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815 Proliferation of Weapons

Tang's aircraft are not easy to buy, and Qin really hopes to purchase some Tang's aircraft to build its own air force.

However, Qin's industrial system is not strong. They can purchase some aircraft, but imitation and maintenance are problems.

Before, Cyric had been helping the Qin State build its own air force, but the entire project came to a sudden halt after the Tang State won the victory over the Great China Empire.

The airport was half-constructed and left there as a wasteland. The towers didn't even have glass installed, and the airplanes weren't sent in for assembly.

In fact, after the Qin State saw the powerful air force of the Tang State, it no longer looked down upon the bi-wing fighter jets that Cyric could provide.

Apart from causing death, that piece of shit is really useless against Tang's aircraft. The Dahua 1 fighter jets developed by the Dahua Empire are more reliable than the Cyric 1 fighter jets.

"This will be deducted from the aid fund, 10 Camel surveillance aircraft." Zhou Huaiyuan felt that such aid could effectively help the Qin army grasp the movements of the orcs, and it was a relatively cost-effective investment.

Who would have thought that upon hearing the name of the Camel fighter jet, the general of the Qin army immediately shook his head like a rattle: "We don't need the Camel fighter jet, we really don't."

Just kidding, they have already seen the Camel fighter jet from the Dahua Empire. To be honest, this thing is not even as good as the Cyric 1 fighter jet. It is really useless.

If necessary, it is obviously much cheaper to buy a second-hand Camel fighter jet from the Dahua Empire than to obtain the same fighter jet from the Tang State.

"But." After rejecting Zhou Huaiyuan's kindness, the general of Qin continued, "We hope to send some students to your country to learn the advanced technology of flying airplanes."

"There is no problem. The cooperation between our two countries allows us to send students to each other." Zhou Huaiyuan found that the other party was not easy to deceive, so he stopped trying to deceive others, and then nodded and agreed to the other party's request.

Anyway, there is no problem in putting a group of students into a civil aviation pilot training school. Once they learn how to fly, they can only fly C-47 or DC-3. There is nothing taboo about it.

Even if the pilots are sent to Longdao to learn real fighter piloting skills, it actually doesn't matter: no matter how good the technology is, flying an i-16 fighter jet is unlikely to cause trouble for the Tang Empire's butcher fighter jets.

"The first batch of captured orcs are already being sent to your country. I hope our cooperation can continue." The Qin general smiled and made an invitation gesture: "For the dinner, we have prepared a treat for General Zhou. Desert lizard, this stew is delicious."

"I'm already drooling." Zhou Huaiyuan also made a gesture of invitation, and the two of them walked towards the tower at the end of the city wall.

The wind and sand were still very strong, making bursts of noise as they hit the thick city walls.

Within the intelligence department of the Tang Empire, several staff members were classifying intelligence collected from all over the world. Their work was very complicated, and there could not be any mistakes.

A lot of intelligence will be buried in some inconspicuous news. Only by summarizing and sorting it into categories can the people who use this information finally get the job they want.

"Cyric is selling their shipyards. Many shipyards in the Western Continent have been sold to the empire where the shipyards are located." After reading the news, a female employee skillfully placed the document in Cyric's second-class folder.

In the drawer.

"Some orcs are looking for ways to purchase Cyric Type 1 rifles. They want a lot of them. It is estimated that they have obtained 30,000 units." Another employee walked quickly and sent the file to the corresponding orc-type drawer.

"Lains I selected concubines yesterday and took in three more concubines. Through marriage, he strengthened his relationship with the Yangmu Empire." Another employee handed the information in front of him to his colleague, who took the information.

He walked to the classification drawer of the Lions Empire and filed the documents in the second-category file drawer.

While they were sorting these documents, two men walked into the room pushing a large box of new information, stacked the cartons next to a pile of cartons in the corner, and then quickly turned around and left.

Rubbing his sore shoulders and having no time to complain, the official responsible for sorting out these documents sighed and once again began immersing himself in categorizing these documents.

There is no strategizing and decisive victory thousands of miles away. Any analysis is a castle built on a complex and effective intelligence network. If the foundation of the intelligence network is unstable, the superstructure will collapse in an instant.

If a counselor waved his feather fan and said, "I predict this person must be like this," he would be either a god or a liar.

