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789 A smart person in chaos

"Boom!" As agreed, the Tang Army's attack began. A shell landed on the side of a building, and the dust raised covered the sky and the sun.

Not far from the black smoke, a white flag was neatly erected. Under the white flag, in the Dahua Army headquarters, some Dahua soldiers were carrying the bodies of their companions.

Just now, these Dahua soldiers with white strips of cloth on their arms tried to attack the division's headquarters, but were completely wiped out by the guard troops.

The leader was a battalion commander. On his ID, he was numbered as a direct unit of General Feng Kezhi. The purpose of coming here was also obvious.

Unfortunately, he was stopped in advance, and a fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides. In the end, Feng Kezhi's confidants, who tried to take over the command, all died here because they were outnumbered.

Looking at the corpses, the leader Dahua's expression was not good-looking. He did not expect that Feng Kezhi would send someone to kill him. He was almost killed by someone just now.

On the other side, soldiers of the Tang Army were crossing the defense line of the Dahua Army under the cover of tanks and assault guns. The soldiers of the Dahua Army gathered their weapons and piled them together, as if they were a fire.

They sat on the ruins with empty hands, watching the well-equipped and virtuous soldiers of the Tang Army passing in front of them.

Not far away, on the defense line of another division, several machine gun positions were firing fiercely. The Dahua defenders here did not surrender, but were preparing to hold on to their positions.

Not all Dahua troops received the order to surrender. Many of the troops were direct descendants of Feng Kezhi, or were not direct descendants of the royal family. Naturally, these troops did not know about it, and they did not expect that their flanks had changed hands.

However, this kind of troops soon realized the problem: their flanks had been lost, and the Tang army was surrounding them.

On the other hand, because the rear was already in chaos, the Tang army had begun to extend toward the hinterland, and logistical supply problems began to arise.

Many positions were out of ammunition supplies, and the Tang army pressed on them from all directions. The Dahua soldiers who stood firm were turned into cannon fodder or prisoners.

The first-line positions were lost inexplicably, and some of the second-line positions simply surrendered, while others had no idea what was happening.

Some logistics supply depots were still executing Feng Kezhi's orders to allocate supplies to distribute to the resisting troops, but tanks from the Tang Army drove into the yard outside.

In some command organizations and logistics organizations, there were chaotic fights between one's own people and one's own people, and it seemed that everyone was vying for command and control everywhere.

The phone calls could not be answered for a while, or if they could be answered, no one answered them. What's more, soldiers from the Tang Army were already standing next to the phone with the alarm ringing. No one knew whether there was a soldier lying on the other side of the phone.

There is a corpse, or there is a general Dahua who has surrendered.

The Dahua troops who lost their command were in a mess, and the following troops did not know whether they should leave their barracks or where to go for support.

Therefore, most of the troops could only stand by and watch the friendly forces in the distance raise white flags.

"Did they surrender?" A Dahua battalion commander asked the commander next to him in shock when he saw a white flag hanging on the building not far away.

The leader of the group had a wry smile on his face: "Why did it become like this..."

"No, should we send someone over...to ask about the situation?" the battalion commander suggested reluctantly.

"Is it possible to send people there and come back?" The regiment leader scratched his hair: "Let the troops stand by where they are..."

He didn't know what to do, and no one gave him orders. He couldn't just dispatch troops to rush into this situation.

At this time, a disgraced signal soldier broke into their defense area and was caught and taken over.

The signal soldier who was grabbed by the shoulders was also a little scared, but he still explained his purpose: "General Feng Kezhi's order orders you to stick to the camp and not take a step back! Reinforcements will arrive tonight."

"The general's order?" The regiment leader looked at the other party's ID in confusion, and then nodded: "I understand! Go back and tell your superiors that we will hold our position."

The signal soldier looked happy when he heard the news, then nodded and turned around and ran out of the camp, heading towards the way he came.

"Captain, are we really holding on here?" the battalion commander following him asked anxiously.

The regiment leader nodded: "Otherwise? There are only 1,800 of us. If we go out, we might be treated as rebels and be surrendered. Do you think it's because the surrendered people don't attack us, or the Tang army can let us go?"


Just as he was explaining to his men, the phone on the table behind him rang. The ringing sound startled a few people, and the leader walked over and grabbed the phone receiver: "Hello? This is the fourth person here.

No. 1 barracks..."

A strange voice came from the receiver: "I am the commander of the 226th Division of the Dahua Empire. I order you and your troops to hand over their weapons, hang up the white flag, and surrender to the Tang Army! As long as you give up resistance, you can all save your lives.

