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Chapter 117 Grab people, exchange people!

"It's you, He Ao! You are indeed not dead!"

The abbot of Lingtai Temple stared at Uncle He for a while, and a figure slowly overlapped with him in the depths of his mind.

He Ao.

The Five Dragons of China, deputy director of the Dragon War Department.

At the peak of his career, he never suffered a single defeat and enjoyed great glory.

Wherever they go, any force must bow to them and dare not make any mistakes.


This has happened before, according to legend, it happened after that incident many years ago.

The overall combat power of the Five Dragons of China was thwarted, and their overall strength was greatly reduced.

In the end, things escalated, and the five Chinese dragons died, were injured, and escaped.

Once upon a time, He Ao was aloof and arrogant.

Now he has become as miserable as a dying old man.

"You old bald donkey is not dead, so why should I die?" Uncle He said in a bad tone.

"Once upon a time, a person of your status was not even qualified to carry my shoes."

The abbot of Lingtai Temple snorted coldly and retorted.

"You also know that was in the past, but now is the present. It seems that there is no way to recover from your hidden illness, right?"

"Haha, it's really pitiful and sad. The five mighty Chinese dragons dedicated their lives to the country, but in the end they ended up like this."

"If you can't speak, just shut your mouth." Uncle He yelled sternly.


The strange words of the abbot of Lingtai Temple pierced the wound deep in Uncle He's heart.

"Old bald donkey, you can't even think of taking this girl Han Xiyao away today. If you don't accept it, come and give it a try." Uncle He said solemnly.

"Amitabha." The abbot of Lingtai Temple focused his eyes and recited the Buddha's name.

"In this case, don't blame the poor monk for transforming into Vajra Shura. No one can stop the poor monk today!"

After the words fell, the aura of the abbot of Lingtai Temple changed.

There was a bang.

The energy in the body exploded directly, and the clothes on the body moved automatically without any wind.

The abbot of Lingtai Temple turned his hands into palms and struck towards Uncle He with the force of thunder.

"Old bald donkey, you understand the secrets of Buddhism very well, but so what." Uncle He put out the cigarette butt in his hand and faced the opponent seriously.


The terrifying energy swept all around.

The abbot of Lingtai Temple was calm in his moves, and each palm was powerful and heavy.

Uncle He's side is even more full of fighting spirit.

As the former deputy minister of the Dragon Fighting Department, what Uncle He is best at is fighting.

Although he has not taken action for a long time and suffers from hidden diseases.


Longyou Shoal is not a place for fish and shrimps to play with.




The battle between the two was extremely fierce.

The walls, telephone poles and other buildings surrounding the two people could not withstand the aftermath of the force and collapsed directly.


No pedestrians passed by nearby.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause an uproar and make pedestrians look around.

Find the camera used to shoot the movie and where it is set up.

This battle lasted for a long time.

The two went back and forth and passed more than a hundred moves.

In the end, no one could do anything to anyone and chose to stop temporarily.

"Old bald donkey, is this the only one of you who is the strongest guardian of the pulse? It seems that he is also lonely." Uncle He laughed.

The abbot of Lingtai Temple glanced at Uncle He and said in a low voice.

"The famous Five Dragons of China are not much better either. Can't you just shrink away?"

"You..." Uncle He suddenly became angry.

"Amitabha, He Ao, you and I actually have no enmity at all."

"As long as you return Han Xiyao to the poor monk, the poor monk can forget the blame and not reveal your hiding place in Jiangnan City," said the abbot of Lingtai Temple.

This word is a pun and has two meanings.

If Han Xiyao is handed over, the abbot of Lingtai Temple can pretend that he does not know.

But if he doesn't hand it over, the abbot of Lingtai Temple will tell the truth about Uncle He hiding in Jiangnan City.

"Are you threatening me?" Uncle He lit a cigarette, blew out a puff of smoke, and said gloomily.

"If you understand it this way, it's not wrong. Of course, if we really have to fight to the death, the person who survives in the end will still be a poor monk. Do you believe this?" the abbot of Lingtai Temple said confidently.

Uncle He fell into silence, staring at each other closely.

Trump card?

It’s not like I don’t have one either.

Mainly because he couldn't guess whether the abbot of Lingtai Temple's words were true or false.

But there is one thing...

The abbot of Lingtai Temple is currently the most powerful person among the pulse protectors.

In the current situation where all the powerful forces in Jiangnan City are watching with eager eyes.

If this bald donkey wants to protect the dragon vein for Han Xiyao.


There must be some trump cards.

If the two sides really have to face life and death, Uncle He still lacks some confidence.

It’s not that my cards aren’t strong enough, but because…

My current physical condition may not be able to bear it.

