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Chapter 62 The Final Chapter of the Hero Banquet

Chapter 62 Heroes’ Banquet (Final Chapter)

It turns out that in order to save Li Hanyi, Xiao Xiaohan used the Tianyuan Sword to forcibly improve his cultivation level and point directly to the legendary realm of fugue.

But before using the Tianyuan Sword, Xiao Xiaohan had already used secret techniques to improve his cultivation to the realm of half-step divine movement, but the true energy in his body was not as good as that of half-step divine movement, so it could only be regarded as a pseudo half-step divine movement.

But it was different when the Tianyuan Sword was used. Unlike Li Hanyi, Xiao Xiaohan fed it with his own essence and blood, and was not controlled by the Tianyuan Sword, but could do whatever he wanted.

But the price was just like what Hua Jin said to Xiao Se at that time, all his tendons and veins were severed, but he used the Tianyuan Sword again. The true energy in the sword and the true energy in Xiao Xiaohan's body collided violently.

In the end, his cultivation was completely disabled, his hands and feet were all broken, and he was blind.

"An Shi" Xiao Xiaohan whispered.

Ye Anshi took back Xiao Xiaohan's hands behind his back and took a deep breath.

"Xiao Jie, don't cry," Xiao Xiaohan said softly.

"Sister, sister" Lei Wujie hugged Xiao Xiaohan and cried: "Xiao Jie is wrong, Xiao Jie should not let his sister leave Xueyue City, and should not go to Zhao Yuzhen."

"All of this is fate, Xiao Jie, don't think about it." Xiao Xiaohan touched Lei Wujie's head. Only now did she understand what the "fate" her father Xiao Ruoyu was talking about was.

"Sister has been taken care of by your master. Now she just needs to rest."

"Xiaohan, Xiaohan" Lan Yuehou looked at Xiao Xiaohan who had her eyes open and waved her hand in front of her eyes.

"Uncle Huang, you don't have to try this," Xiao Xiaohan said.

"When you were healing Li Hanyi, did you ever think about the emperor's brother? The emperor's sister-in-law?" Lan Yuehou asked.

"No" Xiao Xiaohan's answer was simple.

"You" Lan Yuehou really doesn't know what to do now. The daughter of the majestic King Jiangling, her cultivation is completely ruined, both her hands and legs are broken and she is also blind. This...

"Sister Han" suddenly a clear voice made everyone turn their heads. Hua Jin, who was still at the bedside giving Xiao Se acupuncture, ran over and pushed Lei Wujie and others in front of Xiao Xiaohan.

Hua Jin caught Xiao Xiaohan's tendons, and in just three breaths, looking at the beautiful woman with fresh blood on her face, he suddenly cursed, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? I didn't ask Xiao Se to tell you not to use secret techniques."

, did Xiao Se not tell you, or did you think what I said was just falling on deaf ears, going in one ear and out the other."

Everyone present was stunned. No one expected that Hua Jin would curse Xiao Xiaohan.

"Hua Jin, you can think that I have turned a deaf ear to your words, but there is one thing. My sister has to save her," Xiao Xiaohan said decisively.

"I...why can't I get away from you, the Xiao royal family?" Hua Jin sighed helplessly when he saw Xiao Xiaohan's decisive look.

"I can't cure Xiao Se. This is the first time I've seen sister in this kind of situation."

"What!" Everyone present was shocked.

Lan Yuehou was a little dizzy at this time. Did he not read the almanac when he came out? One accident happened after another.

First, something happened to the emperor's son. Then, something happened to the daughter of King Jiangling.

"Cough cough" Xiao Xiaohan suddenly coughed twice, and Ye Anshi behind him immediately patted her back and kept using his internal force to prevent the internal forces in Xiao Xiaohan's body from colliding with each other.

Confucian swordsman Xie Xuan looked surprised: "Little miracle doctor, please explain carefully. Just now I saw that Xiao Se's injuries have been suppressed, but what happened?"

Hua Jin replied: "It is true that the injury is not serious for the time being, but I can only do so much. His pulse was too seriously damaged this time. If it is not completely cured, it will not take long for him to survive."


