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Chapter 168 Miao Zhihua: I have a saying about MVP, I don't know if I should say it or not

Chapter 168 Miao Zhihua: I have an MVP saying that I don’t know whether to say or not.

"Yes, yes."

Miao Zhihua nodded repeatedly and continued what Ji Bu said: "Let's analyze Han Chen and his purpose now."

According to the practice of the police force, in this kind of meeting to analyze the case, the leader starts to speak first, and Ji Bu is an outsider, so he cleared his throat, organized his thoughts, and prepared to speak.

Miao Zhihua's scrawled draft of an 8 million-word analysis speech has been prepared, and next he is preparing to conduct an in-depth analysis of Han Chen.

Although he can't guess what Han Chen's purpose is yet, he can summarize all the clues and key points he has learned tonight, and then discuss it with Ji Bu to make a final judgment.

"I think"

Miao Zhihua went straight into the mood and was about to speak, but as soon as he started speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Bu.

"Han Chen wants to take action against the Ni family."

Ji Bu's words were concise and concise, and he directly expressed his conclusion: "He took advantage of this opportunity to fight with me to kill niggas, create civil strife, and take advantage of the opportunity to seek benefits."


Miao Zhihua's expression was stunned. The eight million words of analysis and speech he had spoken were stillborn, and he looked at Ji Bu in astonishment.

Is this a conclusion?

I haven’t started analyzing yet?!

I have no clue at all. How did you analyze this conclusion?!

"It's very simple."

Ji Bu noticed Miao Zhihua's surprise, snapped his fingers and continued speaking, the pen in his hand sliding across the small notebook as he spoke:

"The people who are trading with us tonight are the nigger's men. Han Chen knew that something would happen tonight and deliberately let the nigger take the trouble. That means Han Chen deliberately played tricks on the nigger."

"Immediately afterwards, he asked Lin Guoping to shoot the nigger. These two actions were almost simultaneous, which shows that Han Chen's main purpose from the beginning was to kill the nigger."

"What will happen if you kill the nigger? If one of Ni Kun's five talkers dies, there will be chaos inside."


Ji Bu paused for a moment when he said this, and his eyes became a little deeper: "I suspect that Han Chen is planning to attack Ni Kun!"

"When a nigger dies, everyone is already in turmoil. If Ni Kun, the leader, also dies, who can hold the crowd back?"

"With Ni Kun's death, by that time, the entire Ni family will be completely in chaos, and Han Chen will also be able to benefit from it!"

"This is his true purpose!"

With Ji Bu's final words, the horrified expression on Miao Zhihua's face became more and more intense, and it froze directly on his face:

"You you."

His lips moved and he licked his dry lips: "Isn't your idea too bold? Han Chen is going to rebel against his boss?!"

Miao Zhihua himself did not expect Ji Bu's judgment.

"Well, I can't say it's bold. All inferences are well-founded, right?"

Ji Bu nodded with great certainty: "This can be said to be the inversion of the hypothetical principle."

"Let's assume everything that happened tonight is that if we don't have countermeasures and everything evolves according to Han Chen's purpose, what will be the final result? In this way, we can guess Han Chen's purpose, right?!


"I I know."

Miao Zhihua listened to the principles behind Ji Bu's judgment and opened his lips slightly, wanting to speak but again no words came out.

He jumped up from his seat with a "swish" and stood in front of Ji Bu. He stared at Ji Bu deeply and looked at him like this, watching him motionless.


Are you sure you are Abu, not Ali?! Are you sure you have not received a series of training in the police academy?

Why do you have such professional thinking logic without any training? I have never heard of reverse thinking of hypothetical principles. Who taught you?!

Neither I nor the Chief Inspector could judge Han Chen's purpose, but you figured it out in just a few words, and you are more professional than me.

Are you sure you are not a professionally trained Ali?!

The answer is yes.

Now standing in front of him was Ji Bu, this bad guy who should have been in prison for twenty years.


Miao Zhihua looked at Ji Bu with a complicated expression, and couldn't help but ask: "You can tell Han Chen's purpose and I understand it very well, but why can't it be that Han Chen wants to annex the territory of other talkers?"

"He wants to kill Ni Kun. How did you come to this conclusion? There is no hint at all that something will happen to Ni Kun!"


