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634 pistachio

Cyric's advisers were gone, and they had a way to leave Beiyuan City anyway. These people took a small sampan at night to leave the dock, and then transferred to a large ship to return to the Mirage Kingdom. They were even escorted by warships along the way.

Nowadays, due to the frequent appearance of Tang warships intercepting Mirage transport ships, the waterway between Beiyuan and Mirage is no longer so safe.

Therefore, whether it is transporting supplies or troops, it needs to be escorted by warships. However, compared with the number of ships for sea transportation, the number of warships in Mirage is obviously not enough.

This directly led to a serious problem: whether the port was destroyed or the transportation had to be escorted, the total transportation volume from Mirage Kingdom to Beiyuan City was suddenly reduced by four-fifths!

Eighty percent! Fully eighty percent!

The lack of so many artillery shells and the loss of so many additional soldiers suddenly made the Mirage army stationed in Beiyuan City despair.

The wounded who were supposed to be transported back home were stranded in Beiyuan City. Wounded soldiers were everywhere, and there were people running around everywhere. This made Mirage Musaburo feel furious all the time.

At the same time, the Tang army was also compressing the control area of ​​the Mirage army outside the city, destroying the Mirage's defense line, and forcing the Mirage troops to continuously retreat towards Beiyuan City.

"Boom!" A shell landed on the main defense belt deployed by the Mirage outside the city. Before the dust had time to settle, a row of Mirage soldiers passed by in the trench carrying their rifles.

Less than a hundred meters away from the trench, a No. 4 assault gun was turning. The track ran over the edge of the trench, and the falling soil frightened the Mirage soldiers under the track to the extreme.

Just when these Mirage soldiers were huddled at the bottom of the assault gun, preparing to wait for the assault gun to drive past and attack its rear, a Tang grenadier jumped down from the trench on the side of the assault gun.

He held a Thompson submachine gun and fired at the Mirage soldiers hiding in the trenches, knocking them all to the ground.

A Mirage soldier carrying a grenade with a wooden handle screamed and rushed forward, but another Tang Army grenadier who jumped into the trench killed him, and then the two men fell down on the other side.

The grenade exploded among the corpses of the mirage defenders, setting off a cloud of blood. The rampant No. 4 assault gun continued to move forward, and some Tang Army soldiers jumped out of the trenches, then climbed out of the trenches and continued to follow. Behind this assault gun.

"Tu tu tu tu!" After the remaining Tang soldiers entered the trenches, they began to attack on both sides non-stop. They were cautious, much more cautious than before.

Because their opponents also have helmets and grenades, their combat effectiveness in the trenches is rising linearly.

At least after the Mirage Army had a powerful weapon like grenades, their combat effectiveness in the trenches was significantly improved. They would no longer be overwhelmed by the Tang Army and had no power to fight back.

"Be careful with the grenade!" Following this cry, another grenade exploded. It was not known whether it was thrown by the Tang army himself or by the soldiers from the Mirage Kingdom on the opposite side.

After the explosion, the sound of the Tang Army's submachine gun, which sounded like a typewriter, sounded again. It seemed that the grenade did not have the desired effect.

Because of the lack of automatic weapons, even after having grenades, the Mirage army was still being beaten back by Tang soldiers in the trenches.

Therefore, more mirage troops gathered from both sides, hoping to block back the Tang army that had broken through their defense line.

"His Majesty the King! Long live!" A Mirage soldier held a bayonet, shouted a slogan, and stabbed the Tang Army soldier in front of him.

But what greeted him were ruthless bullets from submachine guns. Seven or eight bullets hit him alone. He was like a sieve. He took a few more steps forward and finally fell down unwillingly.

"Their firepower is forcing us in that direction! Have you seen it! That open space! It looks like it was deliberately left for us." In the trench, a Tang Army company commander put down his telescope and pointed to the opposite direction in the distance.

Said it in a relatively calm area.

"That's right, from the looks of it, at least there are machine gun crossfires on both sides! The position is so good, it's perfect!" The platoon leader following the company commander was also an expert. He had a good understanding of the routine arrangements of the Mirage Army.


"Not only that! It looks like there are also anti-tank mines!" the company commander said as he looked at the No. 4 assault gun that seemed to have been fooled and was advancing towards the open space.

"Remind us of our assault guns! Don't let them fall into the trap!" Patting the platoon leader on the shoulder, the company commander added: "I will arrange personnel to suppress the firepower on your side first! Reduce casualties as much as possible!


"I understand!" The platoon leader nodded, and then ran along the trench to where the assault gun was.

You must know that this thing is a good thing now. Every attacking force wants it, and it is simply hard to find. Because all the soldiers hope that when they attack, there will be a steel behemoth that can attract almost all enemy firepower.

