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660 Its not easy to be a king

Tang Mo wants too much. He wants mobile phones, artificial satellites, ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons, airplanes and yachts!

If he wants to return to the life he is familiar with, he can take an Airbus A320 and fly from his royal city to Linshui for vacation, where he can lie on the yacht and play with his wives.

He wants to take out his phone and have it unlocked by facial recognition, and with just two clicks, he can find his prime minister and listen to him report yesterday's stock market trends and future national construction plans.

He wants to eat lobsters from the North Sea and taste the sweetest moonshine wine, let people all over the world appreciate the music in his memory, and see those movies that spread the positive energy of the Tang Dynasty!

But all of this is not something that can be achieved simply. The whole world needs development, and some things cannot be derived from the treasures of a broom.

Take stealth fighters for example - if your opponent doesn't have radar, then a J-20 or F-22 is actually not as useful as an F-15 or Su-27.

In order to return to the familiar life as soon as possible and enjoy the many conveniences brought by modern society more quickly, Tang Mo did not want to waste precious time.

He didn't want to keep the technology and blueprints in his head, wait for twenty years, and then giggle with a big phone in his hand... That would be too miserable. By the time he used the Apple 4s phone, he would be 60

How can he still be excited at this age?

What restricts him is not technology, but the time to popularize these technologies! What restricts Tang Mo is not those flashes of inspiration that require time to accumulate, accumulate, and explore, but the raw materials that require higher heights than mountains!

Tang Mo knew better than anyone that the only thing that could stop him was the world's fragile and almost non-existent industrial infrastructure.

As long as he pushes his country to a basic level, the country's development speed will enter the fast lane. If Tang State reaches the level at the end of World War II in all fields, it will only take one year for him to develop a real


Then in two years, he will be able to develop rockets and artificial satellites, he can easily create atomic bombs, and in another two years, he will be able to send people to the moon!

That's why he used his own aircraft technology, as well as the outdated battleship technology that he knew well, to pay for the raw materials he needed for the development he needed.

He no longer has time to work on the colonial plunder system. That thing looks very tempting, but it requires a lot of time.

Tang Mo knew very well that it would take at least thirty years for his troops to sweep across the Dahua Empire, restore the local production order, and force the local Dahua civilians to willingly send the raw materials they produced to Tang's factories.

After Parker and Matthews left, Leo, who was in charge of intelligence work, walked in with a cane. He looked pretty good. After all, he had returned to his hometown. His mood was good and his body was naturally much stronger.

He smiled and stood on the carpet and reported to Tang Mohui: "Cyric has called back. They have sent a 300-person envoy and will arrive at Dragon Island soon."

"The Lions Empire is also very interested in aircraft technology, and they also sent a large-scale envoy. The emperor of the Lions Empire also sent a telegram, saying that the special envoy he appointed would explain the previous recovery of Port Buna by the Lions Empire.

The misunderstanding of Sri Lanka." After saying this, he paused when mentioning the other two countries: "The two countries of Dorne and Susas..."

Tang Mo was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the Tang government had not officially recognized the existence of these two empires: "It's okay, they can call it Empire if they want, I don't mind."

Leo did not change and continued to report: "These two countries also sent special envoys, and it seems that they arrived on the same ship as the Lions Empire. They are the merchant ships of Sir Egret."

"In addition to purchasing aircraft technology and inspecting battleship technology, they also have other requirements..." After reporting the envoy's first purpose, Leo mentioned their other purpose.

"Huh?" Tang Mo looked at Leo.

The old man explained with a smile: "Didn't you think that the diplomatic environment has deteriorated and all countries have withdrawn their ambassadors? They want to restore diplomatic ties and ask us to allow them to visit Chang'an, Tongcheng, Linshui, Dongwan, and Longdao

Establish embassies in other places.”

"I have a really big appetite. Ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to reject their request and tell them that they will only be allowed to establish an embassy in Chang'an at most." Tang Mo knew what these people were planning as soon as he heard this, so he refused with a sneer.

meet the requirements of various countries.

In the Cold War era, embassies of various countries were almost open intelligence collection bases. Allowing the existence of these places was tantamount to leaving an intelligence hazard in the city where the embassy was located. Tang Mo would not easily allow so many embassies to enter technologically sensitive areas.

Selling technology is one thing, but having it stolen is another matter. Tang Mo is a businessman, not a philanthropist.

