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836 new enemies

"Don't be so angry, ma'am." A man sat across from Susan without asking for permission and said with a smile on his face.

He did not introduce himself, and Susan showed displeasure, lowering her voice and scolding: "You are not welcome here, you rude person."

"I don't think so, I think you will need me." The man still smiled, seemingly unfazed by Susan's expulsion: "I need you too, we need each other because we have a common enemy."

"I have no enemies, you should leave! If you continue to talk nonsense, I will call the waiter." Susan was already very dissatisfied. The nobles naturally have the etiquette among nobles, and this kind of shameless people just come over casually.

Being polite to a man is very off-putting to women.

After all, sitting directly next to a woman without her permission is something that makes a woman unhappy - unless you are very rich or very handsome.

The man in front of her didn't look very rich. He was at the same level as Susan at most, so Susan wasn't interested in him. He wasn't handsome either, at least not enough to make a woman swoon after just one glance.

"If you don't plan to take revenge on an elf named John, then just pretend that I have never been here. Goodbye, madam." The man was very polite this time and pretended to leave.

Susan was moved by his words: she hated the entertainment group under the Datang Group, and she hated the chubby elf who had been controlling her destiny.

Yes, she no longer dared to dream about revenge against the entire Datang Group. This kind of thing was simply not something she could accomplish - but this did not prevent her from dreaming that one day she would be able to trample Tang Mo's henchman John under her feet.


She even felt that if she could defeat John, then Tang Mo, who was behind John, would recognize her excellence and her efforts, re-evaluate her, and give her new opportunities.

"Stop! Who sent you here?" Susan stopped the man who was about to get up and stared at the man's face and asked.

"It's boring to ask these meaningless questions... Madam, if you are really willing to join us, then don't ask so many unnecessary questions. You only need to answer me, are you willing to accept our offer?"

Just help us and be willing to help us." The man still kept smiling.

He took out a card from his arms and pushed it to Susan: "Accept the new identity, and you will soon find that your life has changed."

Susan lowered her head and looked at the card that was pushed in front of her. It was actually made of gold, with an embossed pattern on it, which was a ball of blazing flames.

"How are you going to help me? And how do you need me to help you?" Susan asked instead of taking the card.

"This question is much more meaningful than the one just now." The smile on the man's face became a little brighter, because his lobbying seemed to have been successful.

So he took out another check from his arms and pushed it to Susan again: "Open a clothing factory and do the business you want to do..."

Susan saw that the amount on the check was 50,000. This money could indeed allow her to support her business again.

But she didn't feel that she was qualified to compete with Datang Group's fashion industry. On the battlefield she was once familiar with, she felt that she would definitely lose.

"Don't worry, you're guaranteed to make a profit this time!" The man saw Susan's hesitation and explained: "Someone will help you solve the sales problem. We can take the low-end route and occupy the market first."

"What do I have to pay?" Susan asked again.

"Take this card, and then help people who also have this card... No matter what kind of request they make, try to satisfy them as much as possible... and they will try their best to satisfy you." The man replied.

"Can you... help me get rid of my husband?" Susan's eyes became stern. As the saying goes, the first sword coming ashore is to kill the person you want first.

"No problem." The man stood up and said, "Forgive me for being rude. Soon you will get the good news you want. I guarantee it will be clean and tidy and there won't be any trouble finding you. So, goodbye."

Susan made up her mind and reached out to put away the card and the check. She didn't know whether to celebrate that her husband was about to leave, so she just said expressionlessly: "Thank you.


"There is no need to thank me. What we need is loyalty, not gratitude." The man said this without looking back as he left.

In a slightly dark corridor, hard military boots stepped on the wooden floor and made a slight "squeaking" sound. Although it was slight, it was particularly harsh in the quiet corridor.

Holding a submachine gun with a silencer, the soldier walking at the front stretched out his arms and clenched his fists, while the soldiers following him stopped at the same time.

Opposite this soldier, there was also a group of people wearing black clothing and black tactical vests, which were piled with various weapons and equipment.

