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Chapter 199 The original god is so fun, I forgot the time.

Mysterious and profound lines appear on the golden sword of osmanthus.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and dark objects like dust fell from them.

Black ash fell, basically covering the entire Fuyuki City.

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously.

He looked at the sky with a puzzled expression.

The weather has been weird recently. The sun used to appear at night, but now it's snowing directly.

Looking at the falling black ash, Saber subconsciously stretched out her hand and caught a piece of dust.

next second


Saber let out a muffled groan.

Immediately afterwards, her consciousness was pulled into a deserted place.

Here, the ground is covered with spears and swords, corpses are scattered everywhere, and blood gathers into rivers.

Saber looked at everything around her, her pupils narrowed.

Everything is extremely familiar.


At this time, a weak voice came.

Saber turned her head and her body trembled violently.

In front of her, it turned out to be Mordred, who was stabbed by her with the holy spear...

And here is the Gladiolus Hill!

"Saber, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

From the outside, looking at Saber's body shaking violently, Ellie hurriedly came to Saber's side and shook the latter's body.

Finally, after half the pay, Saber returned to normal.

But when she looked at her, Ellie found that Saber's pupils were already bloodshot.

"It's so scary. Just a piece of dust can give people a glimpse of the darkness inside." Rider, who had also fallen into hallucinations, regained consciousness and gasped for breath.

Looking at the chaotic clouds on the horizon, Rider frowned: "What on earth is going on over there?!"

At the same moment, all the heroic spirits saw the picture sealed deep in their hearts.

"The Sword of the End!"


The black light beam and the scarlet light beam collided.


The huge air wave directly uprooted the surrounding large trees used for viewing.

"Breathe, breathe!"

Chiye Mengxiang squatted directly on the ground, holding her throat fiercely.

The violent air waves thinned the surrounding oxygen.

Even vampires are not immune to oxygen.

"Star of Eden!"

Seeing this, Walter took out the Star of Eden in time and shouted coldly.


Red light appeared around everyone.

next second

The violent wind immediately stabilized, allowing several people who had difficulty breathing to recover.

"Don't Herrscher need to breathe?" Hongyan asked slightly hoarsely as his throat got stuck.

"Because of the power of the core, the Herrscher can survive even in a vacuum environment." Walter explained.

Hongyan remained silent.

The more you come into contact with things outside the world, the more you will realize how rubbish the original world is.

Even the power of the demon that destroys the world cannot be used because Luff is not enough, let alone in a vacuum environment.

"elder brother……"

Sakura, who was next to Black Eyes, looked worriedly at the figure in the center of the storm.

She cares more about Ling Yuan than her father's heroic spirit.

However, what was different from everyone else was that Veleslana's expression, suspended in mid-air, was extremely hot.

It was as if I had seen something beloved.

"That's great, that's great. I didn't expect them to hide this kind of power?!"

The more he spoke, the more excited Weleslana became, looking at the two people on the battlefield with extremely hot eyes.

This terrifying destructive power is like poison to him, a war god who is obsessed with fighting.

"These two monsters!"

Tokiomi Tosaka, who clung to the ground and was almost blown away, looked at the two people in the field, his pupils filled with horror.

He couldn't help but wonder, this was still an advent ceremony, and how powerful would it be if it were the real Gilgamesh.


Suddenly, a broken voice sounded, making everyone present stunned.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a crack appearing at the intersection of the two attacks.

"The space...is broken?" Hei Tong's small face was stunned.

This was the first time she saw space shattered due to unbearable force.

Seeing Jin Shining barely resisting his attack, Ling Yuan's spiritual energy increased.



The space exploded directly, revealing a piece of nothingness, but it was immediately blessed.

"How can it be repaired?"

Looking at the black beam of light that was gradually forced towards him, Jin Shining shouted angrily.

next second


It flew backwards with a huge explosion.


ea came out of his hand and slammed into the ground.

Ling Yuan also put away the light beam.

His goal is not to kill Jin Shining, just hit it.

Then, he focused his gaze on EA, which fell not far away.


After murmuring softly, Ling Yuan slowly walked over.

At this moment, a white figure got the ea before him.


After seeing the person coming, Ling Yuan was stunned.


Before Ling Yuan could speak, a golden light appeared, causing everyone to cover their eyes.

When his vision recovered, Tokiomi Tosaka looked around and his pupils shrank: "Inherent barrier?"

This is the world of swords.

Here, the ground is filled with golden swords, which is more spectacular than the infinite sword system.

This is a space of power, but from the perspective of the Xingyue world, it is an inherent barrier.

"Awei, what do you want to do?" Ling Yuan asked looking at Veleslana.

Facing Ling Yuan's question, Veleslana smiled softly.

Looking at Jin Shining standing up not far away, he directly threw ea back to him.

Then he looked at the two of them with excitement: "I want to have a melee with you! Use all your strength!"

After watching it for so long, he could no longer hold back his warrior blood.

Ling Yuan frowned.

