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757 waited all noon

In front of Wang Hai, on both sides of the crosshair of the sight, the Dahua 1 fighter jet was swaying back and forth from left to right.

In front of him, the altimeter was rotating rapidly, and his altitude had dropped from 5,000 to less than 3,000.

When the opponent appeared near the crosshair again, Wang Hai pressed the fire switch and waited for the aircraft to return to his trajectory again.

Sure enough, after he waited patiently for a while, the enemy plane once again began to rapidly approach the direction of the sight's crosshair.

Wang Hai did not hesitate. He seized this opportunity and briefly pulled the trigger. He watched as the light drawn by the tracer bullet passed through the enemy plane that happened to fly back to the crosshairs.

The second ray of light also penetrated the wing of the Dahua fighter jet, leaving a hole in it.

The Dahua fighter jet that was hit trembled a few times, and began to lower its altitude, trailing long black smoke. Wang Hai controlled the plane and flew to the side of the plane. He saw the pilot of the other side opened his cockpit.

then struggled to climb out of the crashing plane.

The opponent stretched out his body and used the airflow to escape from the plane. The plane no longer had a canopy, was still burning, and was dragging thick smoke. It began to lose control and fell even more rapidly.

Then Wang Hai saw an unfolded white parachute. The enemy pilot opened his own parachute and fell to the ground little by little with the wind.

Wang Hai controlled his fighter jet and began to climb, no longer looking at the enemy pilot he shot down.

The excited shouts of his wingman could still be heard in his earphones. The other party had also shot down an enemy plane and was engaged in a fierce battle with another enemy plane.

Wang Hai, who had also dealt with his opponent, did not hesitate and controlled his fighter jet to rush towards the two planes that were chasing him in the distance.

The one behind was an enemy plane, because the wingman on the radio channel was constantly calling Wang Hai, hoping that Wang Hai could help him get rid of the enemy behind him that was clinging to him.

"Don't worry! I'm coming! Swing! Swing! Don't get bitten to death by him!" Wang Hai shouted loudly to his wingman while accelerating.

"I'm getting rid of it! Not fast enough!" The wingman was a little nervous, but his ability to answer the call proved that he was in good condition.

"Hold on! I'm coming! Pull to the left! I'll cut in and fire!" Wang Hai, who found a shortcut, gave the order to his wingman.

The wingman had obviously seen Wang Hai and immediately shouted excitedly: "I see you! I see you! Go left! Go left! I'm flying over!"

In Wang Hai's eyes, the wingman's Butcher fighter jet was turning rapidly and rushing towards his direction.

The enemy plane was biting the wingman and was also circling to the left. The two planes were very close to each other. It seemed that the situation of the wingman was indeed very dangerous.

"Turn! Turn!" Wang Hai used his sight to hold down his wingman, and then reminded him loudly.

The opponent began to deflect to the right, and with a sudden turn, the Dahua fighter jet chasing behind him was suddenly exposed.

Wang Hai did not hesitate and opened fire immediately, firing a row of ammunition head-on, hitting the nose of the Dahua 1 fighter jet.

The opponent's engine spewed out a cloud of black smoke, and then burned into a ball of flame. Wang Hai staggered the nose of his plane and did not see the pilot jumping out of the burning enemy plane.

After circling around, he looked at the ground under his feet again. He saw the burning flame and the black smoke dragged out by the flame.

"I didn't see the pilot parachute! Did you see it?" Wang Hai withdrew his gaze and asked his wingman pilot.

"I didn't see it, I only saw it was on fire..." the wingman pilot replied after being silent for a few seconds.

"Go back! I hope there are still bombers left to fight." Wang Hai glanced at the altimeter in front of him and said to his wingman.

"Understood! I'm following you." The wingman followed up and flew to a position behind Wang Hai. They had just shot down five enemy planes together, which was definitely a big victory.

"Pay attention to the fuel inventory!" Wang Hai reminded him again when he saw that his altitude had returned to 4,000 meters.

"Half of it is left." The wingman gave a relatively accurate value: "It should be enough!"

On the other side, in the chaotic sky, the Dahua bomber pilots finally saw someone making a retreat gesture.

This was a gesture they had been waiting for for a long time, because everyone knew that it was impossible for them to break through the Tang Army's fighter defense line and reach the target to be bombed.

More than 20 Tang Army Butcher fighter jets rushed into the battlefield, and their arrival became the straw that broke the camel's back.

