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Chapter 195 Can This Make Him Run?!

Chapter 195 This can make him run away?!


Ji Bu picked up the wine glass in response and bumped it against the table with a clear voice:

"Just give it a try. The result will definitely not disappoint Ni Sheng. I just like how you do things so neatly."

In terms of personality, Ni Yongxiao's vigorous and resolute style of doing things was very much to Ji Bu's liking.

"Ji Sheng is equally good."

Ni Yongxiao nodded slightly, with a non-committal attitude, put down the wine glass in his hand and went straight to the topic:

"Then tomorrow, I will have people contact Ji Sheng. I will inventory and integrate the sites under my command as quickly as possible, and then determine the final direction of cooperation."


Ji Bu waved his hand casually: "I don't have any big opinions in this regard. Let's do it as convenient as possible. This is our first cooperation."


Ni Yongxiao nodded, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, then stretched out his hand and hung it over the table:

"I think Ji Sheng won't let me down."

Behind the spectacle lenses, a pair of bright eyes looked at Ji Bu, as if they were radiating light:



Ji Bu stretched out his hand, and their hands met in the air and were held together.


As Han Chen's attack on the street came to an end, a series of things happened one after another, and there was a lot of commotion in the Kwun Tong area.


Ni Yongxiao of the Ni family took action decisively after Han Chen rushed to the street. He eliminated his talkers Gandhi and Wen Zheng as quickly as possible, and completely controlled the territory of the Ni family in his own hands.


Senior Inspector Huang Chusheng of Kwun Tong Police Station was arrested by the police in accordance with the law because he was suspected of corruption and working for the society boss Han Chen.

However, during the arrest of Huang Chusheng, he encountered fierce resistance. After running away with a gun and shooting a police officer to death, he was shot by Sir Jin in the elevator and killed on the spot.

All the main themes revolve around Han Chen's death.

the next morning.

Lin Guoping woke up from the bed in a daze. He touched the cigarette and lit it. He held it in his mouth and sat on the bed like a puppet, dazed.

The smoke condensed on the cigarette butt was long, and the few green smoke slowly rose with the cigarette butt, and the whole person was in a trance.

last night.

After the operation to arrest Han Chen and a brief quarrel with Huang Chusheng, he drove back.


Just an hour later, the news came that Huang Chusheng was arrested and shot for resisting censorship with a gun.

He didn't expect that the top management's tactics would be so quick. Lin Guoping was immediately distracted and even the in-depth communication with his little girlfriend was hastily ended.

Lin Guoping is not a fool.

Huang Chusheng's death must have been controlled by someone behind the scenes. He had been helping Han Chen for so long, and he had never left any obvious clues.

It should be the same for Huang Chusheng when he helped Han Chen. The so-called crime was just imposed on him and then killed to silence him.

Someone at the top wants to kill Han Chen. A series of things are unfolding around Han Chen. Han Chen has a relationship with the top management.

Now that Huang Chusheng is dead, will he face the same risk in the future?

If I know something I shouldn't know, will they kill me too?

Lin Guoping sat on the bed with a dull expression, lost in thought. He had not slept well all night and looked a little absent-minded.


Lin Guoping, who was lost in thought, was brought back to reality by the burning sensation coming from his mouth. His body shook violently, and the ashes of the burned cigarette fell onto his clothes. He quickly raised his hand to pat the ashes away.


The door to the room was opened, and Lin Guoping's little girlfriend poked half of her head in: "It's time to get up. Check the time. You'll be late for work soon."


Lin Guoping rubbed his face and got up from the bed, put on his suit and shirt, left the room and entered the bathroom to wash up.

Routine detox time.

Lin Guoping sat on the toilet and fell into deep thought again.

Huang Chusheng's death brought him a great sense of insecurity, and he was not in a good state.

In the blink of an eye.

Twenty minutes have passed.


The little girlfriend slapped the bathroom door again: "Are you ready? If you don't go out, you will be late."


Lin Guoping responded, lifted up his pants, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

"you eat breakfast."

The little girlfriend picked up the car keys on the table and shook them: "I'll go downstairs and help you drive the car to the door. It will be much faster."


Lin Guoping calmed down, hugged his little girlfriend and kissed her on the forehead: "I'll be fine soon."

