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875 Pan Yiping became rich

Du Jia's handsomeness was actually discovered by Pan Yiping bit by bit. Although Du Jia's appearance was actually very good, after being given a job cleaning glasses in a pub, Pan Yiping felt "very ugly".

However, when Pan Yiping, the father-in-law, met the military attache of the Embassy of the Tang Dynasty, met the boss of a black society who did not blink an eye at murder, met the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, met the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and met the prince Zhao Yu...

After that, Du Jia became more and more pleasing to the eye.

This is the same reason that the more you look at Jack Ma, the more you like him. Anyone who can help you clear your shopping cart is your father - as long as he doesn't mind condescending, he can be your husband.

Who would have thought that a young man who stands behind the bar and wipes wine glasses with a smile all day long has the same ability as Doraemon?

He was like a Tinker Bell, using just a little bit of power, Pan Yiping's business grew tenfold and a hundredfold.

Nowadays, in the business circle of the Dahua Empire, a dazzling new star has suddenly risen: The Pan family has suddenly risen to power without knowing why, and has become a powerful force that many established families have to take seriously.

Anyone who does business knows that no matter how much money you have, it is just a tool. The key is to look at the environment in which money is used.

To put it more bluntly: it is only a prerequisite that you have money, a more important condition is whether your money can lead to spirituality!

If the entire society looks down on businessmen and the importance of money is low, then this environment is not what businessmen like.

And if the general environment is that everything is about money, everything operates around money, and anything can be done with money, then money is everything, it is the spiritual thing that connects mortals and gods.

In the Tang Empire, money was not everything. Having money could only improve the quality of life. This environment was actually not friendly to businessmen.

Today's prosperous commerce within the Datang Empire is entirely due to the fact that following the Datang Group provides meat and soup, so everyone flocks to it.

What is even more commendable is that the Tang Empire ensured the authority of the law and treated everyone equally in terms of rules. This also gave businessmen a fair competition environment in disguise, so that the businessmen did not hate the business environment of the Datang Empire.

However, these good citizens, who were law-abiding and charitable in the Tang Empire, immediately showed their ferocious fangs after leaving the Tang Empire.

Pure capital is absolutely evil. It does not create anything. It only plunders and destroys. It only erodes and destroys. In a country where money can control both gods and ghosts, a huge amount of capital often means omnipotent rights.


Frankly speaking, in a sense, the social status ranking of scholars, farmers, industry and merchants is based on the simple wisdom of the ancients - if the development of merchants is not suppressed, once the monster capital behind merchants is released, the country will immediately become turbulent.

Tang Mo, who is well aware of this, controls the country's economic lifeline - although he does not directly interfere with market operations, the fact is that the size of Datang Group is too large, which allows Tang Mo to actually control and intervene at any time.

Enterprise and market capabilities.

This is equivalent to saying that Tang Mo's Datang Group is a super huge national enterprise that can play a regulatory role when necessary.

Therefore, the Tang Empire was a very deformed country. It adopted a dictatorial emperor system. Tang Mo himself was the emperor. It also encouraged the destruction of the landlord class and pushed merchant capital to the forefront. It seemed to be preparing for the establishment of a constitutional monarchy.

But deep down, Tang Mo controls the state's ability to intervene in enterprises and control the market, and has no intention of letting it go - he has never believed in the free market and the nonsense of the market regulating everything.

Therefore, the Tang Empire brought together all the elements for prosperity, and also hid many crises due to its deformity: On the surface, the monarch of the Tang Empire was strong and wise, the economy was prosperous, and the country was in order.

But in fact, everything is based on the fact that Tang Mo, the monarch, firmly controls the Datang Group and uses his personal prestige and experience to correct possible loopholes in a country in a very unreasonable way.

Despite this, the Tang Empire is still outstanding in this era, because this world is not a state of betterness than anyone else, but the law of its operation is: better than others.

Whether a country is strong or powerful does not depend on its own invulnerability, but depends entirely on the support of its peers...

Although the Tang Empire was not very good at managing capital, other countries had no experience in this area.

Laissez-faire is the initial attitude of various countries towards the expansion of business scale: they don’t know how to manage it, so they simply don’t manage it. As long as businessmen pay taxes and are willing to pay more taxes, then they don’t care about anything!

