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805 winter greetings

Improving the quality of the people so that they can better serve the state machinery, making the country stronger and gaining more benefits, and feeding back education to improve the quality of the people... all of this is a closed loop that complements each other.

At this point in the development, Tang Mo's "humanoid self-propelled plotting machine" became more and more "inspirational". He no longer participated in the frontline work personally, and was only responsible for making the right decisions at critical moments.


Today, the Tang Empire has the most comprehensive and powerful scientific research team in the world. With the Tang Empire as its back, it is invincible in the field of technology research and development.

The most cutting-edge technology in the world is concentrated in the Tang State. There is no doubt about this. Other countries are not even qualified to challenge. They are chasing after the Tang State desperately, and they can't even eat the exhaust.

There are only two kinds of technological achievements in the whole world: the technology that Tang State uses itself, and the technology that Tang State is willing to sell to other countries for use...

The world's top talents gather in Chang'an, Tongcheng, Linshui, and Longgang. They come from all over the world and are the smartest people in the world.

Here they work day and night on technologies that have never been heard of outside, and then use all their strength to realize it.

There are Tang people here, there are Susans and Lions, Dornish people and dwarf elves, and even a few Chinese have recently arrived.

Tang Mo didn't even have to worry about the loyalty of these scientists, because no one wanted to leave. They had seen a higher level of scenery in the Tang Empire.

Even if some of these people want to return to their country and want to leave, they will soon find that after leaving here, people in other areas will not even be able to understand what he said - no one wants to talk to a group of engineers who are studying steam engines.

Research particle colliders.

The pain caused by the war is being healed bit by bit by time, and the impact of the war is still changing the world subtly.

Outside the door of a brand-new residence in Beiyuan City, an officer tidied up his military uniform, carefully adjusted the White Blade Medal on his chest, and then knocked on the door in front of him anxiously.

The person who opened the door was an old woman. She also looked very nervous. After seeing the officer standing at the door, she was obviously stunned.

"Are you... okay?" The old woman seemed to have guessed something, and asked as calmly as possible.

The officer standing there adjusted his breathing, took a document from the adjutant behind him, and handed it to the old woman standing at the door: "Your son performed very bravely on the battlefield. Thank you for his contribution to the empire."

Contribution. Unfortunately, he died in the Battle of Fengjiang..."

The old woman couldn't quite hear the rest of what she said. What she feared most had happened. One of her two sons would never come back to her.

She didn't reach out to pick up the obituary, because her hand was so heavy that she couldn't lift it no matter how hard she held it.

The officer opposite held the piece of paper in both hands and said nothing. He was used to all this because he had sent such obituaries to several families today.

In war, it is very common for someone to die, but for the family of the deceased, such bad news is as devastating as a landslide and a tsunami.

"Madam." Finally, the officer opened his dry lips and called the other party softly, reminding her that it was time to take the piece of paper representing "honor".

That was the last glory a person left in this world. Everything he had during his lifetime and his courage were all on this white paper.

"Oh...oh." The old woman heard the reminder and subconsciously stretched out her hand. When she touched the piece of paper, she couldn't help but shrink back, as if the piece of paper was a red-hot soldering iron.


But in the end, she reached forward again, took the piece of paper, and saw the lines of text on it.

She was actually illiterate. She used to be from the Northern Qi Dynasty, but later became a Tang Dynasty and lived a good life. She had three sons, one was killed by the Mirage people who occupied Beiyuan City, and the other died in the battle in Fengjiang.

There is only one younger son left, who now works on the railway.

"He, he didn't cause you any trouble..." The old lady looked at the officer standing there and held it in for a long time before she asked a question.

The officer who heard this was stunned, and then immediately replied: "No, he is very brave and made outstanding contributions to this victory."

This is a set of standard rhetoric, which is a bit pathetic. Every soldier who died sacrificed his life in a key battle for the greatest victory. It seems that every person's death is so meaningful.

But the fact is that some of these soldiers died in the wet and cold corners of the trenches, and some were shot by snipers beside the campfire. They were humble and innocent, and many of them had nothing to do with bravery.

Soldiers who screamed in fright may die from a shell that fell unexpectedly, and brave veterans may be buried alive by falling rubble.

