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Chapter 213 Is it related to me? No relationship!

Chapter 213 Does it have anything to do with me? No relationship!

Twelve o'clock in the evening.

Sai Kung District.

Sai Kung Market.

Sister CA’s territory.

In the alley.

"for you."

The man in charge of bulk goods took the banknotes from the hand of the drug addict with dark circles under his eyes, rubbed the banknotes with his fingers, and then threw a small bag of powder out.

The drug addict took the "Hong Kong Paper", his originally dull eyes suddenly became brighter, and he couldn't wait to open the plastic package.

"Get away."

Ma Zai cursed angrily: "Don't fucking hinder my business, look at your worthless look."

Addicts have been taking "Hong Kong paper" all year round, and their bodies have long since failed. They are as skinny as a stick and their thinking is four to five times slower than that of normal people. There is no reaction.

Ma Zai raised his foot and kicked the addict out unceremoniously without even looking at him: "Next one!"

In their eyes.

These street attacks are just tools for them to make money, and they are tools that have no human rights.

The addict didn't care. He crawled forward twice on the ground and grabbed the "Hong Kong Paper" that fell to the ground. After counting all his treasures, he found a corner and started smoking.

The drug addicts who came to queue up to buy "Hong Kong Paper" were not surprised when they saw this scene, and they continued to move forward like zombies.

In their eyes, only "Hong Kong paper" can arouse their excitement.

At a glance.

In the dark alley, these drug addicts squatted in the corner of the alley one after another, enjoying the pleasure brought by the drug.

The dim lights hanging on the wall of the alley were projected above their heads, reflecting their shadows on the wall, pulling and pulling.

The shadow on the wall bared its teeth and claws, like a grinning devil, shrouding them all.

It seems.

From the very beginning of their exposure to these things, these people were destined to have only one ending.

Life seems to have no end in sight, falling into this endless abyss, and being shattered to pieces at any time.

"Here comes a pack."

A young man who seemed to be in good spirits yawned and handed over the banknotes in his hand.


The bulk cargo man glanced at the man who came to sell goods, and couldn't help but said teasingly: "Pujie, why are you here?"

"Three days ago, didn't I hear you say that that was your last purchase? You'll never smoke again."


The man chuckled and didn't answer. He just urged the bulk cargo man to hurry up and give him the "Hong Kong Paper".

He has not been in contact with "Hong Kong Paper" for a long time.

A chance gathering.

At the wine party, a few friends found it boring and wanted to have something exciting, and then someone took out the "Hong Kong Paper".

At first, the man also rejected their invitation, but seeing how excited they were, he just felt ready to make a move.

Out of curiosity, he also tried it once, and it was indeed good. His whole body was completely relaxed, and his spirit reached an unprecedented level of joy.

After that energy has passed.

The man felt that it was nothing, but he couldn't control himself later, and he got deeper and deeper step by step, and the frequency of needing "Hong Kong paper" became higher and higher.

Once you become addicted, you simply cannot quit.

The saying "Curiosity kills the cat" has been proven by them. People who always thought that they had strong self-control and would have no problem trying it once, have now become addicted to people and ghosts.

There is no one.


The man took the small plastic bag thrown by the bulk cargo man and looked at the small plastic bag with bright eyes. A magical power attracted him deeply.

"The last time!"

He habitually said his mantra: "The last hundred million times, the last hundred million times!"

He didn't notice that the goods that the bulk cargo man gave him were different from those given to other people. They were taken out of another pocket, and they didn't look any different.


What he didn't know was that the stuff inside was not "Hong Kong paper" that could be smoked directly, but the most primitive "US dollars", and it was high-purity "US dollars" that had been added with ingredients by the "chef" and could be smoked directly. , will kill people.

"Pounce on the street."

Ma Zai, the bulk cargo man, smiled and cursed, glanced at the man leaving with the "Hong Kong paper", and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The man came to the corner with the "Hong Kong paper", couldn't wait to open it, and started to smoke it skillfully.