"Machine gun team! Spread out on the small high ground over there! Suppress the enemy's firepower! Don't be impatient! Find a good opportunity!" After the platoon commander ran away, the company commander called over a strong man carrying a machine gun, and then issued a new order.

After an assault gun encountered a mine, the Tang Army's assault gun crew was obviously more cautious. They were not in a hurry to attack, but waited for the infantry to discover and mark the enemy's ambush firepower point.

This tactic did reduce the losses of assault guns, but it made the infantry too dangerous. In the past few days, the Tang Army had lost 10% more soldiers than in the past. This was obviously a result that the commanders above did not want to see.

There is no way, the war has gradually become bloody as the weapons invested by both sides continue to develop and change.

The previous thing of running hundreds of miles overnight and destroying a kingdom with two peaceful shots may never happen again.

Everyone has enough troops to cover the front line, and those classic insertions and breakthroughs have become very difficult.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! On the battlefield, the Mirage army can no longer hold up. They are in defeat. If bayonets can solve all problems, they may be able to continue to hold on for a while.

In a main position, the commander of the Mirage Kingdom was walking back and forth. He still didn't know that the friendly troops next door had not received orders to support him at all.

"Thud, tut, tut!" Suddenly, right behind him, the Mirage's machine gun shooters began to fire. They had discovered the enemy, and the enemies were very close.

"The Tang Army has already attacked. Sir, would you like to..." a company commander in charge of the defense here suggested cautiously.

"No need! The order I got does not allow you to take a step back!" The leading Mirage officer waved his hand and pulled out the pistol from his waist.

This is a ppk pistol produced by Bunas, a long time ago. This thing is still a model for export, and only a small amount is equipped with the security forces of the Tang State.

"Fire the bayonet!" In the trench nearby, the platoon leader of the Mirage Kingdom had already drawn his saber and gave the order loudly.

With this shout, the Mirage soldiers took out their bayonets from their waists and inserted them into the muzzles of their guns that were almost as high as them.

"Long live the king! Long live!" they shouted crazily, and then prepared to jump out of the trenches and fight to the death with the Tang army in front of them.

But as they shouted, a grenade rolled down to their feet. Then a loud noise burst out, and a cloud of black smoke filled the surrounding area.

The Mirage troops in the trenches fell on their backs. Before the remaining people could get up, Tang Army soldiers came over from the flanks. They fired continuously with their weapons. When they ran out of ammunition, they stayed in place to replace it. Their companions behind them would

Surpass them and keep pushing forward.

Such a rapid advance caught the Mirage Army off guard. Everyone in the concrete bunker, including the leader of the Mirage Commander, had to join the battle immediately. They guarded the door and finally managed to defeat the first round of the Tang Army's attack.


The two sides kept firing at a very close distance, and from time to time grenades exploded near the entrance of the Mirage defense fortification.

Soon, the defenders of the Mirage Kingdom couldn't stand it anymore: they only had a few pistols, and the rest were Cyric Type 1 rifles. Compared with the Tang Army's Thompson submachine gun, the firepower was really inferior.

On average, the Tang army had to use up one magazine before the Mirage people had a chance to fire back. If they could sustain such a battle, then they would be gods of war.

As the Tang Army got closer and closer, their accuracy in throwing grenades became more and more exaggerated: soon, a grenade was accurately thrown into the bunker gate, and then there was a dull explosion inside.


"Boom!" The soldiers of the Mirage Kingdom fell on their backs, and the soldiers of the Tang Army took the opportunity to rush into the bunker and beat everyone inside who wanted to escape or get up.

"I surrender!" A Mirage officer hid behind the table and raised his hands, but before he could stand up, soldiers from the Tang Army began to fire a row of bullets in his direction.

It was impossible for the thin wooden board to withstand bullets, so when the Tang army soldiers stopped firing and walked over to check the situation, the Mirage officer was already dead.

"He scared me." The grenadier of the Tang Army who opened fire explained with some embarrassment: "Subconsciously, I just..."

"No one said anything about you." Another grenadier kicked the body on the ground and comforted him nonchalantly: "Just kill him, just go over and say sorry."

Seeing that the recruit really took two steps forward, the squad leader behind him reached out and put his hand on his shoulder: "He is joking with you, are you really going?"

"Ah?" The recruit came to his senses and realized that he had been tricked by the veteran. He scratched his head angrily and his face turned a little red.

"Let's go, Pistachio." The joking veteran swung his gun and prepared to cross the entire bunker and exit through the door on the other side.

"My name is not Pistachio." The recruit defended himself.

"Okay pistachio. I know pistachio, let's go...pistachio." Here, no one cares what your name is, unless you can survive and let everyone know, only by following you can you survive!

This chapter has been completed!
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