This is what shocked Miao Zhihua the most.


Ji Bu closed the cap of the pen, held the pen between his fingers and shook it on the notebook. The pen hit the notebook, making a faint sound of rubbing against the paper:

"Maximize profits!"

"If it was just to take over the territory of other talkers, he would have done it long ago. He wouldn't have bothered to go to such great lengths to use me to do it."

"that's all."

After Ji Bu finished speaking, he looked at Miao Zhihua with deep approval and nodded: "Sir Miao, is there anything else you want to add?"

He looked at Miao Zhihua's expression of surprise and disbelief, and teased in his heart: It was a very baseless guess to guess that Han Chen was going to attack Ni Kun.

You definitely wouldn't have expected it. Even if you replaced the superintendent, he wouldn't be able to guess it, because this incident has no implications for Ni Kun at all.

The reason why I know is because I have read the script a long time ago.

Although the actual plot has not evolved like the script of "Infernal Affairs", it is still easy to figure out Han Chen's true purpose through this incident.

The Han Chen in this world is not a character who is willing to be loyal and silently dedicated to his boss. He is even more ruthless.

The script of "Infernal Affairs" is that Mary instructed Liu Jianming to kill Ni Kun without Han Chen's knowledge, but this is obviously not the case here.

When it comes to ambition and city government, Han Chen is definitely one of the best. Thinking of everything that happened tonight, the conclusion is obvious.


After Miao Zhihua looked at Ji Bude carefully for half a minute, he let out a heavy breath, relaxed and gave his evaluation:

"It's really a pity that you're not on duty."

There was a pause.

He seemed to be unwilling to accept it, and asked again: "Abu, what did you do before? Are you sure you have not been trained in the police academy?!"

The way Ji Bu spoke just now was also quite professional.

Speeches are made according to the principles of conclusion - reasons - specific matters. This is a sequence of speeches that requires professional training to understand.


Generally, the way everyone communicates is based on formulas of reasons, specific examples, and conclusions.


Ji Bu bared his teeth and shook his head: "It doesn't matter what I did before. What matters is that you met me, right?"

"Interesting, interesting."

Miao Zhihua nodded in agreement. After listening to Ji Bu's words, he suddenly felt that everything was natural.


Does it matter whether Ji Bu has been trained?

He was originally a very powerful being. From the time he entered Lin Kun's side undercover until now, the results of everything that happened until now are enough to prove Ji Bu's ability.

He even made a judgment:

If Ji Bu was trained at the police academy and directly entered the police force after graduation, his achievements would definitely not be lower than his own.

Nature plays tricks on people.

He sighed in his heart for a while, and then took the initiative to ask: "Then what should we do next?"

Ji Bu's thinking was clearer and more decisive than his own. He stopped expressing his opinions and took the initiative to ask Ji Bu what he thought.

"It's very simple."

Ji Bu's eyes were bright and his thoughts were extremely clear as he said: "Isn't it true that Ni Kun has been in the ugly country and never came back?"

"The nigger is dead. I believe Ni Kun will come back soon. If something happens to him soon, then Han Chen's purpose will be self-evident."

"Once Ni Kun dies, the Ni family will definitely introduce new candidates to take charge of the Ni family and stabilize the four talkers below them."

"At this time, Han Chen will definitely find out that the other three talkers are working against the new boss of the Ni family, let them fight with the Ni family, and he will finally end it."

"Now that we know Han Chen's plan, let's focus directly on the other three people talking about the matter below the Ni family."

Doesn't Han Chen want to rebel against the Ni family and become the boss?

That's just right.

I don't mind adding a little more difficulty to Han Chen.

"very good!"

After listening to Ji Bu's analysis, Miao Zhihua nodded in agreement and raised his hands to applaud:

"Your analysis of this matter is very correct. Next, let's make arrangements according to your judgment."


Ji Bu nodded calmly, closed the small notebook and put it in the inner pocket of his suit, then stood up from the sofa:

"That's it for tonight, I'll leave first."

He took two steps toward the door, then turned back and looked at Miao Zhihua: "By the way, tonight's case, remember to send a banner or something to the heavy security company later."

Tonight's transaction, why Ji Bu arranged for people from the heavy security company to go there, also had a purpose.