After thinking about this.

Uncle He suddenly changed his face and smiled brightly.

"Old Bald... No, old monk, we are old acquaintances."

"Don't start fighting and killing each other as soon as we meet. This will ruin the harmony. You see, we have knocked down this wall."

"In my opinion, let's go in and talk first, otherwise we'll have to pay a lot of money if others find out later."

Uncle He's old face turned into chrysanthemums with laughter.

While talking, he walked towards the abbot of Lingtai Temple.

Then he hooked the other person's shoulder and gave him a cigarette.

"I don't smoke." The abbot of Lingtai Temple shook his head.


He was like a two-foot-tall monk, confused.

He was very strange in his heart. Just now He Ao had a serious face and wanted to use force to suppress him.

Why did he suddenly feel like a different person?

"Let's go, don't you want to see that girl Han Xiyao? Come in with me."

Uncle He brought the abbot of Lingtai Temple in with a smile.


The more Uncle He acted like this, the more he frightened the abbot of Lingtai Temple.

"If you have anything to say, you can just say it outside. There is no need to go in." The abbot of Lingtai Temple broke away from Uncle He and stood there.

"Hey, I'm scaring you." Uncle He said with a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth and a smile full of yellow teeth.

The abbot of Lingtai Temple shook his head slightly, "There is no need to be afraid. Since I can find this place, I know where Han Xiyao is."

"If you have anything else to say, hurry up. Anyway, I must take Han Xiyao away today."

In order to protect the future of the pulse protector, the abbot of Lingtai Temple has a very tough attitude.

Uncle He flicked the cigarette ashes in his hand.

There is currently a stalemate, and although he is prepared, it is not much.

If it is used now, there will be no use for the dragon vein in the future.

But he couldn't push the old bald donkey in front of him into a hurry, otherwise he wouldn't be able to please anyone.


"Old monk, do you know why I kidnapped Han Xiyao?" Uncle He said suddenly.

"Want to hear the details."

"You should know the inside story of our Five Dragons of China incident. The reason why I kidnapped Han Xiyao was because..."

Uncle He sighed and finally decided to tell the truth.

after all.

The two of them are now engaging in a massive fight, which will only make people from other forces more advantageous.


About an hour later.

The abbot of Lingtai Temple left Uncle He.


Still left alone.

It seems that within the past hour.

The abbot of Lingtai Temple and Uncle He seemed to have reached some kind of consensus.

Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to part ways in peace and harmony.

"Amitabha, I hope the Buddha will protect my pulse."

The abbot of Lingtai Temple looked in the direction of the old residential area, recited a Buddhist chant, and then disappeared from the vicinity.

Two days passed by in a blink of an eye.

During these two days, everything was calm.

The Nangong family, which lost their territory in the old residential area, did not come back for revenge.

as if.

Thinking that he was unlucky, he broke his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach.

Over here at the Inspection Department.

It was extremely quiet.

It seems that everyone is waiting for the dragon vein to appear.

I don't want to waste more strength before this happens.


There is something happening today that touches the hearts of some people.

Today is the day to exchange Han Xiyao.

During these three days.

Zhang Yang has been waiting for the abbot of Lingtai Temple to contact him.


The other party has always disappeared, and no news has been transmitted.

In Zhang Yang's opinion, the other party probably didn't find Han Xiyao.

Early in the morning.

He Qiyan found Zhang Yang.

"Zhang Yang, has Qin Shengnan contacted you?"

As soon as he came in, He Qiyan asked straight to the point.

Before coming to see Zhang Yang, He Qiyan went back to Uncle He's place.

Seeing Han Xiyao still in the room with his own eyes, he rushed towards Zhang Yang.

She actually wants to know who is this person who wants to show off the token in his hand!

What kind of medicine is being sold in the gourd?

When going back.

He Qiyan told Uncle He about Qin Shengnan's exchange for Han Xiyao today.

Regarding this.

Uncle He just smiled.

The look on his face was calm and he didn't say anything.

"Not yet, but..." Before Zhang Yang could finish his words, the phone in his pocket rang.

Looking at the unfamiliar caller number, Zhang Yang glanced at He Qiyan.

Then he connected it and pressed the hands-free button.

The other party on the phone did not say any pleasantries and went straight to the topic.

"If you want to exchange Han Xiyao, come to the waterside bridge. Remember to bring your token and come here alone, otherwise I can't guarantee whether Han Xiyao will live or die."

"Okay, I'll go there now."

After receiving Zhang Yang's reply, the other party also hung up the phone.

As for Zhang Yang, he also took precise steps towards the waterside bridge.

He Qiyan, who was in shock, had not yet calmed down.

But in order not to miss it, I hurriedly chased it.