The man took a deep sip, and for a moment he felt that his whole mind went blank, and a familiar feeling of pleasure came and enveloped him.


He exhaled comfortably, closed his eyes and immersed himself in his own world, enjoying himself immensely.


The man's expression changed, and the expression of enjoyment on his face suddenly turned into pain, and something was wrong with him instantly.


The man screamed, stretched out his hand to clamp his neck, and his whole body began to twitch uncontrollably.

In the mouth.

A lot of foam was spitting out, and he leaned against the corner with a pale face. Within a few seconds, there was no movement.


After hearing the man's movements, the drug addicts who were taking drugs looked at him with blank expressions and continued to be immersed in their own world.

I don't know who discovered it.

"This guy is on the street!"


At this time, everyone began to react, but no one felt surprised.

Sooner or later.


Someone in the crowd began to wake up:

"I see this guy has only come here to buy a few times. Why did he suck him to death?!"

"Yes, yes, yes, you don't look like he smoked regularly. How could he die so easily?!"

"There is a problem with "Hong Kong Paper"!!"

This time.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

This group of drug addicts suddenly came to their senses. They all looked at the man who had fallen to the ground and threw himself on the street. They then looked at the "Hong Kong paper" in their hands and were forced to throw it away.

Before throwing it away, someone took another puff and then reluctantly threw it away. When everyone came to their senses and tried to find the bulk cargo, they could not be found anywhere.

As soon as something goes wrong.

These people ran away immediately.

Not long after.

The patrol police who received the call rushed to the scene and checked the status of the deceased. After confirming the death, the white car stopped calling and directly called the black car.

Drug addicts who get high like this are already familiar to them, and the process is even more familiar.

Check to see if there is anything that can prove your identity, and contact your family to handle the funeral arrangements. If not, take them away first.

A few minutes later.

Another alley.

The drug addict who had just transformed into a sober human being looked at Ma Zai, who was bulking up, with bright eyes and a playful smile:

"Boss, the play I just performed was pretty good, please give me one more."

"Get lost."

The bulk cargo man threw him a "Hong Kong paper" as a reward, sent him away impatiently, and then disappeared from the scene.

At the same time.

The same scene was also played out in Taiping Brothers' territory in Hong Kong. The same Ying Junzi, who had just smoked for a short time, died of it.

This matter spread quickly like air and permeated the circle of people like them. After some pushers, rumors quickly spread in the circle:

Lin Kun's goods were not good, something went wrong, and something happened to both Sister CA and Brother Taiping who were holding the goods in his hands.

This time.

Other buyers are afraid to buy bulk goods out of the country.

Although they all have their own relationship, if there is a large-scale killing of people, the police will definitely get to the bottom of it.

In just one day, the pressure was on Lin Kun instantly.

The buyers who originally came to him to buy goods all had to come to him to return the goods, so they would never dare to use his goods again.

"Okay, okay, give me some time."

Lin Kun pinched his eyebrows and patiently explained to the phone: "This matter is very strange. Give me some time and I will find out."

"No more? I'll pay you twice as much as you want. Don't worry. Someone must be up to something, and I'll investigate it clearly."

For the whole afternoon, Lin Kun was basically welded to his seat, and the phone calls came one after another, saying the same thing.

"Xiao Li!"

Lin Kun put down the phone, unplugged the phone line, and shouted gloomily outside.

Xiao Zhang hurriedly ran in, looked at Lin Kun with a gloomy face, and spoke quickly and quietly:

"Xiao Xiaoli is outside and hasn't come back yet."

"Fight on the street!"

Lin Kun looked up at Xiao Zhang who was looking down, tapped his fingers hard on the table, and said in a serious tone:

"Five days, five days have passed, and the missing batch of goods has not been found yet, and now the goods are sucked to death again!"

"What a damn thing to check, can't you tell that someone is doing something behind the scenes?!"

His face was gloomy, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Now hurry up and check for me what's going on with Brother Taiping and Sister CA who are sucking people to death!"

"Yes, yes."

Xiao Zhang nodded quickly, not daring to stop for a moment, and ran out quickly. This was the first time he saw Lin Kun so excited.