I have been unable to apply for a gun license, even though I have sufficient relevant qualifications, but I still can’t apply.

If that's the case, then you should get more experience in police-civilian cooperation with the police. As long as the relationship is in place and these experiences are in place, some things will be much easier to operate.

"rest assured."

Miao Zhihua patted his chest and promised, "Just leave this matter to me. You can go first."


Ji Bu nodded and left the police station.


Andy sat in the driver's seat, waiting for Ji Bu to get in the car, and then drove off after he fastened his seat belt.


Andy took control of the steering wheel: "Is the matter settled?"


Ji Bu nodded solemnly: "Tell Aji later that our undercover agents should keep an eye on the movements of the four people involved and report back at any time."


Hua Zai nodded.

Ji Bu didn't say anything anymore. He frowned and sat on the passenger seat. He found a comfortable position and sank into the slightly soft car seat.

He raised his hand and lit a cigarette, and habitually began to review the current situation to prevent mistakes.

Han Chen's purpose is now obvious, and the next step is to just keep an eye on their movements.

Once Ni Kun is really dead, then he can start to play the role of a troublemaker.

This is a plan without an obvious date, because he doesn't know when Ni Kun will return from the ugly country, nor when Han Chen will take action.

at the moment.

I have one more thing to do.

That is to get rid of Abbot.

Han Chen's plan is not difficult to guess or break. The biggest potential risk at present is Han Chen's undercover in the police force.

How many people did he send into his undercover plan? What levels and positions did these people have?

He didn't know this.


In tonight's action, Han Chen exposed two chess pieces.

Lin Guoping, Inspector Xiao, and Sir Liu who came to assist the New World last time it opened. These people are either inspectors or chief inspectors.

The highest level is the Chief Inspector, there is no higher level.


At the beginning, whether it was Hou Jingcheng, Superintendent Long, Superintendent Sun, and Senior Superintendent Zhang Wenyao, these were all superintendent-level people.

Compared with the people who are helping Han Chen now, one is in the sky and the other is in the earth.

The gap between the two sides is huge.


Is there a possibility: In Han Chen’s own undercover plan, the people he arranged to join the police force were actually not very successful?!

And those people with high positions are not Han Chen's own people. Is there a more powerful character behind Han Chen?

Han Chen is just helping others?!

If Han Chen is really so capable and can easily command the existence of a senior superintendent, his interest group must be bigger and broader, so why is he still fighting a drug lord named Lin Kun?!


The top priority right now is to get rid of Abt.

A ghost superintendent can help him do a lot of things. With his help, Han Chen's undercover plan can be tried to be peeled off and analyzed.

As long as we pull out all the people who entered the police force in the same period as Lin Guoping, if these people's achievements and positions so far are not high, it means that there must be a more powerful character behind Han Chen.

Someone is leading all of this.

"Hua Zai."

Thinking of this, Ji Bu opened his eyes and glanced at the rearview mirror: "Put more pressure on Anna and let her deal with Abte as soon as possible."

"I want to have a face-to-face conversation with Abt."


Andy nodded in response: "I will speed up the schedule."

The two stopped talking, and the car quickly shuttled on the road.


Two days later.

Kwun Tong.

Han Chen Villa.

On the open-air balcony on the second floor, Han Chen sat in front of the table with his coat on, took out a lighter and lit a cigar.

He picked up the mobile phone and dialed: "Boss, it's me, Achen."

On the other end of the phone.

"Got a plan?"

The boss's hoarse voice sounded: "I know what happened a few days ago. What you did was not perfect."

"Yes, I've taken care of it."

Han Chen didn't want to talk about this topic and went directly to the topic: "The day after tomorrow, Ni Kun will fly back from the ugly country."

"the day after tomorrow"

The boss repeated the sentence and then asked: "What are you going to do?!"

"The nigger is dead. The remaining three talkers will be easier to deal with."

Han Chen revealed his plan: "I plan to kill Ni Kun the day after tomorrow, causing turmoil in the Ni family, and then join forces with these three talkers to rebel against the Ni family."

"When the time comes, if you take action again, we should be able to take care of the Ni family quickly together. The Ni family does not have any tenable characters now."


The boss thought briefly and then nodded: "Then go ahead and do it as you said."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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