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919 Roulette

Chapter 918 919 Roulette

Zhao Kai is in a very good mood now. After Zhao Zheng retreated to Shanping, he heard the definite news of victory for the first time.

The armored troops of the Dahua Empire ran forward for more than 100 kilometers in one breath, exerting a momentum comparable to the armored troops of the Tang Empire, and directly pressed the Fengjiang defenders to the ground and rubbed them.

He had never felt so hearty since his last defeat to the Tang Empire. He was so excited that he even smiled in the court.

In his opinion, Zhao Chen's troops are now only more than 20 kilometers away from Fengjiang. As long as they work harder, the war may be over within a week.

In order to make Zhao Chen attack harder, Zhao Kai even gave Zhao Chen the title of general - you know, since the Tang Empire "killed" Feng Kezhi, the Great China Empire has not had the title of general for a long time.

In other words, Zhao Kai is drifting again. In his opinion, Zhao Chen, who can advance more than 100 kilometers crazily in two days, is already much better than the bastard named Feng Kezhi in the past.

Zhao Kai even started to prepare for the show of popping champagne at halftime: he ordered a banquet to be prepared to celebrate the great victory achieved by the front line.

It's just that Chu Muzhou, Shen Chuan and others who knew the inside story were not interested in this banquet. They are now worried about whether more and more foreign regiments appearing on the battlefield will affect the outcome of the Battle of Fengjiang


Regardless of whether they are willing to admit it or not, there are actually many mirage troops on the Fengjiang front line: these mirage troops took over part of the Fengjiang army's defense line, and naturally blocked the exploratory attack of the Dahua army.

The battlefield now is completely different from three days ago. The Elf pilots drove the Butcher fighter jets roaring through the sky, beating up the Chinese army aircraft that came to correct the artillery attack.

Even if they took off three times more planes, the Dahua army still could not shake the air supremacy of the Fengjiang army.

One of the reasons is that it is impossible to make up for the gap in aircraft performance between the two sides. The Dahua 2 and Dahua 3 fighter jets are not as powerful as the Butcher fighter jets from any aspect. The equipment gap between the two sides is really a handicap.

A gap that cannot be ignored.

The second reason is that there is also a gap in the quality of pilots. Promising Dahua pilots are funded by Fengjiang to study. After completing their studies, most of them will naturally work for Fengjiang directly. The best personnel are all in Fengjiang.

The remaining part is naturally worse.

The third reason is the distance gap between airports: aircraft taking off from Fengjiang Airport only need to fly a few dozen kilometers to reach the battlefield, but Dahua's fighter jets have to fly nearly 200 kilometers to reach the battlefield.

Of course, air strikes on Fengjiang Airport and train stations are not impossible, but the air force commanders of the Great China Empire asked Zhao Chen a very serious question: If a train or plane of the Great Tang Empire was accidentally bombed, can it afford the compensation?

Of course, Zhao Chen had no way to answer such a question. He certainly knew how busy Fengjiang Railway Station was now, and he certainly knew how many planes from the Tang Empire took off and landed at Fengjiang Airport every day.

But the problem is that these planes from the Tang Dynasty that are constantly taking off and landing are actually amulets for Fengjiang Railway Station and Airport...

As long as the Dahua Empire is not careful, it is possible to blow up trains and planes from the Tang Empire, and even accidentally injure people.

If things really get to that point, the Tang Empire can find any excuse to make even more excessive demands on the Great China Empire.

This is really not an unreasonable thing, it is entirely a matter of the strength of the country: If the Great China Empire is stronger, it will directly inform the Tang envoys and notify them of a time, saying that they will bomb the train station during this period.

If something goes wrong with the airport, the Tang Empire will bear the consequences.

But now that the Tang Empire is stronger, all this nonsense is just nonsense: you send a note to the Tang Ambassador and tell him that you are going to bomb, and the Tang Ambassador directly says "free trade" and you go away, what can you do to the Great China Empire?

A gangster will never reason with a woman, and for the same reason, a policeman will never reason with a gangster - the only people who can sit together and reason with each other are either two women, two gangsters, or two


The strength must be equal to be able to reason! Why is the lighthouse country more and more willing to reason with rabbits? Isn't it because rabbits have more and more "reasonable" tools in their hands?

After understanding that he could not bomb Fengjiang on a large scale, and that there was no suitable opportunity to destroy Fengjiang Railway Station and Airport, Zhao Chen could only place his bet on a ground attack.

Although he knew this was a gamble, he had only one choice, so he had to launch another hasty attack without air superiority and without the follow-up troops being prepared.

Some people bet on Russian roulette, and five of the six bullets in the revolver were unloaded. They shot themselves in the head, betting on a one-sixth chance. Some people bet on Russian roulette, and one of the six bullets in the revolver was unloaded.

