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Chapter 125 The Impatient Crowfly

Chapter 125 The impatient fly

"tell me!"

The middle-aged man has a gloomy face, and his clenched teeth make the masseter muscles on both sides of his cheeks look particularly obvious, making him a bit more fierce:

"Do I no longer have to give you the share I will give you in the future?!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, then the sound of a lighter, and then the sound of heavy breathing of smoke.

"damn it!"

The middle-aged man slapped the table, causing the ashtray on the table to tremble, and the cigarette butts full of it fell out:

"I gave you the money to do things for me, I didn't give you the money to stand around and watch the show, do you understand?!"


The man on the other end of the phone gritted his teeth and took a heavy drag on his cigarette: "I also want to do something, but"

“No buts!”

The middle-aged man waved his hand and interrupted him roughly:

"First a superintendent and an inspector died, and now another inspector died and another superintendent was missing. Do you know what the hell this means, ah?!"

As he spoke, he slapped his palms heavily on the table and asked in a cold voice: "They are superintendents and inspectors, not uniformed police officers running around the streets. Do you understand?!"

"Do you know how hard it is for me to get someone to come in and help me do things?! Do you know?! Do you think I fucking run the police force! Everyone helps me and listens to my orders?!"

"The Yan family shovel!"

To the end.

The middle-aged man slapped the table with his backhand, and the documents on the table suddenly fell to pieces, making the floor a mess.

"I see."

The other end of the phone gritted his teeth and spoke a few words.


The middle-aged man slapped the phone receiver back with his backhand, breathing heavily and staring fiercely ahead.

It didn't take long.


Someone knocked on the door and walked in. He was stunned when he saw the mess all over the floor.

"It doesn't matter."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, his face instantly returned to normal, looking extremely kind and calm, and he said lightly:

"I accidentally knocked it off just now. I'll just pick it up after a while. Tell me, what's the matter?"


The next few days.

Everything has returned to calm.

After learning that Ji Bu was followed last time, Lin Kun made a prompt decision and immediately stopped what he was doing.

During this time.

Ji Bu also behaved in a very honest and orderly manner, patrolling back and forth in the field below every day, but even so, there was still a tail behind him.


Wu Ying accompanied Ji Bu and glanced at the eyeliner following him with some displeasure: "Do you want me to go and deal with these bastards?"

"Follow us every day and rush into the streets."

"Leave it alone."

Ji Bu waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to care: "We are all doing good things. If they have the energy to follow, then let them follow."

He knew in his heart that these policemen following him were probably the ones arranged by Hou Jingcheng. He must know about Liao Zhenhua's death.


Ji Bu could basically conclude that Hou Jingcheng and the others did not dare to take action, probably because they were afraid of the evidence in their hands.

This also made Ji Bu sigh repeatedly: Ali, Ali, where did you hide this evidence?

What exactly is the content of this evidence, and who is involved, makes them all so fearful.

"Hua Zai."

Ji Bu looked at Hua Zai who was reviewing the accounts: "What's the progress on Anna's side? Why is there no response at all? These tails are staring at me every day. It's very annoying."

"I've urged you."

Hua Zai shrugged helplessly and said innocently: "No matter how much I urge her, she just says:

It's in progress, so don't worry. If you're in a hurry, ask your brother Wuying to come in person.

These are her exact words."

"All right."

Ji Bu pinched his brows and had no choice but to give up.


After Wuying, who was squatting in the corridor smoking, heard this, he looked at Ji Bu and Hua Zai suspiciously, with a question mark on his face:


"Boss, Brother Hua, what are you two talking about? What's Anna, why don't I, Wuying, know such a person? What are you urging?!"


Andy couldn't help but laugh and shook his head, saying that he didn't know.


Wuying looked wary and looked at Ji Bu again.


Ji Bu's expression was serious and his tone was serious: "Don't know what you shouldn't know. Why are you asking so many questions? Just go ahead and do your work."


Wuying's eyes became more alert and he stroked his hair:

"I'm warning you, even though I'm so pretty, I've never dated a pretty girl. Don't ruin my reputation."


Ji Bu suppressed his laughter and waved him off: "Go and do your work. Did you agree on the last time I asked you to take over Yue Nanzai's territory? Hurry up."


The other side.

A group of coastal villas in the North District.

In the spacious and bright hall, Ghost Alter stretched lazily, opened the left and right sliding doors, came to the yard, and watered the flowers and plants with a kettle.

He lives alone on Hong Kong Island, and his wife and children live in the Empire where the sun never sets, so his life alone is quite leisurely.

Today is the weekend.

Albert was going to water the flowers and plants first, and then make lunch later. He made an appointment with the senior superintendent to play golf together in the afternoon.

The doorbell came from outside.


Albert walked over with the showerhead and saw Anna standing at the door. He was a little surprised at first, and then opened the door:

"Anna, why do you have time to come to uncle today?"

"I thought it had been a long time since I visited my uncle, so I came over for a quick trip."

Anna stepped in, followed Albert to the living room, and placed the gifts she was carrying on the table.

"Sit down."

