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Chapter 460 Lancer Artoria

With the farewell of Fujimaru Ritsuka

Next is the Knights of the Round Table summoned by the Lion King.

Seeing the Knights of the Round Table disappearing with their bodies shining, Saber's eyes were full of reluctance.

No one will be happy when facing separation.

We finally met, but we had to separate again.

"Saber, do you still remember what you got from the Holy Grail?"

Looking at Saber who was reluctant to leave, Ling Yuan reminded.

"Holy Grail..."

Saber was stunned, murmured, and then her pupils glowed again.

"I remember that a ball of light flew into Saber's body." Iskandar recalled.

"But doesn't that cut off the connection with the Holy Grail?" Weber said.

Because heroic spirits are summoned through the Holy Grail, if the Small Holy Grail is destroyed, the heroic spirits will return to the Hall of Valor.

What is taken away from the Holy Grail is equivalent to a stagnant object, allowing the heroic spirit to continue to stay in this world.

Kenneth: "Maybe Arthur's is different from ours. Take a closer look at the Saber panel."

Weber opened his magic eyes, and soon, Saber's face as a servant appeared in Weber's eyes.

Among a series of Noble Phantasms, Weber saw something that surprised him.

Noble Phantasm: Unique Barrier [Glory of the Round Table]


Note: This is a precious phantom formed by the condensed power of the supreme glory of the Knights of the Round Table. (1/12)

"Inherent barrier? When did Saber have this?" Weber was confused.

"This may be the reason why Ling Yuan specifically mentioned this matter." Diarmuid said.

At this moment, Saber has regained her composure.


The tip of the sword touched the ground, and the crisp collision sound attracted everyone's attention.

She looked solemnly at the 12 Knights of the Round Table in front of her.

"I'm just asking you once, are you willing to continue to follow me and be my loyal knight throughout your life, serving me with your courage, force and wisdom?"

Many Knights of the Round Table knelt down without thinking.

He bowed his head and said sincerely: "I, Lancelot (Mordred...), am willing to follow my king, be loyal, and stay with me until the end of my life!"

Seeing the knights who did not hesitate, Saber was moved.

She clasped her hands together, placing her palms on the top of the sword's hilt.

"Everyone, please get up."

However, not a single knight of the Round Table stood up.

Knowing that they didn't have much time left, they wanted to leave with respect for King Arthur.

At this time, Ling Yuan walked to Saber, looked at the Knights of the Round Table kneeling on the ground, and slowly said: "Now there is a good thing left in front of you that will always be loyal to and accompany your king. Do you want to know?"

Hearing this, the Knights of the Round Table raised their heads.

"You know about the inherent barrier, right?"

"I'll give you a choice, give up and return to the Throne of Heroes, and enter Artoria's inherent barrier."

"Is this really possible?" Mordred was stunned and said in surprise.

"Look at these two, they are obviously heroic spirits, but they have human bodies." Ling Yuan pointed at Dimuludo and Iskandar.

At this point, the Knights of the Round Table no longer had any doubts in their minds.

"Father, I want to join."

Mordred shouted immediately.

"I, I also want to enter the inherent barrier!" Gawain quickly said after reacting.

One by one, the knights also reacted and rushed to speak.

They hate themselves for failing to be loyal and betraying themselves.

In any case, they didn't want to leave Wang alone to spend that dark time.

Without exception, everyone has joined Saber's inherent barrier.

In an instant, the empty inherent barrier was filled in an instant without Galahad.

Among them, Lancelot's spiritual foundation overlapped with the soul of Lancelot from the Holy Grail War within the inherent barrier, which made him, who was still full of joy, momentarily confused.

He... actually beat Wang up before!

Bedivere, who had entered the inherent barrier, was transformed into a heroic spirit under Ling Yuan's control.

It can be said that he skipped Alaya and snatched people directly from her.

However, Ling Yuan said he was not panic at all.

Xiaobei switched to entering the inherent barrier, so he no longer had to worry about his body collapsing and disappearing, and the scabbard Avalon automatically returned to Saber's body.

"You actually have such a method."

The Lion King who was holding the holy sword was dumbfounded.

Not only did all the Knights of the Round Table he summoned turn against him, they even became a Noble Phantasm that will always be with Saber.

She might not care about the Holy Spear, but after taking back the Holy Sword and recovering, she feels extremely sour at the moment.

But the king is the king after all, and he soon calmed down.

As if he didn't want to see Saber again, he said, "Just leave, I will disappear along with my ideals."

With that said, he turned around and walked slowly towards the throne.

Because the Lion King was originally a non-existent king developed from the Holy Spear.

Xiaobei's Holy Sword was successfully returned, the Holy Spear collapsed, and history was restored.

Her false existence will naturally disappear, and even if the exact same person appears next time, it will no longer be her.

"Is this what you really think?"

"Does your death mean that Bedivere's 1,500-year search was useless?" Ling Yuan asked.

"It's not useless, to me..."

"Once you die, no matter how meaningful things are, they will turn into cold words."

The Lion King was about to find out, but was interrupted by Ling Yuan.

But when she heard it, she was stunned.

But at some point, Ling Yuan had already walked in front of her.

I saw the former stretching out his hand.

"Do you want to sign a contract with me? Lion King."

"Contract? You are really greedy. You have the past me, do you still want to sign a contract with me now?" The Lion King chuckled.

"But it's useless. I'm not a Heroic Spirit, and I can't go to the Throne of Heroic Spirits. I can't be with you."

But when the Lion King was halfway through speaking, her hand was held by Ling Yuan.

Ling Yuan smiled softly: "Don't keep denying it before doing something. How about trying it first?"

"Ask me again, are you willing to be my servant?"

"Really? I see, he is a really strange person." The Lion King glanced at Ling Yuan and said, "I agree."

Soon, light appeared on the Lion King.

On the back of Ling Yuan's hand, where there was only one Command Seal left, there were three more Command Seals instantly.

And the Lion King also felt the restraint from his soul.

After a long time, the Lion King slowly opened his eyes: "It seems that you have some shocking secret, ncer, I will obey your call."

"What? What? What happened? Ling Yuan made a contract with the Lion King?"

Looking at the Lion King who was kneeling on one knee, Weber asked in confusion as his brain was shut down.

"Leave, this place will collapse soon."

Ling Yuan pulled the Lion King up, the smile on his face couldn't stop.

Saber is very happy, he is also very happy, he prostituted a goddess for nothing with almost no effort.

Let me ask, who can resist a grown-up version of the King of Silly Hair without the dull hair?

after everything is over

Everyone left.

The moment everyone disappeared, black smoke appeared.

A figure with a black sword, a black cloak and a skull face appeared here.

He glanced at the throne and left.

In the sky, only the completely collapsed Camelot was left.


fuyuki city

"Knot, is it over?"

Looking at the familiar Tosaka mansion, Weber was still a little dazed.

"It's been a hard day, let's go back and have a rest."

Patting Weber's shoulder, Ling Yuan led the Lion King towards the house.

He shouted loudly: "Sakura, are you there?"

However, the response to him was silent.

"Have you gone somewhere to play?"

After murmuring, Ling Yuan opened the door directly.

"Huh? Why are you still here?"

Turning around, he saw the four Webers approaching and said blankly.

"I just wanted to ask you, do you want to come to the dinner party tonight?" Kenneth said.

"Okay, you decide the place and time."

"Okay, then I'll go back and get ready."

With that said, Kenneth took Diarmuid and left.

And Weber was also taken away by Iskandar, who wanted to see if there was a "Grand Strategy 2" released in the game store recently.

This chapter has been completed!
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