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Chapter 187 The Boss Taught Me

Chapter 187 The boss taught me


The pistol is pushed into the magazine.


The driver started the car, tapped the accelerator, and slowly drove away from the roadside, towards Ajun who was standing here.

Just a few seconds.

The distance between the two parties narrowed, and the car braked again and stopped.

The sudden appearance of a black car made the two bodyguards who were leaning against the car smoking suddenly become wary.

The two of them watched the car start, drive a few meters away, and then stop in front of them.

Ajun didn't realize it, but she was eagerly heading towards the traffic jam on the main highway, waiting to find Jibu's car.

"Beautiful boy."

The passenger window rolled down, the middle-aged man poked his head out of the seat, and looked at the two bodyguards with a smile:

"Borrow a fire!"


The bodyguard squinted at the middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap, then looked at the other two people in the car who were also wearing peaked caps, and refused without thinking:

"No borrowing."

When talking.

The two bodyguards looked at each other, one turned around and reached out to open the car door to get in, while the other quickly walked towards Ajun.


The middle-aged man could tell what they were thinking at a glance. He bared his teeth, smiled and sighed, "Not bad, not bad, but I'm quite wary."

Follow closely.

The muzzle of the pistol in his hand was poked out of the car.


Two dull gunshots hit the two bodyguards accurately, and one of them fell on the car door that had just been opened.

A man just walked up to A-Jun and reached out to pull A-Jun. His body trembled as he was shot in the back, and he pounced directly on A-Jun.

Blood spurted out.


Ajun screamed, her expression suddenly panicked, she raised her hand to support the bodyguard who was about to fall, and subconsciously ran inside.


Another shot was fired on the ground in front of Ajun, and sparks flew out from the bullet.

"If you run away, I'll shoot you!"

The middle-aged man who opened the door and caught up with her threatened her deeply, and when Ajun hesitated, he rushed forward, holding her to the left and right and carrying her to the car.

In broad daylight.

A few people just opened fire without restraint, and took Ajun away without any scruples.

The corner of the road.

As soon as Ji Bu turned around from the traffic, he saw the middle-aged man holding Ajun in the car and the bodyguard lying on the ground in front of him.


Ji Bu looked at the scene in front of him, raised his hand and patted the steering wheel, and the car's piercing horn sounded.


Pressing down on the accelerator, the car roared and sped up.


Ajun turned around and saw Ji Bu's red Benz car, and subconsciously shouted: "Help me!"


The middle-aged man then forcibly pushed Ajun up who resisted getting into the car, closed the door and rushed out of the car.

"Who's behind?"

As the driver drove the car, he glanced in the rearview mirror at the red Benz car that was speeding up to catch up. He slowly changed gears and speeded up, and the car speeded up again.


The middle-aged co-pilot raised his hand and turned his peaked cap at an angle, squinting at the car chasing after him:

"What a coincidence, the original target was her, and by the way, it was Ji Bu. Unexpectedly, this kid came out on his own."

He patted the dust on his thigh and said calmly: "It's better to come early than to come by chance. Slow down and let him follow."


He picked up the mobile phone beside him and called out: "The matter has been discovered, and Ji Bu is following."

"Let him follow and kill him directly when the time comes."


The middle-aged man nodded in response, and then hung up the phone: "Slow down a little bit, and don't let him lose you."


The driver grinned, licked his dry lips, tapped the brakes with his feet, and the car slowed down a bit.

In the rearview mirror.

Benz, who had disappeared, reappeared in the field of vision, and the two sides always maintained this distance.

Back seat.

"The Yan family shovel."

Ji Bu looked at the car that disappeared from sight. He was just about to pick up the phone when he saw the car that reappeared:

"It's so evil!"

He put down the phone and stepped on the accelerator to catch up. Looking at the other party's posture, it was obvious that he was deliberately trying to hang himself.

On the highway.

The two cars were pulling forward quickly, one behind the other.

Ji Bu looked at the street sign above his head from time to time, and looked at the word "Kwun Tong" on the street sign. Then he picked up the phone, thought about it, and called Lin Kun:

"Brother Kun, something happened."


Lin Kun couldn't help but frown as he listened to the howling wind on the other end of the phone: "What happened?!"

"Ajun was kidnapped."