Albert took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator and handed it to Anna, looked her up and down and said, "It seems like you've been doing pretty well lately."


Anna followed his topic and immediately continued: "Recently, I am cooperating with a friend on a new project. Now it has reached a large scale, and I can make some money."

"Oh, my God."

Albert glanced at Anna with some surprise: "I didn't expect that you would actually start working on a project? I'm very surprised and very happy."

He sighed: "I can't help you with things at home, but I'm very happy to see that you can have a career of your own."

Albert was also helpless with Anna's family affairs. He couldn't interfere, but he was still very relieved to see that Anna could start doing business.

To know.

Earlier, since Anna's fall, she had caused a lot of troubles. He was the one wiping Anna's butt.

Especially the debt of three million that Anna owed last time. I don't know how she spent it. He arranged for someone to come forward to settle this debt.

Although it is not said that the debt will be settled directly, it can at least ensure Anna's personal safety and will not have to be collected by these bad guys.

Albert thought for a moment, took out a wad of bills from the drawer under the TV cabinet and handed it to Anna:

"This is what your uncle gave you. It's a little thought. I hope your career will get better and better and you will have your own company like your father."

"Thank you, uncle."

Anna looked at Albert with a grateful face, and then pushed the banknotes back: "We have already started to make money, and we don't need uncle's sponsorship anymore."

Speaking of which.

She showed a troubled expression again: "However, I really need uncle's help with something when I came here today."

"I knew it."

Albert had the same expression as before: "Tell me about it."

"That's right."

Anna has been waiting for this moment. She has already organized the language, or in other words, has already made up the story:

"My friends and I are doing business in mainland China, and we want to get some pirated goods out of here. I hope my uncle can help me tell the customs department."


Albert frowned suddenly: "What is that? Can it still make money?!"

He himself looks down upon piracy.

"Don't you know this? This thing is very profitable."

Anna ran over and took Albert's arm, shaking and coquettishly: "Bring the things produced here to the mainland to buy. The mainland market is huge and cheap."

"Uncle, just help me. Anyway, we are just making money from the Chinese people. This business will be in vain if we don't do it, don't you think so?"


Albert couldn't stand Anna's insistence, so he could only nodded and agreed:

"But I told you that you can only be responsible for the Hong Kong Island market. You can divide and cooperate with your friend and let him be responsible for the mainland market."

"On Hong Kong Island, we still have the right to speak for a few years. I can still control you if anything happens, but"

"Don't worry, I understand."

Anna interrupted Albert directly: "Thank you, uncle. I have already inquired about it. As for the person in charge of this, you just need to say hello to Superintendent Hou Jingcheng of the customs department."

"Hou Jingcheng? Superintendent?"

Albert heard this and repeated it, recalling it in his mind.

Anna blinked, and a hint of cunning flashed in her blue pupils: "He is the superintendent, uncle, you are also the superintendent, you can't speak and it doesn't work, right?!"


Albert snorted disdainfully: "What does a small superintendent mean? We have the final say in the Royal Police. They Chinese, they have to do whatever I ask them to do. Leave it to me."

"Also, saying that he is a superintendent is a high title for him. His actual official title should be senior supervisor. He used to be a superintendent and was just transferred there. You also know that this is what they like.



Anna cheered immediately, not wanting to listen to these official things. Half of her work was already done.


It's time to show off your charm.

How did Albert know that Anna was taking advantage of him so much that she used her words to exchange half a million from Ji Bu?

Talk about it.

At this time, Anna felt the charm of her uncle as a police superintendent. As long as he talked, she could easily earn half a million.

So wonderful.


Customs headquarters building.

Hou Jingcheng packed up his things from the office and was about to go out. He was humming a tune and was obviously in a good mood.

During this period, since Liao Zhenhua's accident, Hou Jingcheng first took care of his affairs and went to and from get off work in a disciplined manner.

Although he said that he was not afraid of Ji Bu, he behaved accordingly and gave up all the entertainment in the past.



Superintendent Gui Lao of the North District called him and asked him to do a favor. He said that his relatives were doing business in the mainland. Hou Jingcheng agreed without thinking.

It is my luck to be able to help Gui Lao. If this matter is handled well, it will not be impossible to connect with Gui Lao in the future.

This police force is still not what the ghost guy said.

Hou Jingcheng left the headquarters building and drove out. According to the agreed time, he arrived at the appointed private room of the hotel and pushed the door in.

In the private room.

A young woman wearing sexy and revealing clothes is sitting inside.


Hou Jingcheng glanced at the young woman, surprise flashed in his eyes, and two words subconsciously popped up in his mind: Excellent.

This woman is completely in line with my longing for the Ocean Horse.

However, he held back, thinking that he had gone to the wrong private room, and then took a step back and looked at the private room number.

That's right.

Why is she such a young foreign girl?

"Superintendent Hou?!"

Anna blinked and looked at Hou Jingcheng standing at the door: "Superintendent Albert's relative, I, I, I made an appointment with you."


Hou Jingcheng was stunned for a moment, so it turned out to be Albert's own family, no wonder.