Okay, all the businessmen are excited: they don’t mind spending more money, what they mind is that you don’t charge money! With the income of ten times and a hundred times from the Tang Empire, they are still afraid of the hundreds of dollars levied by other countries.

A tax rate of more than ten, twenty or thirty percent?

Stop making trouble, as long as you let them do whatever they want, they are willing to spend more money!

In the Dahua Empire, money is really a good thing. So when Pan Yiping had money, he found that he could do more things immediately.

On the surface, he is now a cotton merchant, controlling the cotton trade between Qin, Dahua and Tang. This is almost equivalent to monopolizing two-thirds of the cotton trade in the Western Continent.

Behind the scenes, he was actually a tool for money laundering. The Tang Empire turned astronomical gold coins into legal funds in his accounts, and then subsidized many officials of the Great China Empire in a legal form.

Moreover, he is also one of the financial backers of the prince Zhao Yu, which can be said to be Zhao Yu's pocketbook. This is not as simple as giving Zhao Yu some pocket money, but giving a series of actions to the officials of Zhao Yu's faction.


These supports include, but are not limited to, investing in construction within the control of local officials who support Zhao Yu, helping these officials improve their performance and giving them more and more sufficient say in the court.

These moneybags also need to appease and build an interest network, arrange better jobs for the families of officials of their own factions, and provide a better learning environment for the other party's descendants, so that relevant officials have no worries and can be more courageous in political struggles.

Charge into battle.

This is not a bribe, but a conspiracy: I will invest in the area where the officials I like are located, and you can't control it, right? The officials I like have good political performance, good regional construction, and more tax revenue. That's him.

What an ability! I have the money to build a kindergarten next door to the officials. I hire the best teachers and the most expensive caregivers. A hundred teachers work around four students. I only charge one dollar for care. Are you angry? Your child wants to come.

?Sorry, we are full...

It's just like what Pan Yiping is doing recently: when he got to his position, he suddenly discovered that there are so many details in it.

Although he is a businessman related to textiles, linen products, cotton and various food specialties, two-thirds of what he is doing now has nothing to do with these businesses.

Accountants from the Datang Empire helped him audit the entire company's finances, and professional managers from the Datang Empire helped him manage the business operations of the entire company. He didn't even know how "rich" he was now.

And his current business not only covers all previous branches, but also invests in building factories, building schools, building bridges and paving roads in the local area.

The most interesting thing is that when he learned that he had a university specializing in clothing tailoring, art painting, gardening, and industrial design, he was shocked.

It only took half a year from the construction of this university to the enrollment of students. Many of the teachers went to art schools in the Tang Empire for further studies.

At the invitation of Prince Zhao Yu, many senior teachers from the Imperial Academy of Art of the Tang Dynasty came to the school to give guest lectures. After the school was built, it immediately became one of the top ten art schools in the world.

Many officials of the Zhao Yu faction and their children of school age were sent to this school, where they learned art and etiquette, made friends, and established new circles.

What makes Pan Yiping even more dumbfounded is that he now has a football team called "Pan's Mianma", and also has more than 30 horses, and has a huge hunting ground on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

Emperor Zhao Kai of the Great China Empire had even been to that hunting ground, and even killed a snow-white tiger there... I heard that this "auspicious sign" made Zhao Kai very happy at that time, and he used the lever imported from Datang at that time.

The rifle was brought back to the palace along with the tiger's body.

Everyone in the imperial capital knows that Pan Yiping wisely gave half of the shares of the hunting ground to the emperor, but Pan Yiping himself didn't know about it for a long time... Now it's called "Good Place", and his name is Zhao Kai

Written in his own handwriting and engraved on the plaque.

When a businessman has achieved this level of business, he is basically invincible. Pan Yiping was indeed invincible. He found that he had nothing to do except spend money.

In fact, he soon discovered that his spending speed was too slow. He spent money desperately, but still found that his bank deposits were increasing rapidly.

In fact, when he first saw the living allowance and risk allowance for foreign personnel of the Datang Empire Intelligence Agency, as well as the total salary and bonus, he knew that his son-in-law who cleaned cups was much richer than him.

As for what risks there are in becoming intelligence agents of the Tang Empire: Pan Yiping feels that those agents and spies of the Great China Empire who used to be like dream monsters probably don’t have the guts to arrest close friends of their immediate bosses, nor do they have the guts to investigate.

A big shot who often drinks tea and chats with the prime minister and prince.

This chapter has been completed!
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