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Chapter 209: From now on, he will be the boss

Chapter 209 He will be the boss from now on

"Just leave the white powder business alone."

Ji Bu drove quickly on the highway, recalling what Lin Kun had just said to him in his mind, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

How could Lin Kun be so nice and just tell him not to worry about the white powder business anymore because of Ksitigarbha?!

He didn't say he was quitting now.

If you don’t care about yourself, then who will?

Ji Bu couldn't think of a suitable candidate.

Twenty minutes later.

Near Baishawan Pier.

When Ji Bu arrived, Miao Zhihua had already arrived. He was standing on the reef with his arms akimbo, smoking a cigarette, facing the sea, and his back straight.


Ji Bu looked at Miao Zhihua, who was in good spirits, picked up the pebbles on the ground and threw them at Miao Zhihua.

Miao Zhihua felt this, turned around and saw Ji Bu, and scolded him angrily: "You threw yourself on the street, you're not afraid of knocking down an old man like me."

His energy and energy were very good. He regained his position as chief inspector, defeated two superintendents in a row, and reached the pinnacle of his life.

"You have been very active recently."

Miao Zhihua chuckled, took out his cigarette case and handed a Marlboro to Ji Bu, looking at the sea lapping against the rocks:

"Whether it's Han Chen's gang or He Liansheng, every time they are very creative, I feel like I can't keep up."

During the conversation.

He took out a file bag from his arm and handed it to Ji Bu: "Here, all the information you want is here."

"Pounce on the street."

Ji Bu rolled his eyes and reached out to take the file bag: "Thank you."

Open it up.

A piece of personal information about Cai Yuanqi appeared in front of me.

What makes people feel a little funny is that this information is all handwritten by Miao Zhihua.

Ji Bu bared his teeth and commented: "The handwriting is good."

"Fight on the street!"

Miao Zhihua thought Ji Bu was mocking him, and explained: "I can't help it. Cai Yuanqi's identity is a bit special. I can't get his information. I combined these handwritten parts with other people and internal information."


[Everyone can understand for themselves, I don’t dare to write it for fear of being harmed, even though it is a fictional character.]

"But I'm a little curious."

Miao Zhihua looked at Ji Bu with some suspicion and said in a deep voice: "Why would he have a dispute with you? Logically speaking, there should be no conflict between you."

To put it simply and bluntly:

After all, Cai Yuanqi has been in this position. He was once one of the top figures in the police force, so he has nothing to do with us.

"His target is a communications company, and I have shares in this communications company."

Ji Bu briefly described the situation without saying much: "It is true that he has no dispute with me, but isn't this just along Ali's line?!"

"All right."

Miao Zhihua nodded when he heard this: "Cai Yuanqi's connections are so strong that he can easily control those in high positions."

"I know."

Ji Bu did not embarrass Miao Zhihua. He should handle this matter by himself when the time comes. Miao Zhihua probably can't be of much help.

He stuffed the document into the inner pocket of his coat and turned to the topic: "By the way, Lin Kun suddenly told me today that he asked me not to be in charge of the white powder business."


Miao Zhihua frowned when he heard this and became nervous: "What clues did you reveal?! Did he notice it?"

During the conversation.

He glanced around warily.

"It's probably not my relationship."

Ji Bu shook his head and made his own judgment: "Ksitigarbha is about to be released from prison. Today I accompanied him to visit Ksitigarbha in prison."


Miao Zhihua recalled a little and immediately got information about this person: "This Ksitigarbha was once one of Lin Kun's right-hand men. His abilities should be on the same level as yours."

"But I don't know what happened later. He broke up with Lin Kun and went to jail. He has been in jail until now."

He murmured to himself: "Does Lin Kun want to hand over all the territory to Ksitigarbha? That shouldn't be the case. The scale of their current business is all thanks to you."

"Even if he wants to share it with Jizo, it should be divided between the two of you. Why do you want to stop doing it?!"

"It should not be given to Ksitigarbha."

Ji Bu shook his head and rejected Miao Zhihua's guess: "There is a gap between him and Ksitigarbha. I don't know the specific situation. Let's see."

There was a pause.

He took a puff of his cigarette and said with a half-smile: "Sir Miao, do you think that if Lin Kun really told me to leave the white powder business alone, would our case still be investigated?!"

