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Chapter 152 Line up and go up one by one

Chapter 152: Line up and get in one by one


Zhang Wenyao turned back to sit at the table and glanced at Wu Fei, who was sitting at the next table and drinking coffee:

"Luo Tianhong? You also said that he is just a dead boy. What if he knows that I killed Lian Haolong?! If I want to deal with him, how many of them are enough for me?"

He put his hands on the table, leaned down and looked directly at Ji Bu, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Come on, tell me, this kind of bad boy is nothing to me!"

"Are you angry?"

Ji Bu glanced sideways at Zhang Wenyao, whose expression was not very good: "I can feel your anger from your tone."

"You are so familiar with Zhongxinyi, and you know the role of Luo Tianhong best. Are you so excited and panicked?!"

Speaking of which.

Ji Bu paused for a moment, picked up the coffee and took a sip: "But if I were you, I would definitely panic. If Luo Tianhong knew my home address, how would I be able to sleep at night?!"

His tone was sarcastic and full of ridicule: "If I killed someone's boss and my identity was exposed, I would definitely not be able to sleep, for fear that he would look for me with a knife at night."


Zhang Wenyao scolded him with disdain, then pulled out the stool and sat down again: "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

He said he didn't care, but his body was very honest.

Luo Tianhong was only one of them. Many factors were added together and he had to sit back in this position.

"I've already said what I want to do."

Ji Bu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, leaned back, leaned against the back of the seat in a relaxed manner, and talked:

"How Han Chen dealt with Brother Kun back then, Brother Kun will deal with him now. Doesn't this require the cooperation of Sir Zhang?"

"No way."

Zhang Wenyao shook his head decisively and refused without hesitation: "Han Chen is not something you can contact at your level."

Ji Bu chuckled and said nothing.

"Actually, I'm very confused."

Zhang Wenyao stood up, pulled the stool under his buttocks, moved the seat forward, and looked directly at Ji Bu:

"Ji Bu, you are just an undercover agent. Why are you so determined to help Lin Kun and work so hard for your life?!"

"Actually, it's not necessary at all, is it?!"


Ji Bu dismissed it and sneered: "Who told you that I am an undercover agent? Didn't you already tell Lin Kun about my undercover status? Is it useful?"

"I won't argue with you about this issue."

Zhang Wenyao licked his dry lips, glanced at Ji Bu with a sneer on his face, and continued in a low voice:

"There is no point in dwelling on this issue anymore. Now let's talk about Lin Kun."

"Your undercover mission is nothing more than to unplug Lin Kun. Your main mission is this. As for us, what does it have to do with you?"

He simply organized and tried his best to convince Ji Bu:

"Let's put it another way. I, Zhang Wenyao, a dignified senior superintendent, if you say that I am a rogue police officer, who will believe you?!"

"That seems to be true."

Ji Bu pushed the coffee in front of him, picked up the cigarette on the side, lit it, and took a heavy drag:

"Keep going."

"Based on my understanding, now all Lin Kun's affairs, big and small, are left to you to take care of, right? You are in charge of all his territory."

Zhang Wenyao spoke very quickly, his thoughts were very clear, and his purpose was very clear: "In my opinion, Lin Kun is just a dispensable role."

"We are errands and undercover agents for what? Honor? Only crazy people would think so. In the end, it's just for money."

"Speaking of money, you have a deeper understanding. The income from helping Lin Kun and selling white powder is calculated in millions and tens of millions, but how much money can you make as an undercover agent? How much money can you make as a errand?


Zhang Wenyao's eyes were bright and he talked eloquently:

"Being an undercover agent and risking your life to do something, so what if we can solve a case? What can we get? It's just a pitiful amount of tens of thousands of dollars."

"In addition to these tens of thousands of dollars, after we return to the police force, not only must we be careful to guard against the revenge of gangs, but the people in the police force will also reject you, because if you have been an undercover agent, no one will believe you."

"You won't get any benefits at all by being an undercover agent. The biggest beneficiaries are actually those at the top, such as people at my level."

"The case is solved, and all the credit belongs to us. As for you undercover agents, you are just characters who will be discarded after being used up. No one will pay attention to the situation of you people."

"Tsk tsk."

Ji Bu took a hard puff of his cigarette and looked at Zhang Wenyao with some surprise: "Sir Zhang, I didn't expect you to have some insights? Your analysis of these remarks is indeed very reasonable and cannot be refuted."

"That's what it is."