He also had some doubts.

Why did Lin Kun not let Ji Bu solve the problem this time when there was a problem with the "Hong Kong Paper" business? Instead, he let them handle it.

Isn’t Jibu used well?

If Ji Bu had intervened, this matter might have been resolved long ago.

Of course.

This was just what he was thinking, and he didn't dare to say it out loud.

Xiao Zhang did not drive away directly after leaving the company. He thought for a moment, picked up the phone and called Ji Bu:

"Brother Abu, something happened to the company."

He spoke quickly and described what happened: "Come to the company and have a look. We can't handle this matter. Brother Kun is furious now. Please save us."

He was awakened by Lin Kun just now, so naturally he went back to the future. Losing goods and eating dead people, these two things may be connected together.


Ji Bu just nodded when he heard this and said calmly: "Okay, I understand."

"Hey, okay."

Xiao Zhang listened to Ji Bu's tone, paused, nodded, said no more, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

He saw it.

There seems to be a conflict between Ji Bu and Lin Kun, otherwise Ji Bu would not be so calm and have no intention of intervening.

In the office.

Lin Kun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his hands, looking at Xiao Zhang who was on the phone in the car parked downstairs, and pursed his lips.

He more or less guessed who Xiao Zhang was calling, and stood there looking at the car going away, feeling a little lost.

Don't know what he is waiting for.

It took quite a while.

Lin Kun turned his head and looked at the phone on the table that had been plugged in again but had not rang. He sighed and said to himself:

"Are you angry? Don't blame me. I'm not targeting you."

Then he walked to the phone, picked up the phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"Brother Kun."

Ji Bu's voice sounded: "Tell me to drink tea?!"

"Come on."

Lin Kun listened to Ji Bu's voice and shook his head with a smile: "You can handle the company's affairs."


Ji Bu nodded and hung up the phone.

New World Group is not far from Sino-Ocean. It is all on Nathan Road, and it is a matter of stepping on the accelerator.

Ten minutes later.

Ji Bu entered the office, and Lin Kun, holding a thermos cup in his hand, stood in front of the window and looked at the traffic on the road outside the window, thoughtfully.

In a thermos cup.

In the steaming heat, wolfberry and chrysanthemums were soaked together, and the soaked chrysanthemums floated on the water and bloomed.

"Brother Kun."

Ji Bu stepped forward and came to Lin Kun's side: "Something happened? I briefly inquired about it. I heard that there was something wrong with this batch of goods and it sucked people to death?! It's not possible."


Lin Kun looked out the window, blew on the water and took a sip: "Someone is doing something behind my back."

“I know exactly what my goods look like, and I have never had any problems after doing it for so many years.”

"What do you think?!"

Don't know why.

With the appearance of Ji Bu, Lin Kun's anxious mood suddenly calmed down a lot and he was no longer so anxious.


Ji Bu groaned and said thoughtfully, "I have heard about the matter. There is a problem with Brother Taiping and Sister CA."

"Both of them are old friends who have worked with Brother Kun for many years. Logically speaking, there is no reason to mess around. It is not good for them. If something happens, they will not make any money."

"However, judging from the whole process of this incident, they were quite good at creating chaos and blocked us directly from the source."

"The person who caused the trouble is an expert. He must be very knowledgeable about this industry and knows the way around it."

"And this happened not long after we lost a batch of goods, so I have reason to suspect that Brother Taiping and Sister CA were trapped..."

This matter came for them, and the people who caused the chaos were very knowledgeable and knew how to operate to make other buyers panic and stop buying from Lin Kun.

"Could it be Jizo who did it?!"

"I think it's Ksitigarbha."

Ji Bu and Lin Kun said almost in unison, then looked at each other and fell silent.


Lin Kun was silent for a while: "Are you sure you can handle this?!"


Ji Bu nodded, took out a cigarette and lit it: "I have long wanted to learn how to be a Ksitigarbha, and try to see what the level of the top horse before Brother Kun is."