People on both sides had gathered on both sides of a door, all pressed against the wall, and the air was filled with a sense of tension.

The next second, they started taking action at the same time. The person responsible for covering the situation pulled away, and the soldier responsible for breaking down the door kicked the iron door that looked very strong.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the door was kicked open, and two teams of soldiers swarmed in, quickly rushing into the room that was still filled with dust: "Don't move! Get down! Show your hands!"

After the intensive shouting, the room became quiet again. A soldier checked the things in the room, and then shook his head to his teammates on the other side: "The person has run away."

"Impossible!" Another officer leading the team said immediately: "The intelligence department confirmed that two people entered this house. They had been staring at this door before we came over, and no one came out again..."

"There is indeed no one in the room..." the officer who checked the room said: "The layout here is very professional. At first glance, it looks like a classic spy safe house."

As he spoke, he opened the door to the bedroom: "The closet is full of dust, and the old clothes hanging have not been touched for a long time, but the floor below is very clean. Obviously... there were once placed there.

A box."

"Telegraph, battery, and pistol..." Before going in, another officer roughly guessed what was going on inside: "The two men left with the boxes, so there is nothing suspicious here."

"Yes, very professional, similar to similar tutorials we have in-house." Looking up and down the room, the officer of the special forces once again praised his opponent.

"I've been using it for so long, so it must have been copied to study." Another officer complained with a hint of displeasure.

No matter how strict the confidentiality is, the textbooks on espionage in the Tang State's military academy are no longer secrets.

This has obviously improved the overall quality of intelligence personnel in other countries and made detection and prevention work more difficult.

"Let's look for it... I guess there is a secret door or something." As the officer said, he walked to the table in the living room and reached out to touch the tabletop.

There was no dust on the table, and it had obviously been wiped by someone before - he could even guess that the other party would send messages and contacts on this table, and would clean it up carefully every time, and wipe the table carefully before leaving.

Because in the whole room, only the area near the table was clean - no one had taken care of the other places, and a lot of dust had fallen.

Another officer also ordered loudly: "Check every wall and the inside of the closet! See if you find anything!"

The soldiers who heard the order immediately began to check. They were not polite and smashed the wall with their rifle butts. Some people even hammered twice with their fists to confirm the sound.

Everyone searched very carefully, and when the soldiers lifted up the floor of the living room, they finally discovered the problem.

"There is a secret door here!" The soldier who lifted the carpet shouted excitedly, as if he had discovered a new world.

After hearing the news, two officers came over. One of them knelt down on one knee and opened the secret door that was later modified. As the cover-like secret door was opened, everyone came into view in the living room on the next floor.

's eyes.

In order to make it easier to get down from here, there is a large wooden box placed directly opposite the secret door in the living room on the next floor.

"Ha!" The officer couldn't help but sneer after seeing what was inside. After carefully checking the surrounding situation, the first adventurer went directly through the secret door.

He opened the door to the room on the lower floor from the inside, and his companions who had already taken a detour also walked into the room. There was more dust in this room, and there were only some footprints on the ground.

Just by looking at the falling dust, you can guess that there is nothing worth studying in the room, and everything is very simple. It is almost the escape hatch of the safe house on the upper floor.

"How cunning." Knowing that this trip was in vain, the leading officer couldn't help but sigh: "The trip was very clean, not sloppy at all."

"Yeah, we didn't catch these two guys in the end." Another officer nodded: "I thought I could catch a big fish this time."

"They are very vigilant, and... they don't seem to be short of funds." The leading officer expressed his analysis: "They can buy two houses in Linshui, which shows that they have a lot of money."

"It's different from the intelligence agencies of other countries, both in terms of style and targets." Another officer also echoed: "Their target is economic intelligence, and their methods are also different from those of other empires.

the difference."

"It's hard to write a report..." After sighing, the leading officer walked out of the room: "Close the team! Have someone check the information at the real estate sales office to see if... there are any clues."

"That's all." Another officer followed and walked out.


Two updates today, one day off: the second update will be later, you can watch it tomorrow morning.

This chapter has been completed!
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