War is so cruel to life, so everyone pursues victory, because victory is the best consolation for all tragedies, all wounds, and all pain.

"That's good...that's good." The old woman leaned against the door frame, as if she had no strength, and nodded blankly.

Only she knows her current pain, no one can comfort her, no one can understand her. She really wants to see her little son now, because that is her only concern.

"This is a pension from the state to your son. I hope you can express your condolences and accept the change." The officer once again took something from his deputy and handed it to the confused old woman again.

Below is a military uniform, an infantry uniform, and above it is a large-brimmed military cap with the imperial dragon emblem embroidered in the center.

The old woman reached out and took the suit of clothes almost mechanically. She saw the box under the hat and the envelope under the box.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Inside the envelope are two one-hundred-gold-coin notes. Ordinary civilians may never see such denominations in their lives. The Tang State issued similar pensions to every soldier who died in battle.

, from now on, 50 silver coins will be distributed every month as living expenses for the family members.

Inside the box is a third-class White Blade Medal, which is an honor that every fallen soldier will have: This also shows that the fallen soldier really had no outstanding performance. After he died in battle, he only had a third-class White Blade Medal.

If you are a truly battle-hardened warrior, you will usually receive a higher-level Medal of White Blades. If you have received a second-class Medal of White Blades during your lifetime, you will be promoted to a first-class Medal of White Blades after you die in battle. Therefore, purely based on the level of the medal,

It can be seen how the soldiers behaved when they sacrificed their lives.

Of course, no one would open these things and check them on the spot. The old woman was holding these things and her tears could not stop flowing down.

While sobbing, she explained sheepishly: "I'm sorry! I, I'm really sad..."

"It's okay, it's okay, ma'am... we understand." The officer came here to express his condolences, so naturally he wouldn't mind.

On the contrary, he also has the responsibility to comfort the families of the fallen soldiers and help these families solve some practical problems within their capabilities.

Such things happened in every corner of the Tang Kingdom. After all, many people in the Tang Kingdom also died in this war.

Tang Mo provided a pension of at least 10 million gold coins for this purpose, and would also provide another sum of money every month in the future to subsidize the living expenses of the families of these sacrificed soldiers.

Needless to say, the losses suffered by the Dahua Empire and the Chu State, the number of Dahua troops that surrendered alone was as high as about 1 million.

At least one-third of these troops are not cannon fodder recruited temporarily, but are the true elites of the Great China Empire.

They all surrendered together with Qian Jinhang. Now these people are atone for their mistakes and are undergoing labor reform in the Tang Dynasty.

It was the same with the Chu State. Hundreds of thousands of troops surrendered, but were eventually disarmed and sent back to fend for themselves.

Now most of them have entered factories, have good jobs, and their monthly income has more than doubled than before.

In addition, this war also destroyed the homes of at least 3 million people. Both Fengjiang City and Xicong City were turned into ruins. More than 1 million people were homeless. More than 1 million people had no houses to protect themselves from the cold in winter.

900 kilometers of roads suffered varying degrees of destruction and damage, 700 kilometers of railways were damaged and needed repairs, and there were countless material losses.

Rusty tank wreckage can be seen everywhere in the war zone, most of which are Type 1 and Type 2 tanks of the Dahua Empire.

Damaged aircraft abound in field airports everywhere. These bi-winged, outdated aircraft were abandoned on the battlefield, eroded by time, and looked in a miserable state.

The fuselages of many planes had been broken, and the canvas skins on the wings had been damaged and had holes. The wind passed over the wreckage of these planes, blowing out waves of unpleasant whines.

You can see bones everywhere in the trenches, helmets with bullet holes, helmets that have changed shape, broken and damaged helmets discarded in the corners, and empty ammunition boxes next to them.

Children in nearby villages were looking for bullet casings of various calibers next to the smelly corpses, because such things could be exchanged for money in both the Dahua Empire and the Tang Empire.

They played around the discarded 76mm anti-aircraft guns and jumped on the car wreckage without wheels or engines.

It was as if the war had completely gone away. Their laughter echoed in the fields, carefree and innocent.

Soon, a child screamed because a white snowflake fell on the tip of his nose, and the hint of coldness to the bone brought winter greetings.

This chapter has been completed!
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