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711 northern air battle

When the rainy weather in the south became less and less, the sky in the north suddenly cleared up again. The dark clouds finally dispersed, and the sun shone through the gaps in the clouds, shining on the moist earth.

The soldiers of the Great China Empire raised their heads in the mud-filled trenches and looked at the sky above them. The last time it was sunny, they saw what was called an overwhelming locust-like swarm.

The terrifying howls of the Tang Dynasty's tactical bombers kept them awake at night, and every time they thought about it, they could not stop trembling all over.

It was really an unforgettable memory. The Stuka dive bomber made a huge and harsh buzz, and then dived down from an altitude of several thousand meters. Everyone was so frightened by the horrific scene that they huddled in the trench and resigned themselves to their fate.

But this time, just a few days have passed, and the sky has cleared up again. The Tang Air Force will definitely visit their defense line again.

Swallowing his saliva, a Dahua veteran couldn't help but look at the sky again. He was really afraid that that terrifying plane would appear above his head again, circling like a vulture.

"Don't we also have planes?" A young Dahua soldier couldn't help but ask the platoon leader next to him. The platoon leader was a little nervous and kept looking up at the sky. He didn't even answer his subordinates' questions.

Soon, the familiar hum of an engine faintly appeared in the sky, and everyone immediately became nervous. They clenched their weapons and waited for the enemy to appear.

Soon, the sound of the engine became louder and louder. When everyone could clearly hear the terrifying sound of the propeller rotation, a Stuka dive bomber tore through the clouds and began to dive.

Once again, the buzzer installed on the landing gear began to make a long and terrifying scream. The noise echoed in everyone's ears, making people shudder uncontrollably.

"Enemy plane! Enemy plane!" A timid soldier pointed to the sky and shouted. Along with his shout, a 500-kilogram aerial bomb hit a nearby position.

The huge explosion kicked up black smoke and dust that covered the sky, and the soldiers could feel the ground beneath their feet shaking violently.

Although the soft soil weakened the bomb's damage capability, the 500-kilogram bomb was still very powerful. Coupled with the terrifying hit accuracy of the Stuka dive bomber, the damage effect was still astonishing.

More and more Stuka dive bombers began to dive, shredding the clouds with their wingtips, and pointed their noses at their targets.

The ground-attack 20mm caliber cannon deliberately installed under the wing began strafing during the dive, destroying various targets found on the ground.

To be honest, the Dahua Empire's air defense camouflage is actually quite good because it has learned from the Mirage Kingdom's war experience, but they still cannot truly conceal themselves.

Many tents are still made of white cloth, and although many artillery positions are covered with camouflage nets, they are somewhat different from the surrounding colors.

In short, when the Tang army's aircraft strafed and dived, chaos inevitably occurred in the Dahua Empire's defense line.

One bomb after another was dropped, and then the anti-aircraft guns on the Dahua Empire's position began to counterattack.

It's just that these outdated anti-aircraft guns with really poor performance cannot really threaten the bombers of the Tang Kingdom.

There is no way, there are too few anti-aircraft guns with improved muzzle adjustment speeds that can keep up with modern aircraft, so most of the anti-aircraft guns used by the Dahua Empire troops on the front lines are still improved from old anti-balloon guns.

Goods can only serve as a certain degree of intimidation.

The Dahua soldiers operating the anti-aircraft guns on the position almost dislocated their arms, but they still couldn't aim at the Stukas that dived and pulled up like the wind.

This time, the Datang Kingdom had more planes carrying out bombing missions, because the dark clouds in the sky were thinner, visibility was much better, and the airports in the hinterland of the Datang Kingdom also had more time to take off planes.

Hundreds of Stukas and more than 50 Butcher fighter jets hovered over the battlefield, tormenting the ground forces of the Great China Empire.

Just as the Dahua troops on the ground were enduring the destruction of the enemy while cursing their own air force, the Dahua Empire's air force finally appeared.

In the cockpit of a Butcher fighter jet that was looking for an attack target at medium and low altitudes, the pilot was overlooking the ground beneath his feet, and a row of bullets suddenly hit him from the side. The pilot was so frightened that he quickly flew the plane to dodge.

The bullets left a series of holes in his wings and tail, and a hole was punched through a piece of glass in his cockpit canopy.

"I'm under attack! I'm under attack! Enemy plane! Enemy plane!" He controlled his plane to climb quickly while observing the surrounding situation.

His plane was damaged, and he was not sure whether the engine had been hit. So he was very nervous, alerting his companions, and calling for help on the radio: "I was hit! The cockpit canopy was penetrated! Please return!"

