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The wonderful use of 709 washing powder

The Poplar Empire, Nanshui Port, and shipping make this place look extremely prosperous. Goods from the Ice Empire, products exported by the Poplar Empire itself, and ships from the Southern Lions Empire all gather here.

In a city that has been developed for many years, there are many high-rise buildings and a relatively abundant power supply, making it look more or less like Bunas.

You must know that under the series of operations of the Lines Empire in the past two years, Bunas has not actually developed at all, so many cities are trying to catch up.

For example, Everwinter Port, a super large port that exports minerals and automobile civilization, or Neverwinter, the largest port in the Dorne Empire.

These cities are gradually approaching the level of Bunas, but they have not yet completely caught up.

Outside the bustling Nanshui Port, a destroyer is cruising. Recently, all Allied ports are not peaceful, and everyone needs to be very careful.

The Tang Dynasty had a very dangerous underwater weapon. This fact has been proven. When Bunas Port was attacked before, a sailor said that he saw a white track under the water.

Before this news, everyone was skeptical, but as more and more ships were sunk, this statement became more and more certain.

More than one person claimed to have seen the underwater track, so it became almost acquiesced that the Tang State had a weird weapon that could sail underwater.

Later, people also saw what Tang's underwater weapons looked like - in order to save torpedoes, Tang's submarines often surfaced and used their artillery to sink civilian ships...

Yes, the Tang Dynasty's submarine tactics were derived from the wolf pack tactics, and were basically focused on breaking up engagements. Their mission was to delay the opponent's transportation and sink all visible ships that did not fly the Tang Dynasty's dragon flag.

In order to save precious torpedoes, Tang's submarines often surfaced to fight. In order to increase the time of continuous operations at sea, these submarine captains often robbed.

The contents of the robbery included: fruits and grain transported on the ship, clean clothes, fresh water and the crew's personal valuables.

What is even more speechless is that the submarine officers and soldiers of the Tang Navy also came up with a disgusting tactic that is extremely speechless.

In order to save cannonballs, they sometimes even carried a dozen less cannonballs when setting off, and used the space where the cannonballs were loaded to store a disgusting artifact: washing powder.

Yes, that’s right, a chemical preparation used for laundry! Washing powder! And the use of this washing powder is also very simple: add water!

The Tang Dynasty's submarine officers and soldiers sometimes did not even sink enemy transport ships, especially those low-value fishing boats and small steamers. After they discovered such ships, if the other side surrendered, they would mix washing powder into these ships.

into the fresh water tank, and then walked away.

Only the other party whose fresh water has been completely polluted is left floating on the sea at a loss. Because there is no fresh water, these ships can return as quickly as possible. No matter what they are transporting or what mission they are performing, they can only


What's even more annoying is that no matter how you clean or add water to the water tank that has been added with washing powder, there will be some disgusting bubbles floating on the water, and there will always be a lingering chemical smell when you drink the water.


This makes it easier to leave some small boats, so that they have something to sink when they come next time... It also allows them to save more torpedo shells to deal with more valuable targets at such a good time when the enemy has no counterattack force.


They are like pirates, plundering the sea, making waves on the sea and doing whatever they want, making the countries in the anti-Tang alliance hate them. And these damn submarines have come and gone without a trace, and there is no way to fight back.

The Alliance has no sonar, so there is almost no way to do anti-submarine warfare. Even if they watch the submarine diving into the water in the distance, they have nothing to do.

What is even more depressing is that if you are not careful, the battleship may be counterattacked by the submarine. It is good to see the submarine dive and do nothing. If you run slowly, you may be sunk. This is really an extremely frustrating thing.

Unpleasant things.

Two weeks after the war began, the anti-Tang alliance countries in the Eastern Continent had already lost a large number of transport ships, and their main fleets were also hiding in the east. They were in panic all day long.

A huge ship loaded with coal was sailing on the sea. The captain stood on the bridge, looking through the telescope at the calm sea with fear.

His ship was already very close to Nanshui Port, and there seemed to be a patrolling destroyer in the distance. If he went by normal standards, he could almost be said to be very safe.

But he was still very nervous, staring nervously at the sea in the distance, because he had seen it with his own eyes, and saw a ship sinking inexplicably before his eyes.

There was just a deafening explosion, and then the ship broke into two pieces and quickly sank into the sea. The water column, which was higher than the tallest building, had always been his lingering nightmare these days.