Anna greeted him warmly, and generously stretched out her hand to grab Hou Jingcheng's arm. She rubbed her whole body directly against him, and the soft texture instantly filled him up, making him feel uneasy.


Start serving food.

There were only two of them in the private room. Anna also ordered red wine and drank it with Hou Jingcheng. After a few glasses of wine, Anna began to look too drunk.

She only briefly chatted with Hou Jingcheng about trade matters, then pressed her body tightly against Hou Jingcheng and began to tell him about her tragic life experience.

In Anna's own character design, Anna is a miserable but strong woman whose family is in poverty but does not want to take advantage of her uncle Albert's convenience.

This time I asked Albert for help. I had to beg him many times before he was willing to help me. My relatives and friends were not trustworthy.

The end.

She added that it was better for Hou Jingcheng, and he readily agreed to help her. It would be great if he could continue like this in the future.

Hou Jingcheng looked at the pitiful Anna with ripples in her big eyes. He felt like he was dreaming back to the time when he was young and in love, and his boyfriend was heartbroken.

At that moment, my heart almost melted, and my desire for protection exploded. I wanted to slap my chest and say: From now on, just follow me, I will protect you.

But he didn't dare.

This is a relative of Gui Lao.

Compared with the Ocean Horses that she had played with before, Anna was so much higher.

Hou Jingcheng looked at her rubbing against him, feeling extremely itchy, secretly thinking that foreigners should be more open-minded.


Anna, who was too drunk, was completely dizzy. Hou Jingcheng himself was also drunk by Anna. His face turned red, he burped the wine and paid the bill. He asked the waiter to help everyone help the car to take Anna back.

Anna was sitting in the passenger seat, tugging at her clothes restlessly, saying that she had no home, her house had been taken away by her family, and her uncle didn't care about her.


Hou Jingcheng spat at the beginning and cursed Superintendent Albert as a human being. Looking at Anna's white hair, he said something mysteriously because he was drunk:

"Then let me go to the hotel and book a room for you so you can rest for a while?!"

Anna murmured yes.

The car jumped out as soon as the accelerator was pressed. Hou Jingcheng's driving skills became much more stable along the way. From time to time, he looked at the disheveled Anna in the co-pilot, and his heart flew away.

He didn't notice that there was a car following him not far or near.


Hou Jingcheng drove his car and arrived at his destination.

He likes to play, so he opened a safe house for himself and rented a suite in a high-end hotel for a long time. Whenever he sees Ma Ma, who is excited after socializing, he brings him to this safe house.

Hou Jingcheng himself keeps a low profile, and no one knows his identity.

After the car is parked.

Hou Jingcheng opened the door, opened the passenger door and helped Anna out.

Anna's disheveled hair, a few strands of broken hair half-hidden her face, she looked at him with blurred eyes and murmured:

"Superintendent Hou, you are so kind. Just like my father, you make me feel safe."


She immediately hugged Hou Jingcheng and pressed her body against him.


Hou Jingcheng's heart melted.

After a brief hesitation, he asked Anna to stand holding the door while he walked around to the cab, took a pill from the hand buckle and stuffed it into his pocket concealedly.

This thing can greatly improve your combat effectiveness. Take it with you first. If something happens, it will come in handy and you will be prepared.

Even though the pills are small, they cost over a hundred yuan a pill.

He didn't notice that Anna, who was holding the car door and was very drunk, was looking askance at Hou Jingcheng's movements, very sober.

Anna raised her lips slightly, she was very satisfied with her appearance and performance. She had many people under her control, so it was easy for people like Hou Jingcheng to handle them easily.

Hou Jingcheng came to Anna's side in a hurry, hugged Anna's slim waist tightly with his hands, and walked towards his safe house.


Wuying and Aji drove up and chased after him, stopped the car next to each other, glanced at Hou Jingcheng and walked in, and quickly got out of the car.

At this time, Wu Fei had a great desire for gossip, and his face was filled with excitement.

Only then did he realize that catching a girl and having sex with her was such an exciting thing, and it made him so excited that he was ready to move.

"Hurry up."

He eagerly urged the co-pilot to get down, and Aji, who was getting into the back seat and taking the photography equipment in a hurry:

"Come on, aren't you in a hurry? If it's too late, the fun will be gone."

Aji didn't say anything and kept his own rhythm.

"Brother, you are my biological brother, okay?"

Wuying couldn't wait any longer, so he pulled Aji away and slung the equipment bag behind him: "Push to the street, let's go."

"Just wait. When I get back, I will complain to the boss about your inactivity, hum!"

Wuying pulled Aji while complaining and couldn't wait to chase him inside, fearing that he would accidentally lose his target.

His positive attitude can be compared to that of Hou Jingcheng before, as if he was the one who experienced it.


Anna in front knew that someone was following behind her, so she pretended to be drunk and had difficulty walking. She walked very slowly and waited for Wu Ying and the two of them, "hijacking" Hou Jingcheng to walk slowly with her.



The moment Hou Jingcheng opened the door to the hotel room, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. His heartbeat sped up inexplicably, and the long-lost excitement of his youth returned.

(End of chapter)

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