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738Morning in the industrial city

"Extra! Extra! Capture fifteen cities in seven days! General Strauss's great victory in the south! Our army sweeps across the northern part of Chu!" On the streets of Tongcheng, where the rain had stopped raining, the old man selling newspapers kept shouting in a hoarse voice.


There is not much stagnant water on the streets here anymore, and many cleaners are using brooms made of huge bamboos to clean up the mud that has solidified on the asphalt roads.

Cars speeding through the streets represent that the city is full of vitality again. There are busy workers everywhere and flashing neon lights everywhere.

Although the war is still going on, the territory of Tang State is actually very peaceful. Among the topics that everyone talks about, there may be more content about floods than about war.

Because the troops were achieving great victories one after another and driving out the invading enemies, everyone was very peaceful and believed that they would be able to win the final victory.

"Give me one." A well-dressed man rolled down his car window and handed a banknote to the old man selling newspapers.

When the old man knew that the big business was coming, he immediately took out a newspaper from his chest with a smile on his face, handed it to the other party, nodded and bowed and sent a series of auspicious words: "Sir, you will make a lot of money."

!Boundless wealth! This is your change. Have a safe journey and success in no time!”

These days, with the popularity of radios and more and more loudspeakers, newspaper sales are not as good as in the past. Therefore, there is no way to earn more income without using a little subjective initiative.

Therefore, while selling newspapers, bringing a wet rag to wipe the dust on the front of the car and shouting a few good words of blessing has become a unique skill of many newspaper sellers.

At first, one or two people did this, but later after everyone discovered the trick, things became common.

On the other side, seeing that his colleagues had opened their business, the old newspaper seller who occupied the street on the other side shouted even harder: "Great victory! Great victory! Our army captured Ningjiang, the important town of Chu State! One hundred thousand Chu troops surrendered in defiance of the wind!"

Because of the Child Protection Law of the Tang Dynasty, all school-age children must participate in national compulsory education, and it is impossible for newsboys to sell newspapers on the street.

They were replaced by some illiterate old people. It might be too difficult for them to expect these old men and women to work as workers to operate the machines, so they could only make the best use of their resources to do some odd jobs.

Usually those who clean up debris on the streets are younger old men, and those who help in public welfare areas are usually old ladies.

In short, under the management of the Tang Kingdom, it was almost impossible to see anyone sitting idle. Everyone must work here, and everyone can find a position that suits them.

Of course, having a job for everyone means that everyone has food to eat. This was simply unimaginable in the past. According to past experience in country operations, it is impossible for a kingdom to provide enough food for everyone.

This is also what makes the Tang Kingdom unique: its operating model is completely different from the previous kingdoms and empires. Every link seems to be more advanced, and it has the flavor of comprehensively crushing other countries.

There are so many ways to make money in the entire kingdom, and the cake is so big that the noble merchants who used to exploit the common people are too lazy to compete with the common people for profit. They just open a random one.

The company builds a factory and follows the Datang Group to drink some soup, which is enough for them to be prosperous and wealthy for a lifetime.

It's really not a joke, this is an era where you can make money no matter what you do. Paper, candy, salt, socks... no matter what it is, as long as you produce it, you can sell it all instantly.

This is an era when everything is lacking. People have no clothes, no food, no entertainment and no hope.

Therefore, no matter what you sell, even if it is just a newspaper full of hope, you can sell it completely! There will be no one left!

In the village, although everyone is not very literate, there are still consuls or some young interns who are willing to read newspapers for everyone, popularize some policies promulgated by the country, and some great construction projects.

Therefore, even in small villages far away from the coastline, ordinary people know that in the distant Linshui Port, which they have only heard of, another huge cargo ship of more than 20,000 tons has been built, and even uses the latest transportation technology.


After dinner, the two farmers could discuss whether the plastic products produced by the Kingdom in Binh Ninh will pollute the nearby soil and delay the local people's spring plowing and sowing.

The third old man selling newspapers waved the newspaper in his hand and started selling: "The Dahua troops who destroyed Xicong have been compressed. Hundreds of thousands of invading troops are short of food and clothing. They are already in danger!"

Above his head, a huge chimney was emitting thick smoke, and on the other side of the courtyard wall was actually a huge steel factory.

