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Chapter 188 True and False Li Yanwang

After joking and discussing at the school gate for a while, class monitor Mu Nan led everyone into the school gate and went to the computer room located in the school complex building.

At this time, the first and second grade students on campus were still in class.

Along the way, the sound of neat reading could be heard coming from the teaching building from time to time.

It has only been less than a month, but when I return to this familiar campus, I already feel a strange sense of alienation.

"Why do I feel like I'm starting to miss it a little bit?"

"I feel the same way. I was so tired from studying before and wished I could take the college entrance examination as soon as possible, but now I feel a little reluctant to let it go. It's really strange!"

"Hehe, then you can choose to repeat it, don't be reluctant, you can come back as many times as you want!"

"Go away, are you talking human language?"


Everyone around suddenly burst into laughter.

Qin Tian and Xia Nuannuan also couldn't help laughing.

"Monitor, it seems that someone is not here today. Are there any students in our class who are also repeating the class?"

Behind Mun Nan, a girl asked curiously.

When other people heard this, their eyes immediately focused on the class.

"There is!"

Mu Nan smiled and nodded, and added: "But it seems that there are only two people who repeated the exam. Some of the people who didn't come were away from home, and some didn't want to come and chose to fill in their volunteers at home!"

"Who wants to repeat the exam? Didn't everyone in our class do well in the exam?"

Someone asked again.

"Xu Ying didn't do well in the exam. When I called her, her mother said she was going to let her repeat her studies for a year, and Qian Sheng said she was going to learn from Zhang Peng and work hard for another year to get a bachelor's degree."

Munan replied.

Everyone fell silent immediately after hearing this, and several eyes turned to Qin Tian and Xia Nuannuan.

After the small study group headed by Qin Tian became the center of Class 10, Xu Ying, who originally had a strong presence in the class, gradually became a marginal figure in the class.

Everyone knows that the turning point of all this started when Qin Tian stood up for Xia Nuannuan that day.

In this college entrance examination, most of the students in Class 10 got good grades. No matter how high or low their scores were, at least I was satisfied with the results and had no regrets.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Xu Ying, who did not post her college entrance examination results in the group, may be one of them.

Qin Tian was actually quite surprised.

Of course he didn't remember how Xu Ying did in the college entrance examination before her rebirth, nor did he care.

However, in his impression, Xu Ying should have never read it again.

Because later when everyone went to attend the squad leader’s wedding banquet, Xu Yingxian mentioned this matter when showing off her rich second-generation boyfriend. There was a girl in the class at that time who was from the same university as her, and she and her boyfriend were very interested in each other.

Love expresses envy.

Surprised, Qin Tian didn't care either. What made him care more was Qian Sheng.

I heard Zhang Peng say that Qian Sheng's exam performance was actually not that bad compared to his previous self, but it was still not good enough for a bachelor's degree. If he wanted to study, he could only go to a junior college.

Unexpectedly, he was also planning to repeat the course.

But Zhang Peng hasn't come yet, so he can't confirm this.

While chatting, everyone quickly arrived at the computer room of the complex building.

Li Yanwang was already waiting at the door of the computer room. When he saw a group of them coming in large numbers, a rare smile appeared on his face.

"Old Li, you are not a fake, are you, our teacher Li's twin brother?"

A boy who usually stood out in the class suddenly questioned loudly.

"Ha ha……"

After everyone heard this, they all laughed like crazy.

The smile on Li Yanwang's face instantly faded. He glared at the boy with a stern look, waved his hand and said, "Come on, come here!"

The boy shook his head like a rattle, grinned and said, "This is the real Lao Li!"

The students in the class laughed even more cheerfully.

"Stop talking nonsense, time is pressing, everyone hurry in!"

Li Xue urged with a straight face.

Everyone agreed one after another and walked into the computer room to grab computers.

"Everyone has a computer. First open the website to fill in your application. Fill it out as you and your parents have agreed. Pay attention to the school code and major code. Don't make mistakes. Please be careful. Filling in your application is very important.

If you don’t understand something, raise your hand and ask me.”

Li Xueping put his hands behind his back and stood in front of him and said loudly to everyone.

Qin Tian and Xia Nuannuan were sitting in the same row. They looked at each other and smiled after turning on their computers.

Which school and major to apply for has been decided a long time ago and there will be no changes.

That's right, the major they both wanted to fill in was the same, one of Jiangsu University's top majors: Economics.

They have already discussed this matter with their parents.

Qin Tian's mother didn't understand this and just said that she believed in him and let him make his own decision after thinking about it.

Xia Nuannuan's parents understand a little bit, and her father even knows that the economics major is a top major with as long a history as Jiangnan University, and he strongly supports his daughter's decision to apply for this application.

After opening the website, Qin Tian took out a small piece of paper from his pocket that recorded the admission ticket number, volunteer website, school major code and other information, and started following the above instructions.

Next to her, Xia Nuannuan also held an identical small piece of paper in her hand.

This is what she helped prepare.

Except for the difference in personal information such as the examination number and ID number between the two of them, everything else is the same.

While the two of them were inputting information quietly, King Li Yan came to Qin Tian's side quietly.

After looking down at the code name on the piece of paper in his hand, Li Yan Wang casually asked: "Decided to go to Jiangda?"

He was very concerned about which school and major Qin Tian would choose, and he had made several phone calls to Qin Tian's mother about this.

He was actually quite sorry for Qin Tian's decision not to go to Peking University. After all, those two schools could be said to be the holy places in the minds of all students in the country.

Of course, since Qin Tian's attitude is firm, he will also express his support.

As a teacher who truly cares about his students, he deeply understands that each student's life path should be their own decision.

As long as the direction of the road is right and correct, what the teacher has to do is to guide the students in this direction so that the students can walk more smoothly and accurately.

Qin Tian looked up at the respectable head teacher, smiled and nodded.

"That's fine!"

Li Yanwang smiled and said: "If you go to Jiangnan University, you can get better treatment based on your grades. How are your mother's negotiations with the school going?"

"It's all settled!"

Qin Tian replied with a smile.

Two days ago, his smart and witty mother used her skills in bargaining at the vegetable market to the extreme to get him the best treatment at Jiang University.

Jiangnan University directly awards 500,000 yuan, plus free tuition for four years.

Even if he wants to continue his studies to study for a master's degree or a doctorate, it will be free of charge, and there will also be a special scholarship provided by the school every year.

This chapter has been completed!
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