The Dahua bombers that began to lose fighter escorts suffered heavy losses. Planes were shot down and crashed every moment. The sky was filled with the light of tracer bullets, and there were frightening flames everywhere.

It is no longer an unusual sight for the body of a huge bomber to disintegrate in the air. There were so many gunners and pilots floating away with the plane that the survivors began to feel numb.

At the beginning, there were too many bombers and poor communications, so many pilots did not know how much they had lost.

But as time goes by, there are more and more enemy planes, but the bombers of the Great China Empire are getting fewer and fewer. Before, there were more than half, but now there are less than one-third.

Although there are still hundreds of bombers, neither the pilots nor the gunners on these bombers have the faith to continue fighting, or in other words, they no longer have the capital to continue fighting.

On the Dahua bomber that was luckily not shot down, the gunner grabbed a drum from under a row of bullet holes made by friendly forces and shouted to the pilot of the plane in front: "This is the last bomb."

Boom! I’m out of ammunition!”

"Let you save some money... save some money..." The pilot cursed desperately and steered the plane without looking back: "We are starting to return. If we are lucky, we may be able to go back!"

They had just been ordered to drop all the bombs they carried, reducing their weight and making it much faster than when they arrived.

If they kept this speed, they might actually have a chance to get rid of the Tang Army fighter jets that were chasing them and fly back to Jiange.

This opportunity made everyone on the plane breathe a sigh of relief, after all, they didn't want to die here.

"Be careful!" Just as they were talking, the machine gunner saw a Tang Army's Butcher fighter jet rushing over. A tracer bullet hit the wing of the bomber, and the canvas-covered wing was torn open.

The rags around the hole were swaying in the wind.

"Damn it! Is the support broken? Look at it! Look at it!" The pilot, who obviously felt that his plane was not easy to control, shouted nervously.

The machine gunner turned pale with fear. After all, he was a cannon fodder without a parachute. If the plane crashed, he would be the unlucky one...or rather, the group of people.

So he quickly took a closer look at the punctured wing and saw that a steel wire seemed to be broken, and several supports beside it that had lost their binding force were swaying slightly in the wind.

But the problem is not too big, at least they are not broken, and the skin on the wings is not seriously damaged.

In addition, they have discarded the bombs mounted below, reducing the weight of the aircraft, so overall there is still a lot of surplus lift.

"A wire is broken! But it's not a big problem!" the machine gunner shouted loudly: "Stabilize the plane! Don't let us fall!"

Just kidding, he is the most nervous person now, okay? How would you feel if you were riding a roller coaster and suddenly saw that a support on the track in front of you was broken? Or when you were waiting to fly on the jumping machine, you found yourself

How would you feel if two screws fell off the seat?

Now they are 3,000 meters high in the sky! This place is much more dangerous and exciting than a roller coaster or a jumping machine!

"You think I want to fall? Shut up! If you yell again I will throw you down." The pilot was also very nervous, and his voice was trembling when he shouted.

If possible, he didn't want to choose to hand over his life to the parachute he was carrying behind him, which didn't look very safe.

"Damn it, shut up!" Without hearing the reply from the machine gunner behind him, the pilot emphasized again: "I still want to go back!"

"Maybe... we can't go back." The machine gunner's voice came from behind him. The pilot was startled, then suddenly turned around, looked in the direction of the machine gunner's gaze, and saw 16 more Butchers.

A fighter jet appears below the clouds.

"Damn it, how many fighter jets do they have?" the pilot muttered, dumbfounded.

Above their heads, Wang Hai and his wingmen, who had just flown back, began a new round of dive. This time, there were no Dahua fighter jets to interfere with their attack.

They calmly pointed the nose of their fighter jets at the defeated Dahua bombers at their feet, and quickly closed the distance.

Then he fires quickly at a fairly certain distance, smashing his target into pieces. The damage effect of the cannon on the wooden fuselage is so good that it only takes a short shot to destroy the huge bomber.

The body was torn into pieces.

Accompanied by intensive cannon fire, Dahua bombers began to fall one after another, began to disintegrate, and began to explode and catch fire.

On the Tang Army's anti-aircraft artillery position outside the southern oil field, an officer frowned and looked at the sky... He and his anti-aircraft artillery troops had been waiting here for noon, and he didn't even wait for an enemy plane...

This chapter has been completed!
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