"If that's the case, then there will be no investigation."

Miao Zhihua's response was very decisive. He shook his head and said, "I suddenly realized that there are some things in this world that cannot be investigated."

"For example, Cai Yuanqi, an outsider, can easily mobilize multiple superintendents to help him for his own benefit. This is a very ridiculous thing."

I don’t know what Miao Zhihua has been through, but he seems very transparent and has clear thoughts at this moment:

"Some things can never be done!"

"If Lin Kun tells you to leave the white powder business alone, and if you insist on it, then you will definitely have conflicts, and there will be many variables in the matter."

"We have already avenged Ali. If we can't continue the investigation, then we won't investigate. That's it."

Miao Zhihua said this, put the cigarette in his hand into his mouth, inhaled hard, raised his hand and pulled the hem of his clothes:

"When the time comes, if you can catch Lin Kun, just catch him. If you can't, forget it. Let's just waste it. So what if we catch him?"

"It's nothing more than getting a useless certificate of commendation, and the bad things on it will continue to be bad!"

From the beginning of the investigation to the present, they have uncovered several criminal policemen, large and small, and how many are hiding in the dark?!

"I also think your current situation is pretty good. I think New World Group can do well. If you continue to maintain it, making money will definitely not be a problem."

Miao Zhihua turned to look at Ji Bu who was standing next to him, and continued: "At that time, if you want to return to the police force, we will directly close the net. We can arrest the other drug lords behind the Lin Kun Group, but we can't.

Forget it when you get there.”

He patted Ji Bu on the shoulder: "Your information has been prepared. If you want to come back, no problem."

"If you don't want to return to the police force, and Lin Kun won't let you get involved in the white powder business, then we won't close the network. It's fine for you to make your new world."

He sighed and said in a sad tone: "I have now thought clearly about the undercover plan, which is a high-sounding plan to encircle and suppress evil forces and maintain the safety of the citizens of Hong Kong Island."

"To put it bluntly, these undercover agents are just stepping stones for them to climb up to the top. Every ray of golden light on their bodies is stained with the blood of the undercover agents."

"I don't want you to get into trouble like Ali again. There's no need for us to risk our lives again. What's the gain?"

Miao Zhihua's current mentality has changed a lot compared to before, and he is a little negative.


Ji Bu raised his head and laughed, and said teasingly: "Sir Miao, what you are saying now is very dangerous."

"I don't care."

Miao Zhihua shrugged indifferently and said, "The most important thing is you. If the situation is out of control, then don't suck yourself in again."

He looked at Ji Bu seriously: "I'm serious! Cai Yuanqi, you have to be more careful about this."

"I know it well."

Ji Bu nodded, indicating that he understood.

After this incident, Ji Bu fell into a short period of leisure, and was mainly stationed at the New World Group on weekdays.

The cooperation between New World and Nijia is progressing very smoothly, and the decoration of several nightclubs selected on Nijia's site is almost completed.

After the renovation is completed, you can start opening the business directly.

"Did you see that?"

Ji Bu pointed at the exterior wall workers who were doing signboard decoration work in the commercial street in front, and said to Yang Koko in high spirits:

"These are the empires I have built for you. If Beauty Kou Kou gets tired of managing the company, she will come to my place and be the boss's wife."


Yang Koko let out a squeak and groaned: "Don't be too proud. I have a share of the credit for what you have done, okay?!"

Ji Bu looked at her with a smile: "What kind of credit?!"

"That's me!"

Yang Koko put her hands on her hips extremely arrogantly, and raised her chin slightly. She was as arrogant as a proud little hen:

"Because you got to know me, I have brought you a steady stream of good luck!"

"Oh yo!"

Ji Bu was amused by the arrogant Yang Koko. He noticed that she was glaring at him and immediately nodded:

"Yes, yes, that makes perfect sense!"


Don't even say it.

Yang Koko's personal ability is still very outstanding. The company established for Anna Day is now being assisted by Yang Koko. After the two women teamed up, the company is in full swing.

In the blink of an eye.

More than half a month has passed.

Zhou Yi, who was due to give birth, was also admitted to the hospital and prepared to give birth.

Lin Kun and his sister-in-law Ajun devoted themselves wholeheartedly to Zhou Yi's production work and accompanied her around the clock.


