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Chapter 29 Selection

He looked to be in his mid-twenties, and compared to the other people's luxurious clothes, he was much simpler.

At this time, he was reading quietly in the corner.

Shen Yunfan became interested and walked forward.

Master Yang stopped him and said, "Your Majesty, the supervisor's name is Wan Yao, and he is the son of the former Minister of Punishment. Later, his family fell into decline, and Master Jijiu missed his old friendship, so he left him here. He is not able to do anything at his age. If you pass the proctoring test, you won’t have much talent!”

Shen Yunfan ignored Master Yang's words and stepped forward to ask the previous question: "Wan Yao, Prime Minister Liu Cheng is suspected of treason. If you enter the palace, how will you investigate this matter?"

"If I enter the palace, I will work with the Minister of Punishment to thoroughly investigate this matter. If not guilty, I will give the Prime Minister his innocence. If the crime is true, even the Prime Minister should be cut into pieces." Wan Yao's tone had a hint of murderous intent. .

"How outrageous!" Master Yang and other supervisors' expressions changed.

Although Liu Cheng has been arrested now, the matter has not yet been concluded. Therefore, saying such a thing is simply treason!

Shen Yunfan looked as normal and then asked: "Why should we unite with the Minister of Punishment instead of the Minister of Punishment?"

"My father used to be the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. He was an upright man, but he was exiled due to an unreasonable disaster. The current Minister of the Ministry of Punishment is just a lackey supported by the Prime Minister. Letting him investigate must be biased."

"The current Minister of Justice is a resolute and resolute person. He is one of the few upright people in the court. Therefore, I believe in him." Wan Yao had a thorough understanding of the officialdom of the Southern Wei Dynasty.

Chief Yang scolded: "Wan Yao, you are so treasonous in talking about Shangguan! I think you should get out of the Imperial College today!"

Wan Yao looked at Shen Yunfan beside him.

Shen Yunfan waved his hand and said, "Go and complete the formalities and leave the Imperial College."

Wan Yao shook his head when he heard this and suddenly laughed at himself.

"Hahahaha, the officialdom of the Southern Wei Dynasty is really full of shit." After that, he walked out.

But Shen Yunfan added at this time: "From now on, you will be the capital of the Southern Wei Dynasty. You will enter the palace tomorrow and start investigating the prime minister's rebellion. With the emperor here, you can go free to investigate."

Wan Yao was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he knelt down with excitement on his face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!"

"Your Majesty, how could you choose him?" Master Yang's face was full of surprise.

"Is it your turn to point fingers?"

Master Yang's expression changed, and he suddenly did not dare to speak anymore. His face turned blue, and he felt a little resentful in his heart!

How could Shen Yunfan not know what Chief Secretary Yang was thinking? In the Southern Wei Dynasty, officials protected each other, and everyone wanted to curry favor with the high officials. Chief Secretary Yang only recommended those people for his own official fortune.

Now it seems that the sentence written outside the Imperial College, "Regardless of status, everyone is seeking knowledge" seems very ironic!

"Going back." After choosing the person, Shen Yunfan didn't stay any longer and walked out.

Master Yang followed beside him with a gloomy expression and said nothing.

When he happened to pass by a school, Shen Yunfan heard the sound of fighting coming from inside.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as Shen Yunfan finished speaking, and before Chief Yang could reply, a little girl ran out of the school.

Taking a closer look, this is Wei Ning!

However, the little princess of the day actually had some tears in her eyes now, and it looked like she had just been bullied.

"Girl, who bullied you?" Shen Yunfan stopped her.

Wei Ning looked up and saw Shen Yunfan, frowned and said, "You're the stinky rebel, I don't want you to worry about it!"

Coincidentally, at this time, another girl in a pink skirt and a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old came out of the school. They stared at Wei Ning with mocking faces and said sarcastically: "Ning'er, you are really becoming more and more rebellious now!" It’s just a broken painting, if it’s rotten it’ll be rotten!”

"Who are you?"

"That's Princess Wei Cheng, and next to her is her cousin, both of whom are relatives of the emperor." Master Yang whispered.

Wei Cheng also noticed Shen Yunfan at this time. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly became happy and said with a smile: "Is this Prince Shen? What a talented person, no wonder Ning Ning

My son likes you so much that he even brought your paintings to show us."

"That painting is really a mess, so only Ning'er will regard it as a treasure." The young man laughed loudly, "The person who painted this painting is also a lowly person at first glance!"

Hearing this, Chen Yunfan narrowed his eyes. But he did not get angry, but looked at Wei Ning with a smile.

"Little girl, I didn't realize you still like me so much."

"Don't get me wrong, I just like that painting!" Wei Ning blushed and shouted at Wei Cheng: "You tore up my painting, I will let the emperor punish you when I get back!"

"Go." Wei Cheng was not afraid at all.

As Wei Ning's half-sister and a princess, she really didn't believe she could be punished for a painting.

The two of them were so arrogant that Wei Ning stamped his feet in anger.

Shen Yunfan patted the girl's head, then walked into the school and took a look at his "Picture of a Girl Chasing a Butterfly". The picture had been torn in half at the waist.

"Isn't this painting good-looking? Why do I think it's so good-looking?" Shen Yunfan muttered.

"Huh, it's crudely made, it's just a cheap painting made by a lowly person!" The young man snorted coldly, using all the vulgar words.

The purpose is to belittle Shen Yunfan!

This school is filled with high-ranking relatives of the emperor. Now that they heard this, their eyes were full of contempt when they looked at Shen Yunfan.

"Oh? Then I would like to have someone do the evaluation. Master Yang, go and get the Guozi's sacrificial wine."

"Yes." Master Yang responded with a happy expression.

If young Shen Yunfan dares to argue with these royal relatives, he will definitely be in trouble!

Not long after, Li Yuanyi, the son of the emperor, came to offer wine.

Guozi Jijiu is equivalent to a principal, with very senior qualifications.

When he was canonized as the crown prince, Shen Yunfan met him once. At this time, he asked directly: "Old Li, what do you think of my picture of a girl chasing a butterfly?"

As soon as Li Yuan saw the torn painting, his face suddenly felt distressed.

"I evaluated this painting at the time. It was a superb work. It is such a pity to destroy it like this!" Li Yuanyi said seriously.

"Well, you heard it." Shen Yunfan spread his hands.

Wei Cheng and others sneered: "When I say the painting is poor, it means the painting is poor. It doesn't matter who you replace it with!"

Master Yang in the back was a little gloating about the misfortune. In the entire Imperial College, everyone who came had to avoid these royal eldest sons and eldest ladies.

Even the Master Jijiu did not dare to argue with them.

It would be too naive for Shen Yunfan to try to reason with them now by relying on Guozi's sacrificial wine!

This chapter has been completed!
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