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863 Fire Emblem

In the dim room, a man wearing a top hat handed the gold card in his hand to the bearded man in front of him and said: "If you are willing to treat us as your friends, then you can get everything you want.


"I'm still curious, what do I need to pay?" The bearded man stared at the other person and asked: "I have lived for so long, and I know one thing. There is no free help in this world."

"All we need is that you admit that you are our friend. When we need your help, you just don't refuse." The man wearing a top hat replied with a smile. He was very polite and politely let go.

People are a little nervous.

"What if I refuse?" The bearded man looked at the man in the top hat and continued to ask.

"Don't be so nervous, I won't let you do anything embarrassing...relax, sir, if you refuse, just pretend I haven't been here." The man in the top hat spread his hands and said.

The bearded man struggled for a moment, looked at the golden flame card on the table, and finally stretched out his hand.

He pressed the card and felt the coldness on the card: "Friends... I think we can be friends."

The man in the top hat stood up with satisfaction, smiled and handed the other party a check with one hundred thousand gold coins written on it: "Believe me, the cooperation between us will become very pleasant."

After watching the other party leave, the bearded man stared at the flame card in his hand and did nothing else for a while. He just sat there, saying nothing as if thinking about something.

He is a small businessman, and it is not difficult to grow his business in the Tang Empire. In this era, you can make a fortune by doing anything.

It's like the famous nonsense saying: Standing on the wind outlet, pigs can fly. This sentence is correct, but it doesn't tell you what the wind outlet is and how to stand on the wind outlet...

You will only discover that some trends are trends after they pass, and some opportunities that look like trends are actually investment traps that have been exaggerated.

Not everyone dared to ride on the rise of the Tang Empire: don't look at the general trend of economic development, which is full of waste, just look at the mansions and castles that are now filled with blood and have become the ruling hall.

, you know that not everyone can keep up with this rise.

As a person involved, after seeing the massacre of the old aristocrats, landowners and gentry, how many people still have the courage to take advantage of such an opportunity to make a fortune can only be a question mark.

Do you know if those nobles and landowners who were killed will fight back? Will the flag be changed tomorrow, and someone will liquidate yourself who has taken advantage of the situation?

Therefore, it takes courage to join the carnival of the rise of the Tang Empire. It happens that this bearded man is a person with a little courage.

He used to be a wood seller. Due to the economic development of the Tang Empire, wood, as one of the building materials, began to sell like crazy.

As a result, he borrowed money to expand and indeed became a wealthy businessman. However, he recently ran into trouble because he expanded too fast. He borrowed hundreds of thousands of gold coins and was unable to turn around, and was about to go bankrupt.

But at this time, a mysterious man came to him and lent him one hundred thousand gold coins, giving him a chance to stabilize his position.

Playing with the gold card with the Fire Emblem printed on it in his hand, the man knew that the man wearing the top hat who found him was not a kind person. There would be absolutely no good results for him to get involved with such a person.

After struggling for a while, he put the check and card into his pocket, turned around and walked out of the room.

He looked down at his factory building, saw the woodworking machinery at work inside, and looked at the skilled workers beside the machines.

After greeting everyone who passed by, he walked to his imported Lyons car, opened the door and got in.

There were not many luxury car brands in the Tang Empire, and a large market in the middle had been occupied by imported cars for a long time. Many people complained that the cars produced by the empire were either too expensive or too cheap.

Only those who know the inside story know that this is also a means of balancing trade. If they run rampant in all fields, the economies of other countries will no longer be able to support their own development.

In order to develop sustainably, the Tang Empire had to voluntarily give up part of its market so that surrounding countries could have a bowl of soup to drink. If this was not done, the Second Anti-Tang War might break out soon.

Tang Mo is not afraid of war, but he also needs peacetime to develop his technology and improve his infrastructure. Although war can accelerate his gains, it can also stagnate the economy.

Soon, the car drove out of the wood factory and disappeared at the end of the street.

A few hours later, in the branch of the Imperial Intelligence Agency in the Southern Plains, a man in casual clothes opened the door of a reception room.

He was very kind. When he came in, he was holding two cups of hot tea in his hand: "I don't know what you like to drink. This is tea. I hope you don't mind."

"Don't dare...don't dare..." The bearded man was a little nervous. This was his first time walking into a place like this, and his first time dealing with mysterious Imperial Intelligence Agency agents.

"You don't need to be nervous, just talk casually." The intelligence agency agent put down the tea cup and pushed one of the cups in front of the bearded man: "Describe this man, just like chatting."

"He was wearing a top hat, about fifty years old, and his figure... was very ordinary. He always smiled at me, a very uncomfortable smile." The bearded man tried hard to recall what he had done a few hours ago.

Everything you see.

Next door to the room, several agents from the Imperial Intelligence Agency were a little discouraged after listening to everything the other party explained, because they could not outline a complete character image based on the other party's description.

"It seems that the other party is also a very professional intelligence officer, at least he has worked hard in this area." One of the agents put down the charcoal in his hand and sighed.

When selecting intelligence officers, there are strict standards for height, weight and appearance. It is absolutely impossible for someone as tall and handsome as Brosnan to be selected as a field agent.

The best field agents must be ordinary-looking people with no memory points who can't be found in the crowd after a few seconds.

They usually don't wear suits and leather shoes, casual clothes, jackets, jeans, and sneakers, and they don't even deliberately wear a hat - being ordinary is their greatest disguise.

"There are a lot of people with this kind of appearance on the street." Another detective was also very depressed: "We can only wait for the other party to come to our door again."

"Standing back and waiting is the most inefficient way... We are short of manpower, and we are afraid that the other party will deliberately distract our attention." Listening to the words of the person in the other room, the leading officer was a little irritated.

"If I'm caught, I can't continue to investigate... I don't think it's against the law to give out business cards since I don't have a criminal record, right?" Some detectives felt that they were wasting their time.

The other party just issued a gold card with only a Fire Emblem on it - this kind of thing may be no different from the VIP card given to customers by a certain nightclub.

Even if there is a real difference, as long as the other party doesn't admit it, a card really means nothing. If they insist that they just want to make friends and leave a card as a token, the Intelligence Bureau cannot really torture them.

What if it is really just a bad taste of a rich man, who will be responsible for what happens? Just because they are rich and philanthropic, and they plan to form a cooperative group such as a chamber of commerce, they will be arrested and beaten to death? Are you kidding...

Someone put forward their opinion very sensitively: "The problem is that this is definitely not a business card...Their style of speaking, the way they do things...all have a familiar flavor to us."

The smell emitted by the same kind of people cannot be hidden no matter what. People like them who are engaged in intelligence can smell the familiar dark smell as long as they take a sniff.

"At present, this organization is definitely not a mutual aid group. They have their own purposes and must be investigated clearly." The leading intelligence officer also felt that they could not just let it go.

But they really can't devote more manpower to manage this matter: "If it doesn't work, just apply for support and let the higher-ups send people to take over..."

In another room, the detective in charge of the reception still had a gentle tone. He seemed to be chatting with the other party, guiding the bearded businessman and explaining everything he knew clearly.

This chapter has been completed!
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