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96 can be won with one charge

"This is a useless effort, sir. If we rely on this parapet to resist, the enemy's artillery will bombard our position, and we will lose half of our soldiers." Tiger felt that Tang Mo's operation was simply a show off.

The lower limit of your own IQ.

At this moment, he felt that although Tang Mo was truly a genius in weapon research and development, he really knew nothing about war.

Recalling that before, Tang Mo was there teaching everyone what war would be like in the future, he even found it a little funny.

However, his opinion was rejected by Tang Mo who insisted on going his own way: "Listen to me! This may be our only chance!"

"Okay, I will ask the local villagers to help and build a wall here immediately." Tiger had no choice but to follow Tang Mo's instructions on such a small issue.

He felt that once the battle began, the tense atmosphere and cruelty would make Tang Mo honestly hand over his command.

Tang Mo looked at Redman on the side again, and said: "Very good! Redman! I need you to seize the time this afternoon to train the soldiers again! Even if you make them more familiar with tactical movements, it will reduce the number of soldiers."

Our casualties!”

"I'll try my best." Redman felt as if he was going to the examination room to prepare for the battle.

Then, Tang Mo looked at Loew: "Loew! You take 100 people to build the wall at the designated location immediately. The remaining troops, led by Redman and I, set off at night and arrived at Sanchakou at midnight today.

Then rest immediately!”

"Yes!" Leif was a little nervous, but without any hesitation, he immediately nodded to Tang Mo and agreed.

Pulling out the monocular telescope in his hand, Tu Qi, the famous general of Susas, looked at the low wall lying on the roadbed not far away and frowned involuntarily.

"You said, before nightfall last night, there was no such low wall here?" He looked at a knight beside him and asked.

The knight nodded and replied: "Yes, sir! Yesterday I personally led people to investigate this place, and I have never seen this low wall."

"This shows that someone built this fortification overnight... Beiling troops should have been stationed on the other side of the road." Tucci said with some displeasure.

"General, we should launch an attack!" the adjutant, riding a horse, stopped beside Tucci and suggested.

"This is not a good choice! We have just arrived here, and the troops haven't had time to rest. In addition... we don't have exact information. We don't know how many enemy troops are on the opposite side." Tuqi shook his head slightly, he was unwilling to fight anything like this.

A confused battle of ignorance.

He really wanted to know how his stupid Viscount Romel wasted two whole days here.

"Why not set up camp at this intersection? Huh? Why didn't you send troops to seize this village first? Huh?" Tucci looked at Viscount Romel beside him and asked depressedly.

"General, Your Excellency General...I, I..." Viscount Romel did not dare to tell his immediate superiors that he ordered to slow down the march because the rapid march was too hard, and he only arrived here yesterday afternoon. And because of his preference,

The camp was chosen in a shady place on the edge of the woods, and the troops were not stationed near the three-way intersection.

Therefore, he hesitated and hesitated, but in the end he didn't say anything. But Tucci on the side was already impatient and waved his hand to make this idiot shut his mouth.

"General, there won't be a particularly large Northridge army stationed here." The knight who had scouted this place explained: "Intelligence shows that Fischereau only has 1,500 men under his command, and the Northridge Army is very elite, better than us.

Any legion must be good at fighting... However, Fischereau is arrogant and has not expanded his army to prepare for war for so long, so he only has so many troops!"

"1,500 people? A legion?" Tucci retracted the telescope and inserted it into the leather case next to the saddle. He held the reins with both hands and seemed to be thinking.

"So, even if he can deploy troops here, there will only be a few hundred people at most. This is already the limit of what he can deploy." The knight continued to speak when his general remained silent.

"So!" He pointed to the three forks in the distance and defended Viscount Romel's incompetence: "This kind of behavior of blocking the road with hundreds of people in an attempt to block the two armies of our army going north and east.

It’s basically the same as dying..."

"Yes! Yes! That's why I didn't, didn't care! There were too few of them! I, my troops, can take it with one charge!" Viscount Romell looked at the knight gratefully, and then immediately spoke

He answered.

"I came here to win the war for the kingdom, not to listen to explanations." Tucci finally spoke: "Since you said you can capture this place with a single charge, then I will give you a chance! Let your people attack!"

"Yes...yes! I promise you! I will take over the village soon!" Viscount Romel immediately accepted the order and let out a sigh of relief, feeling that the blame for his delay in military affairs was finally thrown away.