, shoot yourself in the head, and bet on a one-sixth miracle, but some people bet on Russian roulette, take a Glock automatic pistol, and bet on the first bullet jamming with 17 bullets... This kind of bet

Who can avoid tragedy?

Zhao Chen felt now as if he was playing Russian roulette with a fully automatic Glock pistol.

He knew clearly that the defense line of Dahua's defenders was quite complete and had strengthened at least 2 to 3 divisions, but he still had to bite the bullet and continue the attack.

There was no way, Zhao Kai was behind him forcing him to end the civil war as soon as possible, so he had no choice but to organize a new attack as soon as possible.

The exhausted Dahua troops once again started shelling. They once again consumed the artillery shells that they had finally transported to the front line, trying to overwhelm their opponents in terms of momentum.

But the Fengjiang defenders obviously had no intention of giving in this time: because they were at their doorstep, they seemed to have more weapons at their disposal.

For example, along the Fengjiang River, many giant turrets built to counter the Tang Empire's forts were deployed. These turrets were all 350, 360 and even 380 caliber naval guns, all imported from Cyric at that time.

These turrets can fire 360 ​​degrees and are installed in thick armor, just like battleship turrets installed on the shore.

Now, because the range of these artillery pieces is generally very long, probably more than 20 kilometers, they can actually participate in battles.

With the support of these super-heavy artillery, Fengjiang's peripheral defense line is really worthy of the artillery battle - no army artillery can compare with the navy's artillery, both in terms of rate of fire and range.

Can't compare.

In terms of power, these Jiang defense artillery also overwhelmed the field artillery of the Chinese army. With more artillery on the position, the Fengjiang artillery, which overwhelmed the artillery of the Chinese army in terms of numbers, finally began to exert its force.

The Dahua Army and the Fengjiang Army engaged in an artillery battle for a whole day, and finally stopped due to ammunition supply problems on their side. In fact, the morale of their own troops was even lower, and they had no intention of attacking at all.

Just when Zhao Chen was in a depressed stalemate outside Fengjiang City, bad news came from Zhao Zheng: after encountering the orcs and goblins, some dwarves appeared on the battlefield, and the pressure on Shanping City was really high now.

It's getting bigger and bigger.

In fact, Zhao Kai is also very concerned about the safety of Shanping City, or in other words, he cares about Guiguang behind Shanping City.

Only with Guiguang in hand can Jiange and Nanku be safe. This is an obvious truth, so the Dahua Empire has been deploying troops and generals in an attempt to increase Guiguang's defensive strength.

But after all, the efficiency of the Dahua Empire is there, and many places along the way still have an uncooperative attitude, so the transfer speed of the Dahua Empire's troops is actually very slow.

A large number of troops are now assembled near Guiguang. There is not enough ammunition and fuel. Because the group's attack direction is in Hezhe, a large amount of oil, troops and weapons and equipment have been transported to Hezhe. Similar supplies are here in Guiguang.

The military strength will be significantly weaker.

In order to ensure that Guiguang was safe, Zhao Kai simply hoarded a large number of troops in Guiguang and only ordered a small number of troops to go to Shanping for support.

This directly caused the pressure on Shanping City to begin to increase, and Zhao Zheng's defense in Shanping City became less strong.

Despite this, Zhao Zeng still tried hard to hold the mountain screen. After all, at this time, if a big city was lost, the impact on morale and the situation would be immeasurable.

The two sides fought fiercely outside Shanping City. The Dahua defenders refused to give in, and the Fengjiang offensive troops also fought bloody battles with the reinforcements of the foreign corps.

In the repeated battles, the casualties of both the Dahua defenders and Fengjiang's offensive troops were rising sharply. Nearly 1,000 people were killed here every day, the offensive and defensive losses were about 700, and the defensive side lost about 300 people.

Gradually, the Dahua Empire seems to be unable to support it: more and more Fengjiang aircraft are bombing Shanping, they have no air superiority, and the losses of ground troops have also begun to increase.

At the beginning, the losses between the attacker and the defender were approximately 2:1, but now this ratio is close to 1:1.

If the fight continues like this, Zhao Zheng, who already has a small number of troops, will really lose Shanping: Zhao Zheng, knowing that he was about to lose his support, finally sent a telegram to Zhao Chen asking for help on this day.

Because Zhao Zheng knew that in Zhao Kai's mind, the winning Zhao Chen must have more weight. As a second-tier player, he would definitely not be as effective as Zhao Chen.

His idea was right. The message he sent to Zhao Kai before did not attract Zhao Kai's attention, so a large number of Dahua troops were still lingering in the Guiguang area, refusing to advance.


It will be very late to make up for the update. Let’s watch it tomorrow morning.

This chapter has been completed!
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