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891 The face of the capital

In fact, the Prince's Mansion is not that far away from the palace. The straight-line distance is probably less than two kilometers. Therefore, when there were gunshots and the sound of grenades exploding in the Prince's Mansion, the palace immediately went on alert.

Guardsmen carrying submachine guns strengthened the guarding of various palace gates. At the same time, all troops who were not on duty were pulled out and put into a high-level alert state.

Although they didn't know what happened, they knew what they should do: although the imperial capital of the Dahua Empire was not very chaotic, the gun battles that occurred from time to time were enough to keep the Imperial Guards of the Dahua Empire on high enough vigilance.

If the residence of the Emperor of the Great China Empire could be easily coveted, then Zhao Kai would have been killed by others long ago.

At this moment, Zhao Kai still didn't know what happened outside. He had just received a report that someone was shooting at the Prince's Mansion.

In fact, he hasn't fully found out what exactly happened. So he can only wait in his office, waiting for definite news.

In fact, he was nervous, because less than an hour ago, his prince Zhao Ji had just left the palace and returned to the prince's mansion. Judging by the time, if there was a gunfight in the prince's mansion, Zhao Ji would actually be in very danger.

Zhao Kai didn't want anything to happen to Zhao Ji, so he was very nervous. He really didn't want to hear news about Zhao Ji's assassination.

Because the fact that Zhao Yu was going to Fengjiang was enough to make him anxious. If there was another assassination attempt against Zhao Ji, the situation would be completely out of control.

"Is it Zhao Yu? If he assassinates Zhao Ji at this time, he can indeed force me to designate him as the crown prince..." Zhao Kai thought about it in his heart, feeling a little relieved and a little angry.

Fortunately, his son Zhao Yu still has a little bit of humanity after all. The target of the attack is not him as the father, but Zhao Ji as the prince.

The annoying thing is that Zhao Ji is Zhao Yu's brother! As a prince, how can he kill his own brothers and sisters? This has exceeded the bottom line of competition!

Just when Zhao Kai was thinking wildly, the waiter hurriedly walked in and said that it was Zhao Ji who asked to see him for something important. When he heard that it was Zhao Ji who asked to see him, Zhao Kai was a little confused. He immediately summoned his prince and asked about it.


As soon as he entered the door, Zhao Ji fell to his knees in tears, hugged Zhao Kai's thigh, and spoke of his experience with tears streaming down his face: "Father! Father, please help me! Save my son!"

I don’t want to die!”

"Get up and talk! Get up!" Zhao Kai was very dissatisfied with Zhao Ji's recent crying behavior and immediately scolded him.

Zhao Ji quickly got up, handed a crumpled note in his hand to Zhao Kai, and started to talk about the whole story: "Father! When my son left, a waiter stuffed a note into his son's hands.

Erchen saw the note in his hand and escaped from danger!"

Zhao Kai took the note and looked at it carefully. There was only one sentence written on it: "If someone wants to kill you, send the car back home and lure them to do it. Don't get in the car!"

The order is clear, the handwriting is messy, and it looks like a carefully prepared note... Zhao Kai thought about it carefully and thought of many things.

He is the emperor and is suspicious by nature, but no matter how malicious his speculations are, the fact that the Prince's Mansion was attacked is definitely true.

Taking action in the imperial capital with such unscrupulousness, no matter who is controlling it, has already touched Zhao Kai's counter scale: such blatant troubles beside the emperor and at the feet of the emperor are shaking the foundation of the rule of the Great China Empire!

So he actually became angry immediately, but he didn't have an attack in front of Zhao Ji. In Zhao Kai's view, Zhao Ji may not be innocent, and he would throw dirty water on himself.

It's not like no one has done it before.

Therefore, he must wait, must wait for a result to come out: only when the enemy is clear, can he start to take action. This is the wisdom of an emperor. Zhao Kai is not a fool, he just has character weaknesses in some aspects.

In the courtyard of the Prince's Mansion, the masked men who organized the breakout had actually succeeded in most of the way. They had retreated in an orderly manner, covering each other and preparing to escape by car.

But they soon discovered that the obstacles blocking the road not only prevented the patrol officers from approaching the Prince's Mansion, but also became an obstacle to their escape.

In addition, the streets near these streets were already crowded with patrols, and even some city guards had arrived. Trucks carrying city guards who had the right to move around the imperial capital had appeared on the streets.

Because of the telephone and telegraph, the emperor had much less time to react when he controlled the troops near the capital. In the past, these troops were taboo to dispatch casually for fear of the emperor's suspicion, but now the emperor can order them to act with just a phone call, which is very convenient.

After receiving the order, the city guards dispatched two battalions to set up a defense line around the Prince's Mansion. The masked men who broke out ran into these regular troops and were obviously unable to defeat them.

On the one hand, the regular army is well-trained and has a clear advantage in strength, and the fighting environment is also more open, making it easier for rifles and other firepower to be used.

On the other hand, it is also because these masked men have almost exhausted their ammunition. Although their firepower is fierce, their ammunition consumption is indeed staggering.

The gun battle in the capital of the Great China Empire continues, and the embassies of various countries stationed in the capital of the Great China Empire have also received news.

A fierce gun battle and a sealed palace... On this day, no matter what the outcome was, the Great China Empire had lost all face in front of the ambassadors of various countries.

The capital management of any country is very strict, and similar situations are unlikely to occur. Now that something like this happens in the capital of the Great China Empire, it will naturally be laughed at by other countries.

This shows that the Great China Empire is mismanaged, and at the same time, it also shows that the Emperor of the Great China Empire, Zhao Kai, has gradually lost control of the country - no one is beginning to give him face!

This beginning is really fatal for Zhao Kai. Unless he can make amends immediately and adopt the bloodiest way to consolidate his power, otherwise he will find that more and more such things happen, to the point where he cannot control them at all.

"Bang!" A crisp gunshot echoed in the empty street. A masked man screamed and fell next to a car, and dropped the submachine gun in his hand.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer accomplices around him, the leading masked man began to panic. He looked at his accomplices and asked nervously and uncertainly: "How about we try to break through in another direction?"


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