"Okay, let's go quickly."

The little girlfriend pushed him away delicately: "You have been absent-minded since last night, and you are not in the mood to hand in your homework. You can't do that."


Lin Guoping sent his little girlfriend out, sat down at the dining table, scooped out the Tingzi porridge in the bowl with a spoon and started drinking:

"It's okay, it's okay. Huang Chusheng died because he stopped me from shooting Han Chen, so he had to die. I'm different. I didn't go against their will, so it should have nothing to do with me."

He murmured to comfort himself, then put down the spoon in his hand and picked up the chopsticks to pick up the shrimp dumplings in the steamer.

The chopsticks just picked up the shrimp dumplings.


A violent explosion came from downstairs.

Lin Guoping was frightened and trembled. His fingers exerted force unconsciously, and the shrimp dumplings held between the chopsticks split open and fell into two halves on the table.

The shrimps wrapped in the shrimp dumplings now look a little pale and colorless.

As an experienced man, he immediately heard where the explosion came from, and his heart skipped a beat.


After Lin Guoping was stunned for a second, he jumped up from his seat reflexively and quickly ran to the window.

He lay on the window sill and looked down, only to see that his car had already turned into a ball of fire while it was parked in the parking space.

The raging fire continued to burn, and then ignited the fuel tank and exploded again.

"Xiao Ni!"

Lin Guoping's eyes were splitting with anger. He looked at the car filled with fire downstairs and stretched out his hand in vain.

He didn't have time to change his shoes, so he rushed out like crazy in his slippers. He pressed the elevator button frantically, looked at the elevator that was not coming up, and rushed into the fire escape.


Lin Guoping rushed out quickly, carrying a bottle of fire extinguisher taken from the fire hydrant and sprayed it on the car.


Everything has been in vain.


Lin Guoping fell to the ground without a sound and looked at the severed finger in front of him. There was a ring on the severed finger. It was the engagement ring that Lin Guoping had just given to his little girlfriend a few days ago.

He proposed to his young girlfriend successfully, and he just waited for a better time before considering the follow-up, but now everything is gone.

Lin Guoping knelt on the ground in despair, holding the ring tightly in his hand.

More and more people gathered around, pointing fingers, and soon after receiving the alarm, the police rushed to the scene.

Lin Guoping absent-mindedly cooperated and gave a simple confession and accepted the questioning.

At this moment.

A police car drove up in the distance. Several policemen got out of the car, exchanged a few words with each other briefly, and walked quickly towards Lin Guoping.

Several people walked hastily and their heads were slightly lowered.

Lin Guoping noticed a few people rushing behind him, and he thought of Huang Chusheng's death because of his experience.

His intuition told him that these people were coming in a menacing manner and might be targeting him.

"I'll go upstairs and change into a pair of shoes."

Lin Guoping expressed his request: "I will meet you at the police station later."

The police officer had seen Lin Guoping's ID before and found that he was one of his own, so he didn't think much about it and let him go upstairs.

It didn't take long.

Several policemen came over quickly.

"From the Crime Squad."

The leading middle-aged man came to the cordon, took out his ID and hung it on his chest: "Where is Lin Guoping, Sir Lin?"

"He is suspected of an intentional homicide, and I came here specifically to ask him to come back and assist in the investigation."

"I had long heard that he was at odds with his wife, and he had been trying to get rid of her without success. I didn't expect that he would use such a cruel method to blow her up."

Can be released.

When several people came inside, there was no sign of Lin Guoping anywhere.

"Go upstairs and change your shoes?"

When the middle-aged man in the lead heard what the police officer said, his mentality suddenly exploded. He frowned and cursed:

"Is all shit and urine in your head? Are you asking him to go up and change his shoes?!"


He waved his hand and quickly rushed into the corridor with his men.

The group of six people was divided into three teams. One group stayed downstairs, one group went up via the fire escape, and one group took the elevator upstairs.


When they went up, wherever there was Lin Guoping's shadow, it had long since disappeared.

"Fight on the street!"

The middle-aged man stood on the edge of the window sill with empty hands on his hips, looking down at the car that had been burned into a skeleton at his feet, and cursed in a low voice:

"Did he fucking get away?"

turn out to be.