Leo nodded immediately: "I understand."

"Is there anything else?" Tang Mo continued to ask.

"The special envoy of the Ice Empire wants to visit our tank production line. He said that if that doesn't work, he can go to Copper City first..." Leo immediately answered Tang Mo's question.

Tang Mo sneered again: "Ha! What a beautiful idea! Are you still thinking of exploring my weakness? Let him stay in Anpu! The people who monitor him cannot be withdrawn! Instead, more people will be added.


After hearing Tang Mo's order, Leo agreed again: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

"By the way, we have to show it to them later anyway. If they are interested, why not let them visit the Dongwan-class battleship!" Then Tang Mo remembered something and immediately added.

Anyway, the technology of the battleship is ready to be sold, and it is appropriate to show it to everyone to see the difference. Once they know how rubbish the junk that Cyric built that is called a battleship really is, they will be willing to pay for it.

Bought Tang Mo’s battleship.

However, in future naval battles, whether the battleship is still the core of the fleet and how much combat power it can exert is not something Tang Mo is willing to explain to these fools.

"I believe he will be interested." Leo smiled and lowered his head slightly.

"Well, that's the best." Tang Mo also thought so.

"In addition, the envoys from the Great China Empire crossed the border yesterday and are heading towards Chang'an. We have sent personnel to escort them along the way." Leo continued to report on the movements of envoys from various countries.

Tang Mo was very interested in these people from the Dahua Empire, but he was just interested. So he still gave the order in a business-like manner: "Watch them closely. If they dare to wander around, they can be treated as prisoners."


"Yes! Your Majesty!" Leo continued to nod in agreement in a business-like manner.

Then Tang Mo thought of his neighbor to the south: "Where is Chu State?"

"The Chu State has also sent envoys, but they will not arrive at the border area until tomorrow." Leo was also familiar with the envoys still in the Chu State.

He even knew who the special envoy of the Chu State Mission was, who was accompanying him, what the number of the troops escorting the mission was, and what weapons they were equipped with.

In fact, the focus of Tang State intelligence personnel's infiltration was the Chu State. Tang Mo's intelligence department knew the Chu State better than the Great China Empire.

Tang Mo also knew that Li Ao had been personally handling the affairs of the Chu State, and that the entire Chu State had been penetrated like a sieve, so he did not continue to ask about the affairs of the Chu State.

Because he knew that if there was really any breaking news over there, Leo would definitely report it to him as soon as possible.

Therefore, he asked about the last envoy: "Then let's talk about the cute little ones in Mirage Kingdom."

Leo smiled. He knew that the cute adjective in His Majesty's mouth was actually cruel and ruthless.

Moreover, he also knew that the king sitting in front of him had an unforgettable hatred for the mirage country in his heart for some reason.

He doesn't know why, but who cares why? Maybe a goblin stepped on Tang Mo's shoes in Bunas? Who knows? As long as Tang Mo hates them, these goblins are basically sentenced to death in Leo's heart


Of course, Leo also knew what happened in Beiyuan City and Dongwan City. Simply looking at what the goblins did in these places, Leo didn't think there was anything wrong with Tang Mo's dislike of the goblins.

He now had the same idea as Tang Mo: just let these damn goblins be buried with the humans who died at their hands!

Therefore, when mentioning the goblin's request, Leo's tone was obviously full of disdain and sarcasm: "The Mirage Kingdom asked us to suspend the attack on Beiyuan City. According to them, they can withdraw from Beiyuan City.

The army of the city, hand over Beiyuan City to..."

Sure enough, Tang Mo had a disgusted expression after hearing these requests: "They dare to think! Tell them that the Mirage Army in Beiyuan City... has nothing to do with them! If they don't accept our conditions, this will happen."

Don’t come here again!”

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Leo nodded, then stepped back. Obviously, his report was over.

Tang Mo lowered his head and continued to draw his drawings. After all, he was an emotionless humanoid self-propelled drawing machine. He had to spend time every day to develop new technologies that did not belong to this era.

In fact, he has no other way. Datang Group's technology has surpassed the world's understanding. If he doesn't work harder, those responsible for realizing these technologies may not even be able to understand the drawings...

My shoulders... Two hours later, after moving his sore arms from busy work, Tang Mo had to put down the pencil in his hand, stand up and walk around.

The job of a king...is not easy to do.

This chapter has been completed!
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