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623 does not exist

The ships that had gathered to rescue the five pilots finally began to care about the lives of Sirik's fallen officers and soldiers floating on the water. This was definitely good news for them.

The ropes were thrown down one by one, and then the prisoners were pulled onto the ship. After they took off their clothes and confirmed that they did not carry any weapons, they were imprisoned in the redundant watertight cabin.

A group of people are crowded together, like pigs. Although it seems very humiliating, it is better than staying in the water.

The person who was guarding them gave a detailed introduction to the purpose of the valves in the watertight cabin before leaving. He was very polite and professional.

All the Cyric prisoners inside were clearly aware that as long as they unscrewed these valves, water could flow into the battleship, which would cause the battleship to roll.

However, they also knew that if they did this, the cabin they were in would soon be filled with seawater, and they would have no way to get the big brother guarding the cabin door to open the door and let them out.

Therefore, in order to prevent everyone from being soaked in water and turning into cans again, the officers in Cyric's prisoner consciously drove the men who were close to these valves to absolutely safe corners.

As a result, many Cyric prisoners who fell into the water were actually saved this time. According to subsequent statistics, although the best rescue time was missed, at least 1,000 people still became survivors of Cyric's sneak attack fleet.


As for why there are more than 10,000 remaining sailors from Cyric and the Goblin Kingdom, no one really cares.

This is war, there will be no mercy.

"It's really speechless. The Navy actually said that they didn't know what kind of ship it was that saved the five pilots?" Xiao Yun looked at the liaison officer and several officers from the flying force who came to deliver the news, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Yes, that ship is not in our sequence, and it is not a civilian ship, so we don't know the existence of that ship." The liaison officer spread his hands and said honestly.

Xiao Yun also knew that there were some aircraft in their air force that "did not exist". At least, even he did not know what those aircraft looked like or what their functions were.

But is it really okay that such a ridiculous thing happened? A non-existent ship rescued his pilot? How to write this report?

"The telegram sent by the other party was sent directly to the shipyard." The liaison officer had to explain again.

The shipyard used to build submarines is confidential, so theoretically it does not exist. This non-existent shipyard notified the shipyard and told the relevant person in charge of the shipyard that a non-existent ship rescued 5 pilots...

At this time, it seemed that it was not the time to care about this non-existent ship: after the main fleet of the navy heard that all the warships that attacked the fleet were wiped out, they immediately headed north without looking back.

As for the rescue of Cyric's prisoners, they were all left to the naval security force of Dragon Island and the "powerful air force" that has now proven itself.

Because the performance of the aircraft has been pushed to a sufficient height, no one doubts the Air Force's ability to conduct naval operations.

The sinking of 45 enemy ships is a good example. Bernard said he was very relieved to have such a force guarding Long Island.

In fact, the Navy Commander-in-Chief no longer cares about the safety of Dongwan Port and Linshui Port, because he knows that the air force there is stronger and more numerous.

Therefore, his purpose in going north this time was very clear. It was to blockade Beiyuan City and even blockade the Mirage Kingdom, seeking a decisive battle with the main force of the Mirage Kingdom's navy.

As a witness and participant in the entire war, Tang Mo finally realized how difficult it was to maintain a maritime hegemony and how terrifying it was.

No matter how many warships or aircraft you have, it is still wishful thinking to completely protect countless sea routes.

Construction is always more difficult than destruction. Maintaining these routes requires a large number of escort fleets, strong national power and the ruler's extremely firm determination and perseverance.

But if you want to destroy or delay these transportation lines, it is much simpler and easier: just a mobile fleet or some elusive submarines are enough.

Fortunately, Cyric did not have the same skills, otherwise it would have been difficult for Tang Mo to win the war in front of him.

Just a few dozen outdated, shabby warships with low speed and weak firepower were able to contain the powerful Tang Dynasty main fleet and wasted more than half a month. If the combat power of both sides was equal, then the Endless Sea might be early.

It was turned upside down.

More than an hour later, the submarine, which could only communicate in one way due to the need for confidentiality, finally sent back a telegram, which reported the pilot's status in detail.

It was only at this time that Xiao Yun finally knew that one of his pilots was killed and the remaining four pilots were safe and sound.

