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755 Strongest Infantry

"I promised General Bolton! The 7th Infantry Army could not see Fengjiang City before nightfall today, so I buried myself at the front of the position!" On the starting position, the commander of the 7th Infantry Army of the Tang Army looked ahead.

On the battlefield, he said to the staff around him: "I'm not kidding!"

"General..." The chief of staff scratched the back of his head and said with some uneasiness: "The Qin army is good at fighting. There is no need to say such things..."

"Go away! The Qin army is good at fighting? Are we, the Tang people, cowards? Are we, the Tang army, greedy for life and afraid of death? Just telegraph my original message to the entire army! From now on, our 7th Army of the Tang Dynasty will be the most capable army in the Tang Dynasty.

!" The bearded military commander cursed without looking back.

In his sight, the tanks of the Tang Army had already launched a charge covering his infantry. Amidst the black smoke on the horizon, the Tang Army wearing M35 helmets followed the tanks like ants, bending down and pressing towards them.

Enemy positions in the distance.

"I was carrying sandbags on the river embankment, and they came to smash my home and kill my parents? I really want to ask, why!" Putting down the telescope, the bearded military commander looked behind him

The officers said: "We Tang people... look easy to bully, right?"

"Who doesn't know that we Tang people are being polite if we don't bully others? If we dare to provoke Tang people, wouldn't we be seeking death?" He snorted coldly: "But these bastards just came and beat Xicong to death.

A ruin!"

"I put my words here. The first one to reach Dahua Imperial City in the past must be our 7th Army!" After saying that, he once again cast his sights on the battlefield in the distance. On the horizon, a bloody dragon flag had already been seen.

was erected.

On a position full of craters, soldiers of the Tang Army held Type 56 assault rifles and leaped into the shapeless trenches, shouting.

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They stepped on the corpses of the Qin army scattered everywhere, followed the No. 4 assault gun that was avoiding the crater, and continued to attack deeper into the enemy's positions without stopping.

"Thud, tug, tug, tug!" On a position, the Qin army's Maxim machine gun began to roar, and the bullets hit the soil, splashing a cloud of white smoke.

The soldiers of the Tang Army who lowered their bodies quickly rushed through the fire zone. The soldiers responsible for covering the area raised their assault rifles and fired bullets towards the flames in the distance.

The two sides exchanged fierce fire at a very close distance. After the Tang army approached the enemy's firepower point, they immediately drew out their grenades and threw them towards the enemy's machine gun positions.

The dust raised by the violent explosion even fell on the helmets of the Tang soldiers. Before the smoke completely dissipated, the Tang soldiers shouted loudly and launched a charge.

They stepped on the soft soil that had been plowed by artillery fire, jumped into the trench where grenades were still steaming, and fired with assault rifles at the struggling Qin army who was covered in blood.

"Ah!" A crazy Qin soldier rushed over from the trench on the other side with a bayonet. The Tang soldiers knocked him down with one shot, and then continued to attack along the trench.

"Watch your steps! Be careful of booby traps!" A squad leader who was directing these Tang troops reminded his soldiers loudly while running forward.

The soldiers of the Tang army running in front were already red-eyed. They changed their magazines as they ran, and shot at all the enemies they could see, knocking down the Qin soldiers who rushed over one after another.

"No retreat! No retreat!" On the other side of the trench, the commander of the Qin army was shouting crazily. His voice was hoarse. On the noisy battlefield, people around him could hear clearly: "Fire the bayonet."

!Fight to the end!”

"What the hell! You really think you are invincible, don't you?" A Tang Army soldier who rushed forward pulled out a bayonet from his waist and inserted it into the front of his assault rifle: "Fight these sons of bitches!


"Come to bully us when we have a flood, give them face! Put on the bayonet! Look who is grandpa!" Another young Tang Jun was also completely angry. He also pulled out a sharp bayonet from his lower back and inserted it into his face.

At his own gunpoint.

In their view, these Qin troops who came all the way to help the Great China Empire were completely aiding the tyranny, and this war had nothing to do with them in the first place!

It is disgusting enough that the Great Hua Empire went against the grain and started this war. It can be said that these Qin troops traveled thousands of miles to participate in such a war full of malice against the Tang Dynasty. It can be said that it is even more disgusting.

"Kill!" After inserting the bayonet, the Tang soldier at the front shouted and took another step along the trench.

To their side, a No. 4 assault gun was advancing along the trench. Inside the rolling tracks, a dense row of wheels kept turning, giving the Tang army running below more courage.

Because a steel monster is beside them, and behind that steel monster, there are many more young people who are willing to fight to the end to protect their happy lives.

"Ah!" From the side, a Qin Army soldier shouted and rushed up with a bayonet in his hand. The Tang Army soldier holding an assault rifle tightly in his hand used his bayonet to deflect the blade that was coming towards him. He turned sideways and started talking about the gun.