A train loaded with iron ore will pass through the streets of Tongcheng. When the train passes, a black and yellow railing will be put down on both sides of the street to block passing pedestrians and vehicles.

Then the long train will pass through the middle of the separated streets, blowing the deafening long whistle, and the carriages will pass in front of people's eyes without stopping for a long time.

The signal light on the side kept flashing red light, and the bell-like tone jingled tirelessly, and it continued until long after the train left, and then stopped.

There are pipes everywhere in the huge factory, and some are even lined up overhead like an overpass crossing the entire street.

The shiny metal iron pipes are connected by rivets and screws at intervals. If you look carefully, there are wild cats or wild birds perched on top.

Because the sanitary conditions are getting better and better, there are even fewer rats in the entire city. However, pollution still exists, the cracks in the streets are full of soot, and the floating debris left by burning makes people cough constantly.

It only takes one day for a burnt shirt to turn its collar and cuffs black. If the wind is in the wrong direction, the exhaust gas from the smelting plants pouring into the city will burn the respiratory tract, making every breath extremely painful.

This is by no means alarmist, on the contrary, it marks the prosperity and greatness of Copper City. This huge heavy industrial city supports more than three million workers who work non-stop.

Because of the open terrain, the area of ​​Copper City is larger than that of Bunas, and its development speed is more exaggerated than that of Bunas.

After all, with more heritage and more experience, cities like Copper City have actually far surpassed Bunas, the city of hope in the past, in terms of industrial production capacity.

The whole city seems to be burning, because the existence of the factory has completely changed the way people here live.

Families relying on mountains and rivers naturally enjoy varying degrees of benefits: the air near them is hot in winter, and many weird things are shockingly cheap.

For example, boiling hot water: There are often many cheap bathhouses near factories. These public bathhouses have become a kind of culture and have also saved people the cost of pursuing cleanliness.

Truckloads of industrial waste hot water can be purchased at very cheap prices. The steaming water trucks fill the water tanks in the bathhouses, and then allow the surrounding bathing enthusiasts to use them.

Another benefit is sawdust, which is the discarded wood chips that have been cut. There are a lot of these in the factory, and they are of little use, so you can buy them home and burn them with a small amount of money.

Compared with firewood, this thing does not need to be burned and will burn out in a short time. However, it is cheap and easy to ignite. Part of it is often used as a ignition material when lighting a fire.

Sometimes, together with the cinders picked up from near the factory gate when the children are playing in their spare time, they can be burned for a few days, and the savings can be worth 100 million...

Another advantage of industrial areas is that it is convenient to use electricity. Because factories must use electricity, industrial cities tend to have relatively developed electricity.

After a series of developments, Tongcheng's power system is now quite complete, every household is connected to electricity, and street lights have been widely popularized in the city.

You must know that this is still a very luxurious thing in cities in other countries. But in the Tang Kingdom, it is no longer a rare thing.

Whether Chang'an, Linshui, Tongcheng, or Longgang, these cities have all been lit up by electric lights, and many places have even begun to use brighter and more advanced "fluorescent tubes."

Amid the shouts of the newspaper sellers, the day in Tongcheng started busy like this. The vendors pushing the breakfast stalls opened the steaming steamers and started selling their food while shouting. There were gradually more and more cars on the street.

The sound of horns started to sound one after another on the congested road.

The clerk of the opened store was taking down the wooden board covered with discount notices from the window, turning it over and leaning it against the door.

In the newly opened tailor shop, the proprietress spilled the waste water from washing on the manhole cover at the door. In the window above the sign, a middle-aged woman dried the sheets to dry. On the higher roof, there was an advertising sign that had been flashing all night.

The beauty's smile remains unchanged, showing her white teeth while holding a cigarette box from Tongcheng Cigarette Factory.

Workers riding bicycles in dense groups crowded the intersection, and the excited sounds of greetings between acquaintances made the whole street extremely noisy.

The loudspeaker inside the factory wall began to play music full of current interference. This was a day in Copper City and a day for countless workers.

No one can feel the breath of war from such a life. Everyone is enjoying the unprecedented life they are living. From this life, they see something called hope.

(Many things in this chapter have been experienced by Long Ling, they are familiar and warm)

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