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Chapter 76 The idea of ??a chain of Internet cafes

After leaving the Internet cafe, Qin Tian followed Zhao Mingyuan to the barbecue restaurant opposite.

The space in the store is not large, there are only six small dining tables, and there are no other customers at the moment.

The two of them came to an empty table at the end, put down the computer and monitor, and sat down.

"Hey, Mr. Zhao has time to take care of my business today. What can I eat?"

The owner of the barbecue restaurant was also a middle-aged man, and he seemed to be quite familiar with Zhao Mingyuan. He walked over with a smile and a menu.

Zhao Mingyuan pursed his lips at Qin Tian: "Give some to Xiao Qin, I'm still the same."

The boss looked at Qin Tian in surprise and handed him the menu.

"Young man, let's see what you want to eat. Lao Zhao is a rich man. If you order more, let me earn more."

"Hey...you're such a profiteer."

Zhao Mingyuan stared at the boss funny.

Qin Tian couldn't help but laugh. After taking the menu, he didn't show any politeness and ordered some of his favorite skewers.

The owner of the barbecue restaurant was taking notes with a pen and paper.

"That's all I have, thank you."

Qin Tian handed the menu back to the boss.

"Okay, what do you want to drink?"

The boss asked with a smile.

"Xiao Qin, would you like some beer?"

Zhao Mingyuan suggested with a smile.

Qin Tian thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

If there is no beer in the skewers, it always feels like something is missing.

"Then I'll give you four bottles of cold beer. If there's not enough, I'll add more."

Zhao Mingyuan smiled and said to the boss.

The boss nodded, went to the refrigerator to get four bottles of beer for the two of them, and then went to get busy grilling skewers.

"Although this store is small, it has been open for more than ten years. I used to eat here often and it tastes pretty good."

Zhao Mingyuan said with a smile while unpacking the tableware.

Qin Tian nodded: "My friends and I used to surf the Internet at your Internet cafe, and we have eaten here several times."


Zhao Mingyuan smiled.

The two chatted casually for a few words, and soon the boss brought two plates of skewers, both of which were beef and mutton skewers that were relatively easy to cook.

"Come on, come on, we just don't need cups."

Zhao Mingyuan picked up a bottle of beer and shouted.

Qin Tian smiled and nodded, then picked up the bottle next to him and touched it with him.

Both of them raised their heads and drank half a bottle of wine, then let out a long sigh of relief at the same time.

"Ha ha……"

Zhao Mingyuan laughed twice, picked up a beef skewer and said, "Xiao Qin, you look young, but you feel quite mature to me."

"Have it?"

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, and smiled pretending to be confused, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

It seems that this boss’s unique vision is not limited to business!

The two of them licked the skewers and drank wine, and soon got to know each other a lot, and Zhao Mingyuan also took advantage of the situation to bring the topic back on track.

"Xiao Qin, please tell me more about the themed Internet cafe you just mentioned!"


Qin Tian agreed, and under Zhao Mingyuan's expectant eyes, the conversation suddenly changed: "But Brother Zhao, can you help me with this matter?"

This was also the reason why he agreed to Zhao Mingyuan's invitation and came with him.

There is no free lunch in the world.

He has the prophetic advantage of a reborn person, but he cannot give it to Zhao Mingyuan for no reason.

"Oh? How do you say that?"

Zhao Mingyuan also became interested.

As he said just now, the young man in front of him always gives him a maturity and stability that is inconsistent with his peers, which makes people feel very unusual.

"I do have some good ideas about this game and your Internet cafe business, Brother Zhao, but I hope that we can cooperate together, and the premise is that the controlling stake must belong to me."

Qin Tian spoke solemnly.

After Zhao Mingyuan heard this, he was a little dumbfounded.

Although he is not a rich man, the Internet cafe industry has been booming in the past few years, and he has benefited from this wave of dividends.

In this Jade City, he can be regarded as one of the top few wealthy people.

And now, a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, who has not yet graduated from high school, wants to negotiate a cooperation with him, and also wants a controlling stake?

If it had been another boy, he would probably just get up and leave now.

"It's interesting. Please tell me what you think first."

Zhao Mingyuan was noncommittal, with an interested smile on his somewhat fat face.


Qin Tian responded with a smile and asked: "Brother Zhao, you are in the Internet cafe business, do you know about Internet cafes?"

"Internet cafe?"

Zhao Mingyuan was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "I have heard of this. It was established in Shanghai in the past two years. The concept is like a high-end Internet cafe, and its main customers are business people."

"Do you want us to invest in opening this Internet cafe together? This is not easy to do. The cost is too high."

"And the economy here is far worse than that in Shanghai. Not many people are willing to pay high prices to access the Internet."

He was quite disappointed.

I thought Qin Tianzhen had some good ideas, but I didn't expect it to be just this.

"Brother Zhao, don't worry, listen to me slowly. You should be able to feel that after ten years, the Internet cafe business has begun to decline, right?"

Qin Tian asked with a smile.

"That's right."

Zhao Mingyuan nodded in surprise, obviously not expecting Qin Tian to know this.

Qin Tian picked up a bunch of beef and continued in a calm tone:

"In recent years, the country's economic level has improved, and home computers have begun to become popular. However, the environment of general Internet cafes is relatively poor, so many people are naturally unwilling to go to Internet cafes to spend money to surf the Internet."

"Coupled with the Internet cafe dividends in previous years, competition has become fierce and the market has become saturated."

“So if we want to continue to grow bigger and stronger in this industry, we must differentiate ourselves and take a high-end route.”

"Internet cafes are a very good choice. Yes, the cost is relatively high, and the customer base they target is not large enough."

"But what we want to do is to create a chain of Internet cafes with the theme of League of Legends. Brother Zhao, believe me, this game will be the most popular game in the next ten years."

Hearing this, Zhao Mingyuan immediately expressed doubts: "No way, how can a game be popular for ten years?"

He has been running an Internet cafe for almost ten years, and he has seen the rise and fall of various mainstream games over the years. It is considered great to be popular for three or four years.

"Since you don't believe what I said, there's no need to talk anymore."

Qin Tian curled his lips helplessly.

"No, no, no, okay, I believe what you said for the time being, then what happens next, you continue to talk."

Zhao Mingyuan quickly changed his words.

Now that his curiosity has been completely aroused, how can he just let it go?

"Okay, then I will continue. As for the unit price of Internet cafes, we can lower it appropriately. The profit point does not need to be focused only on this. Food, coffee and drinks also make a lot of money."

"In addition, our main customers are not business people, but young people, because we are building a game-themed Internet cafe chain."

"We can also hold competitions for this game to promote it, and even form a professional team later, etc."

"Believe me, as this game becomes popular, our Internet cafes will also become popular all over the country."

This chapter has been completed!
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