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723 The ground is in a mess

The sound of the tank engine broke the tranquility of the village. The rolling tracks broke through the fence. The slender barrel was the first to break out of the bushes, followed by the most eye-catching sloped armor of the Panther tank.

Liu Guozhu stuck his head out and looked through the telescope at the low-lying fields in the distance. On the field ridge over there, there were still some ammunition boxes piled up that he had no time to take away.

There were obviously Dahua troops stationed here, but later they probably discovered the Tang army approaching and fled in panic.

Before the civilians in the village had time to escape, they watched as the tank, which was almost larger than their houses, rumbled past the door of their homes, causing the mud on the courtyard wall to crackle and fall straight down.

"113 calls 115! 113 calls 115! It's safe here! There are no Dahua troops!" Liu Guozhu pressed the intercom and notified the friendly tanks that were moving in next to him.

The commander of the tank joked and replied: "115 heard it! 115 heard it! I saw it too! They lost a lot of things on my side."

On the other side of the village, Tank No. 115 was parked next to a pile of household items abandoned by the Dahua army, as if it was guarding these rags.

Because there was no time to take it away, a 100 mm caliber howitzer was discarded here, and there were several ammunition boxes next to it. There were no shells in them, and some shell casings of shells were scattered around.

In the previous battle, the artillery of the Dahua Army obviously shelled the Tang Army here, but Liu Guozhu and the others were not hit by artillery shells. God knows where these Dahua troops fired their artillery.

Next to the cannon was a carriage with a broken wheel, and the reins were hung messily on the shaft. Obviously, this was the main reason why the Dahua army abandoned the cannon.

"Did you see the mounds to the south? And the woods! I bet Dahua's troops must have retreated there." Liu Guozhu looked at the surrounding terrain and said firmly to the commander of car No. 115.

"Let me take a look! There is a house blocking my view! Wait a moment! Okay, I saw it... Judging from the terrain, it is indeed possible that they retreated there." The commander of Car No. 115 agreed.

Liu Guozhu’s judgment.

Obviously, after suffering several losses, the enemy did not retreat quickly along the road, because the Tang Army's Lion armored reconnaissance vehicles had been searching for the main force of the Dahua army along the road.

If the opponent retreats along the road, they will definitely be discovered, and the Tang army, which has better mobility, will catch up and kill them.

Therefore, after being annihilated several times, the opponent gave up the attempt to retreat along the road: they suffered heavy losses in the battle for several villages west of Wangchun City, and were subsequently surrounded by the Tang army who counterattacked. It can be said that they had a narrow escape from death.

Two huge encirclement circles were quickly formed, and the slow-running Dahua troops were now prisoners of the Tang army.

About 100,000 people were surrounded in the pockets of the Tang army. Later, these temporarily gathered troops with almost no supplies surrendered.

After losing a large number of troops again, the surrounding Dahua commanders finally realized that their plan to counterattack Wangchun City might be a bit too optimistic, so they soon began to retreat.

The battle has been going on, but before, the Dahua troops were on the offensive side, while the Tang army deployed their pockets to wait for work.

Now the whole scene is reversed. The Dahua troops in the area east of Zangjian Gorge are retreating, while the Tang army, which is not large in number, is attacking.

In this general environment, Redman reported the situation he encountered. Tang Mo and Loew, who were far away in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty, also quickly seized the opportunity: they clearly realized that the area east of Zangjian Gorge did not seem to be the same.

There is no main force of the Dahua army!

Therefore, the original battle plan of cutting off the logistics supply line of the Dahua army near Xicong was immediately revised to a very simple one: "find and engage the enemy in the area east of Zangjian Gorge."

After receiving the order, Redman immediately used the advantages of his own air force and armored forces to disrupt the area east of the relatively flat Zangjian Gorge and eat as many Dahua troops as possible that had not yet been fully organized.

There is vitality.

So when the task was assigned to the troops, the order everyone received was a crude "Keep attacking!"

"Let's go over there and have a look! If Dahua's troops are hiding there, two tanks can press over and kill them." Liu Guozhu put down his binoculars and continued to suggest to the commander of car No. 115.

The commander of No. 115 did not refuse. To be honest, he had figured out how powerful his tank was in the past two days. Even if there was an entire infantry battalion of the Dahua Army over there, two of their tanks could not kill it.

What danger.

However, he still put forward his own opinion: "Just drive the tanks over. Anyway, regardless of whether there is Dahua's army or not, the view over there is better."