Ni Yongxiao also personally came to the hospital to visit Zhou Yi. He was very talkative and knew how to liven up the atmosphere, and there was constant laughter in the ward.

"Something's wrong."

Zhou Yi suddenly looked stunned, then grabbed Lin Kun's hand: "I feel like the baby is about to come out."

The doctor who had been prepared for a long time pushed her into the delivery room. Everyone was waiting outside to accompany her. After waiting for a while, Zhou Yi gave birth successfully.


The nurse took the child out of the delivery room: "Congratulations, Mr. Lin." She handed the infant child to Lin Kun:

"It's a boy."

"Oh yeah!"

Ajun was so excited that she wanted to hug her, but was blocked by the nurse: "No, no, the first hug of the child must be given to the father."


Ajun snorted arrogantly: "What's the difference?"


Everyone burst into laughter.

Lin Kun stepped forward and hugged the child, his brows beaming with joy.

With the birth of the child, Lin Kun devoted all his energy to the child, and the family became a little more lively.


More than a month has passed.

Stonewall Prison.

Cell No. 3.


The prison guard walked to the door of Cell No. 3 and beat the iron door with his baton: "Come out, you can leave!"

Many inmates looked at Jizo sitting on the middle bed:

"Congratulations to Brother Ksitigarbha!"

"Brother Jizo can go out!"

"Brother Ksitigarbha, go out and have a good time. We will come out to follow you later."

Everyone expressed their congratulations.

Ksitigarbha sat calmly on the bed, opened his eyes and looked at the prison cell, then walked down from the bed.

Come to the door of the prison cell.

He stopped and turned around, looking back at the prison cell.


The prison guard glanced sideways at Jizo and grabbed the half-open door of the prison cell: "You kid, you still don't want to leave? If you don't want to leave, you can stay a little longer."

"Listen up."

Ksitigarbha did not pay attention to the prison guard, but pointed to Aman, who was at the innermost bed near the toilet:

"From now on, he will be the boss in Cell No. 3."


Ksitigarbha stepped forward immediately.


The door to the prison cell was closed, and the footsteps in the corridor were getting farther and farther away, and getting weaker and weaker.

In the prison cell.

"Brother Man!"

Many inmates walked towards Aman's window in the corner and moved his bed to the original location of Ksitigarbha:

"Brother Ksitigarbha said that from now on you will be the boss of our prison cell."

"If you have the courage, we will hang out with you from now on."

"Brother Man will be the one to resist the banner of Cell No. 3!"

I don’t know what Ksitigarbha’s methods are, even though he has been released from prison now, but what he said simply before leaving, there were so many people in the entire No. 3 prison cell, no one objected.

Ten minutes later.

The gate of Shibi Prison.

Ksitigarbha put on a new set of clothes. He didn't ask for any of the things he had confiscated when he came in. He turned around and looked back when he was about to step out.

On the playground over there, the prison cells are having fun.

"Brother Ksitigarbha!"

"You can't look back after you leave prison!"

"Don't look back!"

Everyone lay on the barbed wire fence and waved and shouted to him.

Aman stood in the middle position, looking at each other through the barbed wire fence with Ji Zang, their eyes complicated.

His left hand, which was lying on the barbed wire fence with three fingers missing, was somewhat conspicuous.


Jizo showed a playful smile, raised his left hand, made a pistol gesture, and then fired a shot at Aman.

He also lost his middle finger, ring finger, and little finger. At this moment, this gesture seemed so harmonious inexplicably.

Turn around.

Jizo strode outside and arrived outside the prison.

Outside prison.

The blue sky and white clouds, even the air were completely different from those in the prison, as if I had entered a whole new world.


Jizo stood there with his hands open. It was already October, and the sun was not too strong, but the sunlight shining on Jizo made his already dark skin look even more bronze.

He took a greedy breath of air, closed his eyes and showed a tasting expression:


Jizo exhaled heavily, his whole body showed an intoxicated expression, and his body trembled:

“The fresh air I haven’t seen in a long time!”

"I, Ksitigarbha, have come out!"


Jizo stood there and laughed loudly, and the smile on his face looked particularly charming.

"Pounce on the street."

The prison guard in the prison looked at Ksitigarbha who was laughing on the spot and shook his head: "Another one is crazy. Prison is better."

(End of chapter)

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