Their mission today is to stay here and be responsible for witnessing Lin Guoping's death.

who knows.

The car did not blow up Lin Guoping to death, but killed his horse. The young girlfriend who went to help him drive accidentally became the scapegoat.

Lin Guoping was not dead, so they immediately launched a second contingency plan to pin the death of Lin Guoping's horse on Lin Guoping's head.

Who would have known that Lin Guoping would react so quickly and leave immediately one step ahead.


The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, picked up the phone on the side and called directly:

"Superintendent, the man ran away and was not caught. The man killed by the explosion was his son."


The superintendent frowned and said in an unhappy tone: "There are so many plans, and you told me that someone ran away?!"

"ran away?!"


The middle-aged man pursed his lips and heard that his boss was very unhappy. He wanted to explain but couldn't.

Who would have thought that Lin Guoping, who was so vigilant on the street, would suddenly have a scapegoat appear.

"never mind."

The superintendent did not hesitate too much and gave the next instructions angrily:

"Come back first, this kid must have been frightened, hiding, and can't be found."

The superintendent has investigated Lin Guoping's information and found that this person is quite capable. He has handled a lot of cases during his time on duty. Overall, his ability is not bad at first.

The more cases he handles, the more experience he has. Similarly, his previous grades in the police academy were also very good, so his ability to counter-investigation is not a problem.

It will definitely not be that easy to find him in a short time, so we can only change our plan.

"How about this."

The superintendent thought briefly: "Take the person back, prepare a case investigation report, and at the same time issue a notice of assistance in the investigation."

"I don't believe it. Hong Kong Island is such a big place. How long can this kid hide? In a few days, if he doesn't show up, he will starve to death!"


The middle-aged man nodded repeatedly, responded respectfully, and waved his hand angrily after hanging up the phone:

"Let's go, close the team!"

"No more checking?"

The subordinate asked without any discernment.

"You check?"

The middle-aged man vented his grievances on his subordinates, who were scolded and walked out of the room.

In an alley not far from here.

Lin Guoping did not leave the scene immediately after leaving the scene. Instead, he squatted behind the corner of the alley and squinted at the group of people leading the departure.

"Fuck you!"

Lin Guoping cursed in a low voice and left the scene in a hurry.

Now, I definitely can't show up.

Where to go?

Lin Guoping didn't know that all of this fucking stemmed from Han Chen's death.

The police acted quickly.

Just over two hours later, a notice about the explosion came out.

As mentioned above, they also thought of several plans for Lin Guoping. Lin Guoping ran away, and the death of his little girlfriend was blamed on him, and the whole city was hunting for him.

In addition, Lin Guoping had a special status and was a police officer, so the police conducted an unprecedented search.

As for Lin Guoping himself, after the citizens of Hong Kong saw the relevant notices, they labeled him as someone who deserved death.

Four p.m.

new world.

As soon as Ji Bu came back from outside, he was blocked by Hua Zai, who was already waiting here:

"Boss, Lin Guoping is wanted."

He handed over a newspaper, which seemed to contain information about him, with words such as "extreme danger" marked in bold red fonts as warnings.


Ji Bu quickly scanned the contents of the newspaper, then folded the newspaper together and threw it on the table:

"It seems that their speed is quite fast. First they killed Huang Chusheng, and then they killed Lin Guoping. Wow, they really did their job to eradicate the roots."

There was a pause.

He waved his hand again: "Don't worry about him, they play their game, we play ours."

"The cooperation with the Ni family has been negotiated. Andy, please follow up on the expansion of the New World. You will be fully responsible."


Hua Zai nodded in response and left quickly.

Two days later.

Late at night.

In the dark alleys at the end of the streets, Lin Guoping, who was hungry and had his chest pressed against his back, was in ragged clothes and dirty, mixed in with many homeless people.

At this moment, his appearance has changed from a few days ago. He has lost a lot of weight, and the stubble on his face is unkempt and messy.

He lay in the corner, turned sideways and looked at the many sleeping homeless people around him, touched the corner and got up.

Get up and go outside.

Lin Guoping took out the last coin he had on his body, went to a phone booth, looked around warily, and then dialed a number.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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