"Port side! Port side! Captain!" The taller sailor in charge of the lookout shouted loudly, which suddenly made everyone in the bridge nervous.

The captain quickly walked to the port side, picked up the telescope, and then he saw a dark tube, like a shark's fin exposed on the sea!

He was so frightened that he lost his soul and quickly ordered: "Speed ​​up! Hurry! Speed ​​up!"

"Captain! We, we are already at the maximum speed." His subordinates quickly reminded him.

In order to get rid of possible submarines, the ship traveled at its highest speed along the way, which shortened its voyage a lot and also affected the life of its machinery.

But in order to survive, no one had any objections to this approach. Because everyone knew very well that Tang's submarines seemed to have only one weakness, and that was that their speed was not much faster than civilian ships.

Since everyone's speed is about the same, it is possible to escape from you. This is the only chance for civilian ships.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The captain was a little panicked, because he was not an officer, so he could not have the quality to remain calm when facing the enemy.

He gave the order again, ordering the ship to change course: "Right rudder! Full right rudder! Turn! Hurry up!"

The crew was also very nervous, so they immediately carried out the captain's order. They didn't know how to avoid the torpedoes, but staying away from the submarine's tube above the water seemed to be the right choice.

The helmsman immediately turned the rudder, and everyone waited nervously. The ship loaded with coal was actually not very fast, and its clumsy body began to turn slowly.

But everything seems to be too late. The submarine seems to want to go home today, or it may be said that they have just come out to hunt.

They fired torpedoes, which proved that the other side was either planning to use up all the torpedoes and return to port, or they had enough torpedoes to fire two first to get a feel for it.

In short, this damn Tang submarine launched a torpedo! The white track on the water is very obvious, which makes people extremely desperate.

A torpedo approached quickly and hit the middle and rear of the ship's hull while the ship was turning. At the moment of collision, the explosion caused the surrounding seawater to rapidly churn.

The soaring water column lifted the coal-laden ship high into the sky. Due to the force, the ship's bow lost its buoyancy and fell directly. The hull was quickly broken, and then it was smashed back to the surface of the water.

The back and forth bends caused the bow and stern of the ship to rise high again, and then seawater began to pour into the damaged parts of the broken hull.

The hull itself, loaded with coal, was not sufficiently buoyant, and it only took a few seconds for the influx of seawater to fill the power compartment.

In just a few seconds, the ship began to sink. Water rushed through the corridors and cabins inside the ship, knocking open the doors and filling the crew's lounge.

The twisted steel made a horrifying sound, and the loud creaking sound was still sharp and harsh amidst the noise of the rolling sea water.

The captain finally got up from the ground and found that the ground had tilted, his pen rolled on the floor, and the chart had fallen off the table.

He saw the sea in the distance through the porthole. Due to the distance, he could not see the only pipe exposed by the enemy on the sea in the distance.

And the boat under his feet was about to dive into the water. It was just that this time it dived and could no longer float.

"Quick! Send a distress signal! Put down the lifeboat! Everyone abandon ship!" He looked at the first mate on the side and ordered loudly.

The first mate had just gotten up, and after hearing this order, he quickly looked for the flare gun hanging on the wall. The Elf destroyer cruising in the distance seemed to have noticed the situation here, and was hurriedly changing its course.

Fortunately, it is very close to Nanshui Port, and there are patrol destroyers nearby. The sailors on their coal ship do not have to soak in the water for too long.

Therefore, when the ship sank rapidly, the surviving sailors were already hoisting the lifeboat to the water.

The Tang submarine that fired the torpedo has been nowhere to be found. It retracted its periscope and no one knows where it went.

The Elf destroyer quickly approached the place where the accident occurred, but it did not slow down. It just glanced at it from a distance and then turned around and left.

Such a cold-blooded and selfish approach attracted a burst of curses from the sailors who fell into the water on the coal boat. However, at this moment when no one could confirm whether the submarine had left, the destroyer's actions were indeed understandable.

If they slowed down and stopped, they might be sunk here too. So after seeing the lifeboats on the sunken ship, the destroyer left quickly.

In fact, they also notified a smaller fishing boat nearby to come to the rescue. It can be said that they have fulfilled their responsibilities.

On this day, at least 7 transport ships from various countries were sunk in the Endless Sea. For the anti-Tang alliance, this day was another day of heavy losses.

This chapter has been completed!
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