Her heart was like a stormy sea.

The voice on the phone just now was indeed Qin Shengnan's.


what is going on?

Is Qin Shengnan really not dead?

But he clearly stabbed the opponent three times in the heart.

And after confirming that the opponent did not have any pulse protection, the pulse stopped beating, and he was thrown into the wilderness.

Why can the other party still call me now?

How did Qin Shengnan survive?

Who is it?

Who has the medical skills to save the other party?

Zhang Yang did not notice the change in He Qiyan.


His mind was filled with the shadow of Han Xiyao.

During this time.

Han Xiyao must have suffered a lot secretly when she was taken away.

It may even be that you were abused or injured.

No matter what today, I must rescue him.

The Mercedes-Benz GT coupe was galloping.

Soon, we will arrive at the Shuixiang Bridge.


Before it arrived, Zhang Yang stepped on the brakes in advance and said to He Qiyan.

"Get out of the car first and follow behind secretly to observe."

He Qiyan nodded silently, opened the car door, and left alone.

Zhang Yang drove for a while and stopped by the Shuixiang Bridge.

By the waterside bridge.

It is a famous tourist attraction in Jiangnan City.

Water and bridges are the main tone here, and they are also the most colorful scenery.

There are countless tent boats floating on the clear and calm lake.

Occasionally, unique Jiangnan tunes can be heard on the ship.

In conjunction with today, there was a drizzle of light rain falling in the sky.

It also gives people the feeling that when mist and rain fall into the south of the Yangtze River, the mountains and rivers are stained with ink.

at present.

It is the peak tourist season, and there are so many tourists coming to the bridge in Shuixiang.

After Zhang Yang arrived, he looked around.

However, Han Xiyao or Qin Shengnan were not found.

At this time.

Zhang Yang's cell phone rang again.

"I'm here, where are you?"

This time Zhang Yang spoke first.

"Get on the bridge in front of you. In five minutes, a tent boat will pass under the bridge."

"The rowing boatman is wearing gray clothes and a blue felt hat. Just throw down the token."

The person on the phone gave Zhang Yang instructions.

However, Zhang Yang sneered.

"Qin Shengnan, you are too naive. I haven't even seen Han Xiyao yet, and you want me to give you the token. Do you think it's possible?"

There was silence on the phone for a while,

Then, he said again.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me now, unless you want something to happen to Han Xiyao."

Zhang Yang held the phone hard, causing veins to bulge on the back of his hand.

At this time.

Zhang Yang knew that he must not give in at all, otherwise he would only be led by the other party's lead.

Not only could Han Xiyao not be saved by that time, but once the token was lost, she would also lose the only thing that held her opponent back.

"I still say the same thing, if you want a token, you can hand it over to someone else and deliver it to someone else."

"Otherwise... I will leave, and if something happens to Han Xiyao, I will also destroy the token in my hand."

"It's a big deal if we break up!"

Zhang Yang's strength once again silenced the other party.

The silence lasted a little longer this time.

Finally, the other party seemed to understand and said.

"Then as you said, in ten minutes, we will board the tented boat with colorful flags. We will wait for you in the cabin."

"Okay. Then I'll wait."

After the two of them confirmed it, Zhang Yang secretly thought that it was true.

If I had just followed what Qin Shengnan said.

Maybe the token was lost and Han Xiyao had no way to save it.

Fortunately, I am strong enough.

Ten minutes is a quick time.

Zhang Yang saw the canopy with colorful flags and it slowly sailed towards him.

He didn't care about the crowd, so he immediately jumped off the bridge and got on the boat.

Completed in one go, without any sloppiness.

This scene instantly caused the tourists around to scream in surprise.

"I'll go, this guy knows Qing Gong, he's so awesome."

"This is not Qinggong. There must be a rope hanging somewhere nearby."

"I think so too. Don't there be actors in many scenic spots now, filming, to create an immersive feeling for tourists?"


Zhang Yang didn't know.

The scene where he just jumped off the bridge and got on the ship caused such a stir.

After jumping on the boat, Zhang Yang passed by the startled boatman.

He opened the boat curtain and entered the interior of the cabin.


There were two women and one man in the cabin.

Han Xiyao was in a coma, half leaning on the chair.

Qin Shengnan stood together with another old man with gray hair and skinny skin.

from the other party.

Zhang Yang faintly felt a powerful aura.

If nothing unexpected happens.

The other party should be a master of the True Element Realm.

Zhang Yang stared at the pale Qin Shengnan and secretly became wary.

It seems.

The token in your hand seems to be very important.

Otherwise, there would be no masters in the True Yuan Realm to follow and protect Qin Shengnan.

This chapter has been completed!
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