"Is there no one who can help Xiao Se?" Sikong Qianluo asked urgently.

Ye Ruoyi thought for a moment and said, "Does it mean that Medicine King Xin Baicao needs to come in person?"

"But Xin Baicao has disappeared for many years. Does the little miracle doctor know where he is?" Tang Lian asked.

Hua Jin shook his head, "Master has traveled all over the world, I know that, but even if Master comes, he may not be able to cure Xiao Se."

"Then...is there really no one who can help him?" Sikong Qianluo felt despair in his heart.

Ye Xiaoying and Lan Yuehou looked at each other and thought of a name at the same time: "National Master Qi Tianchen and Wangye (Emperor Brother?"

"Qi Tianchen? King Jiangling? Maybe they can really do it." Ye Anshi said: "But is it a good time for Xiao Chuhe to step into Tianqi at this time?"

"Then what should we do? Do you want him to die here?" Ye Xiaoying said angrily: "With me protecting you, who can hurt King Yong'an!"

"My lord, I will not let you take Xiao Chuhe into Tianqi." Ye Anshi said quietly: "Isn't the general afraid of King Jiangling?"

"I..." Ye Anshi mentioned King Jiangling. Ye Xiaoying didn't know what to say. He disobeyed King Jiangling's order. He knew that the feeling was that life would be worse than death.

Hua Jin raised his head and suddenly said: "There are people who can be cured. I heard the master talk about it, and I also read such a record in an ancient book. Maybe..." He looked at Xiao Xiaohan.

Before Hua Jin could say anything, Lan Yuehou on the side said: "I will take Xiaohan home, and then I will ask my royal brother to help Xiaohan treat her."

"Overseas fairy mountains, Penglai Island. Lost immortals, the art of replenishing the soul." A clear and elegant voice said slowly.

Everyone turned around and saw the Confucian swordsman Xie Xuan standing at the door with his back to them and looking up at the sky.

"I know, Penglai Immortal." Xiao Xiaohan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his mouth: "His soul-replenishing skills are hard to find in the world."

"That's right." Hua Jin nodded and said, "The art of replenishing the soul. Unfortunately, the second half of the book has been destroyed. Master has been studying it for a lifetime and cannot reproduce it."

"Penglai Immortal, funny talk," Ye Xiaoying said.

Xie Xuan turned around: "No, the overseas fairy mountain, Penglai Island, that place really exists. It is not the nonsense in the book. Every year, merchant ships sail to the Three Snake Island to get those precious snake galls, but

Merchant ships would not dare to go further west. There is an undertide there, and merchant ships cannot pass through it. If they go there, they will be capsized. Therefore, on the national map of Beili, the boundary of the sea area is Sanshe Island. But as long as you cross that undertide,

You can see Penglai Island. It is said that this island is shrouded in smoke and ethereal. It is full of rare and rare treasures. There is only one immortal living on it, coexisting with the heaven and earth, and growing old with the sun and the moon."

"Penglai Island, I have also read about it in the book." Lan Yuehou said, "The book said that it was the place where the sage of heaven, Tongtian, established a dharma field and founded the Jiejiao sect. At its peak, all the Buddhas visited it and thousands of people visited it.

Immortals come to court. But those are just absurd stories that record myths and legends. They are not true. They are stories that storytellers in teahouses and restaurants like to tell. Do Confucian swordsmen and immortals also believe in the words of ghosts and gods? "

"Buddhism has immortal relics, and Taoism has immortality. Xie Xuan doesn't know about ghosts and gods, so he doesn't believe it, so he doesn't lie. As for the immortal who lives on the fairy mountain, he is also a peerless master.

Xie Xuan has never seen it and doesn't know." Xie Xuan answered calmly.

"No, Immortal Penglai really exists," Xiao Xiaohan said, shocking everyone.

"He lives the same life as the heaven and the earth, shines with the sun and the moon, and wears white clothes with unparalleled elegance."

"Xiaohan, you heard the story told by the emperor, right?" Lan Yuehou said.