When Zhang Wenyao heard what Ji Bu said, his desire to speak became even stronger, and he continued:

"In that case, why are you staring at me so hard? Let's not talk about whether you can handle me or not. What will you get if you handle me?!"

He tapped his fingers hard on the table and said earnestly: "Even if you can deal with me, what will you get? It's nothing more than a worthless medal and a few dollars, and then you will live in the shadows for the rest of your life.


Zhang Wenyao's tone became a little more serious: "But if you think about it from another perspective, what is my rank, Zhang Wenyao? Senior superintendent!"

"If you don't want to be an undercover agent anymore, let's kill Lin Kun and call it a day. If you say you want to return to the police force, no problem, I'll cover you!"

He patted his chest to assure himself, and said with confidence: "The undercover resume is not useless, because there is no one to cover it, so everyone looks down on the undercover."

"But if I shield you, there will be two consequences. Your promotion speed in the police force will be unparalleled in the future, and this is not something that someone like Miao Zhihua can bring to you."

"He is already forty-three years old and has just assumed the position of chief inspector. What's the point of following him?"

"Look at me again. I'm only forty-six years old, and I've already taken the position of senior superintendent. Give me a little more time, and the assistant director will be within your reach from now on. Follow me, and you can achieve what you can."


Zhang Wenyao's words are full of confidence. It does not mean that Zhang Wenyao is too arrogant, but that he is qualified to say these words.

According to his resume, it is entirely possible to become an assistant director.

"I'll tell you another level that you can't touch."

Zhang Wenyao groaned and lowered his voice again: "The water within the police force is actually very deep. It is very important for those who work in the system to stand in line."

"Every year's promotions, who will go up, who will go down, and who will stay put, are all arranged by default. The person above is very capable, and he can control the arrangements of these personnel."

"You fight for scalps and risk your lives to win. In their eyes, it's just a small game."

Zhang Wenyao stopped talking and didn't talk to Ji Bu on a deeper level. He sighed and spoke with sincerity:

"The reason why I'm telling you so much is for no other reason. I just want to tell you that if you want to be in the police force, I can protect you."

His thinking was very clear. He had already analyzed Ji Bu's psychology and turned to another aspect:

"To take a step back, if you don't want to be in the police force and you want to be a boss, that's okay. We can still operate."

"You are now in charge of most of Lin Kun's business and responsible for most of his territory. It is only easy for you to take Lin Kun to the top."

"I've seen what you're capable of. It's okay to be a big boss. Being in a club is all about money. Whether there is support from anyone on the white road, those are two completely different effects."

"If we cooperate, I guarantee that you will become bigger and stronger in the future. First, give yourself an identity, secretly control the society, be happy, and make money safely. Isn't it a wonderful thing?"

"What do you think?!"

He leaned forward again and tapped his fingers on the table: "They are all fished out. Which one has more benefits and which has less benefit? Everyone has their own standards of measurement, don't you think?"

"What can you get by helping Lin Kun? You can't get anything, so what if he gives up his position to you? As long as you go against me, I will beat you to death."

Speaking of which.

Zhang Wenyao also stopped and stopped talking: "We used to be enemies, but now we can definitely become friends. From ancient times to the present, we are nothing more than seeking benefits. There will be no eternal enemies, what do you think?!"

"Papa pa pa"

Ji Bu put out the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray, twisted it heavily, and then clapped his hands:

"That's very well said. I have to say that Sir Zhang has a very thorough understanding of this aspect. I completely agree with and am absolutely sure of the two points you mentioned."

There was a pause.

His tone was playful, and he changed the topic and said: "Your idea is fine, but I have another way to guide you."

Ji Bu leaned forward and looked directly at Zhang Wenyao: "According to my understanding, the relationship between you and Han Chen is just a cooperative relationship."

"You were the undercover agent Han Chen arranged in the police force to help them secretly. As you have been promoted over the years, your position in the police force has become higher and higher, and you don't need Han Chen's help at all."

"You have long wanted to escape Han Chen's control. You had this idea when you first cooperated with Brother Kun, but you failed."

Ji Bu also had his own ideas and said very clearly: "It's different now. I, Ji Bu, am here and I can help you."

"Let's join forces and let me deal with Han Chen, and you can just hide in the dark and help me. You know Han Chen so well and know so many of his tricks, so we can definitely bring him down soon if we join forces."

"As soon as Han Chen falls, you will no longer have any worries in the future. You will no longer have to be controlled by him. How aggrieved it is for a dignified senior police superintendent to be controlled by a shady person like Han Chen.