In fact, intelligence work is very boring and tedious. Most of the time it is just a stacking and summarizing of data without any fantasy operations.

The kind of plot that only appears in TV dramas, where an undercover secretly photographs some confidential documents in a confidential department and then delivers them to friendly forces through life and death, actually almost does not exist in real-life espionage work.

The reason is actually very simple: the information you worked so hard to send is an isolated piece of evidence, and no one can be sure whether it is a bait or genuine.

Therefore, stories such as intercepting a telegram from the other party or obtaining a photo became the key to reversing the situation on the battlefield, which is nothing more than a joke to avoid the important and take the easy.

In most cases, the real intelligence work is the summary of verification: I have obtained some information in advance and know that you may have several options. Then through verification and investigation, I confirm your actions and improve our response time - if this happens

If the whole set is carried out, it is already a very successful example of intelligence warfare.

In another department, the intelligence department that was investigating Cyric's movements was having a meeting. Bai Fei was sitting in his seat, absently fiddling with the pen in his hand.

They already knew that Cyric was trying to save himself: without receiving a clear understanding reply from Datang Group, Cyric was doing something that they had disdained to do before.

First, they discovered a big customer that had been ignored before: orcs had always been regarded as barbarians by humans and elves, and were excluded from the mainstream world.

Now desperate, the Cyric Consortium seems to have relaxed its restrictions on the purchase of weapons by the orcs: a large number of Cyric rifles and old-model cannons are flowing into the orc world, and the specific number is still being counted.

"They are cashing out and selling off the shipyard... This is one of their few profitable projects, and now it has been sold to various empires." Leo sat at the top, looking at the representatives of the military and the interior department.

Several officials said.

"We didn't expect that they would jump over the wall in such a hurry. Because there was a large inflow and outflow of funds, we can't accurately monitor the whereabouts of Cyric's funds now." An official explained gloomily: "We previously estimated that there were about tens of millions.

The whereabouts of the gold coins are unknown, and now this number may be expanded to about 200 million to 300 million."

"We once suspected that Sophia did not commit suicide, so we have been trying to monitor some of Cyric's missing funds. But now it seems that this effort is almost in vain." The intelligence agency's financial expert sitting next to Bai Fei added.

Bai Fei stopped rubbing his pen and said: "The military intelligence department is worried that a large amount of arms entering the orc world will affect the security environment in the southern part of Chu State. If there is a problem there, our country's oil project in Chu State will

may be affected.”

"The issue of energy security cannot be taken lightly. Lord Harry has restarted negotiations with the Cyric Consortium, trying to stabilize the other party first... We cannot relax either..." Leo opened his mouth and concluded in a slightly hoarse voice.


"Another topic is about the establishment of an intelligence transfer station in Fengjiang..." Turning the document to another page, Leo changed the topic: "The reconstruction plan has been launched, and our three intelligence agencies will be stationed there.

My own hands."

"For the cooperation between various departments, there are also security issues. The old rules... The verification password must be set and the No. 9 security plan is enabled... What do you think?" After he finished asking the question, he glanced around the people present.


"No objection." Several officials from the internal affairs department shook their heads. They are here to cooperate. If they really want to fight over something, then they are not the ones who come forward.

Bai Fei also knew that he was just here to get a charter and return to duty. The military's intelligence department was originally more focused on military-related intelligence analysis and would not object to anything like this.

So he immediately said: "The military intelligence department has no objections. There is no problem in activating the No. 9 security plan."

"That's it for now! I will submit a report to His Majesty when I get back. Let's adjourn the meeting." Leo stood up, and others began to sort out the information and records in front of them, and the room suddenly started to become noisy.

Many people are talking about the orcs purchasing weapons from Cyric. They are speculating on the source of the orcs' funds, and some people are still talking about gems and gold mines in a serious manner.

Yes, the place occupied by the orcs is indeed a little barren, but they also have some output: colorful gems are actually one of them. This thing has no value at all, but it is loved by the nobles and attracts many women.

They all flocked to it...

However, relying solely on these gems, the purchasing power of the orcs is still limited. If they can purchase Cyric's weapons on a large scale, there must be someone behind them. In other words, the supporter may be Cyric. As long as they are willing to provide it cheaply

Weapons and ammunition, of course the orcs are willing to take advantage of this.

This chapter has been completed!
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