Xiao Xiaohan nodded, "Not only did my father tell me, but Baili Dongjun and Aunt Yue also told me."

"What, Jiu Xian Baili Dongjun!" Everyone was shocked.

Xie Xuan said: "Yes, what Xiaohan said is right. Although he was drinking every time he told me these things, he said that when he landed on the island, the immortal was dressed in white, dancing like an immortal, and jumped from the top of the mountain.

Down, I walked against the wind, and in an instant I was in front of him."

"But as far as I know, Baili Dongjun seems to have set off for that fairy mountain again?" Xie Xuan looked at Tang Lian.

Tang Lian nodded: "Yes, the master left Xueyue City more than half a year ago and went to the overseas fairy mountains to find the drink he asked for. He has not returned yet."

"What the gentleman said is indeed unheard of, and it is indeed shocking to hear it. But since the Lord of Baili City once said that he saw it with his own eyes, I dare not lie anymore. But Mr. Shicai also said that after Three Snake Island, it is

How can we get over this undercurrent that continues all year round? Has the Lord of Baili City told you?" Lan Yuehou asked.

Xie Xuan smiled and said: "I have said it before, I dare say that anyone in the world who can go to that immortal place can tell it with three fingers."

"Then who are these three people?" Lei Wujie asked.

"King Jiangling, Lord Baili Dong." Xie Xuan turned around and saw Xiao Se, who had silver needles stuck in his body, had climbed out of bed and was walking forward with difficulty.

"And me" Xiao Se's voice was hoarse.

Sikong Qianluo immediately walked over and helped Xiao Se.

"Uncle Huang did tell me and Xiaohan when we were young that that's where I must go." Xiao Se raised his head, passed through the crowd, and looked at Xie Xuan who was standing at the door. His eyes swept away the dejected and lazy look before, and said

Unrivaled perseverance.

Xiao Xiaohan smiled slightly, and Ye Anshi behind him also smiled.

"Why are you trying to be so strong? How can you go alone if you are like this?" Sikong Qianluo said angrily.

Xiao Se walked to Lei Wujie's side with difficulty, put his hand on Lei Wujie's shoulder, and barely supported his body from falling: "Sir, can you tell me the secret of going to Penglai Island?"

Xie Xuan raised his eyebrows: "Of course. You are right, I will only tell you this secret. But the overseas fairy mountains and Penglai Island are just empty words from Baili Dongjun and Jiangling King. Even if there is such a peerless world,

Immortal, it is unknown whether I can cure you. But we are thousands of miles away from Penglai Island and the road is extremely dangerous. Do you really want to go?"

"Go." Xiao Se answered simply.

Xie Xuan shook his head and simply said: "You can go back to Tianqi. The Jiangling Palace and Qintian Prison will definitely protect you. If you are angry, I will boldly say that even if the prince and the prison guards cannot cure you, they can keep you safe all your life."


"Then be like a useless person? Living in the apocalypse? Let's not talk about other people, but the emperor's uncle is the first one who is unwilling." Xiao Se said decisively: "Since Baili Dongjun and the emperor's uncle have been there, then Penglai Immortal must not be a legend.

, then even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will definitely go, and no one can stop me!"

Xie Xuan nodded: "Okay, very good. Your master and prince did not misjudge you. It's just..." Xie Xuan glanced at everyone present thoughtfully.

Lan Yuehou.

Xiao Xiaohan and Ye Anshi, who have become useless people.

Chinese Army General Ye Xiaoying and his daughter Ye Ruoyi.

Tang Lian, Lei Wujie, Sikong Qianluo.

Who can accompany me on my trip to Penglai Island?

"An Shi, hold me up," Xiao Xiaohan whispered.

Ye Anshi nodded and reached out to hug Xiao Xiaohan.


When everyone was puzzled, Xiao Xiaohan took out a silver medal from his arms.

It is the token of Jiangling Palace.

Xiao Xiaohan coughed twice and said, "The King of Jiangling is here, why don't you all pay your respects?"

Lan Yuehou was the first to kneel down. He knew that his mission could not be completed.

Ye Xiaoying and Ye Ruoyi also knelt down.