Do you think so?"

Both of them are experienced experts, and they are trying to persuade each other from the other's point of view and the other's weaknesses.


When Zhang Wenyao heard Ji Bu's words, his whole expression couldn't help but pause, and there was even a flash of brightness in his eyes.


This glimmer of brightness quickly passed away, and it was obvious that he himself must have had such an idea a long time ago.


Zhang Wenyao simply shook his head and rejected Ji Bu: "You don't understand, your thinking is too simple. Han Chen is not as simple as you think."

His tone became more serious: "Han Chen's ability is far greater than you think. Until now, I don't know how many undercover agents he has placed in the police force. Who are these undercover agents and at what level?

People know.”

"The undercover agents we have in the police force are all isolated from each other, and they are all controlled by Han Chen alone.

If there is anything wrong with me, Han Chen doesn't have to do anything himself, he can just control the undercover agent he arranged in the police force to kill me openly and easily."


When Ji Bu heard what he said, he snorted disdainfully: "I can see that you are just afraid. You are afraid of Han Chen. Your fear of him is so deep that you don't have the courage to fight against him!"

His tone turned colder: "Senior Superintendent? I thought you were such a powerful person, but now it seems that you are nothing. You deserve to be manipulated by Han Chen for the rest of your life, and you are thrown into the street!"


Zhang Wenyao's face immediately darkened: "Ji Bu, you are too self-righteous and ignorant. Do you think Han Chen is just as simple as you imagined?"

He tapped his fingers on the table with great force and said word by word: "How come Han Chen can easily place undercover agents into the police force, and how many of them can be placed at once!"

"Why did I, Zhang Wenyao, get promoted so quickly? Do you think I, Zhang Wenyao, am capable? I, Zhang Wenyao, am not that capable. I am very clear-minded."

"Why am I suddenly mentioned as the senior superintendent of the human resources work that I have been doing before? Because there are experts controlling all of this!"

"Han Chen is not that capable. Han Chen is just a glove. He is serving the people inside. There are experts in the police force."

"I said, in their opinion, these things are just a game, a game of power. It's that simple, defeat Han Chen? What are you thinking!"

Zhang Wenyao seemed to have lost his patience, and said in an extremely stiff tone: "I have told you everything that needs to be said, you can figure it out yourself!"

"In my opinion, your idea is too arrogant. What you do is simply ignorant of the heaven and earth. You are still smiling playfully. You won't even know how you will die by then!"

"All right."

Ji Bu sighed, shook his head and said, "It seems that it is a little difficult to convince you."


Zhang Wenyao stood up and came to Ji Bu's side, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder: "Listen to me, you are right. There are some things that you cannot touch and participate in. Threatening me does not exist."

"Cooperate with me. You have no choice. You can't fight me."

"Cooperate with you?"

Ji Bu raised his head, looked at Zhang Wenyao with a smile on his face, and then shook his head: "Impossible."

"Do you know what is the biggest difference between me and you, Zhang Wenyao? I, Ji Bu, am brave and ambitious. I will never leave my destiny to others. Look, what do you look like? Just a puppet on a string."


Zhang Wenyao's tone darkened and he growled: "Don't seek death!"

"Do you think you can bring me down after you caught the Eight-faced Buddha and got my evidence? Do you think you saved Luo Tianhong and I will be afraid of that bastard?!"

"Do you really think Lin Kun has the ability to face me face to face? If Lin Kun really had that ability, he wouldn't have lost so miserably a few years ago. He was beaten by Han Chen and had no ability to fight back!"

"Then let's just wait and see!"

Ji Bu shrugged his shoulders, pushed away Zhang Wenyao's hand pressing his shoulder, stood up from his seat, and looked at him:

"I came here today to talk about cooperation with you. If we can't reach an agreement, we can only wait and see. I'll kill you first, then Han Chen. Line up one by one, that's what I said!"


Ji Bu stepped towards the outside.


Zhang Wenyao's expression changed, and he subconsciously reached out and grabbed Ji Bu's arm: "Don't seek death!"

Ji Bu said nothing and did not look back at him.



Wuying stood up, reached out and slapped away Zhang Wenyao's hand holding Ji Bu, and pointed at him:

"What's the use of wearing a suit and tie and using Big Brother's phone?!"

"Senior Superintendent?!"

His neck poked forward, and his facial features were squeezed together, showing a disdainful expression:

"Shit on you!"

(End of chapter)

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