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Chapter 542 British Saintess, Five Hundred Years' Resonance

"I want this room."

As soon as Kiana entered, she pointed to a room and said.

“There are many rooms, you can choose slowly.”


Kiana shook her head, then looked at the room she pointed to, with a firm expression: "According to calculations, this room requires the shortest time to go to the living room or eat! And"

Kiana's pupils sharpened and she spoke righteously: "The Internet speed is the best!"

Ling Yuan: "..."

If you allocate some of your ambition to other places, it won't be reduced to an abandoned house.

"Since Kiana wants it, I'll give it to you, and we'll choose something else." Ran Ran wiped the sweat from her forehead and said.


Kiana nodded, walked straight in, and started constructing a new computer.

The configuration must be the best!


Ling Yuan shook his head and sighed.

That day, the originally lifeless house became lively.


Wang Jingjia

In a study room that has been soundproofed.

After listening to the news brought by Ling Yuan, the four of them fell into silence.

"There are space cracks, and there are more than a dozen of them at once." Xia Annan frowned.

This is not good news.

No one can predict whether a second demonic realm will appear in these cracks in the world.

"Ling Yuan, I think it's almost time for you to be ready to face the country's leaders." Wang Jing suddenly said.

"Don't he know me?" Ling Yuan asked doubtfully.

Didn't Yang Shuai tell No. A about his affairs? Or was he afraid of him?

Xiao Qingya explained: "The fact that another world is attacking the world barrier has already made the higher-ups suspicious. After all, the information is too advanced."

"All the heavenly kings have participated in the previous 'Twilight of the Gods', so they naturally believe what you say, but the senior officials of the Yan Kingdom..."

After saying that, Xiao Qingya fell silent.

Old people have more conservative ideas.

It was Ling Yuan who solved the alien gods in the Demon Realm, so they reluctantly believed in the world invasion.

"I will report this matter."

At this time, Lin Ye suddenly spoke.


This is probably the only person in the audience who is not very familiar with Ling Yuan.

"Mr. Lingyuan, did dimensional cracks appear in the past few days?" Lin Ye asked.


"Are there any specific coordinates?"



Ling Yuan snapped his fingers crisply, and a world map appeared on the table.

"The red dot above is the space crack."

"Then everything is settled." Looking at the map, Lin Ye showed an expression of relief.

"Please feel free to leave it to me."

Lin Ye rolled up the map and said.

"This Lin Ye is the son of No. A." Looking at Lin Ye's back, Ling Yuan said.

Xia Annan paused, then was surprised: "How did you know?"

"Although it is confidential information, since it is information, there will definitely be records." Ling Yuan chuckled.

"Then that's it for tonight. Goodbye, Uncle Wang, Uncle Xia, and Aunt Xiao."

"I heard that you have moved to a new home, when will you celebrate?"

Ling Yuan paused for a moment, then smiled: "Let's wait until this matter is over, and let's have a celebratory drink together."


two days later

Yan Guo released the World Conference.

The news of the crack in the world was announced. As soon as this news came out, the world was in an uproar.

"What's going on in the Yan Kingdom? Why is there so much information that is ahead of ours in the Yingjiang Kingdom? Who is helping them?"

Inside the Yingjiang Ministry of Defense, McArthur bit his nails and said.

Their eagle hegemony was completely challenged.

Bang bang!

The door rang, and a man walked in: "General Mike, Mr. President, please go to the Immaculate Bow."


MacArthur picked up the military cap on the table and walked out.



Meeting of wise men

"Space cracks appear, and the world will be eaten away."

"Britain's current combat power is to deal with several space cracks at the same time. This is really..."

Many old men in white robes discussing with each other.

King Arthur stood in the center with his hands on his sword, listening to the opinions of the elders and remaining silent.

"King, where is your decision?"

Many old men in white robes looked at Arthur.

Arthur slowly opened his pupils: "Awaken the Saint."


The old men in white robes were shocked.

"Well, although Britain has many knights, we need stronger strength just in case."

"But my king"

"No but, the invasion of the world will begin in half a year. Before that, it is better to let the Saint come out in advance to adapt to the current environment." Arthur was calm, but his tone could not be refused.


The old men looked at each other and finally lowered their heads.

"Yes, my king!"

Located at the bottom of the chalk city of Camelot

A place of fantasy that no one has touched

The underground world named "Avalon".

King Arthur came in with Lancelot and Gawain.

What you can see is an extremely huge underground river.

Stalactites and luminous crystals can be seen everywhere embellishing this underground space.

And in the middle of this winding underground river, there is a small island full of flowers.

"My king."

The sage who led the way bowed respectfully to Arthur.

This is a secret of the royal family. The late king once said that he must not enter this place to disturb her sleep until the last moment.

Gawain and Lancelot also bowed.

Then it will be inconvenient for them to travel together.

Arthur nodded.

Taking steps, stepping on the water, slowly walked towards the legendary Island of Sleep.

Just entered the island

The fresh fragrance of flowers came to him, and Arthur raised his head.

In the center of the island, a crystal coffin lies there quietly.

Then, golden light flickered in the corners of his eyes.

Arthur looked around, his pupils narrowed.

I saw a golden fluid spear inserted into the crystal coffin.

It is precisely because of this spear that the original king remains immortal.

The human beings who have been dubbed the 'salvation' law by the world are also the first humans on Blue Star to obtain the world's laws.

But after helping Britain exorcise the demon, he fell into a deep sleep.

The holy spear used outside is nothing more than a projection.

According to legend, this ancestor who ascended to the throne of God has unlimited power to use the holy spear.

With an anxious mood, Arthur began to approach the crystal coffin.

Just for a moment, the originally calm holy spear suddenly burst into light.

Arthur's pupils suddenly shrank

next second


A golden spear and sword hit the blade of the Sword of Oath heavily.

Cold sweat dripped from Arthur's forehead.

So fast!

If he hadn't drawn his sword in time, he would have been directly penetrated by now.

But the crisis comes and goes just as quickly.

The Sword of Oath seemed to resonate with the Holy Spear.

After "perceiving" the identity of the visitor, the projection of the holy spear in the void slowly dissipated.

Arthur also breathed a sigh of relief.

In my heart, I was looking forward to this saint more and more.

He slowly came to the crystal coffin.

I saw a blond girl lying quietly in the crystal, just like the legendary Sleeping Beauty.

The moment he saw the woman, a flash of surprise appeared in Arthur's pupils.

This is definitely the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life.

After admiring, Arthur turned his attention to the holy spear inserted on the crystal coffin.

'As long as you pull out this gun, the saint can revive...'


Take a deep breath.

Arthur stretched out his hands and held the Holy Spear.

But only for a moment

The intense burning sensation made him groan.

Steam comes out of the palm of your hand.


He is a king after all, and he cannot let go just because of pain.


As Arthur shouted angrily, the spiritual energy around his body spread, lifting countless petals.

"Give me, come out——!!"


The sound of friction sounded

The woman with closed eyes in the crystal coffin suddenly opened her emerald eyes.


Huge energy spread, and Arthur was directly ejected.


Bai Qiandai, who was watching TV, suddenly raised his head.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it must be my imagination." Bai Qiandai shook his head.

This chapter has been completed!
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