, and you can go home safely! I promise that the Tang army will not kill the prisoners! Do you understand?"

"..." After a few seconds of silence, the regiment leader holding the phone receiver swallowed and replied: "I... I have received an order from General Feng Kezhi... He ordered me..."

"Your defenders on both wings have surrendered, and the troops in your rear may also surrender! There will be no reinforcements or ammunition supplies for you. You will be wiped out in less than an hour if you stand there! For yourself and for you

My subordinates, think about it! Is it worth risking everyone’s lives for meaningless resistance?” The man who claimed to be a division commander continued to persuade.

"I...I understand." The regiment leader swallowed again and finally changed his mind: "I will hand over my weapons...I hope the Tang people can guarantee our safety."

"You made a wise choice! Stack the weapons at the door, hang white sheets in the camp, and stay inside. You will be safe." The person on the other end of the phone was obviously very happy, and his voice was much higher.

After hanging up the phone, the regiment leader turned around, sighed and shook his head and said: "Surrender, we will not have reinforcements. Hand over your weapons, and the other party will promise to guarantee our safety."

Another white flag was raised, and some soldiers began to pile their weapons at the door of the barracks, waiting for the Tang army to take over their garrison.

Soon, a No. 4 tank drove past the street in front of the door. A dozen Tang troops walked into the camp. A squad leader accepted the surrender of the Dahua Infantry Regiment on behalf of the Tang troops. Thousands of people were just like this.


The Tang army was rampaging all the way, and naturally there were stubborn Dahua troops who huddled in some buildings, trying to stop the Tang army's attack.

But soon they saw the tanks and assault guns of the Tang Army, and then they were driven out of the collapsed building by the shells, and were strangled to death by the Tang Army's assault rifles.

There are not many such troops, and as the battle progresses, there are fewer and fewer, and the orderly resistance gradually disappears. The remaining Dahua troops can only huddle in their own control area, and are easily divided and surrounded by the Tang army.


At a crossroads, soldiers with weapons on their backs looked blankly at a military vehicle that stopped in front of them. They didn't know what happened, they only knew that there were gunshots everywhere, and there seemed to be exchanges of fire everywhere.

"We are the Imperial Guards. Is this your general headquarters in front of you?" The commander of the Tang State's special forces, who handed over the ID with a beautiful anti-counterfeiting pattern and disguised himself as a Dahua officer, smiled and asked Dahua who came forward for interrogation.


The other party took the certificate, looked at it casually, and pointed to the street behind him: "Go north along this street, and there is another card. There is a direct security force over there, and the inspection is very strict."

He took the certificate from the other party with a smile, nodded to the other party, and then slowly started several military vehicles and drove in the direction pointed by the officer.

"Sir, what are these people...doing?" A subordinate looked at several military vehicles in the distance and asked in confusion.

"What are you doing? Either they are the Tang people who came in disguise and are looking for Feng Kezhi. We all have to surrender. We lied and made people go the wrong way. If they find us back later, beating us to death would be like trampling on an ant."

"?" The Dahua officer sneered: "Either it is really our Emperor's imperial army who came to kill Feng Kezhi. Why do you think we are meddling in this business? Isn't it over when the Tang army comes and surrenders our guns?"

In fact, if they were really interrogated along the way, the disguise of the Tang State Special Forces would have been easily seen through, but they just ran like this, as if they were in no one's land. They even asked for directions, and many people actually gave them directions.

Got the road.

There are many smart people, and in this kind of chaos, they will all make wiser choices. Even the Dahua defenders who want to fight to the end will not be stupid enough to stop something they know well.

In the eyes of these people, it was a very reasonable thing for His Majesty the Emperor to send a mysterious force to send the general "on his way" honorably at a critical moment.

Therefore, even if they were very suspicious of the identity of the "Forbidden Army" looking for Feng Kezhi, they would not investigate to the end and cause trouble for themselves.

Because for them, fighting to the end with the Tang army and stopping the troops sent by His Majesty the Emperor to perform a shady mission were completely different things.

In the basement where Feng Kezhi was hiding, the imperial general grabbed the receiver of the phone that could not be connected and stared at the pistol on the table in a daze.

No one knows what he is thinking, because chaos has begun in the command headquarters. Some civilian officers are missing, and some are burning documents. You don't need to care about the surrounding battle situation, you can feel it just by looking here.

There is a strong sense of doomsday crisis.

This chapter has been completed!
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