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743 Zhao family

The flood gradually subsided, and the Tang State's national strength quickly began to recover. The troops that had been delayed and dispersed in local areas began to be gradually mobilized and reinforced in all directions.

This speed of mobilizing troops became faster and faster because the roads began to be repaired: Datang was originally a country with the best and most attentive infrastructure in the world, and these infrastructures were of course very powerful when they were functioning.

The long railway mileage and numerous roads in good condition made it very convenient for Tang troops to mobilize, and their assembly was even more unexpected.

While the Tang State unknowingly assembled 6 divisions and launched the campaign in the central region, the Tang State also added 2 divisions to the Chu Plains controlled by Strauss, and 4 additional divisions to the Zangjian Gorge.


In this way, it can be said that the Tang Army's troops in all fighting areas are increasing, and at the same time, the Tang Army fighting in these areas is still destroying the enemy troops in front of them.

Between increases and decreases, the comparison of the two sides' troops is undergoing obvious changes. Dahua and Chu, which were already in a strategic defensive state, are increasingly feeling mountain-like pressure.

For the enemy, it was a huge pressure, but for the Tang State, it was the other way around. This feeling of getting better and better made many generals ecstatic.

The transportation lines behind everyone are getting smoother and smoother, reinforcements are getting more and more, and supplies are becoming more and more timely. This feels really great.

This is the feeling of playing with a gun for twenty minutes and finding out that you still have two hundred rounds of ammunition and four first-aid kits; it is the feeling of opening the backpack after finishing the dungeon halfway and finding that you still have a hundred bottles of blue;

I haven’t gone out to buy groceries for a week at home and found that there were still two boxes of instant noodles and ham sausages in the kitchen...

It was only at this moment in the war that the Tang Army began to exert its strength. The frontline generals of the Dahua Empire finally learned the most serious and basic battle mode of the Tang Army: horizontal push.

What kind of battle command are best for students who graduated from the Datang Military Academy? No need to ask, all the students who have studied there will tell you the same answer.

When the logistics support meets the requirements, use the simplest and crudest means to gather superior forces and launch the attack in the most secure way.

The principle pursued by these commanders of the Tang Dynasty is that if they can take off 10 aircraft for support, they will not only take off 9 aircraft! If they can use 100 artillery pieces, they will not only use 50 artillery pieces for support!

If possible, the Tang Army could gather hundreds of tanks into battle on a front of several kilometers. As long as there were enough fuel and ammunition pipes, the Tang Army hoped to have more tanks to support it.

While other countries were still struggling with how to transport two meals of dry food to frontline troops, the logistics support commanders of the Datang Group learned in class that toffees and cigarettes were the guarantee of high morale for the troops.

"You can't just let the soldiers eat noodles because they can fight the war! This is dereliction of duty. Warriors who fight for the country deserve the best!" This is the Logistics and Supply Department of Datang Military Academy

This is a famous saying that everyone in the book has heard, and it is also their code of conduct.

It is their mission to find ways to send more ammunition and food to frontline combat troops, and this is definitely not an empty talk.

With more ammunition, more air support, more reinforcements, more tanks and more armored vehicles, the Tang Army is invincible!

Originally harboring resentment, these officers and soldiers, who were supported and respected by the common people during the disaster relief process, realized why they were fighting.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are the soldiers of the people of the Tang Dynasty! They protect the people of the Tang Dynasty. This is the faith they fight for! Do you know what faith is? With this, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty...are invincible.

What does it feel like when your own country is bullied and invaded by other countries when disaster strikes?

Revenge was unfamiliar to Tang Jun, but it was this feeling that allowed them to understand things that they had not been able to understand during the smooth battles in the past.

No one knows how ferociously these troops fought after arriving at the front line, because their ferocious enemies... no longer exist.

Even because they were too fierce, these troops once increased the loss rate of the Tang Army after arriving at the front line. These troops could even be described as reckless when attacking, and they were even more tenacious and rock-solid when defending.

In the main hall of the Dahua Empire, Zhao Kai's face turned blue after being tormented by various recent battles: He had not heard any good news in the past few days, and it seemed as if the entire empire was about to die.

The Tang army's bombing of Fengjiang was news that shocked the court two months ago, but now? Everyone no longer cares about the bombing, because even with Feng Kezhi in charge, the Tang army commanded by Bolton still threatened Fengjiang...

Listen, listen! Are these still human words? In the past, enemy planes only bombed a few times, but now... the enemy's tank tracks are not far from Fengjiang City!

Zhao Kai hasn't been in a good mood lately, and all kinds of bad news have devastated him so much that he can't sleep well or eat. When it comes to who is suffering the most when the empire is over, he is the only one who suffers the most. After all, he is the emperor.