Welesrana's behavior was completely unexpected to him.

But when I think about the other person's character, it becomes a little clearer.

However, he came to steal weapons, not to really fight with the opponent.

He turned his head and looked at Gilgamesh in the distance: "What do you think?"

"Huh!" Jin Shining snorted coldly.

Take out the Terminator Sword.

Use actions to explain the problem.

It is basically impossible for Jin Shining to end the battle on his own initiative.

It may be said that the king was aloof and did not allow him to do such a shameful thing.

The worst thing to say is that you have to live to save face and suffer the consequences.

Seeing Jin Shining walking straight towards him, Ling Yuan remained silent.

Incorporate the Sword of Golden Osmanthus into the system space.

He held his right hand toward the void, and the red sword of Xinyan appeared.


Tokiomi Tosaka was completely stunned when he saw this scene.

Just opening EA has used up two of his curse seals. If he continues to fight, he will have to say the command spell.

He is estimated to be the first Master in the entire history of the Holy Grail War to be drained of heroic spirits.

This is not only a humiliation for him, but will also bring shame to the entire Tohsaka family.

Seeing this admiration, Veleslana raised a smile on his lips and held the golden sword.

"Come on, I can't bear it anymore!"

In an instant, the golden swords suspended in mid-air were aimed at Jin Shanshan and Ling Yuan.

Jin Shanshan and Ling Yuan both had a meal.

"What is he doing?" Heitong frowned.

"My skin is itchy." Hongyan said calmly.

Looking at the golden sword pointed at him, Ling Yuan was silent for a while and looked at Veleslana.

"Awei, let me ask you again, have you thought about it?"


"In this case."

The heavy sword was lifted by Ling Yuan with one hand.


The pseudo-rock core embedded in the core shimmers.

Without raising his head, he threw a red fire blade directly in the direction of Veleslana.

"Ling Yuan, the fire blade alone can't do anything...what?!" Veleslana was stunned in the middle of his words.

The moment the fire blade came into contact with the golden sword, it exploded, and a dark red pseudo-black hole appeared in the void.

The terrifying suction force continuously absorbs the golden sword suspended in mid-air.

"There are so many weird abilities. I really don't know who is the God of Disobedience."

After complaining, Veleshrana raised his hand.

A bright sun appeared in the sky.

"White horse!"

With a soft drink, a white horse fell from the sky.

The white flames rushed towards the black hole continuously.

It can be regarded as temporarily stabilizing the pseudo-black hole.

"Awei, you don't think I can only chop one, do you?"


Veleslana was stunned and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"The waning moon of the underworld is broken!"

With a soft drink, Ling Yuan took hold of the sword and slashed the sword into the void again.


Along with the distortion of space, another pseudo-black hole opens.

Walter was stunned for a moment.

Can two pseudo-black holes open at the same time?

When Veleslana was stunned, Ling Yuan swung his sword again.

The third pseudo-black hole opens.

Three pseudo-black holes wrap Veleslana in the middle.


Gilgamesh, who was holding the Terminator Sword in his hand, was a little unsteady for a moment.

What is this? A Noble Phantasm against the planet?

The appearance of three pseudo-black holes shocked everyone present.

Walter took a deep look at Ling Yuan, and after a long time, he exhaled a breath of turbidity.


He could no longer describe it in other words except these two words.

Being able to open a pseudo-black hole is already his limit.

This guy Ling Yuan actually opened three at the same time.

For those who don’t know, they think he is the Herrscher of the Rock himself.

"Yeah." Kevin nodded in agreement.


Surrounded by three quasi-black holes, Veleshrana couldn't help but curse.

This really is over before it even begins.

He already felt like all the energy in his body was being sucked out.

During this period, he tried to attack Ling Yuan, but the golden swords he controlled were blocked by an elemental shield at the moment of contact.

No matter how hard you attack, you can't shake it even a little bit.

On the ground, Ling Yuan continued to fight Jin Shanshan.

Seeing Ling Yuan's black hole-like skill, Jin Shanshan obviously learned it well and used the King's Treasure.

He would rather sacrifice some precious phantoms than face a black hole.

Facing the enlightened Gilgamesh, Ling Yuan expressed his satisfaction.

It's so comfortable to copy, just go back and spend some energy to materialize the key to the King's Treasure.

He will be the next Jin Shining.


At this time, a shattering sound sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

When I looked around, cracks began to appear in the surrounding space.

Due to the rapid consumption of energy, Veleslana obviously has no extra energy to maintain space.

With a sword swinging the golden flash away, Ling Yuan turned around and looked at Welleslana who was surrounded by three quasi-black holes and said:

"Awei, this incident tells us that this is not your world, and you have to think twice before doing things."

As he spoke, several Asiatic Spears emerged from the void, sealing Jin Shining's limbs.

Turn around and take out the rock spear [Guanhongzhizhi] from the void.

Looking at Veleslana in the sky, Ling Yuan's pupils condensed.