This made him feel relieved: the loss of one pilot was still tolerable. After all, an accident at this time might also result in the loss of a pilot.

So the only thing left was to wait, but this time everyone felt more at ease waiting, it was just a relaxing wait.

The speed of submarines cannot be compared to battleships anyway, and the first ones to return were the two Weigang-class cruisers that arrived in the theater waters after dark at night.

Although the former Wolf-class cruiser, which was renamed the Weigang-class, was built earlier, its technology is still very advanced. At least in terms of speed, it is still not outdated.

Although the shipyards of the Datang Group have begun to build new, more technologically advanced cruisers, the Weigang-class cruisers will still be the backbone of the Datang Navy in the short term.

Then returning were the Fengshun-class destroyers with new technology and good condition. These ships had given up firepower and protection in order to be built in large quantities. They were good at patrolling, searching, rescuing, and running away.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! These returning ships have more or less rescued some of Cyric's prisoners. What then arrived at the port were ironclad ships that were slow and technologically advanced and had begun to be phased out in large numbers.

If they were not all about to be eliminated, they would not be reduced to doing odd jobs near Dragon Island. These warships are no longer suitable to follow the fleet, so they can only wander around the island in an old way and use their remaining energy.

The non-existent ship that really played a role in saving people is still floating on the sea at this moment.

There is no other way. In order to increase the underwater speed to some extent, the Datang submarine that copied the U-boat design did not even have a surface speed of 20 knots.

Of course, if it were fully submerged into the water, the speed of this thing would be a pitiful less than 7 knots - converted into kilometers, it would only be about 12 kilometers.

In fact, the underwater speed of this experimental submarine cannot reach 7 knots, so the speed that should have been close to 13 kilometers per hour is approximately equal to 12 kilometers per hour.

As for the speed on the water, the submarine was only as fast as an old ironclad ship. In order to keep it secret, it took a route off the beaten path and took a long circle, so it finally arrived at the secret dock belonging to the submarine.

So, on the afternoon of the next day, just before dinner, the four rescued pilots stood in front of Xiao Yun.

As a result, their appearance only made Xiao Yun happy for a few seconds. The subsequent conversation between them made Xiao Yun angry.

"What ship were you rescued by?" At first, Xiao Yun was just curious, so he asked casually, but things started to develop in an embarrassing direction.

"I'm sorry, sir. We can't say anything." The captain replied helplessly.

This was really not something he could decide, because after landing, several officers from the intelligence department standing on the dock showed their documents to several pilots.

The dragon emblem on the certificate and the military ranks below, including the units they belong to and the professions these people are engaged in, all give people a chilling and chilling feeling.

In fact, for any case involving this group of people, the person involved can brag without being scared to wet his pants.

After these people explained their purpose and asked them to sign a confidentiality agreement, they basically couldn't say anything.

For these pilots, they could be transported directly back to Dragon Island by angels, they could swim back by themselves, or they could subdue a whale and step on the opponent's back...

In short, they can come back however they want, but they can't come back by encountering a non-existent ship.

They had never seen a cabin full of pipes, nor had they seen a control room full of instruments and dim lights. Naturally, they had never seen a strange ship emerging from the water.

Nothing exists, nothing can be said...

"Then how do I write my report?" Xiao Yun stared at his subordinates angrily, feeling that his subordinates had betrayed him.

The captain was equally depressed because he could not mention any details to his superiors at this moment and even had to lie: "We were rescued by a fishing boat."

"Which one?" Xiao Yun laughed angrily.

"Finkel." The captain continued to answer without blushing.

"Finkel?" Of course Xiao Yun didn't know about the Finkel, and he wasn't in charge of ship dispatching on Long Island.

"Yes, the Navy will have records there, the Finkel." The captain nodded with certainty. He even began to hypnotize himself. The submarine that rescued them was actually named the Finkel.

"..." Xiao Yun looked at the mechanical and electrical engineer standing on the other side speechlessly.

The electromechanical man nodded, with a confident look on his face: "That's it! Sir!"

Xiao Yun looked at the navigator and bombardier again.

"The Finkel! A very beautiful fishing boat, sir." The two men replied quickly, and even described the appearance of the fishing boat, as if they had really seen such a boat.


There are two updates today, and the next one will be sent the day after tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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