Tang Lian, Lei Wujie, and Sikong Qianluo also knelt down.

In the Qilin Pavilion, only Hua Jin, Xiao Se, and Ye Anshi, who was holding Xiao Xiaohan, did not kneel down.

Xiao Xiaohan said: "Please ask the emperor to take me back to Tianqi without Xiao Se, and the general and Ruoyi will do the same." He looked at Lei Wujie and the other three, "I have become a Qilin guardian, and I tell you three, protect them well."


"Yes." Lei Wujie, Sikong Qianluo, and Tang Lian responded.

"Xiaohan, you can't be like this. Your uncle, I have a mission."

Before Lan Yuehou finished speaking, Xiao Xiaohan interrupted: "Uncle, don't you listen to my father?"

"I..." Lan Yuehou was embarrassed for a while.

"Uncle Emperor, I know, but the time has not yet come," Xiao Se said: "One year from now, one year from now, no matter whether my injury is healed or not, as long as I am still alive, I will wait for you in Xueyue City.

No matter who comes, I will follow you back to Tianqi."

Everyone present was shocked when they heard this. Lan Yuehou gently tapped the handle of the knife with his hand, and after six gentle taps, he smiled slightly: "If it were someone else, the emperor's uncle would definitely not compromise. But you are different.

I know you very well. In this case, we will meet again in Xueyue City in one year."


Lan Yuehou looked at Ye Anshi who was holding Xiao Xiaohan, "Are you going?"

"Of course, I also got a glimpse of King Jiangling's face, and then I decided to see what King Jiangling would do." Ye Anshi smiled.

"Let's go" Xiao Xiaohan said.

Ye Anshi nodded, looked at Xiao Se and the others, "Everyone, I'll see you in Tianqi." He turned around and walked outside.

"Well, see you in Tianqi," Lei Wujie said.

"Xiao Se." Lan Yuehou curled his lips slightly, "It's a good name. Then wait for the day when you will be named Xiao Chuhe again in a year." After finishing speaking, Lan Yuehou turned around and walked out, dressed in gold.

It was particularly dazzling in the sunlight. He jumped onto the rooftop opposite, then turned around and looked down at Xiao Se: "On that day, I will take your father's thousand tiger warriors and hold up the golden god of our Xiao family.

Bird Gale Flag, shouting your name at the foot of Xueyue City. You are the sixth prince of our Xiao family, King Yong'an of Beili, and your home is in Tianqi!"

Xiao Se looked up at Lan Yuehou. The two people's eyes met, but neither of them spoke anymore. Lan Yuehou smiled, suddenly turned his head and looked at Hua Jin: "Little miracle doctor, we will see you again by fate." Then he jumped up.

, gradually disappeared into the distance.

"Ah?" Hua Jin was stunned for a moment, "Are you talking to me?"

"Then let's see whether your Tiger Benlang is faster or my Ye Ziying is faster!" Ye Xiaoying whispered, then he picked up Ye Ruoyi and said to Xiao Se, "Sixth Prince, see you in a year.


"The general made a mistake. What I brought was not Hu Benlang, but Qinghe Camp," Lan Yuehou said.

Ye Xiaoying was shocked, what was going on, how could Marquis Lan Yue mobilize the prince's Qinghe camp.

Ye Xiaoying turned around, and Ye Ruoyi was also pulled away by him. When she turned her head, she glanced at Xiao Se, hesitated to speak, and then glanced at Lei Wujie again.

"Miss Ye..." Lei Wujie stretched out his hand to persuade her to stay.

"Since the three city lords have been looking at your illness for so long and still can't think of a solution, then let's let the Imperial Master and the Prince think of a solution. Zoey, you come with me back to Tianqi." Ye Xiaoying said.

Xiao Se looked at Lei Wujie who had something to say but couldn't say it, smiled and shook his head.


Gangneung Prince's Mansion.

Xiao Ruoyu jumped onto the roof of Jinluo Pavilion, smiled, and then waved his hand, causing waves of heat to erupt from Xiao Ruoyu to all directions.

"Ten thousand immortals worship."

(End of chapter)

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