Endless elemental power condenses from the void.

As if the elements were charging, the spear in his hand gradually became brighter.

"Junhe Peak Rock!"

He shouted softly and threw it away.

The next second, the spear that burst out suddenly grew larger in the void.

In the end, it turned into a 100-meter-large rock spear.

There are lines of elements wrapped around it.

Vereslana's pupils froze as he faced the rock spear falling from the sky.

The spirit of chanting loudly [Bull].

"I am the strongest and hold all victory in my hands."

"Whether it's a human or a demon - I will defeat any enemy who stands in my way if I defeat all my enemies! O cow with shining golden horns, give me aid!"

His hands glowed with light, and he actually tried to take the blow with both hands.



The spear took Veleslana directly into the ground without any hindrance.


When the rock gun landed, there was a huge vibration that shook the ground where Kevin and others were standing, and they also jumped passively.

"Kevin, your hairstyle has changed."

"What a coincidence, you are the same."

"I'm sorry, I'm in the middle and it's not easy to change, but it's you who lost your hair." Walter said with a smile.

Kevin: “…..”

behind the white light curtain

The Golden Sword Domain disappeared.

Everyone returned to Tohsaka Residence.

The servants and master who were observing secretly were stunned.

It's over so soon?

The spear of space that blocked Gilgamesh disappeared, and Ling Yuan made a move towards the void.

The dark yellow imaginary number space opened, and the white boy fell directly out of it.

Head on the ground.

"It hurts so much."

As he spoke, Veleslana slowly got up from the ground.

He almost thought he was dead.

"Be lucky, I used the imaginary number space to save you at the last second." Ling Yuan said.

"It's really no mercy at all." Welesrana laughed.

"I just don't like backstabbing very much." Ling Yuan said calmly.

Normally it's okay to do whatever you want, but if the other party suddenly makes a move like this at a critical moment.

We don't know what the consequences will be.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future." Veleslana said.

Even if he was reprimanded, he was not unhappy at all.

Who allowed Ling Yuan to defeat him?

After glancing at him, Ling Yuan looked at Jin Shining and said humbly: "Thank you for today. I will make full use of these treasures."


It's okay if I don't mention this, but when I mention this, Jin Shining explodes directly.

It turned into a golden light and disappeared.

"Ling Yuan, just wait for me. I will definitely pay for today's shame!"

In the void, Jin Shining's angry voice came.

Obviously very angry.

Ling Yuan just smiled at Jin Shining's harsh words.

Didn't care at all.

Maybe the two of them will never have a chance to see each other again.

"How's it going? You're not hurt, are you?"

Heitong walked over, looked at Ling Yuan and asked.


Shaking his head, he unlocked the [Infinite Dragon] mode, and Ophis flew out of Ling Yuan's body.

Falling to the ground, he gently held Ling Yuan's hand.

"Ling Yuan, is the power just now the core of the Herrscher?"

Walter took a step forward and asked the question he cared about.

"Well, it's not a core, but a gem. It's almost like a conquest gem."

Ling Yuan didn't hide it and said directly.

"Then where did you get this gem?" Kevin asked.

"I picked it up." Ling Yuan smiled.

Kevin: “…..”

If you don't want to say it, don't say it.

Picked it up?

He wouldn't believe it even to the death.

"Okay, let's stop here today. It's getting late. Let's go back and rest early." Ling Yuan said.

The others were speechless and returned to their rooms.

Tokiomi Tosaka also left early.

He is in urgent need of rest and replenishing his magic power.

After returning to the room, Ling Yuan was not in a hurry to go to sleep.

Instead, he took out the Stone of Truth.

The data of the King's Treasure Key began to be recalled in his mind.


The gem of truth suspended in Ling Yuan's hand began to shake violently.

Accompanied by blue tectonic energy.

In the void, the prototype of the golden key began to emerge.

Suddenly, Ling Yuan opened his pupils.

The light dissipated, and the heavy key to the king's treasure fell on the bed.


Ling Yuan looked happy and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The manifestation power of the Truth Stone itself is still limited.

He needs to turn it into a core as soon as possible.

"Perhaps, we can discuss it with Cecilia." I murmured.

Ling Yuan picked up the key to the Golden Capital from the bed.

With the output of energy, the gear on the key actually started to move on its own.

A halo of light opened in front of it.

Without hesitation, Ling Yuan directly inserted the key.

The golden halo swallowed the key directly.

next second


A golden halo opened behind Ling Yuan.

Then came the second one, the third one...

After trying it out and being able to shrink it freely, Ling Yuan took out the previously reproduced Noble Phantasm from the system space and stuffed it all into the King's Treasure.

"ok, done."

I clapped my hands and thought.

A golden halo opened up behind it, and several noble phantoms emerged from it, full of style.

From today on, please call him Ling Shining!

"I'm really looking forward to Jin Shining's expression next time." After murmuring, Ling Yuan lay on the bed and closed his eyes.


As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Yuan fell into sleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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