Request to return!"

Because pilots are so valuable, pilots in the Tang Dynasty were told not to act recklessly. If the plane malfunctions or is hit, it must return immediately without continuing to fight.

The wingman flying behind him climbed with him. He saw some faint black smoke coming out of the side of his lead aircraft, so he immediately said: "Leader! Lead! Your aircraft is smoking slightly! Get out of the battlefield!"

I'll cover you from the battlefield!"

On the other side, the Tang Air Force, who was startled by the sudden arrival of the Dahua Air Force, also quickly reacted. They are all experienced pilots. In terms of experience, they are definitely better than those of the Dahua Empire.

Rookies are even better.

In the small cockpit of the Butcher fighter jet, a young man wearing an oxygen mask looked for his target through the bright hatch.

He gently shook his control stick and pointed his nose at an enemy fighter that was preparing to attack the Stuka bomber.

In his sight, the enemy aircraft was very ugly. He knew the model of this aircraft, and the Tang State's intelligence department had thoroughly investigated the fighter equipment of the Dahua Air Force.

This is a Cyric 1 fighter with a speed of only 200 kilometers per hour, which is basically the performance level of the aircraft at the end of World War I.

It also has an open cockpit, so it cannot fly too high, and its engine performance is not very good. It is equipped with two 7.92 mm caliber machine guns.

The plane was circling, pointing its nose at the diving Stuka in the distance, but the pilot of the plane did not notice that above him, a Butcher fighter jet was already aimed at him.

"Too slow! You're too slow!" In the cockpit of the Butcher fighter jet, a young man wearing an oxygen mask muttered, piloting his plane to dive rapidly and approach the target he wanted to attack.

His aircraft can reach a speed of nearly 600 kilometers when diving, which is three times the flying speed of enemy aircraft! The two aircraft are not products of the same era at all, and there is a huge gap between them.

In an instant, the enemy plane in the boy's sight had become very large. He pulled the trigger, and the 20mm cannon on the wing fired a short burst. The tracer bullets shone brightly and rushed towards the Xiri.

K-1 fighter jet.

Frankly speaking, it seems a bit wasteful to use a 20 mm caliber cannon to attack such an enemy aircraft. Several shells hit the aircraft, and the opponent's wooden wings instantly shattered and broke directly in the air.

Turning the nose of his plane, the boy steered his fighter jet to avoid the enemy plane that had lost its wings on the path, and then pointed the nose of the plane at another Dahua fighter jet of the same model in the distance.

The aircraft of both sides are really easy to identify. The Tang Dynasty's aircraft have dragon emblems on their wings, while the Dahua Empire's fighter planes have white five-pointed stars painted on their wings.

"Thud, tut, tut!" At a very close distance, the boy piloting the Butcher fighter jet once again pulled the trigger and fired again in short bursts. The three cannon shells instantly penetrated the fuselage of the enemy plane, smashing the aircraft into pieces.

Two cuts.

The young man controlled the plane and began to climb. As it climbed, he looked for the next attack target through the glass on the hatch.

"Your teachers are all apprentices taught by me... You should call me uncle! But it's a pity that you don't have a chance..." He muttered in his mouth, flew the plane in a circle, and then gracefully

He returned to the battlefield.

Soon, he found the third enemy plane and smashed it into pieces. He even felt the tension and despair of the pilot of the enemy plane, because when he dived, the enemy plane seemed to have given up the struggle.

Soon, more fighter jets from the Great China Empire appeared on the battlefield, and more fighter jets from the Tang Kingdom also joined the melee.

After the initial brief panic of being attacked by a sneak attack, Tang's Butcher fighter force immediately regained its sense of self. They were originally escort fighters, and now they finally had the opportunity to return to their old profession.

Except for the two planes that were injured and returned home, and the other two planes that followed for protection, the remaining forty-odd Butcher fighter jets fought in a melee with about 100 Dahua Empire fighter jets.

Immediately afterwards, more than 100 fighter jets from the Great China Empire and fifty fighter jets from the Tang Kingdom also joined the battle.

The roar of engines echoed in the sky, and planes fell from the sky one after another dragging black smoke. The planes from both sides were entangled, and the sky was chaotic.

The soldiers on the ground of the Dahua Empire saw their own aircraft appearing, and each one let out an excited shout.

But soon, these soldiers of the Great China Empire discovered an embarrassing fact: the crashed ones seemed to be all their planes.

Then, the cheers just stopped suddenly. The Dahua soldiers looking up at the sky seemed to be choked by something.

This chapter has been completed!
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