As long as he can capture Shanchakou, all previous omissions will be eliminated. And he is almost certain that the Beiling army near Sanchakou will not exceed 300 people!

With a legion of 1,500 men attacking a position stationed by 300 men, I obviously have the advantage! Viscount Romel thought bitterly and rode back to the front of his troops' phalanx.

"General Tucci's order! Let our army attack immediately!" He reined in the reins of his horse, looked at the commanders of the 1st and 2nd Battalions approaching, and pointed to the position in front: "Take it.

That intersection!”

"Leave it to me!" An officer nodded slightly, and then ran wildly towards his phalanx. His horse passed in front of his troops' phalanx, and the waiting soldiers with their weapons on their backs were quietly waiting for orders.

"1st Battalion! Raise the battle flag! Beat the drums and march in! The battalion's artillery aims at the damn low wall over there and fires!" The commander drew his saber and pointed in the direction of the mountain fork.

The military band began to beat the war drums, and the compact drumbeats began to sound. The soldiers took steps, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and slowly advanced forward in the field.

"Boom!" The battalion's artillery sprayed out white gunpowder smoke, and the shells flew towards the roadbed, hitting the not-so-solid soil, and splashing plumes of smoke into the sky.

A cannonball hit the temporary low wall, leaving a hole in it - because the low wall was too thin, the cannonball passed through without even knocking down the roughly 600-meter-long low wall.

Due to calibration problems, most of the first round of shelling either flew over the low wall or hit the roadbed and fields. It looked loose and had no deterrent effect.

Then, Susas's artillery fired for the second time. This time, the accuracy was much better. Most of the shells hit the roadbed, and the dust suddenly flew up, which was really spectacular.

It's a pity that the other side is still deadly quiet. They neither fired to embolden themselves nor fired back in a serious manner.

Tucci stood aside and looked at the battle situation. Everything in front of him seemed to be exactly as his subordinates described it - the enemy army had no decent resistance at all, so this place seemed important, but it was basically a dead place.

If the enemy troops really formed a formation near the village, they would only be flanked by five times the number of troops, and would eventually collapse and be annihilated.

But Tucci still couldn't figure it out. Since the opponent didn't have the strength to fight here, what was the reason for building a low wall here overnight? It was just to express his determination to resist, or to try to deter the invasion.


He was thinking this silently in his heart. In front of him, a rectangular array of soldiers belonging to Viscount Romel, encouraged by war drums, began to climb up the roadbed under the low wall.

No gunfire was heard, only the sound of artillery that was not dense echoed on the battlefield. In fact, even the smell of gunpowder smoke on the battlefield that Tucci was used to was not strong at this moment.

It seems that he is too worried. Tucci thought to himself. He knew that Fischereau was a powerful general, but he didn't expect that the other party was just a fool in name only.

Knowing that resistance is futile and that the outcome of this war has long been decided at Cyric's wine table, this Fischerot actually wants to single-handedly reverse the entire situation of the war...

Commander Susas, who was riding a tall horse, put his saber upright on his shoulders and let the horse pace, following the flanks of his soldiers, approaching the embankment of the road step by step.

As expected, the scene of the enemy leaning out of the low wall and opening fire did not appear. Of course, he didn't know that the damn word "backslope" existed in this world.

He didn't know that even in the twentieth century, when weapons were greatly developed, facing the enemy's superior firepower, the reverse slope was still the first defense for the disadvantaged side, and it was still a shameless tactic that caused headaches for the attacking side.

Therefore, although the sounds on the battlefield were noisy, not a single gunshot was heard. It seemed that there were no more soldiers from Beiling on the other side of the low wall.

Feeling anxious all the way, he finally reached the bottom of the roadbed without losing any blood. He felt that the goddess of luck was standing on his shoulders, and the credit this time must belong to him and his battalion.

Therefore, the commander of Susas dismounted, raised his command sword upwards, and shouted loudly: "Climb over here! Long live Susas!"

"Long live Susus! Long live the king! Long live Susus!" After encountering no resistance as they imagined, these Susus soldiers were also extremely excited. They scrambled to carry their weapons and rushed towards the man who was watching.

A low wall that doesn't look strong.

When the first Sussian soldier climbed up to the top of the low wall, he still didn't see an enemy. He excitedly jumped off the wall, stepped on the soil next to the soft roadbed, and stepped on the small road.

Flat dirt road.

This chapter has been completed!
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