Lin Kun exhaled and fanned his hands in front of his face: "Then I'll leave this matter to you."

Then he glanced sideways at Ji Bu and said, "Smok less cigarettes. This thing smells so bad. I don't even want to smoke anything good."


Ji Bu raised the corner of his mouth slightly when he heard this, and looked straight at Lin Kun: "What about "Hong Kong Paper"?! What's so good about "Hong Kong Paper"?!"


Lin Kun was stunned by Ji Bu's rhetorical question. He looked at Ji Bu first, and then waved his hand impatiently:

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. Business is about supply and demand. If someone buys, someone will sell!!"

He turned away from looking at Ji Bu. The white hair on his head made him suddenly look a little older.

He thought for a moment, then turned to look at Ji Bu: "Hey, smoking can also cause cancer, but it's not the same as others who smoke it? Well, you smoke, will you stop smoking if I ask you not to? Did I force you?"

"I run "Hong Kong Paper", do I do any publicity? I don't!"

Lin Kun spoke very fast and plausibly: "I didn't force them to smoke, I didn't! What does it have to do with me?"

"They want to suck it! It's their own fault. It has nothing to do with me. What does it have to do with me?!"

He began to fall into an inexplicable excitement, and he muttered words to defend himself:

"It's not my problem that people were sucked to death this time. There is no problem with my goods!"

"Yeah, I understand!"

Ji Bu's fingers holding the cigarette shook, then he put the cigarette butt into his mouth and took another sip, raising his brows:

"How about we stop doing this?!"

"What are you doing?!"

Hearing this, Lin Kun raised his eyebrows and looked at Ji Bu: "Are you scared? Or are you pitying them?! Let me say it again, there is no problem with my goods, there is no problem!"

He gritted his teeth and put the thermos cup on the table: "I tell you, these drug addicts are the most annoying. They should all be thrown into the street!"

"One or two of them are the best at pretending to be pitiful. When they become addicted to independence, they can't say anything or do anything?!"

"Do you blame me? Don't blame me, it has nothing to do with me, not at all!"

Lin Kun, who was inexplicably excited, began to mutter to himself again to defend himself.

"damn it!"

He picked up the thermos cup, took a sip, and rinsed his mouth with tea: "One day I will add some rat poison to it and poison them all."


Ji Bu put out the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray and helped him fill the water glass with hot water again:

"I'll deal with this matter. It won't take long."

He looked at the extremely excited Lin Kun in front of him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lin Kun was very, very excited when faced with the matter of making and buying and selling "Hong Kong paper" by himself. He, who had always been steady, experienced great fluctuations in his mind.

Lin Kun didn't even want to face this problem at all, and tried his best to shirk the relationship between this matter and himself.

For a while.

Ji Bu suddenly recalled the scene when he first met Lin Kun, when he was eating in a western restaurant and faced with moving the electronic scale to the dining table to weigh the caviar.

"Take it, take it away, take the scale away!"

Lin Kun's excited look reappeared in front of his eyes. At that time, he thought Lin Kun was just a face-saving person and thought that weighing caviar on a scale would make him lose his identity.

Now it seems that it is not.

What he objected to was not the act of weighing caviar, but the scale.

Making "Hong Kong paper" also requires scales.

Lin Kun himself has been trapped in a contradiction when it comes to manufacturing "Hong Kong paper".

While making "Hong Kong paper" that poisoned the body and mind, I found many, many reasons for myself, and fell silent in my own self-movement.


Lin Kun was blowing the water with a thermos cup, and glanced sideways at Ji Bu, who was staring at him, and glanced at him irritably:

"Why are you staring at me?!"

"After this matter is settled, I will give you an extra sum of money. The money is clean and you can use it to invest in New World Group's business."

"I think you look like you can't accept sucking someone to death? Don't do it again."

There was a pause.

He added: "The New World is very good. It is a clean company. Your identity is also clean. Leave as soon as possible."

"Go, go, go!"

Lin Kun waved his hands impatiently and said: "Mother-in-law, how can you do this with your heart?!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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