Ji Bu gave a simple description: "Now I am chasing the car in front of me. Judging from their posture, they are deliberately hanging me."

"The Yan family shovel!"

Lin Kun's whole expression changed, he slapped the table with a "pop" and stood up with a sharp voice:

"Who did it!"

"have no idea."

Ji Bu shook his head and controlled the steering wheel: "The car is currently driving towards Kwun Tong, I guess."

Kwun Tong.

It's Han Chen's territory.

"Han Chen!"

Lin Kun's tone dropped, and he gritted his teeth and said every word: "He dares to touch my family!"

Talking room.

Lin Kun's footsteps came from the other side: "Hold the call, wait for me, I'll come over now."

"I'll do it."

Ji Bu thought for a moment and stopped Lin Kun's action: "I think they captured Ajun without attacking her directly. It must be to attract you to come out with me."

"His goal should be to attack me. If you show up, you will really be fooled."


After Lin Kun heard this, he immediately thought of this: "Can you do that?!"



Lin Kun gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and said, "Then I'll leave this matter to you. Pay attention to your safety."

Hang up the phone.

Lin Kun sat down on the office chair, holding the table with both hands, staring gloomily straight ahead.

In the car.

After Ji Bu hung up the phone, he called again. Just after the call was answered, there was the sound of Wu Ying drinking with someone.

"It's me!"

Ji Bu got straight to the point and said concisely: "Something has happened. Ask someone to come over to Kwun Tong. I will give you a seat. Keep the call!"


Wuying's expression was stunned, listening to Ji Bu's frowning words and the whirring sound coming from the phone:

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

"Bring a gun."

Ji Bu spoke quickly and said again: "The sooner the better, there is probably an ambush here."

"This matter is a bit weird, please think about it more."

When hanging up the phone, Ji Bu gave another special warning.


The conversation between the two parties ended here.

Ji Bu threw the phone on the passenger seat, controlled the steering wheel with both hands, and accelerated again.


The distance in front has always been well controlled. As long as Ji Bu speeds up, the front will also speed up, always maintaining a distance that is neither too far nor too close.

"Tsk tsk."

The middle-aged man turned his head and glanced at Ji Bu, who had been chasing closely behind him. He then turned to look at Ajun, whose face was pale, and raised his hand to pinch her cheek:

"That's right. You're quite important. He knows that I'm hanging on to him, but he still dares to follow me like this."

"Get out!"

Ajun shouted in a sharp voice, turned her head and shook away the middle-aged hand pinching her face:

"You'd better let me go now, otherwise you won't be able to bear the consequences, do you know that?"


The middle-aged man shook his head with a smile and commented lightly: "She is such an innocent and beautiful girl."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Several people burst into laughter. The atmosphere was very relaxed. They did not feel any psychological pressure from shooting and kidnapping people in the street. They were all veterans at first glance.


When Ajun saw the behavior of these people, she immediately shut her mouth obediently and stopped talking, for fear of irritating them.


With extremely worried eyes, she turned to look at Ji Bu who was chasing after her. Although Ji Bu knew that this was a trap, he still chased after her.

I'm dragging him down.

On the highway.

Ji Bu didn't depress the accelerator completely, he just maintained a speed that could keep up with the car in front, hanging far away.

It's obvious.

The purpose of this group of people's kidnapping of Ajun was to target themselves and Lin Kun, and chasing them on the highway would only make Ajun's situation miserable.


Ji Bu was not in a hurry to catch up. Since their target was him, let's give it a try.

The car in front.


The middle-aged man driving the car glanced sideways at the Benz car following him in the rearview mirror, and frowned:

"Since when can Benz cars not be able to outrun our cars? Can't we keep up the speed?!"


The middle-aged co-pilot's eyes were bright. He glanced at Ji Bu in the rearview mirror and curled his lips disdainfully:

"This kid is very good. I guess he is waiting for his people to come over, so don't rush to catch up."

The middle-aged man saw through Ji Bu's thoughts at a glance and tapped the car window with his finger: "In that case, it's just right, then let's touch him."

His tone was full of confidence: "Kwun Tong is not a place where he can come and leave whenever he wants!"


The driver nodded, stopped talking nonsense, and concentrated on driving.

