keep your distance!" In the earphones, the voice from the control tower came: "I'm still looking for the shipping schedule! This will take a while!"

"I think... you don't need to check the shipping schedule!" On the plane that had already lowered its altitude, the pilot turned on the intercom and shouted.

"They have deck guns! They have turrets! They are battleships! These ships are battleships! Damn it!" He passed by a warship produced by Cyric that was speeding up and shouted loudly to the control tower.

"I also found the shipping information. There should be no transport ship at your location! Damn it! Sound the alarm! Sound the battle alarm! We have found the enemy's fleet!" Because of the excitement, the control tower even forgot to close it.


"Follow them! I will send a plane to take over you immediately!" Soon, the officer on duty grabbed the intercom again and loudly ordered: "Pull up the height! Just keep in contact! Pay attention to safety! Don't be impulsive!"

"I'm a patrol plane! Sir! I don't carry bombs! Repeat, I have no way to launch an attack!" The pilot explained helplessly. Even if he wanted to attack now, he was powerless. Should he be allowed to fly the plane to hit the enemy?

Ship? What a joke!

Obviously, the fleet below them had also discovered the two bombers flying around repeatedly. On the deck, some personnel began to look up at the sky and pointed at the two Flying Fortress bombers.

"We have been discovered!" In the bridge, a Cyric naval officer looked at the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Goblin Kingdom beside him.

"Sooner or later, didn't the telegram say that they have a new type of weapon called an airplane, which is very fast... There is no reason not to use it." The naval commander of the Gobel Kingdom said with a wry smile.

He grabbed the telescope and looked at the planes in the distant sky: "I have suggested canceling this combat plan three times... but you don't agree."

"I have no choice..." Cyric's officer also had a wry smile on his face: "After the incident with the airship unit, I also feel that this attack will not be so easy to succeed."

"The enemy warship is nearby! If we are discovered, we will be doomed." The naval commander of the Gobel Kingdom put down his telescope and pointed at the aircraft in the distance: "Unfortunately, now... we have been discovered!"

This chapter has been completed!
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