"Okay! Keep the formation! Avoid the highway, they may lay mines." Liu Guozhu reminded, and then issued an order to his driver: "The mound on the left! Drive over! Let's go ahead! Car No. 115

follow us!"

"Understood!" The operator immediately responded to Liu Guozhu's order. He slightly adjusted the direction of the tank, broke a small tree brutishly, and drove towards the mound over there.

Next to the tank, a child from Dahua Village was naked buttocks, sniffling, and looked at the huge tank in front of him with his big eyes as he walked away.

At this time, the woman hiding in the house realized that her child had not followed her into the house. She rushed out crazily, hugged her son in the exhaust fumes from the tank, dragged her into the house and whipped her hard.

A child's butt.

Because the advance was so fast, Liu Guozhu and his two tanks did not even have grenadiers following them.

The two tanks rushed up the hillside one after another, and then Liu Guozhu and the commander of the No. 115 tank stood there stunned.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! What they saw was a mess, with hundreds of white tents, Dahua tanks parked around the tents, and some trucks.

At the same time, they also saw the craters on the ground, the overturned tables that were thrown aside, and all kinds of messy things.

There were soldiers' clothing, backpacks and luggage, some stretchers, and the bodies of soldiers lying on the ground.

Obviously, the Dahua troops stationed here have completed their assembly. It is estimated that there is a battalion of infantry and seven or eight tanks. They are probably with the Dahua troops who abandoned the village, but the Dahua troops stationed here

At that time, it was attacked by the Tang Dynasty Air Force.

There were fallen military horses next to the bomb crater, but none of these dead horses had saddles on them. This shows that the Dahua troops stationed here were not ready for battle. They were suddenly attacked and were blown away in all directions.

Eventually, the opposing commander...if he was still alive after the air raid ended, abandoned the camp and left with the remaining troops, leaving only a mess.

"We are still a step too late, otherwise there would have been a bloody battle." The commander of Tank No. 115 looked down at the entire destroyed camp and said with emotion.

"Yes! If they learn to conceal themselves from the air, they may be able to survive until we get here." Liu Guozhu also looked down at the tragic battlefield and nodded.

This is just his emotion. In fact, if he said it, he would not say it. Because the fixed bunkers of the Dahua Empire are more or less camouflaged with air defense, and the moving troops have no concept of air defense at all.

Because most of their military supplies have only started to be replaced on a large scale in the past two years, they have not adapted to today's battlefield environment at all.

Their tents are still mainly white, and they also use many black carriages. Compared with the Tang troops who almost all use camouflage camouflage, the level of camouflage is not a bit worse.

Liu Guozhu, who was somewhat unmotivated, ordered the vehicle to reverse and found a place with relatively high grass to hide. Tank No. 115 also chose a position on the side. They cleared the direction in which the enemy might attack.

Obviously, if there are enemies nearby, they should be in the woods. But Liu Guozhu and the others are not willing to go to the woods to cause trouble for themselves.

Since the opponent has been frightened by the air attack, it is unlikely that troops will be organized to counterattack in a short period of time. It is wise to wait for the reconnaissance troops who have taken a long detour to bring back the news before taking action.

Soon, the company headquarters arrived at the village behind them, and the battalion's communication vehicles and supply vehicles also arrived.

The supply personnel following the convoy moved the gasoline barrels off the trucks in a hurry, and then filled each tank with diesel as much as possible.

The air was filled with the strange smell of diesel, and those who wanted to smoke had to go out of the village to light a fire in the wilds further away.

Liu Guozhu leaned on his tank, took out a piece of melted candy from his pocket, twisted the candy wrapper, and stuffed the deformed candy into his mouth.

A sweet smell immediately filled his mouth. Although the sugar cubes in the food supplies distributed by the army were not of high purity, for a young man, this taste could indeed refresh his mind.

It has been two days since they left the village where the melee was fought. During these two days, they have been attacking westward without even digging a trench.

The Tang army actually adopted an offensive posture on this defensive front, which was really unexpected.

Not only did Dahua not think of it, but even the Tang Army itself didn't think of it. Liu Guozhu's tank battalion was attacking westward. They had stretched out the entire defense line for nearly 70 kilometers!

This was a huge protrusion that was too big to be ignored: even the Tang army themselves felt that the results they had achieved were a bit too great.

"What did the above say? Keep fighting forward?" The captain of car No. 115 walked up to Liu Guozhu, holding an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

This chapter has been completed!
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