The middle-aged co-pilot immediately picked up the mobile phone next to him and briefly reported the situation:

"Sister Mary, they are calling someone."

"Just follow the original plan."

Mary's voice was calm and calm: "I have already made arrangements. The raptors cannot cross the river."

"Eat them as quickly as possible!"

"Tell them, Kwun Tong, we are the geniuses!"

Mary's voice was sonorous and powerful, and she sounded confident and strategizing.


The middle-aged man responded in a deep voice.

At the same time.

Tsim Sha Tsui.

After receiving Ji Bu's call, Wuying immediately blew the whistle to shake people off.

Wuying, Aji, and Luo Tianhong gathered together, especially the team reorganized by Luo Tianhong, each one filled with murderous intent.

They carried the stuffed and bulging canvas bags and threw them into the car. The canvas bags hit the car floor with a crisp metal collision sound.

After everyone got on the bus one by one, they turned on their double flashers and drove quickly to the location given by Ji Bu.

Wuying, Aji, and Luo Tianhong were sitting in the lead car and had just driven a few steps away.

"Wait a moment!"

Wuying squinted at the cars following him, suddenly thought of something, raised his hand and shouted:



Aji looked at Wuying inexplicably and stepped on the brakes at the same time, causing the car behind him to stop.

"get off."

Wuying unbuckled his seat belt and jumped out of the car, walking towards the car behind him. Then he took out a cigarette and lit it. He put his hands on his hips and kept looking around the group of cars.

"What's wrong?"

Aji looked at Wuying who was standing there smoking.

Wuying did not speak, but waved to the person in the car. The other person got out of the car and opened the trunk at Wuying's signal:

"Lost all the guys."

Wuying couldn't help but put his head in, picked up the canvas bag in the trunk, and said hello to the back:

"Everything has been lost."

Although everyone didn't know why, they still followed Wu Fei's instructions.

"How to say?"

Luo Tianhong looked at Wuying with some confusion: "They don't even bring them?!"

"I always feel like something is wrong."

Wuying looked serious, took a heavy puff of his cigarette, and then said:

"I remember that a long time ago, the boss told me that if young and Dangerous people don't use their brains, they will remain Young and Dangerous all their lives."

"This matter shouldn't be that simple."


Aji and Luo Tianhong frowned when they heard this, thinking deeply.

"I think there are so many of us that it's hard to get through!"

Wuying thought briefly and carried the canvas bag containing the firearms to their car:

"Someone kidnapped A-Yun, and it was obviously for us. The boss was following behind, and the other party was not in a hurry. It was obviously a trap."

"In this case, they must have guessed that the boss must have asked us to set out to support, and they must have back-up plans, so I don't think we can make it through!"

"What do you think?!"


He looked at Aji and Luo Tianhong.


Luo Tianhong took a breath after hearing this, first looked at Wuying, then looked at Aji, exchanged a look with him, and nodded:

"I think what Wu Fei said makes sense."

"You follow us!"

Ah Ji thought for a moment, then raised his hand and knocked on the car next to his confidant Ah Shui:

"Others go ahead and don't take anything with you."

The team that originally had guys on every car lost a lot of stuff, but only their cars had guys on them.

The ordering of the teams has also changed.

Luo Tianhong's elite men drove in the front, while Wuying and the others drove behind with Ah Ji's confidant Ah Shui.

The car continued to drive forward.


The road sign points in the direction of Kwun Tong, but when you reach this intersection, the speed of the cars on the road obviously slows down.

As the traffic flowed forward, everyone could see clearly ahead. Police cars were blocking the road ahead and conducting routine inspections one by one.


Wuying, Aji, and Luo Tianhong looked at each other and couldn't help but feel a little glad that Wuying had paid attention just now.


Their convoy will be impounded immediately, and the guys in the car are all evidence.

"Hold them."

Luo Tianhong picked up the intercom and gave instructions to Ma Zai in the four cars in front, and then motioned to Ah Ji to turn the steering wheel:

"I also know a small path. If you go around a little further, you should be able to cross it."


Ah Ji immediately turned around and signaled Ah Shui's car behind him to follow him, and the two cars turned around and changed the road first.

"What are you doing!"

The police who set up a blockade in front wanted to intercept when they saw this scene, but were stopped by Luo Tianhong's men, and the two sides became entangled.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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