The end of the wooden gun butt is a metal cover to prevent wear and tear. The cold metal directly hit the side of the Qin soldier's face, smashing half of his molars.

Before the Qin soldier could shout, another Tang soldier who followed him stabbed the Qin soldier in the chest with his bayonet.

Because of the excessive force, the bayonet suddenly penetrated the Qin soldier's body, as if he had nailed him to the wall of the trench.

Blood spurted out along the bleeding trough, instantly dyeing the uniforms of the Qin soldiers red. Pulling out his bayonets, the Tang soldiers spat at their opponents who were already kneeling on the ground, and continued to run with the soldiers in front.

Toward the distance.

This Qin Army soldier fell headlong to the bottom of the trench, his blood dyeing the soil under him red. The Tang Army soldiers who continued to rush over stepped over his body, one after another.

Although the rifles were longer, the Qin army did not have much advantage in fighting bayonets: the Tang army had better food and was obviously stronger, and the Tang army was equipped with a large number of automatic weapons, which took great advantage in trench warfare.

Because they concentrated a large number of tanks and pressed forward the 7th Army, which had been holding back the embankment for a long time with simmering anger, the Tang Army's attack was unimaginably fierce from the beginning.

The Qin army, who had always thought that they were very capable of fighting, finally realized that their opponent, the Tang army, was also very capable of fighting, and seemed to be more capable than them.

Many people have the illusion that the side with more advantageous weapons will be more willing to sacrifice their lives and have a weaker will to fight.

But the Tang army was completely different. They had a stronger will to fight, a firmer belief, were brave and tactical, and their combat effectiveness surpassed all opponents.

The fact that the Tang Army has more advanced tanks and more artillery does not mean that they are as timid as mice. They just have sophisticated weapons and do not bother to show their other side.

They are the strongest army on the surface in the true sense! Not the strongest with the adjective "light" added, but the strongest in the true sense!

When passing a fork in the road, the Tang Army soldier who was rushing at the front stopped. He knelt down on one knee and pulled out a grenade from his waist.

Another Tang Army soldier following him imitated the situation and stopped at the corner, and at the same time took out a grenade.

The two people looked at each other, then pulled the tab on it almost at the same time and released the push-type safety.

After counting silently, the two men threw grenades at the fork in the road almost simultaneously. Then they heard desperate shouts from the other side of the trench: "Grenade!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" The two explosions stirred up mud and gunpowder smoke. The soldiers of the Tang Army who followed rushed into the fork in the road without stopping, and started shooting at the enemy soldiers who were knocked to the ground by grenades.

After a few seconds, the anti-aircraft gun position fell completely silent. Next to a 76mm anti-aircraft gun that had long been destroyed by shelling, the bodies of Dahua soldiers lay scattered everywhere.

"Not the Qin Army!" The squad leader of Tang State, holding an assault rifle, briefly inspected the position that had just been captured by his men.

There were some papers scattered on the ground, and there was a crater left by the explosion of a shell on the other side of the anti-aircraft gun. There were a bunch of empty ammunition boxes scattered around, and a kerosene lamp hung in the corner.

The top of the head is a broken camouflage net, and most of the plants on it are gone. They were probably blown away after being hit by artillery shells. These Dahua soldiers are not artillery, but ordinary infantry assigned to garrison here.

"It's not the Qin Army! The position behind is not the Qin Army either... After passing the woods in front, you can see Fengjiang City." He grabbed a map from the ground and after identifying it, the squad deputy pointed in a direction.


Looking in the direction he pointed, there was indeed an unrecognizable forest. Tanks of the Tang Army were firing at the edge of the forest. It seemed that there were tanks of the Dahua Army hidden in the forest.

"Commander probably won't have to die." The squad leader grinned, revealing his relatively white teeth.

"If the company commander hears this, I will definitely kick your ass." The squad deputy shook his head and waved his hand to the soldiers behind him: "Machine gun team! Establish a defensive position over there! Don't let the enemies on the side sneak attack us!


"Yes!" The machine gunner, who had been running behind with the machine gun on his shoulder, was panting from exhaustion and started running again. The deputy shooter behind him was holding the drum and carrying the ammunition chain, and he was also sweating profusely as he ran.

The Tang Army's attack was so fast that the machine gunners ran for a long time without finding a chance to fire... For them, the experience of this battle was really bad...

But there is no way, who makes them... the strongest infantry.


There is too much phlegm. I have been coughing all day, and spitting out phlegm after coughing... My throat is broken, and the phlegm is full of blood. It looks scary, like vomiting blood. But it doesn't hurt, and the symptoms are not serious, eh

...That's it.

This chapter has been completed!
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