Other ministers can continue to serve as officials, but if that doesn't work, they can go home and become rich. Even moving their families to other countries to eke out a living is still an option.

But he can't do it. He is the emperor of the Great China Empire and the owner of this country. There is no way out.

Therefore, even he, under the bombardment of all kinds of bad news, became gloomy and miserable.

He looked at the ministers below, and his hoarse voice echoed in the hall: "What do you mean by being unable to fight back? Aren't the reinforcements from Qin already arrived? Where are the reinforcements from Shu? Where are their reinforcements? Where are they?"

At this time, no one was willing to talk. Even Shen Chuan, the Minister of War, who was in charge of this matter, lowered his head and remained silent.

So Zhao Kai continued to talk to himself: "Send Zhao Chen a telegram! Send a telegram! Ask him to start counterattack when he is ready! If he says he is not ready, ask him when he will be ready! When he can start counterattack


Upon hearing this, Shen Chuan finally couldn't sit still: Feng Kezhi had warned him before leaving that if he lost more troops, the situation might really be unstable.

So he immediately left work, lowered his head and said to Zhao Kai: "Your Majesty, calm down! Our troops are not dominant on all fronts now. Forcing the frontline generals to counterattack at this time will worsen the situation on the frontline."

As everyone had guessed, Zhao Kai was like a gasoline barrel, and he exploded instantly: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't take back the southern oil fields, you won't take Wangchun City, Tengyun City, Nanfengkou...

Take it back... The Great China Empire will never give up! It will never give up!"

Chu Muzhou thought about it for a moment, then walked out with his heavy legs and dragged his old body: "Your Majesty, please calm down! I think the war will continue to be fought, but how to fight it... I still need to listen to the opinions of the generals.


"I listened to too many of their opinions before! But what's the result? As a result, they are afraid of war and death, and they push back and forth!" Zhao Kai did not give the imperial prime minister any face at all, and even felt that this old guy was a bit dependent on his old age.

So he scolded with disdain: "Before, I thought that I should take advantage of Tang State's unstable foothold to avenge Zheng State! But you all don't know how much benefit you have from eating that Tang Mo! You just don't agree with me declaring war on Tang State!"

An emperor said that his ministers had accepted bribes from an enemy country. This was already a very serious accusation, so Chu Muzhou immediately defended himself: "Your Majesty, calm down... Your Majesty, be careful! Your Majesty never took a penny from Tang Mo.

Heaven can teach you!"

The remaining ministers also cried and howled, as if they had been greatly wronged: "Yes! Your Majesty, I have been honest and honest, and I have never taken any stolen money from the enemy country!"

This wail made Zhao Kai's head feel as big as a fight, and he immediately roared: "Shut up! When Ding Hong gathered his defeated troops and stationed at Nanfengkou, what did you say? You said that Ding Hong was a capable minister and a famous general! It was me.

The pillar of great talent! He is a rare and handsome talent!"

"I almost gave him the glory of the general! Almost!" Zhao Kai became even more excited when he mentioned this. He walked back and forth in front of his throne angrily, like a beast overlooking the food at his feet.

: "He surrendered! He surrendered!"

"Hahahaha! He actually surrendered! He gave up the southern oil fields! He gave up the southeastern country of the Great China Empire to the Tang people!" Zhao Kai laughed angrily, his voice rising to a sharp level.

But before he finished speaking, he continued to roar: "Now! Qian Jinhang, who you also call a capable minister and a famous general, is flirting with the Tang people in Xicong! Hundreds of thousands of people in the Great China Empire

Army! My army of hundreds of thousands! He is about to give it to Tang Mo! To the Tang people!"

Qian Jinhang's matter is no longer a secret. After all, it was the surrender of hundreds of thousands of troops, and it could not be concealed.

In fact, after Qian Jinhang decided to surrender, he sent a telegram to the Great China Empire, admitting everything he had done, and clearly reported the final date for the complete surrender of the troops to his old employer.

Feng Kezhi actually understood Qian Jinhang, because he was the one who ordered Qian Jinhang to hold on to his position to delay time - Qian Jinhang completed the tasks assigned by Feng Kezhi very well, and indeed stayed until the agreed time, and even exceeded the quota.


But Emperor Zhao Kai didn't understand. From his point of view, Qian Jinhang should fight to the end, fight to the last soldier, and then commit suicide to die for his country. Only then could he be worthy of the reward he gave to Qian Jinhang as a general.


This series of events made Zhao Kai increasingly distrustful of generals with foreign surnames, so he used more members of the royal family that he was wary of before.

Zhao Chen is one, Zhao Jie is another, and now...he thought of more Zhao family members.

This chapter has been completed!
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